I've had 2 c sect and the second was HORRIBLE!
I was on pain meds for 9 wks and could barely turn over without instand burning nerve pain shooting in me scar!
I never took more than ibuprofen with the twins csect, so I am NOT wanting a 3rd at all.
You should have enough sonos by 36wks to tell you if the head looks too big for your pelvis, whuch is a rare thing since their skull bones overlap and compress as they go thru the vag.
As for vag appearance- I have also had 2 episiotomies (cut from vag to buthole) and I can not see the scar nor does it affect your lady lips.
When preggers there is alot of pressure and blood on the vajay, so it will be swollen looking, and the inside looks purplish instead of pink lol, but it all goes back to same after delivery- lips stay the same.
Glad you have a pretty kitty lol - I personally find vajays unattractive ...too many experiences in the med field

If anything I would say the inside - like deep in there may look diff after a vag delivery, but I am a kegel fan as I said and have always been able to stop urine mid flow or clamp onto the man parts

You will be fine gigs!