OH noooo Dobs

He is the guy I dated in 2007- still my best friend but MARRIED lol
Remember they are the ones with the weird ass open marriage kinda thing

Knowing his weird wife she would say Oh yeaaaa give her some cups

I know he wouldn't stay in his lane tho, and I'm not trying to wreck anyone's home marriage etc.
Tho I will admit

last year after a wee too much

I did throw the idea at him over the phone- he kindly declined, and I don't have the nerve to ask again.
His reasons were he had an agreement to "donate" to a woman when he lived in Cali, and she agreed NOT to interfere in his life later, look for him, or do child support etc.
They even signed a notarized contract detailing everything...welll she went back on ALL of that tells his daughter to this day he's a POS and doesn't love her (she's 14) AND Cali courts made him pay child support with very little visiting rights- so he has been burned badly.
Now admittedly the woman is a nut, and he knows I am none of that but
1- He has 3 girls and me being Team BLUE he def wants to be involved if I had a boy...which is a prob- Waaayyy Soap Opera lol
2- He is a good dad and wouldn't want any kids in the world he's not involved with actively.

he admits he never should have gotten married to her ( admitted to me not her) but would never divorce...uh yea Awkward- I don't want to give him any pushes to get one.
No doubt we are still 99% compatible in all our interests and likes, but ehhh
I likely will ask him again in a super serious way...just haven't cuz he def backed off the friendship contact last time ...gah men pfft