OK my turn on ring shares...
So I have been married twice. First hubs I met when we were EMTs, so not a high income. We worked together, hung out 24-7 were in love in like 2 months and engaged

I know mushy stuff- but it lasted 11 yrs- just grew apart
That engagement ring was a .5 carat round, and later added a ring wrap for wedding band(shaped JUST like Dob's but saphires). Later upgraded the center solitaire only to .75. The ring is in a box somewhere...
Second time I said I wanted a big diamond - worked with docs and nurses who all had 2-3 carat rocks - I was uber-jealous lol. I joked hubby 2 would have a 2 carat minimum requirement

Soooo...met DS's dad again. We had dated in college, knew him since I was 14 and picked up where we left off...engaged and married later same year

He is a bi polar freak and has put me thru the wringer in this divorce Soooo

NOT bragging at all but I am soooo glad I got to keep "the ring". He fought for it in the divorce

So NOT bragging at all but here's what happened. Before meeting him again, I discovered a rare stone only mined in a few places- Imperial Topaz. ( It's my birthstone so I wanted it for a ring to make).
The stone I FINALLY found-non scammer-was 5.5 carats, round cut, and the color of deep golden brown ( root beer??) The darker the more rare, and RARELY are they round cut NOR that big when mined.

It cost me $75 LMAO- Other countries do NOT value it like we do here.
So I saved said goldmine stone so "one day"

My soulmate could use it in my engagement ring
When the time came, I saved the ex-ass tons, by providing the stone- all he had to do was have the setting done.
He chose the MOST godawful, gaudy very tall setting with a SUPER cheap ass thin band that did not match the stone size at all

I put on a fake smile and decided to suck it up for love.
So it was too big, and the large stone made it spin all day. He told me where he had it set, so they would size for free.
I'll cut to the chase here. I was SOoo worried about them NOT heating the stone- as topaz loses color when heated (they actually make other stones this way) and they assured me their gemologist was well versed blah blah- I even made the lady write on the form REMOVE STONE BEFORE RESIZING. yay!
A week later the ring was not ready yet, so I didn't have it for the wedding

Oh well I had the diamond band we finally found.
So back from honeymoon (Vegas lol) and I was so excited it was done.
The lady present this GORGEOUS diamond ring and I was like OMG it's beautiful, but that's not mine!
She gasped and apologized, thanked me for being honest, and went to retrieve my ring...She then returns with the SAME diamond ring and says
"Ma'am...this is yours the gemologist says it matches the tag..."

I take a closer look - yup, there's my tacky ass band he picked...


Pleeease tell me he did NOT heat this to resize with the stone in it.
It turned ugly as they tried to rush me off, and I threatened to sue if I didn't get the exact replacement rare stone bla bla for WEEKS!!

I was beyond PISSED... I made many trips to see "exact replacements" and each time they tried to pawn some other stone off- NOT topaz.
(hope you are still awake lol)
In the end I threatened to bring the local media down, and made a scene in the store- so they agreed to let me pick ANY other ring setting in the store (no center stone- I had to get another later grrr)
So I chose a $1200 .8 carat diamond channel set band- they protested but finally agreed so I would leave lol.
I took it to MY jeweler of many years, and they think the jeweler actually STOLE the rare topaz to resell, and put a plain clear topaz in

So F'd up.
Anyhoo- my regular jeweler got 6-7 topaz in- but could find NONE as dark as my orig stone other than SUPER tiny ones

He begged me to come look at the yellow ones he got in, and I dragged my way over

I must admit they were impressive, but none round, all oval, and yellow ( I HATE yellow ugh).
I chose the largest -5.3carat oval ($2600

). He assured me I would be happy, after he changed the prongs to accomodate oval and the size...and I am a VERY happy girl today!
I still wear it daily- because it's my birthstone, annnd as I love vintage jewelry..I now have one that can be passed on in my family!
Thx if you read this all ( and props) lol pics below
Oh and it is now officially appraised at $7200

- which is why the ex-ass wanted it so bad