Yea I am a wee goofy with nicknames hehe
Prospect is actually an aquaintance from my last job with the city- Engineer.
I popped in to drop off pastries at my old job and one of the ladies was asking about the twins I had as a surro, and I was also talking about TTC on my way out(quitting time for all) I rode the elevator down with him, and he asked if I was seriously trying to have another and I was like Hell to the YEAH, before my eggs dry up lol, and he said he donated in college and would help if I wanted

So I'm all like umm hmmm

you just wanna try to get all up in there ( we joked alot before ate work) and he was like - No I'm serious.
So I was like do realize I'm doing AI right? Not the NI( natural insem lol- SEX) He was like - OH NO- I always did AI obvi when you donate to a fert. office
So I was like hmmm...ok if you are serious, cuz I don't have time for games...
So I explained all the drama with last donor, travel, cup spill lol, - we were talking in the parking lot almost an hour.
Anyhoo I should O next wknd, and I did tell him we need to both get STD tests(done this past week) and exchange info this week- which we did.
He is single so no wifey/GF drama, and he is damn good looking, tho he has dark hair and eyes ( prev donor was light hair blue eye- my kiddos dad) but F the pickiness at this point lol.
Only issue is he went out of town to visit fam for Turkeyday(left ystrdy) and is gone for the WEEK. So prob is he may not be back in time for O if it is before Sat(12-5) which is when I should O, but who knows given last month pfft.
Sooo, timing is again the issue, but he lives very close(30 mins) so we can do multi pickups so long as timing is ok- if not then it's next month.