Ok caught up- being brief. I never shop Black Friday - everrrrr, I am not really a shopper so few things
1- Scored a nice tablet for Mom (

now I'm her tutor) for
$149- 11.6 in display, quad processor, android ( hate windows) 16GB
2- her cheapie allowed me to FINALLY get DS his own tablet- he is a total gamer braininac, and was commandeering my 23y/o's lol.
We got him a 10.1" display, quad processor 16GB android, for
PLUS since he loded up my son's tablet in no time- got an extra 64GB for
Can you say - my 5 y/o will have
80GB of memory
more than ANYthing in this house lol.
Ok finally got 75y/o mom he FIRST email address ever! and sent her first one ever to her brother in AZ.
Tomoro I'm gonna try to get them on Skype so they can Vid chat - so exciting!
You don't understand what a POTATO she has been since dad died

Now she is excited. Gonna get her on Facebook for relatives in Portugal, as well as YouTube- she loves news stories and stuff from her country phew.
Earlier than the tablet buys I got a HUGE bag of Yarn (50%off) for Xmas presents for fam- so gonna be busy busy! Glad I can read BnB and crochet
My new donor is awesome- hope timing lines up FX!
I was also at dog park for FIRST time with my completely unruly 140 lb Bullmastiff...

let's just say there will be the most powerful shock collar in the worrrrld in his life next time we go...
He LITERALLY tried to rape EVERY female

there ( like 40)
He was so exhausted he could barely breath and STILL would not stop.
Even my friends french mastiff (150lbs) He was deterred by NOTHING.
He can't be fixed since I need to show him, so shock collar it is and come to jesus the next time he puts that snoot up some girl dogs wazoo grrrr.
I never had this prob with a male intact dog before?? He does NOT care that they are FIXED, and obvi don't smell in heat grrr double grrr.
I am 145lbs he is 140. I fear NO dog. I pinned hos ass to the dirt more times than I can count and he would get right up and race to the nearest female- the males he ignored.
I'm SOoo aggravated.
I ran him thru a bunch of everyday obstacles afterward ( stairs, thru a gas station, over hedges, around tables round and round diff obstacles - and he was PERFECT-WTF grrr
Dobsey- sorry DF is concerned but maybe he can have genetic testing done? It's a blood test- should show anything concerning if any.
Otherwise, I have a feeling once you two have a lil one, he will actually have an urge to protect and guide kick in. No way to see the change until then, but I really do feel he will change and be a great dad
Pacific Still early at 4 days out- don't give up

Packed the wench's things and told that

GET OUT and DON'T come back!!