Romeo not Don Juan D to the Obby LOL

He was like the Park Rapist

today:dogs: running from him every turn lol
Yea, uhh no- I use
The Springer when we bike (awesome for absorbing their pulls and won't yank the bike over even with him) and even then still have a prong collar on him cuz idiot neighbors will let little dogs run into the road barking at him, which will send him spinning to try and see them behind him, and brings the bike to a dead HALT
A harness would not help him AT ALL. 140+ lb bullmastiff is like a steam roller.
He could pull 500lbs easy...
It's kind of like having a Shetland Pony ( pitbull) inside a Clydesdale body(Bullmastiff).
He's not aggressive at all, but they have high drive, are stubborn, and have high pain threshhold and focus

It's not a breed to own unless you are strict in training and dominant.
My prob is I was off at school during the crucial socializing time, so he is scared of anything he hasn't seen before ( bird baths , sewer grates, loud noises lol) BUT he is fascinated by other :dogs:
The dog park should have been heaven, but didn't expect him to obsess over females. I figured they would run circles around him, and he would be pooped out in 10 mins- he was...but that stubborn drive kept him chasing and mounting females 20 mins more, unless I got close enough to smack him or block him. and even then he was RIGHT back at it in seconds...sigh.
Even when dogs seriously went at him snarling and snapping and chasing him off, he only backs up enough to avoid them- He's a fast F-er, then he was right back after their rears

I am gonna give the elect collar a try ( Spock- set phasers to stun! {Capt Kirk head bobble here})
It will def work as it goes from warning beep, 1-3 tingles, 4-6, like a sharp smack on the nose, and 7-8 a harder thinks he will likely end up with a few 10's which are not like stun guns, but should feel like a mule kick...
The key is to be hard enough not to make him think the other Dog is doing it to him and aggress back. If it's too light he may get annoyed and snap at the other dog.
It's gonna have to be a warning beep and a Bitch slap as soon as he shoves his face in their rear.
It's fine for him to "sniff" a rear to find out about the other dog, but he is distinctly different when he rams his nose UP their crotch, because the mount is immed after like 1 second...therefore he has to be bitch slapped pretty much as soon as he lunges for their rear.
Once he walks away I will reward him, then he should only need to get the warning beep to back off.
May be he will always have to have a e-collar at dog parks, which is fine. I just need him to get doggy manners, and not get us banned from the parks lol.