Cb, i was pregnant over the holidays with my son and being the only sober one SUCKED. It was also hubs' year so we did thanksgiving with his family and i was bored out of my mind. His fam, and him, passed out on the couch after dinner. I just sat there watching pumpkin chucking (some annual pumpkin launching contest with cannons or sling shots shooting them). I swore i'd never be pregnant during the holidays again lol
Dobs, i do hope the odds are in your favor! Unlikely, maybe, but stranger things have happened. I know you're three hours behind so i'll be waiting for your test later!
J, Ambien scares me. I've known two people who have tried it--one sleep walks on it and even got in her car and drove off and doesn't remember. The other had the terrifying nightmares while kind of being awake side effect...said her boyfriend came in and laid down with her, then turned over and he went to sleep. She was looking at him turn over....then Next thing she knew, the bed started to slowly shake, then it got extremely violent and she started screaming. Her boyfriend, in reality, turned over and shook her awake because she was screaming. I think there was more to this story but that's the part i remembered.
Ha, a hose! My facility was indoors....don't think a hose would have worked there, haha. When fights got bad i'd just chuck the spray bottle at the dog(s) and run in the pen AFAP. Fortunately the dogs rarely had poor agression redirection. The only time i remember getting bit by a dog "badly" was my damn boston (he was aggressive in his younger years). I hate dog bites! The whole wound on top of a bruise (or as i called them "insta-bruise" because they always bruise immediately) hurts like a bitch. No pun intended.
We did have one dog that would stand at the fence and "demand" (by incessant barking) to be sprayed in the face with the water bittle. He liked to lick the water out of the air instead of using the bowl

i think that was a chocolate lab named Amiss. It's been awhile but i still remember a lot of the dogs....my favorite was a frenchie puppy named Boss. He got kicked out of the day care. He used to run under any male dog that was taller than him and bite their penises! He was a little shit but the cutest dang thing to come through those daycare doors.
Wow...get a girl some sleep and she wakes up rambling! I need to shower. Later y'all!