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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Dobs with all thos + opks and peaks I bet you O today and get your temp rise tomorrow.
Exciting!! I can't wait until I am near O. I always have the best energy and positive thinking.
Depo is what made me bleed for 120 days straight, not to mention i felt like emotional hell after i got the shot.

I've also tried lovera, loestra, yaz (and its variants), a few other pills I can't remember but to include seasonique, the nuva ring, and finally the depo shot. My problem is hormonal bc doesn't stop my ovulation (confirmed via ultrasound), so I get normal periods, and a second chemically induced period every month. Also, my uterus has a small septate in it (basically my uterus is shaped like a heart) so no doctor will come near me with an iud.

So you see my conundrum.
So I did some calculating, and if we start TTC next month, i will in fact have a June baby, not a July baby, if we get pregnant right away :( I like the idea of a June baby, but not liking the idea of an infant in the summer :/ then again, maybe s/he will be more likely to sleep longer stretches when the time change comes around....wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to have the long days of little sleep and long days of sun coincide...
Gig you are a docs nightmare lol
We had a lady deliver a baby with a heart shaped uterus septum got shoved aside as kiddo grew. She had an elective csect so they could remove it at the same time.
Got preg again the next year hehe.
So odd, usually depo lightens or totally stops periods. Sorry nothing has worked for you :(
Dob are you gettin it in tonight I hope so!
:sex: Don't make me keep breaking out the perverse horny smileys!:sex:
Gig you are a docs nightmare lol
We had a lady deliver a baby with a heart shaped uterus septum got shoved aside as kiddo grew. She had an elective csect so they could remove it at the same time.
Got preg again the next year hehe.
So odd, usually depo lightens or totally stops periods. Sorry nothing has worked for you :(
Dob are you gettin it in tonight I hope so!
:sex: Don't make me keep breaking out the perverse horny smileys!:sex:

Perverse horny smilies Lol this really tickled me hahaa :haha:
They just seem so very perverse and naughty lol:sex:
Omg you are too funny. SO and I got into an argument about celebrities using their status for social change. So I am annoyed with him and his Aspergers view of the world right now. It's 85 degrees so way cooler than yesterday but hot enough that I am dizzy. And he is totally engrossed in his football.
This is so I'm moral so don't judge me. Shit keeps happening to throw SO out of the mood when I was pretty sure we would have bd after the game. So. I may or may not have slipped some of his pre workout into his drink since he always gets excited when he takes it lolol
Lol! What is that, like a workout supplement to improve benefits? Hey, extra nutrients! I'd say you were being nice! :haha:

Let me just say that hubs isn't into football and i'm SO grateful for that!

Lol J, a doctor's nightmare! That's probably true. Today i got to cleaning out my filing cabinet and, funny enough, found some of my medical records. It had a couple more pills listed that I had tried and forgot about...i think one was called levlen? And another called solia....also had notes from my surgery describing my two "horns" being out of sync. I forgot they were called horns lol!

Also, there are two types of septates...one simply grows downward and splits it in half, and can be removed as it's basically extra tissue. But then there is a malformation of the mullerian ducts that make the actual outer shape of the uterus cave inward, and that can NOT be removed because it would basically be cutting a hole into the wall of the uterus. That's what i have, however it's rater small and I don't think it has anything to do with my two sides being out of sync. I feel if they corrected the shape somehow, the two sides would still be doing their own thang.

Yikes, sorry for ranting!


Tee hee. :) so pre-workout is a supplement you take before you workout to prep your body. It makes a lot of people really energetic. In SO'S case, he gets really happy, silly, energetic, and horny haha. So I dropped about a teaspoon (way below a regular dose) into his last two beers. We had some incredible sex and Mister Man is two for two this week finishing for baby making :)

I'm so sorry you have to go through that. I really hope you find a doctor who can help out. :(
YAY!!! Oh man, you're in with a strong chance! Wooohooooo! Have you officially ovulated yet?

I'm babysitting all day for a friend. She's got a 2 year old daughter and her and my son get along awesome. They are playing together in our playroom and OMG MY UTERUS! This is kind of solidifying it for me...I want a second kiddo Q__Q

Oh and i'm done trying to "figure it out". If so many doctors couldn't do it in 4 years, and an unnecessary surgery, and a MRI, and getting pregnant didn't "fix it itself" like a couple doctors predicted....I've given up hope. No bigs. It's been like this for many, many years so i'm used to it.
Just had a thought...since i seem to be the only person in the history of science with this problem, I need to be studied and get this problem named after me! Ok...what's something to call it? How about....subseptus hystero interruptus ...and then something with a T.

I'm not very clever.
Pretty sure I Oed yesterday. I did have a temp spike last night, but I also only got 5 hours of sleep. I think usually 5 hours is enough, but I can't remember and I don't feel like digging through my charts. My only concern is that I have had ZERO cramping on my left side, and I read cramping can be a sign of a higher grade egg. =/ I had cramping on my right side, but I know I Oed out of it last month. Shrugs. In any case, I just realized this is lucky number 7. :)

Hmmm see I would want to name it something really inappropriate or something that sounds medical, but then the acronym is something terrible like abnormal subuterine syndrome hahahah idk
Well it may interest you to know that the side you ov out of doesn't always alternate. It can definitely happen out of the same side twice in a row :)
Yeah...my acronym was "shi....t" hahahahah

Great minds
You two are a mess- stop naming things! You will make the geeks blush!
Dob awwwwesome pre workout sneak. That just means you know your man well- no bad judgement on that.:thumbup:
I'm just glad my af is almost done, and about a week from O...yay!
I'm just bummed i have to wait a whole month to try :( but i don't want a May baby. Too many things that month (brother's birthday, our anniversary, mother's day). June would be much better.

So....I have another problem. I want a girl. Like, bad. Like to the point i'm fairly certain i'll have gender disappointment when I end up with another boy :(

So start telling me why a boy would be good...? I mean, i guess him and Des might have the whole brother binding thing....but Des is so sensitive, i fear a second boy will be too rough :/ maybe not....I don't know.

I want my daughter :cry: i'm terrified i won't get her. I'm thinking of gender swaying, i.e. Avoiding sex the day of O, but I'm scared that won't work, or I'll sway the wrong way...
Gig sway away, but remember what I said before. Personality makes the child, not gender.
There are sensitive boys, and rough house girls.
And while you may think it's great to have a little princess- keep in mind they will be Daddy's little girl. It's not always nice getting bumped to 2nd place lol.
I recall when my daughter was 5- I called my hubby from work and hear all this ruckus in the background - I was working at the firedept, so gone for 24 hrs.
I was like what is all that noise??
He says Oh I tooke her out to eat- she wanted Mac n cheese....
Let me tell you I was FUMING- this is the same man that refused to take me out the day before for a nice family dinner at my fav restaurant - because he wanted to stay home and chill, playing computer games.
As soon as she said she wanted Mac n Cheese he whisked off in the car to THE SAME RESTAURANT. I was so peeved I'm like dude she is FIVE!!! But you couldn't go there when your wife asked?? Yea we had a huge Come to Jesus talk after that.
I raise my kids equally- boy or girl - no special treatment.
Yea, I def prefer boys now lol, but healthy over either gender.
I think you need to delay your partial hysterectomy in case you don't get the sex you want this time :haha:
Good points. And this will be it.. We don't have the space or money for a third haha
Computer died so short post.

Gigs, wouldn't you be due in June if you conceive this cycle? Like mid June? And lol I did not realize the shi* acronym. My little brothers are vastly different in personality, but they love each other so much. Because boys and girls tend to segregate at school, they have more mutual friends (twins though). But they can do a lot more together which makes scheduling easier for my mom. I am with you. I am trying to think of why I might want a girl in case it happens that way, but I really do want my little prince.

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