General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

CB forgot to mention ystrdy that I only have the red line due to changing analyze from FAM/ADV mode to OPK mode...impatient lol
Karma got me tho, cuz no more rise this a.m., more a fall back deal:growlmad: so no matter which mode I use FF won't give me CHs- even when I change the "sleep deprived" open circles, still no CHs bahhh... so I just put it back on opk mode
I hope CHs and a temp rise come tomoro.
Was in the 40's here last night, and I was chilly most the night so who knows.

Gigs I don't think the mad scientist cocktail worked in a bad way, only becuz my bod has high tolerance to everything lol
I had my eye exam the other day after like 10 yearrrrs lol and told the doc right off they ALWAYS have to give me double the drops. He listened and did, and never did it affect what I could see, or light sensitivity etc, other than a bit of blurring reading tiny print on labels while there:shrug:
My eyes were back to normal pupils within the hour lol.
Even with Surg I get higher doses to keep me knocked out.
<Yoda voice>Resistant I am :haha:
Ok time to wake exhubs so we can get this day started, and I gotta get going on these Belgian Waffles :-k me thinks I'll do Strawberry Granola ones today, as I already did Banana Brown Sugar, Orange Cranberry, and Cinnamon Raisin last week hehe I LOVE waffle irons!
Strawberry belgian waffles *drool*

Somehow I got the "go forth and dye" command from my mom; at a salon now spending my well earned weight loss money on getting my hair done for the first time in over 2 years. So much for aging/graying gracefully...definitely dying it right now and waiting for a cut :blush: before & after pics soon to follow!

This salon has good music!
CB sorry about AF :(

Flueks I&#8217;m sorry about your cousin, that&#8217;s so awful, I hope the surgery goes well

Gigs ooooo can&#8217;t wait for the pics!
Before & after pic :haha: I don't feel like i can capture the new do well enough. I really like the length!

I finished Harry Potter. So mad at Lupin & Tonks (especially Tonks). Definitely cried -.-


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Okay, everybody is finally on the mend so I can finally reply.
Gigs: wow, your hair is gorgeous. So are you. Yes, I was also pissed at those two.
J: yay, you're back. We talked over DMs a lot last year and I am of course subscribed to your YouTube channel. Your ex DH does not deserve your kindness.
I was wondering... Aren't you worried about the cohosh you are taking? I only heard bad things about it. Obviously you are not taking it for no good reason, but yeah... Maybe a rude question but aren't you going overboard? Maybe take some rest for 2 cycles where you just have sex /donorseed/whatver but nothing else? Just to reset your system? Would that be an idea? Sorry if I am too forward or direct. It's a Dutch thing. :haha:

Fluek: so sorry about your cousin ajd rough day. It's tough sometimes.

CB: sorry about DH not being on board fully. But why lie to the doc though? You want to ttc, he can't say anything to DH... I'd go back lol.

Wook: congrats!!

Dobs: having a child be sick is horrible, but if you are also sick that's judt hell on earth. Has been my week too and I'm finally starting to get better. :hugs: Your ex... I don't want to say anything offending, but as someone who has been abused (sexually, physically and emotionally) by an ex.. I see so many red flags and you have no idea how happy I was when I read that you broke up. You and A are so much better off without him.

Sorry if I'm forgetting anyone.. my attention span is wavering.

Afm: DH and I are having some issues and he said some horrible things about me being (do not read if easily triggered)
raped by an ex
and now we have an appointment tomorrow with a counselor. I called my therapist and she arranged it. She was pretty pussed that he said that kinda shit to someone with PTSD so I think it's gonna be fun tomorrow. :/

Thomas is sprouting four new teeth and so is Sophie (her first 4!) So even now they are no longer sick... It's still not fun here lol.
I'm off to sleep now, I'll read up in the morning.

Blah, ugh what a hurtful thing to do! That's great he's agreeing to counseling though, I don't think i know many men that would do that. Thanks for your kind words about my pics :blush: ugh, RIGHT about Tonks?!
*book spoiler* especially after Harry gave that whole speech to Lupin about leaving his wife & especially kid behind! Wtf! I wish Rowling had drawn attention to that. Surely that should have pissed Harry off that they both came to fight. Grrrrr.
J how strange. Hope it doesn't happen again. Hope your temp picks back up. It didnt drop bad though.

Also, I want waffles now. I forgot how hungry I got reading your posts lol.

Gigs come on join the dark side of ttc lol. Okay sorry, you do what is best for you. I'd say ttc not best ideal this month since our immune systems down while expecting and might complicate recovering from mono.

Gigs oh your hair style really flatters your face. You are beautiful anyways but the hair really shows it off. I have a few grays, but not enough to feel bothered by them. I don't want to drop V off at school with gray hair though so I'll dye it once it's more noticeable.

I was so sad about Tonks and lupins fate :(

Blah that's awful. I'm glad he's willing to go to counseling. I hope it helps. Also, glad everyone is better health wise, but sucky about teething.

AFM feeling better today after my super allergy attack at someone's home. They had to give me a bottle of waer to drink as I got chocked up from cat allergy. So here's hoping it's all allergies.

Thanks for all the sympathies, means a lot. It was super sad last time as she was pregnant and they had to terminate due to her health. Her bf was an absolute a$$ though. There's more to it but rather not get into it.

I got some creamy cm which typically starts a week before O so FX. DH has off from one job Saturday and should be off from his full time. Really hoping for some time to reconnect and BD.

Also I can hardly believe on the 25th it'll be 10 years since my brother commited suicide and 26th was his passing. I miss him and wish I could share my life experiences with him. Would have loved for him to meet his niece. Anyways, I'll get off this before I get down.

Hmmm, can't think of much else. Have a good night ladies :)
Fluek:hugs: so sad :(

Gigs that face lol but you look amazing LOVE the hair!!

BlaBla:hi: no worries lol I'm not shy, I actually did nothing the last 2 cycles TTC wise, which is why I hit everything hard this time

No more pink cm or anything

Annnd to further complicate things, a guy I was chatting up before the tempp move to help exhub is really interested in me still and we have been texting daily, and I am still interested in meeting him...gahh...timing and life dilemmas
Gonna try my best. Not feeling great and long, exhausting day.

Fluek I am so sorry to hear about your cousin, and I hope the surgery goes well. FXed you get some couple time! And some well timed BD hehe. I hear you, it&#8217;s good to acknowledge the loss but not dwell in it. I wish every day that A could meet his bio grandfather.

Shae it&#8217;s nice to hear that he reaffirmed his commitment to you. Would you want a small, promise ring or rather wait for the real deal? But even if you know it&#8217;s still nice to hear it

J hopefully you see a nice, obvious temp rise tomorrow. Waffles sound AMAZING I wish I could make them but my mix has dairy T-T

Gigs the hair is gorgeous! Love it! And I agree the length is perfection esp with that cut. Idk about pissed with Harry. I think he understood what they were fighting for and why, a better future for their son. Nobody altruistic really thinks they will die. Like my dad jumping in to save the drowning guy. That&#8217;s just who he is, he never thought he could die and leave behind his wife and kids. But he did. I was angry with him for a long time, but it is nice to know my dad died saving someone&#8217;s life. That&#8217;s his legacy. He always wanted to leave people better off than they were. My bigger issue is did Harry take that kid right away? Cuz he was 18. Idk about you, but he wasn&#8217;t particularly mature so he has no business raising a kid at 18 lol. I thought that was a dick move on JK&#8217;s part, but I get why she did it. The whole cycle of violence and war blah blah another innocent, orphaned child.

Blah I am so sorry to hear that. I know what you mean. People can be really insensitive about those kinds of experiences. I hope the therapist can help you two work through that. And no offense was taken. I&#8217;m just glad I got out. Every day I realize more and more how abusive and toxic he was, and A and I are so much better off now. I am glad that you are feeling better, but sorry about the tooth troubles!

So why am I so exhausted?
DST is messing with me. Before it, I was tired and sleeping between 6:30pm and 7:30pm. Now, I can&#8217;t even get myself to be slightly tired before 9pm. A is unaffected: still waking at midnight and 3am to snack. Best of all, from 4-5 he is inconsolable and either cries or plays falling back asleep as my alarm goes off so I&#8217;m up and he gets to sleep 2 more hours. It&#8217;s report card week and on top of doing mine I&#8217;m promoting my school for this grant (which we will lose because nobody cares) and picking up the slack for my coworker&#8217;s sub and being stressed with court/helmets/non re elect deadline looming.

Then I get a call ten minutes before school lets out. Did I mention two weeks ago there was a pink eye exposure notice at daycare? So guess who has pink eye? r_r Luckily it&#8217;s early, just the goopy stuff. He&#8217;s not bothered by it. I got him drops and he&#8217;s cleared to go back to school tomorrow. And his weight was up (though he ay have just eaten, I lost the paper) to 17lbs 3.8oz. Even accounting for a full belly, it looks like going back to fortifying is really doing him some good.
J why not meet him? You said you and hubs aren't getting back together that way, so I say no harm no foul. But idk that's just me. Idk the whole situation or all the feelings involved

BUT then I would say no BD stuff cuz then you have to wonder who the baby would belong to if you fell and that's just too much stress lol
Too late to write but I did read and will write soon.

Mainly wanted to ask if anyone knows if M+S is okay?
J I concur with dobs.

Dobs , glad you are seeing improvement in A! Very reassuring. Hmm about baby Teddy...I imagine Tonks' mom had him until Harry was old enough to take him on. But you're right, a detail never explained and I would be curious to know...

Somewhat related, I forgot to tell y'all hubby and I got in a very stupid argument about what our patronuses would be and whose would beat whose in a fight :haha: it was totally ridiculous and we were laughing our asses off (for anyone curious, it would be his snowy owl against my late boston terrier). We had to agree to disagree lol

Fluek :hugs: i hate how things like losses can just smack you out of nowhere. Hope you are feeling better.

Jez I haven't seen anything from here in some time :/
Gigs lol on the argument

DobDob I don't have a prob meeting him, and he knows my conundrum/housing sitch for now so we shall see when I get back to my side of the world.
Either way, He lives very close to my house, and def would be no BD anytime soon so no worries on ending up on Maury for a DNA test :haha:

afm finally got CHs yay due to .63 rise this morn from that fall back
FF says I O'd cd15, I think cd14, and cd13 woulda been my norm
regardless that puts the goo in between O day, O -1, or O -2
I'm good with any of those
So much for avoiding ttc :haha: we were in the bathroom this morning and i was like "I think we should bone and just let things fly" and he goes, "really? Why?" I said "well we want a baby anyway, and if we have one this year at least we're already half way to our deductible with my recent crap." He says "can we still have a baby during this year?" And i said, "well, if we get pregnant right away we'd be due end of November/start of december." And with barely any hesitation, he goes, "well ok, let's go then!" And just whips out his junk which is already, ahem, at attention and we just bd right there in the bathroom! LOL!

I have definitely not ovulated yet this month, it's super delayed from being sick ...and i'm not even sure if i will even ovulate after everything, nor do i know how hospitable my uterus will be since i've been taking a lot of tylenol...but good to know hubby is on board and i guess we're just throwing caution to the wind and letting things happen as they will!

Wow i miss a day & my god chatter LOL!

Go you Gigs wooop hahaaa right there at it up against the bathroom sink i bet :haha:

Ive not really read mu h of last few pages.. i glazed over something about waffles & Gigs your new hair is fab! Hubs must love it &#8216;wink wink&#8217; :)

Period still in full flow uhh you forget how annoying they are! Not gonna do bc, il call to get another Drs opinion on Acne tmt, it occured on me because they put me on the mini pill last April & i bled constantly & my face erupted, its been there since - even though my bc stopped last Sept! Pfffft! I do full skincare regime, take multivits etc & still looks horrible, really shouldn&#8217;t be having these issues at neay 37!
Cb, you are absolutely right on hubby loving the hair and the sink :haha: yes hubby put up a fight when I told him I was cutting it, but he loves it! Told me I looked thin! Haha he knows how to get into my pants hahhahahahhahaha

How annoying about the acne! Honestly i've been battling it for my whole life, but it finally (mostly) stopped a couple months ago after I stopped wearing face makeup. I still use it for special occasions but I almost always wear none, or just mascara. I can't believe the difference it has made for me. Ironic since i've been trying to COVER it for years with make up!
Gigs:bunny: you are my hero LOL love the impromptu bathroom jiggy AND he was at the ready!! FX for you! You planning to opk or just go by ov pains?

CB ahh hun you are gorgeous, don't even sweat the blemishes!
Good call on rethinking the BC given what you went thru last round.
Also I had my surro twins at 37, and without BC got preg very quickly with DS at 38
So woot woot - Hopin you and Gigs are bump buds this year!!
We'll see! The idea of being pregnant again is a little scary given the trauma of my last birth! I will also need to find a supportive dr of a vba2c. No opk's for me...they are a waste, all they do is give me a 24 hour heads up which is when pain starts kicking in anyway. The only reason i cave and buy opk's is when i get impatient. But they really arr unnecessary in my case. I'll start checking cp/cm at some point, that's been a reliable indicator.

Hubby is hoping for a girl...I've completely flip flopped and love the idea of a bunch of boys :haha: i know i'll miss the girl i never have if we don't have one though.
Hahaaa gigs i think all men like nooky up against or bent over something lol! Smut :haha: u should def try the shettles method for a girl if u roughly know which cd you ov on, it worked for me, whether or not it was coincidence who knows ;)

I very rarely wear make up these days either because of the spots, try & let me skin breathe kinda thing but if im going out.. full cover make up!

I was trying to get my friend to poas this afternoon, she has a 9 month old boy & shes on bc, has full whack periods on her 7 day pill break however, her last pill brrak 2 wks ago was 3 days of brown spotting & nothing else :shock: shes too scared to test lol! Im ITCHING for her to test eeee! Shes promised me thst if she has no bieed on her next 7 day pill break she will seek out the test i have & use it!! I think its so funny as shes like &#8216;oh i wont be as im on the pill&#8217;.. erm i fell pg on the pill. Ha ha id love it if she was preggers again
J u got crosshairs woooot!! What day u gonna test? Ooh that reminds me i need to order some cheapy opks & poss some cheapy test strips ha ha

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