General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Thanks cb, i'm glad your research confirms! I'm still not sure what my body will do but i'm getting excited:D

Tex nice job on the weight loss! I love when clothes fit better. I actually put on a sweater I haven't worn since November and the arms were baggy -- in November they were taught. So weird because i just can't really tell a difference, except in my face a little. Nice to have smaller clothes to reaffirm :thumbup: bummer about your MIL offering her services to everyone else. Have you ever asked her to come help? Do y'all get along?

I fear spring break. I think Des will go spend some time with my Mom though, which I know they'll both enjoy.
Gigs, vine no longer exists... it was shut down January 2017. Glad to hear Tylenol is safe!

My dad is 6’7” and my mom is 5’5”. Talk about a height difference. I’d rather have SO’s 5’4” height and have him just 4 inches different than me than have him 14 inches taller than me like with my mom and Dad. Lots of women can’t imagine dating a shorter guy, and to each her own of course, but I don’t mind it. No neck pain from looking up. My mom gets it bad.

That’s about all I retained. I was up until 5:15 am doing homework (finished my 8 page sociology paper and did lab homework). I finally got the exchange on my shock device (first one was faulty), and it is amazing. Despite how little sleep I got, I managed to get up right away when it shocked me at 8:20 am. I even had time for breakfast at the dining hall.

Next week is class registration for the fall! I’m only taking 13 credits in the fall, but that’s because Nursing 101 is an 8 Credit class with weekly clinical AND weekly skills lab, and I have to take microbiology, which is a 4 Credit class with a weekly lab. Last credit is a once per month course that fulfills the university’s volunteer work requirement. We basically meet to discuss volunteer opportunities and we need to log 20 hours to pass the class. Anyway. Apparently a lot of people take microbiology over the summer so they can focus on nursing 101 in the fall, since micro is apparently intense. But it’s a big commuter school, whereas for me, over the summer I’ll be way too far away to take classes. If I’d found out earlier, I might’ve looked into taking the course at a community college near home, but I didn’t find out until I met with my advisor Monday and she asked what my plan was for it. Whoops. I’ll survive. I’m honestly quite looking forward to it next semester. I’m basically taking 5 classes, though. Lab is basically a whole separate class, even though it doesn’t have its own credits. For A&P I have different instructors for class and lab, and different homework, quizzes, tests, etc. So it’s 2 classes for microbiology, then 2 for Nursing 101, but wait! I also have clinical, and I’ve heard there’s tests in clinical, plus it’s an 8 hour shift once a week. So nursing 101 is basically 3 classes. I’m not counting the volunteering class since it only meets once a month and is only one credit.

I’m really glad I’m taking history right now, because otherwise I’d have to take it in the fall with those classes, and history is just too much additional homework and studying when I’m learning the ropes of clinical and skills lab etc. Instead, I’m taking it now, and trying not to get overwhelmed with my 6 classes: lifespan development, history, health sociology, A&P class, religion class, and A&P lab. Lifespan development is easy af, it’s like a joke compared to my other classes. History is all verbal lectures, essay tests, and papers. Most of the time it’s easy but when it’s time for a test or a paper it takes up some time. Health sociology had me writing an 8 page paper and next week I have to present it to faculty. The professor is a little nutty (she worked in mental health in the late 60s and 70s) and she drives me a little crazy, but she has good intentions. A&P is the big one for studying most of the time. Online homework twice a week, graded on correctness. Tests generally once a month. In religion, I have 2 homework’s a week, each writing a page, and occasional papers. Lab is usually just studying and the lab itself, but occasionally we’ll have a take-home assignment.

I need to stop rambling, transfer my laundry to the dryer, read until it’s done, then go to bed. I had sushi takeout for dinner and yummmmm
Uggghhh just bd'ed and hubs pulled out :dohh: he didn't mean to, just wasn't thinking...went back in immediately after but man what bad timing, pretty sure I'm at peak fertility right now, cp high and ewcm :dohh: if I ov tomorrow chances aren't great...we did bd yesterday but early and cm hadn't changed over yet...

Grrrr...oh well, nothing i can do about it :(
J any way you can get your vehicle? I mean I like it when hubs drives us around but I gotta have access to my wheels.

CB has AF left the building? Oh yeah I had to google paracetamol before. Funny how meds have different names in different country.

Tex I remember you have a monster in law. Ugh, that's such crap she won't treat you like the others.

Gigs oh gosh. I'm sure it's force of habit but not the time for mistakes. Okay, any chance of BD tomorrow?
Shae ugh, I do not envy your load in coursework. You can do it. Nothing worth anything is easy ;) just remember that. Oh and sushi, yum yum :) :)
Yummy, been a long time since sushi...

Shae, I took microbiology in college and actually quite enjoyed it. I found it fascinating. If you have that kind of mindset, you'll do well ;)

Gigs, boooo! To your hubby for pulling out. Hopefully there was some juices left when he put it back in? Bd in the morning?

My dh is out of town for the night :(

Tex, sorry mil is jumping around for the other kids...
Yeah my mil and I don’t really jive too well. Sometimes it’s ok but when I’m around and she’s really drunk which is pretty much any evening event, I get irritated cause I can’t stand her when she’s drunk cause she’s ruder than usual and we usually get into some sort of passive aggressive fight. So I’ve started taking my kiddo home earlier when we have these gatherings saying she’s tired etc.

It’s been really hard on me when my hubs has to stay over at his moms to dog sit. He gets off easy and just plays xbox all freaking night. I have to take care of the child and feed us and bathe us and idk what has been going on but her autism behaviors have really been ramping up lately. My house is a wreck and i have zero energy to clean it up cause I’m taking care of her all day. Then she hollers about something and i holler right back. Next thing I know she’s crying and I feel like an ass. Her sleeping is shit right now and I am so damn tired. Oh and my last grandmother alive is in the hospital and I want to visit her but can’t cause I have no one to watch my kid. My mom is with her cause that’s her mom and my sister is a selfish biotch. And my husband is too damn busy doing whatever the hell he is doing with his stupid men only organization thing. And I can’t go till tmrw night. Sigh....

It’s a long rant but basically I’m overwhelmed and obviously this is why God hasn’t given me any more kids cause I really would have a nervous breakdown if I had 2 to take care of. Tabs didn’t even get a bath tonight and she had a huge melt down in McDonald’s cause the playground was “too scary” argh.....
My car is 90 miles round trip away and tagless...long story due to mom yet again, but cops confiscated the tag cuz it wasn't currently registered on the car :roll:
I'll fill you all in one day soon once I am over the hassles.

Gigs I was wondering why you thought Tylenol was bad for TTC, but figured maybe you knew something I didn't or a new study came out etc hehe.
If your man was "standing at attention" in the bathroom without "prompting" mayhaps you can get some bathroom sink jiggy in again in the a.m.?? lol
LOVE the new Avatar drawing BTW!

afm not much going on other than ex hubs def reminding me what a stubborn, hard headed argumentative ass he can be...
--He "stated" to me earlier- I called the car finance comp. and they can't do anything to lower my payments.
--I nod, and there is silence in the car for the next 30 secs. so I start to tell him a bout a biz meeting I have set up. ( 2 sentences)
--He says - Well I WAS telling you about my car, but nevermind!
--I look at him with the ole eyebrow raise and repeat word for word everything he just said, then point out there was 30 secs silence after, so I thought he was done.
--Then he says well I was wanting some ADVICE from you...
--So I say well you said it as a statement, and didn't ask for advice, and honestly I don't have any advice if they are telling you they can't do anything...( no sarcasm, totally calm voice)
--He then gets louder, and sarcastic then says Well I figured you could suggest something to help me
--So I say I don't know what to tell you, before we split up I told you you shouldn't buy another car right away and save... ( He cuts me off)
Gets even louder and says NEVER MIND! Clearly you just wanna rub it in!
--I am now issed off. close the book I just started to read to relax on the drive, and start chewing him out.
I say -- If you would LET me finish...
He interrupts again and yells I DON'T need to hear it- you just wanna say I told you so
So I cut him off and full bitch switch on go off! I yell NO I wasn't.
I am VERY good at saying EXACTLY what I mean, and if THAT was what I wanted to say I would say "Hey Dumbass! You shoulda listened to me when I told you NOT to buy another car till you saved up 1/2!" But that is NOT where I was going. And if you would STOP cutting me off, you would KNOW I wasn't going there!
Since the minute you bailed, you have done whatever you want. I have NO idea what the situation is with this car, what you paid, what you owe, or what you put down, so CLEARLY I can not give you any advice!:growlmad::trouble:
Then as usual he apologizes, but it doesn't matter it's the perfect reminder why I am NOT going back into the madness.
1 more week at most I hope!

:dance:On a better note- did my first vid chat tonight with Tall dude while exhub went out driving. He's so funny- we were on FB msgr and he started using those crazy filters , rabbit ears etc on himself, def kept us laughing. Similar sense of humor.
I still can't really grasp the size diff of him being 13in taller than me! He is a bit heavier than his pics due to back surg a bit ago and not working before moving here ( was 250 now 280 trying to get back down).
I imagine 280 on 6ft 7 is not anywhere near 300+ on 5ft 11, so I'm not concerned about that, and must say again I am very curious...ppl compare men's feet to manhood lol and I know it's not really a given, but *ahem* what about hands to manhood cuz DAMN!:shock:


  • Big Hand2.jpg
    Big Hand2.jpg
    23.2 KB · Views: 8
Flueks my af is still lurking, id say more spotting in brown colour now, periods are def shorter being off the Pill which is a bonus! Im going to get a Dr to call me re my Acne & explain the last Dr insisted on this pill which i shouldnt be on now so i wont take it! SO was asking if af will be gone by wknd lol.. hes horny no doubt ha ha! Given its straight after period, im sure it’ll be fine to not pull out so hey ho.

Gigs, how about abit of morning or middle of the night jiggy jiggy hehee! Love your new Avatar pic aswell, cute Fox! Is that one of your own drawn? So much talent :)

J are you ‘cheers’ing’ with a can of beer clink!

Its Friday & i now have a week off work yay! Kids will be in childcare & school next Tuesday on my Birthday so i have a day for SO to spoil me hopefully haha!

A mummy school friend of mine has just anounced her 12wk scan pg on fb, as thrilled as i am for them, i cant help that i have the sting jealousy its weird..
My lawyer thinks he is going to get unsupervised visits. I don’t even know what to do. If I can’t even convince my own lawyer it was an act, how can I convince a judge? I’m so heartbroken. I can’t protect my own child. I should have been honest with my family about my ex was, I should have never let him abuse me, I should have called cps to have a record, I should have been honest with the social worker at the hospital, I don’t know what to do
CB I'm cheering but not with a beer can lol - that's his massive hand hehe
and early or not for :sex: Glad your man is awaiting it, and hope you have MANY non pull out sessions :thumbup:
No reaon the doc shouldn't be able to get you something for acne that won't affect your TTC.

Dobs eek so sorry hun. My exhub has NO biz having more than limited visits with my DS but courts push 50/50 involvement here short of being a molester or a serious addict, and even then they have parenting programs for addicts to work back to full unsupervised visits in like 6 months...

I recall your ex being an ass mentally, but didn't know he was also physical!
Do you have any pics of bruises?
F the lawyer, I've dealt with many many over the last 6 years, many who barely believed in me for all the bad crap my ex was willing to lie and testify to in court against me, but I have always had good results with the judges.
They are wise to parents mud slinging each other over custody/visitation, but they also know when to not turn a deaf ear.
You can still bring evidence/testimony about his abusive ways, lack of interest in A etc to court. Your fam has prob noticed things over the years you didn't know they did, and may be able to testify on your behalf as well Re: the unhealthiness of the relationship.
I will say if he is not getting/refusing proper med care for his psych issues, or partying and drinking alot, there is def a window to push that toward him not being a safe caretaker for A.
Just document as much as you can- even if you have to scroll back thru years on BnB for dates- cuz you def vented here about all the BS he pulled in the past!
Yeah I might do that this weekend I can&#8217;t to you ladies first a lot

Not physically but sexually and I know I said I enjoyed it but it was fun the first time then once I realized he wasn&#8217;t role playing I lost interest. Big reason I stopped having sex with him/lost the urge to have sex

My mom is coming to court

He was arrested and charged with domestic violence ten years ago so idk why myattorbey is not fighting harder. He&#8217;s too passive but it&#8217;ls Too late to change
Dobby do you have any if his emaiks or texts saved? Even if not saved i think you may be abke to get a copy of conversations through your phone least they ised to be able to do that back in the day, not sure about smart phones :-k I can't believe your lawyer is basically saying he's giving least that's how I interpreted it. I hope he shows his true colors to the moderators.

Tex :hugs: I am so sorry for all you're currently going through; I can really relate...although as you know ds1 has no official diagnosis we are very suspicious he's on the spectrum, albeit high functioning. He gets irrationally frustrated sometimes with very simple tasks, and I swear it's amplified when it's just us two! He behaves so much better when it's just him and hubby. This is such a challenging age anyway, and actually I've read that "they" have done studies that PROVE kids push their mom's buttons and test them way more than other family members. Hang in there...and don't hold back from hubby. Let him know what's going on and tell him when he returns you need a break -- just even to get out of the house for a bit because you are burnt out!

Cb ooo I hope he slips up again this month! It's obvious you are not ready to stop making babies! But I guarantee he is not thinking about it...I've always said, men want babies but women need them. such luck on morning jiggy, levin was up first so hubs grabbed him and brought him into bed to play before we got Des up for school. On the plus side I check things and still have ewcm and good cp so if we can get jiggy time in tonight we should be as good as we're going to get...

Also I was at walmart earlier, swore i was just going to get cheapies. Well they only had 1 left! And then o saw they only had 1 frer 3 pack left. So despite my determination not to buy any more frer's and just stick with cheapies, i bought the 3 pack AND the single cheapie :dohh: i have no willpower, i swear!
Oh J wtf with exhubs?! Why is he so unstable?! It's too bad you didn't see this side before marriage, would have saved you some headache. I hope "tall drink" (can we call him TD?) proves to be a nice match, or if nothing else is a fun romp should you get a chance to find out if his ENORMOUS hands indicate anything else :haha:

Oh and yes, my avatar is something I painted. It's 16"x20", and I used a paint marker and brush to make it. It's part of a series
Dobs ugh sounds like your lawyer isn&#8217;t fully invested. Personally, I would confront the lawyer and tell him he&#8217;s not being aggressive enough and you want him to fully pursue the domestic violence charges as evidence and you want him to push hard for supervised visits only. Don&#8217;t let him be lazy. That&#8217;s just me, of course.
Gigs I think you are still in the window!
Just mention that medical deductible thingy for the year- Baby for the win! lol
Also love the idea of the series thingy! Makes me think of a children's book animation!
HINT HINT!!!!:winkwink:
And yes TD is a nice nickname hehe

Dobs I get ya, I recall when you weren't feeling his bedroom wants
Oh forgot to add - check with your Pedi ofc/specialists.
It helped me in court - they tend to document who brings the child usually and my DS's records showed I attended ALL his appts, and his dad made it to 1 lol.
Might help.
As for the atty, YOU pay the dude to win for you. So push his ass to be more assertive in his filings/wording your side of the case about ex's antics.
Otherwise, it's NEVER too late to change counsel.
I agree fully with Shae
Stress that it's your child's safety on the line!

afm I think I've reached my cruising altitude this cycle:plane:
last 3 temps 97.88, 97.99, 97.88
Oh and J, damn that hand is huge. SO is above average in endowment lol (not huge, but satisfactory, and seems to be perfect length for my ahem birth canal), despite being 5&#8217;4&#8221;. His feet are size 10 I think but he has to get them in wide, and his fingers are extremely thick, my thumb is the width of his pinky. My fingers might actually be slightly longer though. I have long thin lady fingers.
I hear ya Shae all that matters is the guy can satisfy your particular needs
I have had 4 large guys in my life - 1 was my height 5'6', one was 5'5" and both of them surprised me and were what I would call very large, the other 2 were HUGE- an ex BF 5'10" Belgian, and DEF fit the model for Belgian Stallion ( ouch- but he was also a multi hour marathoner ...) the other was my ex goo donor who is 6ft but very skinny, and I guess fits that notion that Black guys are huge- he is by far the biggest, like 9" flacid:shock: and a bit longer and def thicker when at attention!
I have been with other Black men tho who were what I would call small, not average, and with guys who are 6 ft and very much lacking manhood size :(
So the stereotypes mean Nada IMO.
I am just *thinking* being 6ft 7 when/If I venture there ( cmon, you all know me:blush: :rofl:) he would have to be adequate size given body size in general, but not necessarily huge...I mean who wants to feel like they had a demolition crew all up in the hotpocket?? :wacko::nope: :cry:
Omg J hahahhahahahhahahahhahaha imagining the infamous jackhammer move on the hot pocket now with an above average member...the poor cervix of whoever has to endure that! No thanks!

I actually had an idea to create my own children's book...somewhere I have it written down but off the top of my head I don't remember exactly what I was going to write :-k i remember vaguely it was about a fox who was jealous of an owl, and maybe other animals, and in the end he realizes that those animals are jealous of him, a moral of the story is everyone has aspects of themselves they excel at and to not waste energy envying others kind of thing. Obviously written much better and put more eloquently than that :rofl:
First off, why is my kid obsessed with emptying the garbage piece by piece today?

Gigs, I like that painting, very cute! Good luck with the book!

J, I agree, bigger doesn't necessarily mean better. After all, the guy should still know how to use it! He can't just put it in and expect fireworks. Lol

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