General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Little bit. The code red was hard because they kicked me out right after one doctor said you never have to leave his side. Thankfully, he saw me in the hallway at the glass crying like a dumbass and he was like wtfvand brought me back in and was like THIS IS HIS MOTHER SHE IS STABDING RIGHT HERE lol

It sucks ass they do a good job of letting me hold him when he needs it or I need it but it sucks. It sounds like we’re gonna be here a minute and not just hospital here PICU here
Selfish post...still have ov pain so it hasn't happened yet but it's close! Bd'ed this morning :happydance: let the tww commence!

Ahh Dobs so sorry!!! Wish I had anything helpful to say :( hope they figure out what it is and more importantly how to treat it.
Dobs so sorry to hear A's resp issue ended you in the PICU!
Better safe than sorry tho, so glad he's in the best spot for such a thing for a lil one, versus a quick fix that doesn't work and being sent home only to return again.

And WTF with his sorry azz dad?? REALLY?? Soooo had A been sick like that and nedding to go to the ER/PICU on HIS time, would he seriously look at it like - "Cool, kiddie care while I go back to party"???
Actually I'd be surprised if he would have taken him at all.
Likely would have called you to do it/come get him:growlmad:
WHERE is that JackAss emojie???:brat:
Lol j I needed that laugh. Long night looking at two days minimum in PICU

Gigs i’m So excited for your well timed bd hope you o real soon go egg go go sperm go

Sorry not going back any othe pages I feel like shit too i’m Just glad I went to my mom’s I just felt like staying home wouldn’t do and then I saw his breathing and my parents thought I was overreacting until they took his clothes off in the Er and it was scary how deep the retraction were.

But yeah idk i wanted to be like get back here and point out he was boozing but then i’d Have to sleep in the same room as him gag bad enough sleeping on that “bed”


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Oh Dobs I’m so sorry you’re going through this, it must be so scary seeing A like that. Your ex is an ass, wow. I hope that behavior helps him lose unsupervised visits.

Gigs can’t wait to see your tests next week!

J also excited for your tests!
Dobby, I'm sorry A is in PICU but I am glad he's getting a bit better with breathing.

I'll join the general consesus of what an ass.

Gigs here's for O today or tomorrow. I also feel like BD not on O or day before O ruins my chances.

AFM no EWCM yet. I'm wondering if my mild cold and/or vitex will delay O. I'll have to look at old charts but I think my O on vitex was CD25 or 26 typically.

Had a fun day with DH and V. She had her first ride on a real swing using the infant seat. She really enjoyed it. Had a BD session for fun. Oh and we got to sleep in til 830. Shot the new guns DH got. One was a colt that shot 380. Oh it was my favorite. I also shot his AR, kimber 357, and a sig that shot 40.

V I think has got a cold now. Twice she had yellowish green mucus. So just going to keep an eye on her. Hoping it doesn't get worse. Anyways, hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend.
Dobs, sorry to hear A is in picu. Have they figured out what caused the respiratory distress?
As for ex: what an azz!! This guy doesn't care nearly as much about A as a father should. Hope you can find some comfort in knowing this will go well against him in court.

Gigs, glad to hear you got a session in ;) fx!!

Cb: snow!! It's March and the UK! Haha! Spring is starting to arrive here, first pollen on the cars.. ugh

Green, nice to see you pop in! How are you and the boys? Are you TTC? ;) I remember you saying that you were going to be soon?
Oh Dobby look at him <3 its awful seeing them like it.. :( cant believd i mis read the bot about your ex & st patricks day! Butt munch! It will go against him in court! Any decent loving fatger would want to be up the hosp waiting to see their child! Bug hugs hun.. lotsa love & get well cyber vibes to A xx

Go Gigs woopp!!! Get in girl hahaa!!

Omg Pacific yeah its &#8216;supposed&#8217; to be spring here aswell & Friday was lovely n sunny here.. crazy how its changed again! Not complaining though as the snow looks pretty haha! Its 20:40 atm & its still falling eeeee!

Oooh J nearly testing time :)

Hope V isnt getting a yukky cold Flueks! Could it be hayfever? Pollen season.. Riley really suffered with allergen conjunctivitis & snotty nose loads as a babe, took ALOT of convincing & med notes to prove to day nursery it was allergen & not the other contagious one uhh!
Cb the snow pic is sooo pretty! I can't wait for a good snow fall, the type that leaves the power on but cancels schook and work :haha: we're probably done for this season though, so will have to wait until the end of the year now.

Dobs have you spoke to ex since yesterday?

My stupid goose killed the first gosling -.- she is great at hatching the the fertility rate of her eggs is amazing but she SUCKS at mothering! We are now setring uo a brooder area and will be taking care of any babies until we can sell them or incorporate them into the flock (if we secide to keep any).

Stilk haven't ov'ed yet...I'm now at that point where I'm contemplating OPK's :haha: it would be incredibly stupid to waste money on them but I've had pain for days now! But I know it's only a matter of time, probably hours, until that pain peaks then disappears showing that it happened...grrrr the follicular phase is so much more annoying than the tww!
CB loving the snow picture. We had some Wednesday that actually laid. It was a little slick in spots but nothing bad thnkfully. Do Riley and Nuala like playing in it?

Yeah, I hope maybe just allergies. No fever, but her mucus really ramped up. She hasn't had a fever but her allergy med didn't help today. She has been soooooo fussy. She has went to bed a little after 5 and I pray she sleeps for awhile. I told DH he has V duty this evening as I'm exhausted from her and chores today.

Gigs, what opks do you use normally? Store ones are quite expensive so I just use IC. Oh and yes follicular phase is so much worse than tww.

Sorry for the murderous goose. I'm telling you one tried to attack me once so I prefer to stay away.

Pacific, ugh, I love and hate spring. I hate how the pollen gives me so much trouble with allergies.
Dobs- I'm so sorry about the PICU stay and your ex. But you being there is exactly what A needs. And it's been awhile since I saw a pic of him. Holy cow look at that hair and those eye lashes! He's stunning, even in the hospital. Sending you prayers.

Flu- my fellow country girl! New guns are so fun. Unfortunately for us, they always end up in the safe after the 'newness' wares off and we hardly go to the range again.

Gig- full on ttc again?! How exciting and great timing!

CB- my boys attack the vaccum! They think it's hilarious. They took their first steps at 10 months and had it down by 11 months. There's no stopping them now! They're 15 months already and running everywhere and climbing on anything and everything.

Update on us as Pacific requested:
We're doing well! Boys are so big and absolutely love/hate each other, as brothers do. DH and I are good too! I've been focusing on getting into shape and being healthy. In the last year or so (starting not too long after the boys were born) I've lost nearly 60 pounds! Most of it was baby weight but I'm feeling good. I've signed up for a 5k in a couple months and I feel like I can actually do it. I currently have the Mirena and it's staying in for now. DH and I do want one more but I want to be healthy first and we need a bigger place. We're going to actually try (opks and all) near the end of the year. We're only trying for 6 months bevhase DH is result worried about getting his hopes up and not being able to have anymore. We won't do fertility treatments again because we are already so blessed with two boys and we don't think it's necessary to go through the heartache.
OH! And there's a very real possibility we may move out of state early next year!!!! I'm so nervous but so excited for a new journey.
Fluek I forgot to comment on the firearms...sounds fun! I'm kind of a weiner with them though; I enjoy shooting lower caliber with little kick back. I shot a shot gun with much reluctance and only after i got a balled up rag on my shoulder for extra padding:haha:

Green! Very exciting about ttcing on the horizon. I hope it happens quickly and you get to experience having a single baby! Congratulations on the weight loss, that's amazing!

Re: opk's, I can't remember brands I've used. I bought them on sale once...and i know I've used dollar tree brand before. It's stupid though...the intensity if my pain coincides with the darkness of opk's. I'm betting it would be positive now and I ov tonight or tomorrow...

Though I may be relapsing on mono symptoms as I've "gone hard" this weekend:/ if that delays ov i might cry. Hopefully i'll be fine.
Selfish update

Yes ex was here. He was here 45m then left to get food then stayed another hour before leaving for the day because “it’s not like I can do anything for him” right after after he threw a check at me (literally) so my parents and I are here

We’re hoping to be out of picu and into peds tomorrow so fxed
Dobs - uhh, what an arse he is & you dont need that s**t when lil uns are poorly! I guess its good that he came to see his son but typical attitude of reasoning as to why he left :eyeroll: glad your mum is there for support though :hugs: fx for peds tomo

Flueks sorry but the goose comment just made me LOL! Hope it didnt get to actually attack you though ..

I felt like that Gigs last cycle, i couldnt determine whether id ov&#8217;d or not .. frustrating! I always ov on the last day of my pains aswell, get some OPK&#8217;s & satisfy that poas urge :haha: i need to get some.. il grab some tomorrow if I remember. Talking of ov&#8217;ing, im curious as to what day i ov&#8217;d last cycle, cant believe i didnt count back 14days, my LP is always 14! Gonna do it now!

MrsG omg you must&#8217;ve been tearing your hair out with both of the boys walking at 11 months :shock: Amazing how they love/hate each other! Both mine are the same, def sibling rivalry going on there hehe! Well done on the weight loss aswell & fx ttc no3 happens real quick, i bet it&#8217;ll happen quicker as your both feeling laud back & less stressed about it as you have the boys already:)
Oddly enough, it would seem 14 days back was the day after my pains stopped.. so i oved on cd19 & to think we had woopsie 2 days before & nothing! Weird when u think the cycle in Jan i fell pg we did it once near ov & it caught the egg.
Greenie, I know what you mean. There are some guns that are older I need to shoot again. Way to go on weight loss. I hope it helps in your ttc journey for a singleton pregnancy :)

Gigs, I used to be. DH eased me into shooting bigger calibers. I've shot a 460 and a 500 in and guns. The 460 is nicely made so it doesn't kick as much as you'd think. The only thing he has I won't shootis his desert eagle that shoot 50. The gun is too heavy for my hand/wrist/weak arms.

Ah, I suppose if you O pains are always so precise. My CM is my indicator but I like like opk to "back me up"

Hope mono is ramping up.

Dobby did your patents witness his behaviour today? FX A gets to go to peds floor.

CB no it ust attacks DHs car door lol
Dobs- as the others said I would just keep a record of everything about ex. Maybe it won't help now, but it might in the future.

Gigs- dollar tree ones work well, I used wondfo from Amazon. They're cheaper than dollar tree.
Still have ov pains -.- not amused. This feels like it's take fooorrrevvver. I did go back and find a time where I had pain for a week before it finally happened! Also both my last 2 pregnancies I had very bad ovulation pain so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that's what I'm gearing up for to release a nice big healthy eggy.

The annoying thing right now is that I have pain in my back from playing disc golf and a headache but I'm afraid to take anything for it in case it delays ovulation… Today is frustrating.

Green where might you be moving?

Cb isn't it crazy how you feel like you do everything in your power to get pregnant and it doesn't happen, and then a time where you were even trying it does?
Gigs I second green wondfo is cheaper than dollar tree but for me they didn&#8217;t give enough heads up compared to the (expensive af) Cb digital advanced but they get the job done

Green thay&#8217;s So cute little rambunctious boys running about reminds me of my brothers ahhhh so cute but i&#8217;m Sure a lot of work lol I just got to play haha. Kudos on the weight loss fxed for your ttc journey was you start

Can&#8217;t say much re guns never shot one lol

My mom saw it because he saw her sitting next to me, made eye contact, and instead of giving it to her threw it past her at me. I&#8217;d love for him to be here for A, he&#8217;s here because I told the court he still never shows up and I still want full legal. It just sucks because I sleep here by myself and A wakes every 1-2 around the clock and just needs a hand or an arm rub to feel better to go back to sleep so i&#8217;m On comfort duty alone from 7pm to usually 9am and by that point i&#8217;m Spent. And it&#8217;s not like Home where I can just roll over or rock him two seconds. I have to get up and walk to his elevated crib thing that I am too short for lol so i&#8217;m Usually on my top toes

Idk I told my stepdad who (professionally as an attorney says it just depends on the judge) that I need to be in court. And with my eyes I said f* you and with my mouth said I am not leaving my son in PICU, a regular pediatrics room is one thing but P-ICU to drive an hour and a half away to be in a courtroom where phones must be turned off no exceptions. My ex continues shit to go back to work so fts FTS

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