General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

I think the chloasma photo is pretty scary lol, no I’ve screenshot what it’s saging x


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I don’t know how to post a picture straight from my phone or else I’d do that :(

I’m worried I’m getting entirely too hopeful now for what very well could just be a cruel evap.
I see it too! Definitely calling it a bfp! Ahhh congrats!

Keeps, i was as close as you can get to having a vbac...i could see his head in the mirror, then he turned in the freaking birth canal and got stuck. They evidently don't do forceps anymore and for whatever reason decided it would be more dangerous to help him out than do an emergency c section, so that's what they did. Since he was so far down they tore me severely inside getting him out and i hemmoraged. Had to get a blood transfusion and had severe anemia for a few weeks following.

Not sure what ramifications on conceiving it might have...might have slightly reduced chances due to increased scar tissue :shrug: guess we'll see.

Anyway ov pain peaked then drastically reduced so I am officially 0dpo!
Gigglebox- that sounds so painful! My goodness.

Fx for you!!
Gig- I had forgotten you were so close!!

Keep- I've never heard of that getting darker thing! But you're so darn cute!

Bdb- I see a line too! Hopefully it's the real thing!!!

Fupa- I've heard it called the other thing too gigs but I decided to stay PG hahah so basically I have a pouch too but my fupa is like under that. Under my c-section scar. That's why I think my scar kind of cut my pouch in half and created this fupa thing. And it really feels like stretched out skin with some fat. I'll see if I can find something similar online.
Heres something similar to what I have. It's as good as I could find online.


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Ahh I’m getting fupa thing now thanks to the photo lol, I don’t have that, I have the apron thing from my belly button down to where my pubic line would be, it’s like loose tummy and gross, was fine with my first born, it was my second I had so much water and such a solid bump, when my waters went it felt amazing like I’d jusy lost a stone there and then lol, but left me with the said apron, she’s my secret favourite so I’ll let her off!

Forgot to say happy bday CB!

And gigs, ouch, that’s horrific , surely the logical thing would have been forceps when so low down in the birth canal, I too lost a lot of blood and needed a transfusion (but refused) as needed to be with my daughter in ICU but remember how being anemic made me feel like crap, I so hope you get your VBAC xx

Greeny- How’s life with twin boys? X
Shae yea I def every now and again *think* I see a haze on that test, but I got line eye and am :jo: lol...and just got glasses...which funny enuff don't help me tell any better

MrsG I had a bit of a giggle as you wrote about Foopa, cuz Like Gigs, I have always heard it defined as Fat Upper :cat: Area:haha: since y days in L&D
I have a minimal one, but it stands out alot cuz my nice invisible bikini cut for the surro twins was destroyed by Dr Frankenstein during DS's emerg c sect.
Yea, 80 here is just a nice day in's thosse 98+ers that are blazing hot!

Gig totallllly blaring + opk there! And soo happy you are feeling it too ( tho sorry about the pain :hugs:) Woot woot on am jiggy and you in the TWW officially!!

KEEP!!!:hi: And OMG:shock: #4!?! but soooo glad you are getting a lil Prince!!!

bdb I know $ tests are imo less sensitive than Wally's, BUT if that is what you saw at 8 mins, I am excited for your next few!!
I've said before - pee tests don't have clocks built in them...even digis often take more time than they estimate, so I don't think it's a big deal to check it a mere 3 mins later than the "5" they print.

PL understandable you want to wait a bit, nuthin wrong with that, and it is YOU who has to do the physical carrying, tho you seemed to soar thru last go round!
When I asked my doc about having to wait 18-24 months to TTC DS after the surrotwin c sect, she said she already knew I planned to TTC asap given my age AND to VBAC, and cleared me to start 5 months later, since she had planned ahead double suturing my c sect site, and using super sturdy sutures.

She said it's generally only a prob to TTC again sooner than 6 months after giving birth if you have complications healing from the c sect, had proper suturing, and had no low weight or nutritional probs, and that reg deliveries you are good to go even sooner.
( I retyped that many times, hope it reads properly lol)
OK back to hacking away at my youtube list, and my crochet scarves...( where's the crafting emoji??)
Thanks, ladies. I’m optimistic now. I took another dollar tree after a two hour hike and saw a faint pink line pop up at 4 minutes. My batch of wondfo cheapies arrive tomorrow. Idk if I can wait until then to retest, but I don’t want to go spend a crazy amount at the store in the meantime.
Omg soooo much too catch up on. Been busy with work and V has a cold. So been a bit hectic.

Dobby karma is on your side again me thinks ;)

Oh and I hope A gets to go to peds floor soon.

Gigs woohoo on O day. Hoping your birthing trauma doesn't impact any ttc efforts. I also call the lower abdominal fat a"pooch". I've had it for awhile, as a preteen. Even when I worked out like an hour 5 to 6 days a week, I had it.

So I'm confused is FUPA the "mound " being fatty or lower abdomen?

CB happy belated birthday! You do not look 37 :)

Bdb, i see it. Was it there before you broke test apart?

Greenie, ooo that would be ecviting to move. I've heard Montana is beautiful. I think it'd be cool to live sround the Rockies. I like mountain areas. Honestly, if I ever move out of state it'd probably be NC. So beautiful with the mountains.

J oh wow, you've been through one helluva ordeal. I also wonder if he knows he has fertility issues and hid from you. Oh and I love 60s to 70s. Florida is waaaay too hot for me. To each their own. It's a good thing or some places would be jam packed and others barren.

You know when I had my 6 wk pp check up. I asked when to ttc again and he said, "you'd ve fine except I might worry for your sanity" lol. I think it's very individualized and they give a big time frame to cover their butts.

Pacific, that's pretty hillarious DH wants to now. It's both your decisions but you have to carry the baby. J is right you totally breezed through your pregnancy with L.

Shae awesone news on your results! My best advice on yoyr body image, learn to love yoursekf and know your worth isn't measured by your looks. When pregnant stay active, eat healthy. Exercise post partum when you are able to.

Keeps I'd never seen cholasma before. I'd only heard of it. How are you feeling?

If I forgot someone or something. So sorry.

AFM not having feetile signs and todsy is cd23. Thinking 1 or 3 things: didn't really produce ewcm so already O, being ill last week delayed O, and /or Vitex delaying O. I'm weaning off vitex just in case.

I also told DH I wanted to do bbt again as I like confirning O with bbt shift and knowing AF coking with temp drop of doom. I could determine if I have a true LP defect and address with OB GYN. DH got excited because "I'm all for things to increase bd sessions"

V started wheezing last night at sitters so DH started nebulizer treatments on her last night. No wheezing today. Stil has cough and runny then stuffy nose and vise versa.

A patient I had known for almost 7 years passed last week. She lived a good, long life but still saddens me.

I can't think of much else going on.
Fluek sorry for your loss. Always sad, even if it was a good run. Big hugs to you! Also will keep V in my thoughts and hope she feels right as rain soon! Yay for ttc things! Sickness ALWAYS delays my ovulation, so I'd guess that's what's happened. Might mean there's still time for bd sessions!

Fupa as Shae originally meant it, i believe, was referring to lower abdomen...but I do believe it actually refers to the mound, aka the mons.

Green hmmm no idea. I'd say see where the continued weight loss gets you, and if it doesn't help consult a plastic surgeon after you're done making babies. That might be an easy fix, like very minimal localized lipo. You might be able to have it covered too if it's uncomfortable and feels like the skin is pulled taught.

Bdb eeeee so excited for you! Post some more of your positive pics when you can!

Keeps I would have refused the transfusion but i was highly symptomatic (like starting to pass out in the middle of talking to people, lightheaded, etc) and my blood "h&h" levels (hemoglobin and something else i think...can't remember but i know it's important lol) were slowly but steadily dropping.

Thanks ladies for the ov pain sympathy. Sorry to bitch and moan about it lol. It really does hurt, way worse than any period pains but fortunately the very worst of it only lasts a few hours. The rest is really just a annoying kind of pain and mostly doesn't hurt unless i press on it. But when I actually ov it's a constant pain, and with the strong ov's i also get this sore crotch feeling like i've been kicked square in my vag! It is all annoying and yes painful but i count it as a blessing because not everyone can literally feel ovulation happening. It's very useful when ttc, as well as knowing when it's safe to not use protection when you're trying to avoid pregnancy (i wait two days after ov then give hubs the go ahead).

Ok sorry that's the last i rant about ovulation! Lol!
Gigs- I wish I had ovulation pains!
Annoying but such a good sign of ovulation! Now that I think about it the 3 times I actually confimed ovulation I got knocked up. Weird to think about.

Bdb- where's the pics of the new test?

Keeps- life is insane! As I'm sure it is with 3 kiddos haha today isn't the best day to ask since they've literally fought all day long and I feel like I'm going a bit crazy haha but when they love, they love hard and they really do love each other most days.
Gig- I think your ov pain is a very good indicator of how this cycle is going to go for you! :dust:

Here's my 6PM test. Probably not as clear because my pee was pretty diluted. I'll try again fresh in the AM!
Bdb, I have line eye, so will keep my thoughts to myself haha!

J, you are right, lots of woman don't wait 18 months, but I think here the recommendation is for later do discourage from having another too early. They do encourage vbacs here too. Even vba2c or after 3. Better late then too early. ;)

Flueky, dh Just wants to TTC for ditching condoms for good again :haha:
Sorry to hear about your patient. I imagine you do get to know some of them quite well?

Cb! I am late to the party, Happy birthday!!

Gigs, all fingers are crossed you get your vba2c! Do you have midwives available where you are? Ours here are into the natural "moms can do anything they want" attitude.

I am hoping for another uncomplicated pregnancy, and an easier birth then the first time. And this time I'll actually have help at home as dh no longer works out of town!

On an almost comical note: I woke up yesterday morning with a sore foot. Still hasn't subsided..... Like limping sore.
I mean Fupa like this pic I found on google images, more the mound area


It won’t let me see the pic bdb agh
Gigs, thanks. Yes, I'm thinking illness delayed it. Ugh, how annoying. I just wish I'd have some fertile signs. FX it happens soon.

And your O pains sound awful. I get a "pain" but they happen intermittently during proliferative phase. I can't rely on it unfortunately or maybe forunately.

Bdh, i can't see the picture. Good luck with frer im a.m. imsure it'll be bfp though.

Pacific lol it is much nicer sans condom. Oh and yes, a few you do. Most patient's are short term, but she wasn't. When I was pregnant her cg would make me a sandwhich for me lol. Also she would tell me I was always welcome. If bad weather she said i could stay at her place. Anyways, I'm getting excited about you joining ttc bus soon. I'll try not to pressure you ;)

Shae okay. Thanks for clarifying.

I havent seen cppeace in awhile. Has anyone else??
bdb make sure to have your phone view on desktop version, then click post reply, use the lil paperclip symbol to attach an image from your phone.
You may wanna crop the pic background first to ensure you don't get the annoying "file too large" message.
That should let you post from your phone.
Seems phtobucket is preventing you posting their link here ( or BnB is)

I am soooo excited to see your test!!

FUPA per working in L&D is the fatty part above your hooha, basically where your pube hair grows, the whole area that is Forest Like in Bad 60s and 70s Porn :haha:

PL hope V feels better soon, and awesome they encourage VBA2c/3C!!
I love it!
Mine was going fine considering I got preg with DS only 5 months after c sect with surrotwins.
Only got switched to emerg c sect at 9.5 cm, cuz as soon as the lil bugger's head started to come down, the double nuchal cord we DIDN'T know about despite being scanned EVERY week from like 30 weeks started tightening and his heartrate dropped to low 40's and stayed there :(
He's my Lovebug tho- but man what a waste of going au naturel sans drugs at all up to 9.5cm for a die hard epidural gal :rofl:
Yeah that’s what I meant J, that part.

I’m drunk rn so don’t mind me. My friends and I drank wine and watched beauty and the beast but we stopped halfway through cuz they said they should go to bed cuz we have classes tomorrow. I’m having a little trouble reading posts, it requires much more focus, but I managed to do it anyway. Thank god for autocorrect rn cuz geez my typos are awful. I have a big presentation tomorrow that’s worth 15% of my sociology grade, it’s super nerve wracking and I wish I’d saved a glass worth of wine to drunk before it but too late the whole 1.5 liter bottle is gone between the 3 of us. I gotta study for my lab quiz. I registered for classes this morning for the fall. Crazy schedule, basically all nursing related classes. I have microbiology and lab, and nursing 101 and lab and clinical. Okay I’m too drunk to think of more things to say.
I.... lol just yeah you ladies are funny

Bdb congrats I say bfp

Afm annoyed with peds staff I haven’t been brought water in 12 hours. But I’m in a bad mood because I just threw up everywhere from the nasty food my mom brought me lol which I knew would happen I always throw up from this place
bdb, still can't see your photo bucket uploads, try uploading directly to b&b as the first one worked :thumbup:

flueks- I loved the chloasma :rofl: It was like a permanent tan! Ella was 6 months old then and I still had it form her pregnancy, wondering if it was because she was breastfed (no bottles at all before a year old) so maybe preg hormones still floating about? So sorry to read you lost a patient :hugs:

green- my eldest two are the exact same! Theres 22 months between them, they're either best friends or worst enemies theres no in-between! I call them 'The Kray Twins.'

gigs- Thats so cool although prob annoying too, that you can feel ovulation! Ive never felt it before that I know of? Excited for your tests!

J- I know right? FOUR :help: Im not worried for the first year or two, I can do babies, thats fine so for a while its just like 3 & half kids lol, I worry for 4 individual kids running about, all with their own sassy attitudes :brat: Im just gonna find a nice corner to rock back & forth in until they move out :wacko:

shae- drinking on a school night? :drunk: naughty lol, GL with your presentation <3

dobs- ahh sorry you got sick thats rough, do they have a better idea when A will be out of picu yet?

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