General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Hey Ladies,
Fluek, dropping in since you asked about me a couple days ago.
I tend to read in here more than respond.
Sorry for your loss.
Congrats bdb
I'm in limbo cause I don't think I ovulated but ff think I did so it is what it is.
Dealing with goose/chicken issues. Otherwise same ole same ole here.
Thx Ladies re glasses I def use the ole T shirt method for my reading glasses before these, so it MUST be some coating as using ANY of my shirts immed makes a milky haze !?

Gigs I forgot to mention rubbing alcohol (90%) did nothing as that was my first go to thinking whoever made the glasses over lubricated the hinges, or used a polish on the gold frame that was getting onto the lenses, but no dice:nope:
I'll give them a call later today.

Ex hub JUST crawled outta bed at friggin 12:22 pm!!
He legit sat looking for MORE coins to buy online last night for 2 hours AFTER he spent $20 on pizza and pastries for us ( not complaining there BUT there were cheaper places for sure) THEN said he was gonna take the night off driving, when he hadn't done sh*t alllll day!!
I was like um, you NEED to drive...bills come the 1st of the month again, and you have only been averaging like $40 a day a few times a week...and now have 2 cars to keep up and pay insur on...

I then "gently" but sarcastically added, working on your own sched is nice, but you really have to motivate yourself...I can sit at the computer and still work on orders, you can't do that being a Uber/Lyft driver.
He agreed, then sat another hour tinkering online.:roll:

Oh...did I mention the only reason he is so lazy/comfy lately is because since he was actually terminated by the school board it allowed him to cash out part of his retirement, soooo he did...roughly $14k...which he now owes 20% penalty to the IRS on...annnd has spent about $6000 out of already, collecting coins, paying an atty thru the next hearing, and buying this 2nd car which is 13 years old, for $3500, insur on it etc....

OH but wait! I forgot what he has decided NOT to waste money on...
HEALTH INSURANCE!:saywhat: being Diabetic on $1000 insulin and Rx pills and on sleep meds...{ridiculous update rant switch OFF}
And he wonders why I don't wanna try and get back together :rofl:
CP:hi: Was wondering how you are
Sorry about the birdy probs:hugs:

:-k Hard to say by your chart, def confusing given neg opks but Highs on monitor and your cm back n forth.
The temps aren't showing a huge shift, but then I'm not sure what your luteal temps tend to hang near:shrug:

were your opks diluted pee, taken at odd times, or close to + but you marked -?
Time will tell with all things !!
JLM- your ex sounds a mess! No wonder you aren't interested in getting back with him. Is he paying for his meds OOP then? My dad is also a diabetic and, even with insurance, his meds are expensive.
J, I think you should just let it go. Why waste the energy making suggestions he doesn't follow? No longer your circus, not your monkey to worry about!

Cpp as one of a few farmers on this thread I am wuite curious about your bird drama! My homicidal momma goose kilked another gosling before I got to it :( now I'm diligently checking for pipping then moving to a separate heated area...but so far no pips! I'll be candling the remaining 6 eggs tonight i hope. Hoping they're still ok..i'm going to be bummed if she killed the only hatches yet again -.-
J, good luck with the jobs! Your chart is looking good, hopefully that drop goes back up tomorrow. Stay away :witch:!

My son wears glasses. I clean his with these little glasses wipes I get at Walmart. I think they’re alcohol based and they dry quickly. Then I wipe them down with a screen cleaner after to make sure they’re clean. He, being almost 7, always has dirty smudged glasses.

Texas, your timing this cycle looks great! Your bfp is long over due. I hope you get it soon!

Bdb- great lines!!

CB- I’m feeling better finally. Still nauseous at random parts of the day. 12 weeks on Monday. I have an Nt scan on the 4th, but just had the genetic testing done so we will be finding out what this baby is soon. Hubby couldn’t do team green again. FX for a boy. My son would love a brother and it would even us out. We tried swaying for a boy too so gahhh. Hopefully next week, or the following the results will show!

Flukes- she’s adorable!! 😍
J, I think you should just let it go. Why waste the energy making suggestions he doesn't follow? No longer your circus, not your monkey to worry about!

Cpp as one of a few farmers on this thread I am wuite curious about your bird drama! My homicidal momma goose kilked another gosling before I got to it :( now I'm diligently checking for pipping then moving to a separate heated area...but so far no pips! I'll be candling the remaining 6 eggs tonight i hope. Hoping they're still ok..i'm going to be bummed if she killed the only hatches yet again -.-

I completely forgot you’re a farmer gigs! It’s like my dream to have a mini farm. :cry:

I just started a garden for the first time since moving into our house. We live in such a harsh climate (desert and hot summers) so I’m not sure how well it’s going to do. I also planted seeds too late. I keep telling DH I want to move and he’s finally at that point too so we’re starting to look at our options. I want a lot of land and to be in a nicer climate. :blush:
Thanks Bre- I’ve lost about 20 pounds since January and I must confess my dear husband can’t quite keep his hands to himself cause of it. Lol in fact my daughter is staying at my inlaws tonight so I am sure that he will be pushing for it again tonight! A bfp would be nice but I’ve just about stopped getting hopeful each cycle- more realistic than anything. But yes we have managed to get a few sessions in during the fertile window.
Texas- whoo hoo on the weight loss! Nothing wrong with a little extra jiggy *wink wink*
How are you loosing?

J- I agree with gigs. I wouldn't waste your time and see it more as roommates until you can get out.

Bre- congrats!!!!!! I had no ideas.

Sorry that's all I can remember.

Went on another run this morning. The weather is finally nice enough to be outside! Plan on going on one tomorrow AM without the kiddos. I'm interested to see if I can do my 3 mile goal. Today I only got to 2 miles, while pushing the boys.
I wish I had a cat call wgistle emoji! I bet you're looking fyyyyyyy-un Tex! It's so nice when the husbands notice, too, especially since they are (usually) the only one to see the naked progress!

Bree *cough* east coast *cough* i forget do you both work? Does hubby have a job whete he cod move and be the one to work while you stay home and caretake for kids/farm?

(Is it 8dpo yet?)
Oh I forgot to mention, you ladies asked about hangover/hoped I didn’t get one, and I’m happy to report that I did not have a hangover either morning despite not drinking any water while drinking. Ah, to be young.
Well, J, My opks were normal time, normal pee. I generally take them either 2nd or 3rd trip to bathroom for the day. None were close to positive. The darkest I would say was 2-3 days from positive by the normal. The H is just me marking how dark the opk is.

The bird drama is the following. I had a pair of pilgrim geese. About 8 months ago I lost my gander. It took me a good while to find a new gander and he came with another goose. So there's 3 geese now. As it's only 3 geese and a huge run, I was letting them live with the chickens. Gucy(the original goose) has never bothered the ducks I had or the chickens, occasional pinched to chase one away from food, normal things. At first that's all this new goose was doing, she's a bit bigger than Gucy but overall acts similar. Then she started grabbing chickens and holding them longer and pulling out feathers. Then I saw a chicken has a bald neck. Then a chicken was sickly acting, had bald neck and was covered in mud. the only mud in the run is right next to the pool I just put back out for the geese since it's not going to major freeze again. So, that chicken didn't get better, it died, guessing it got pneumonia. Then yesterday see her grab one by the neck, drag it to the ground and hold it to the ground for several seconds until I chased it off. So, currently there is 2 with bald necks, bloody feathers all over and the goose in with the dogs currently. We'll have to fence off a spot just for the geese that means.
Green- I am doing the keto diet. Way low carb and high fat moderate protein. Most days I get about 15 net carbs a day. Which isn’t a whole lot lol. For reference a hamburger bun has like 35ish carbs I think.

I’m in like 3rd or 4th place in th competition though. Which sucks but I’m averaging about 1.5 pounds a week lost which is a healthy loss.

I’m looking forward to a steak dinner tonight. No potatoes but I can have extra salad... yummmm
Havent read back but thought id post to say im wobbly drunk lol & fx for nookie later not pull out ra ha ha ha (plan laugh( lol

Edit: DJ is playing old school S Club 7 ;)
Cpeace hey :wave: hope your well

Shae lucky you! Tbh ifpnt remember havin NO hangovers as a youngster.. live it up! All of a sudden you hit 30 & they slap you in the face lol

They have one of these photo booth things at this wedding reception haha im taking full advantage of silly dress up pics :haha:
CB LOL party it up and def :sex: later if ya can! Most men seem easy to bed once they drink a bit hehe

Gigs/MrsG Def not concerned for him, more for ME! ( love the not my money anymore comment.
His plan was to use up all his retirement on bills and rent till he's outta money and pity party spend/eat/sleep thru court process over several months.
THEN if out of cash before August - which he will be out of by June with his plan...
He wants to ask my MOTHER to move to the house with us:shock: arrggghhh!!!
HELLLL NO!!! [-x But she would prob play fake nice and say yes JUST to spite ME.
The only bed NOT in my room is DS's and no how!
So hellll to the YEA I am cutting them both off at THAT pass by helping him NOT get so bad financially planning that he even CAN approach her with that BS.

I fully intend to see how things go with TD the new guy when I am back home, and I don't need crimps in my plan lol

CP What a wicked goose:growlmad:
They def need fenced off, poor hens :(

Gigs Is your goose attacking them or just smothering? Sorry you lost another
I'm not sure, first was dead in her nest and second was dead about a foot away from it so who knows. I'm really kicking myself for not scooping up the first baby -.- oh well. I'm done letting her brood. Next time I'll just sell her eggs; I can get $2 each which doesn't compare to $15 a gosling but is WAY better than dead goslings and nk money so...

J wtf?! He is completely delusional! I hope things work out with TD so he exhubs realizes the relationship train has left the station!

Cpp wtf?! These damn geese! How does she fare with the dogs? I hope the other chickens do ok. If Showgirls can survive, yours will hopefully be ok :/
Gigs I am still dreaming of the farmlife in the future, so not sure what's involved, but are goslings too hard to hatch via incubator?

I love animals, but in that case I would either rather do it myself, or sell her.
I once had a female chi that was SUPER sweet and followed me everywhere no leash needed- bought her at 2 years old to add to my breeding program.
Well she was preg with 1 pup when I bought her unbeknownst to me or the breeder, as she was tiny and had no belly at all.
She delivered a pup 2 days later, and had it in the garage ( my AC/Heated kennel).
I ended up coming to let everyone out, and saw the pup in the crate with her, still in the sac!

I gave it cpr for 20 mins or more, but could tell it was likely a week or so premature.
Chis generally don't look preggo at all until they POP the last cpl weeks.
I let the breeder know, as I owed her a pup from my 1st breeding, just to let her know I would be giving her a rest by skipping her next heat, which was when the breeding was expected.

Anywho, bred her a year later with my male, and she had just 1 pup again, and was an awesome mom, refusing to go out or eat or leave it for 3 days.
Generally , chis being only 2oz to 4 ozs when born, you have to make sure they are gaining ounces daily, or its way bad, cuz they are very hard to bottle feed, and aspirate easily.
Welllll, ups doing fine, popped out as a rare Blue even, and right before I could tell the seller she was in luck she was getn a Blue pup back, and went to take a pic, mom moved the pup from the fluffy whelping "cave" I set up for her to the cold ass floor to lay with it while it ate! Grrrr.
I got them both back where they should be, and next thing I know bad ass has CLIMBED over the doggie gate and run downstairs to the kitchen to me!?
I took her back again, and changed the gate for a higher one.
I checked back and mom and baby were fine.
I went to take a pic later that eve, and she had moved the pup again! This time she dug up the towels in the box, and had them covering the pup, so just it's nose was poking out.
I scolded her and went to uncover the pup....
Only to find just the head
:shock: argggghhhh!
OMFG I was livid, disgusted and screamed at her.
I went downstairs to fetch a baggy to pup the head in to bury it ( I always bury my pets, even fish) and in the 2 mins that took I came back to find her shoving the towels back over it. I thought...the head was NO where to be found, and she was gated to a 5ft space ONLY, no where to hide anything. She frickin ATE it....

I could not even LOOK at her the next few months without seething.
I called the seller back, and told her I wasn't keeping her as I had other females to breed, and she had asked that I give her first chance to take her back if I ever needed to rehome her, and boy did I lol.
She met me the same day and was thrilled to have her back.

She called me a few days later to say the dog bit one of her kids ( she weighed 4 lbs) The kid was fine, but she asked if she had her rabies shot...:huh::roll:
Of course wtf...I gave her the dates etc and told her I had a 3 yr old at that time and NEVER had she even snapped at him.
Her kid was being rough with her thinking he could like before, so their fault, but no way was I taking that "bitch" back lol.
Gigs, i have a hen who is a fantastic brooder, but always ends up killing the chicks. First hatch as soon as it's out and the following usually live a few days. Late Hatcher's are killed immediately. I gave her 2 chances. She's no longer allowed to hatch, brood yes, hatch and raise no. The fact that she lays 60g plus eggs has saved her from the pot ;)

CPP, unless geese and chickens or geese and ducks are raised together they should not be housed together. Especially at night. It's breeding time right now too, so geese will be more aggressive. I have raised my geese with ducks and they respect each other. But I still separate them at night (same barn) as otherwise the geese will destroy the duck eggs in the morning before I let them out. Hopefully your other chickens recover!

J, that is screwed up! Do you think she ate the pup because she got moved and wasn't feeling secure?

Did I mention that hubby gave me the ok to research breeders for our next pup?! I am very picky about breeders as I am hoping to get the perfect character for our family (given the lack of good character of the current dog) and hopefully have a foundation bitch as I do want to keep my next dog out of her. (Read foundation bitch) haha, hubby doesn't know the last part. I am also looking for her to be a good working partner to train and compete at at least a national level.
J that is the stuff nightmares are made of. Wish I didn't hust read that before bed! Ugh I would be horrified! Anywho geese are very difficult to incubate, they have a 70% hatch rate at best but is usually much lower. They require humidity, turning, a certain amount of daily cool down time (simulating when mom leaves the nest for food and to re-wet herself in water), etc. best left to a broody goose...but evidently not mine!

Pl what breed is your dog? What do thw geese do to your duck eggs??? Ours were raise as babies with the ducks and all get along fine. I candled the remaining eggs and i am started to suspect they are all dead :( I am just upset and so livid she killed possibly the only two that made it out of 13 viable eggs. Grrrrrrrrrr. I am so pissed. I was only using the light from my cell phone so i'll do some further investigating tomorrow. I hope she makes up for this by having another laying season in the fall like she did last year.

Tex do you win anything for 3rd place? Still plenty of time to get back up to second or even first, right? You can't be behind by much, you were just in second!

Cb score any post wedding sloppy jiggy?

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