General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Weeesh it took me like a year to catch up.

Gigs I find your POAS addiction hilarious. Someone should do a research study on this phenomenon. I get it, though. My lowest point was probably squinting at a wondfo for about five whole hours cumulatively in one day.

I’ve suddenly forgotten everything I’ve read even though I tried to remember to make certain comment, so now I’m annoyed.

My only news is that my dad has gone back to Hungary, my best friend who’s been TTC found out she was pregnant last week again and has had nice darkening lines finally. So exciting. I’m going wedding dress shopping with her in a few weeks too, which I’m sure you’ll be envious off Gigs! I think you should just lose your wedding band and go and try on some dresses by the way!
Oh and we’re flying to Europe in May and I’m soooooo scared about taking long flights with Tilly. We are flying overnight for both, but I’m told not to expect to get any sleep myself (I still don’t understand why not... Can’t she just sleep on me or DH in a carrier and we sleep too?).
Yeah that seems odd to assume you won't sleep...? Unless Tilly's upset for some reason. Yeah I think I may at some point try on dresses under the guise of renewing my vows :haha: regarding tests I will say that though "I pee freely", I'm fairly decent at calling a negative when I see one. Especially nowadays. Congrats for your friend!!! So exciting! How did the visit with your pops go? Did he dote on Tilly?
Dobby no worries. Also yum but i prefer cookie and milk and later wine and cheese ;)

So proud of your pumping!

Greenie ahh sucks about your gallbladder. I was kinda hoping that um, you were going to say you wrre pregnant instead. Anywho, hope you feel better soon.

Gigs, that sucks about lack of cheap tests. I wish I was seeing something but it's still early :)

:rofl: about your description of bfn control line.

Jez Tilly will be 18 months. Unless she's super rambunctious, I don't think it'd be terrible. I think the jet lag would be worse.

CB it was 13 cycles with one annovulatory cycle and one cycle I basically ntnp. So 11 full on I suppose.

CB I do love cleaning when no one else is around. V hates gearing the vacuum so I try to do it when she's still at sitters.

Bdb waiting for your first appt deels like torture!

Oh and margaritas are the best! I prefer mine on the rocks though. Oh, I ordered virgin ones a couple of times in my first tri. The guy looked at me so funny and asked if I was sure :rofl:

AFM cousin's surgery apparently went well today. I'm very thankful.

AF definitely here. Something about a failed cycle makes me research supplements lol. I've ordered coq10 as it was in the ovaboos I took when conceiving V. It's supposedly good for egg health and possibly sperm health. DH is on a statin and it might help with muscle aches from statin use. So we will both be taking it lol. I also had him start a multivitamin early this month.

Had my glass of wine last night and we bought a large bottle today so I can have more tonight :)

Oh V also calls me "mom" sometimes. DH heard her today. Still not saying "dada". Hope it'll be soon for DHs sake
Awww its lovely hearing &#8216;mumma&#8217; the first time <3 Riley was mumma first & it was months after before Dadda, Nuala said Dadda mega early but hardly ever says mumma lol probs as im with her all the time. She says &#8216;DAD!!!&#8217; Just like that lol cracks me up! V will say Dadda very soon no probs i bet :)

Congrats on your friends pg Jez! Ive never been Wedding dress shopping or fittings etc.. maybe il do a &#8216;Muriels wedding&#8217; thing & go try loads on & get pics hahaa!

Where abouts you flying to in Europe? It Be lovely n warm then- unless its France or the UK (unless we&#8217;re having a random heatwave)

Crack that big bottle of Wine open Flueks!! Does your hubs drink Wine? Im having a glass of Red & watching Bridget Jones Baby.. feeling happy, jel & hormonal lol! Im sure its the wine taking over :haha:

COq 10 is also great for the skin Flueks, completely nothing to do with ttc i know lol! 11 months is still a really good amt of time to Concieve, took 5/6 months for Riley! Anything under 2years they reckon is average i think.. still frustrating i know :hugs:

Gigs did u pee on anymore sticks??
Totally just got a frer 3pack. They were out of wally's still :( I was there by myself and the compulsion took over. What could I do?!

So frer in the am, squinting in my near future...
CB yeah she said mama saturday and has decided to say mom instead.

I'm waiting for DH to get home so I don't pass out before he gets home hehe. He likes some wine but it takes too much to give him a buzz he rarely drinks it. Oh I want to see that movie. Although seeing pregnancy and babies will send my ovaries into baby fever infinity :rofl:

It was 18 months as my cycles were longer. I think I saw on ff my cycles are 29 to 35 days since I had V. I know it's not the longest but I do hope it doesn't take as long this time.

Gigs I mean might as well buy frer 3 pack. If poditive you won't do just one frer. I'm glad hpts have a decent shelf life.

Gigs how many ounces is Lev drinking a day? V is drinking 24 oz a day typically. She was drinking 30 oz until she got sick last week.

Well off to wash bottles as V went to bed a little early. So I can have a bit of me time. If it wasnt AF time I think I'd have a bath. Maybe next week :)
Honestly I never keep record...i think he has between 25-30oz, plus purees/puffs/chicken/whatever foods. I recently discovered he LOVES raspberries. I shared some with him the other day and he threw a FIT when I closed the container and put them away.

Anyway your cycle length sounds good to me. I hear ya on hoping it doesn't take long. I mean obviously that's what we all want...but it's like...TIME IS NOT ON OUR SIDE! Let us older ladies not have to wait as long :haha: but seriously now, I will be bummed if again I have an age gap larger than I was hoping for. With des & lev I was hoping for no more than 4 year or a little over...instead it became a little over 5. Oh well. Honestly Lev was worth the wait <3

Fluek throw a tampon up in that biz and take that bath WITH wine!
Okay sounds like she's doing what she's supposed to. It's just kind of weird when they cut back on formula intake.

How cute he got upset about you putting the rsspberries up. I know it's not the best thing but V git seriously ill when I cut her off from some vanilla ice cream and frozen yogurt. Ice cream fiend like her daddy :)

Yes my cycle length is much better. I hated never Oing before cd 21. 3 weeks or more to O sucks. Not as bad as my 2nd post bcp cycle. It started like May 31st and didn't end til sometime in August. Yuck!!

Oh yes, I feel the same with V. I wish I'd gitten pregnant soiner but it wouldn't have been her so it was worth it. She's really amazing to me. Though I suppose we all feel that way about our children.

I mean I have one in, but I still feel icky bathing on AF. I'm weird :(

Funny story. first time I tried a tampon, I was 16 and at my dad's. So no other women at his house. I put one in and felt so accomplished. I'd left the applicator in though. Finally took it out because it was so uncomfortable.:rofl:

I hope I gave you guys a chuckle at least :)

Well goodnight. DH should be home shortly and I'll get my wine on ;)
:rofl: omg that's hilarious! How long until you realized it was done wrong? I've been using them since my very first period when pads grossed me out (the feeling of them and seeing all the blood) so my mom insisted i try them and i loved them.

Cb something about Nu shouting at her daddy in a little baby voice with the accent melts my heart! I'm sure it's nothing like I'm imagining lol
It’s 9.47am on the first day of the easter holidays and I’m already homicidal.

DH has banned wine (we drink too much) and this time he is actually insisting on sticking to it.

Never mind #5, would anyone like any of the four I already have? Can do a good deal on shipping. I’ll throw the husband in for free. Or swap all of them for a cat or three.
I'll take Isaac!!! You can keep the husband though.

9dpo, frer was extremely negative...another "f u". I don't think I'll get another chance to get away for 10 minutes to test again until Monday, and that's the day af is due anyway so I might as well just wait for it. At this point I feel pretty confident it'll be on other than the negative tests I don't feel pregnant AT ALL and every time I am, I have felt different. Blahhh.
just popping in to say :hi:
Been afk a few days
Exhubs is in super stress mode and being a grouch most the day , and I've been keeping busy with a few orders for crochet items
I'll catch u later today
Gig- 9dpo is still so early! Try not to get discouraged. :hugs: Is Lev short for Levi? Just wondering as that&#8217;s DH&#8217;s and my top contender boy name. <3
It's Levin actually :)
Thanks :hugs: i know it's "only" 9dpo but in reality how I "feel" about being, or not being, pregnant doesn't really change the outcome...i am usually expect the worst but hope for the best when it comes to ttc. That said, with Lev I was pretty sure i was pregnant and just waiting foe the tests to show it!

Blah I don't know. Hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised.
So you’re not feeling it Gigs? And as IF you’ll wait till Monday pffffft.

CB, Tilly shoots “DAD!” too (but mostly “DADDA”) and indeed it’s hilarious. She actually said mama first early on but only when babbling really, and then she started saying dada knowingly and had dropped the mama and it’s only just resurfaced and is actually meant to refer to me. But you’re right, maybe it’s because I’m always with her.

Tilly also says “bye-ooh” instead of “bye” and aaalways waits for the person to leave before saying it, even if she notices someone’s left who I wasn’t even paying attention to haha.

Can’t rmemeber who asked but we are going to Hungary and UK. As for how it was with my dad here, it was nice and he fixed a bunch of stuff and seemed to really enjoy himself, but tbh he seemed more concerned with those things and with exploring the city on my bike than about spending time with Tilly, even though he had claimed he was thrilled to watch her while I studied. And i REALLY had to study, so at one point I actually took her into school to be watched by some friends while I studied, because I couldn’t rely on my dad to do it. Bit sad, and similar story with my mum, who lives about 1.5 hours away from us but is so busy with work that she rarely ever sees Tilly, and when she does it’s for like an hour max. MIL in the other hand would spend all her time with Tilly if she lived in Canada. It’s hard having literally zero help from anyone (other than fellow grad students from time to time!).

Sorry for rambling.

J I’m glad the orders are keeping you busy. Can you share pics of some of your creations?

Flueks I was also hoping Green would reveal a pregnancy :lol: Are you going to temp and use OPKs btw? I can’t remember.

M+S eeesh sorry you’re having a rough time. What did you decide on the weed thing btw? It’s becomjng legal here in July. Exciting but useless to me while I’m breastfeeding, which will be forever.
Oh Flueks your tampon story made me giggle. Reminds me of when I was a prepubescent kid and found one of my mum’s sanitary towels (pads, for North Americans). I knew what they were for and wanted to be a big girl so I put it on and then discovered much much later that it’s not the sticky side that’s supposed to touch the vagina. I’d thought it was designed to seal the blood in by adhering to the lady parts.
Oh man I also rmemeber another story relating to a sex book I found that belonged to my parents, but I think I’ll keep that one to myself ha
Haha I have a funny tampon store and a funny period story as well.

When I was probably 11 or so, my mom said that she didn&#8217;t think I&#8217;d be able to wear a super tampon until after having kids cuz I&#8217;m so tiny (which is totally stupid thinking back, vagina flexibility has nothing to do with skinniness, so idk what got into her head on that one). Anyway, she said I&#8217;d probably have to wear light and regular ones. I didn&#8217;t have my period yet, I got it when I was 13. But I had a feeling she was wrong, and I wanted to prove her wrong. So one day while she was at work (probably the next day, so still age 11) I snuck into my parents master bathroom and there was a box of super plus tampons. I had a puberty book my mom had given me that had cartoon step by step of how to put one in, so I knew in theory how to do it. So I took the super plus tampon and I successfully put it in correctly, and it didn&#8217;t even hurt going in. I was so frickin proud of myself and was totally thinking haha I was right. Then i went to take it out, cuz I didn&#8217;t have my period so there was no reason to take it out. That was the hard part. Since I only had regular vaginal discharge at the time, there was nothing to lubricate it on the way out. At first I couldn&#8217;t get it out, I was pulling the string as hard as I could and it wouldn&#8217;t come out. Panicked a little there. Finally got it out, it was very uncomfortable coming out. Still proved my mom wrong though.

Funny period story: I was in 8th grade and was surprised by my period. I put some toilet paper in my underwear cuz I didn&#8217;t have any pads or tampons with me. As I was walking out of the bathroom some guy said &#8220;nice period&#8221; and I was confused and thought I heard him wrong but when I went back to the bathroom the toilet paper was gone and nowhere to be found and I realized it must&#8217;ve fallen out and down my pant leg and he must have seen it come out of my pant leg. Luckily since when he said it I thought I misheard him, I wasn&#8217;t humiliated like I should&#8217;ve been lol.

Gigs I&#8217;m sorry it&#8217;s not looking good this cycle.

I had another pregnancy dream last night, I dreamt I took a pregnancy test and it was positive but I had left it for hours before looking at it so I took another and it was positive and I was upset but also happy. The dream as a whole was super weird and crazy but that&#8217;s obviously the important part, not the flying carpet or the magic growing tomato.

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