General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Tex i just meant where were you on here lol, i always assumed you were in texas ;) we've got two texans eh? That is one state I would love to visit.

Bdb that is exciting! Are y'all close? Literally and figuratively?
Ah thats lovely Bdb, lotsa bump & baby cousins <3 i feel bad for your other cousin aswell, thats hard bless her

Tex hey :) charts looking good my lovely!

Gigs for easter food sounds yummy! I love cupcakes mmmm
Gig- We are pretty close. She's quite a bit younger than me (approx 9 years), but we still get along very well. She has a little boy who just turned a year old in February and they always wanted their kids close in age.

Texas is a beautiful state but I need some four seasons in my life. 9 months of miserable heat every year never gets any easier. I'm just thankful we actually had a decent winter this year.
Oh i wish we had decent seasons & a decent summer here in the UK, we get ofd days of random scorchers & then its crappy the next day, i love the warmth mmm!

I have to upload this pic, i was peeling my spuds earlier for my Roast & found this potato in the bag LOL! It looks like a Duck, turning its head around & giving this funny look .. my sister told me to slice a wing into it - so i did :haha:


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Gigs I know I love watching my nephews have fun and get so excited. I really look forward to V and any future LOs enjoying holiday actuvities :)

Sorry for bfn and you are so right. Not fair on how small the chances really are even with perfect timing. I feel bad for long cycle ladies and ltttc. I always feel really happy when someone whose struggled for a long time conceives.

Bdb that's awesome they get on so well. My dad, mom, and step dad get on really well too. It amazes most people. It wasn't always like that but they at least had 800 miles separating them. Still do actually. Awesome on SIL! I hope my SIL and I get to be bump buddies. She told me last year they thought they would try for number 2 this year. I'm just not sure. She doesn't seem to act like she's ready. To be fair he's a real handful. Possibly autistic. I love him though.

Tex your gran getting any better? Glad your temp went back up.

Texas, never been and I have no desire. No offense ladies. Too hot for me. I prefer 4 seasons. Although spring and fall seem very short anymore. Oh and mountains, I love the mountains :)

For real f@#$ the beach. I want to go to a secluded mountain cabin. Get in the hot tub and drink wine :) :)

Sorry for my outburst :rofl:

CB oh dinner sounds yummy. Can I cone over. I already ate lasagna but I'll make room. Your duck tater is pretty funny. Thanks for sharing :)

Quick question. Just wondering what prenatal everyone takes. I'd always taken cvs generic gummy prenatal but there's no iron. Honestly, I wasn't anemic while pregnant. Only some postpartum. I thought about switchingto a different prenatal though.
Fluek I feel like irl we'd be fast friends. We must live near each other or at least the same usda zone (7B...?). I do have to say I love having all the seasons...I hate the extreme weather though, that is I hate when it gets really hot or really cold. And ooooh yes, give me the mountains over the beach any day. I am happy we moved where if I drive anywhere to even just do arrands I get to see them in the distance. We looked into houses in the foothills but out of our price range.

Cb you need to give it a bill! I'm not sure how...maybe carve one from another tater and affix it with a toothpick? Look it even has a vent*!

Afm cm has a pink tinge so af is definitely soon to arrive. I know at least 2 people ttc currently and soon, so all i can do is hope we all are meant to have healthy babies due near the same time and that's why we didn't catch this time...I am surprised though, i had ewcm for days, bd'ed a ton and had strong ovulation...oh well! Just goes to show you all the right timing and everything else doesn't do jack shit most of the time.

*duck education: the vent is kind of like a vagina, urethra, and anus in one. It is the only exit to a duck. Also, ducks technically don't poop OR pee, it's kind of a mixture of the two and it's called urea. So there ya go, some things you never cared to know about ducks.

Also if you didn't already know, a drake's penis is long and shaped like a corkscrew. Kind of looks like an umbilical cord imo. Actually their whole sexual anatomy is fascinating but I will spare you all right now because I've already said too much and sound insane.
Gigs, I feel the same. Oh and yes I'm not too far from you. I'm in northeast TN. We are definitely lacking in things but I still love it. We never looked into houses at foothills as it'd be a bit too far from things. We really bought a home at a great time. I looked on zillow and it estimated our home i now worth 40,000 more thsn what we paid. We should be getting our driveway done which will add to our value when we sell. No more gravels at end of driveway when it rains bad and it getting all rutted.

Ugh, I hate spotting. I used to be all "IB!IB!" But reality smacked me in the face and said, "woman come to your senses!!! Your AF is coming!". Oh and a 1000x yes. It's so screwed up that everything was perfect and bfn. I wish we could at least now whe we'd get pregnant so no worries of if it'll happen. I know I can so I feel better this time. I got down last time scared I was barren.

Oh and that's interesting on the duck lesson. I didn't know any of that. I'm kinda interested in learning more, but I've always like strange, unusual stuff.
LOOVE TN! Before we settled here we looked at many places, including Knoxville. We fell in love with the city but when we started looking at the properties with the acreage we wanted and in our price range we realized it wouldn't work for what we wanted.
If I wasn't about to pass out I'd write a little about duck vaginas. Maybe tomorrow.
Flueks the secluded mountain cabin sounds a million times better than the beach.

I think bdb and CB mentioned seasons and lack thereof. As I live in New England, we have all 4 seasons. However, they are not evenly spaced.

We have a long-ish summer with temps lingering in the 70s to 90s, most commonly in the 80s. Fall is short, characterized by the changing colors of the leaves (foliage), with temps transitioning from the 80s to the 40s. Winter is long, with temps ranging from the 40s down to -10. False spring occurs around February or March, where we get a warm spell in the 50s or 60s. Then second winter goes back to the 30s. Spring is short, transitioning from 40s to 70s, with flowers coming into bloom (May, generally) and green returning to the plant life (starting in April).

Here’s a diagram of our seasons.
Wow interesting facts about the Ducks vag & penis bits! I knew knew that! I love interesting facts :)

Shae thst pie chart pic made me laugh - the one hot day in March bit made me chuckle haha
Shae i'd never heard of false spring! We have it here but I didn't know it had a nane. It's generally 5-7 days, in the 60's-70's, triggers the cherry blossoms, people come out in skimpy clothes then inevitably we get a cold snap immediately after with freezing temps and snow lol.

Cb it IS fascinating! Ok so duck vaginas are also corkscrewed in the other direction. They have a coupke of false vaginal pockets so only a well fitting and suitable male will make it down the correct path and fertilize the eggs.

Afm- CD1. This time ONLY testing on wally cheapies until i see something or will try to hold out using a frer until 9dpo.

Uuuhhhgggg hate follicular phase. And my average ov date has gone from cd17 before ds2 to cd22...feels so far away...on the plus side i'd now be due after December if all goes well so yay!
Need to read up but im peeing loads still & feeling very.. moist down there shall we say lol. Im gonna by a test on way home eeek!! I finish in couple hrs so il post an update soon ladies
Gigs- sorry about cd 1- fingers crossed for a bfp this month.

Afm stuff is really hitting the fan. My granny got transferred to the nursing home for more rehab yesterday. Hopefully she will do good and can go home soon. My mom has literallly been at the hospital day and night for 3 weeks and my granny insists she stay with her overnight at the nursing home too. Then my mom gets up and goes to work, works all day and goes straight back after work to take care of Granny. Im doing moms errands on my conferences at school so my stuff isn’t getting done either.

Oh and we have termites in our bathroom. Found them last night- God it seemed like they were everywhere. So my hubs is gonna call pest control people today. Thank God they cause slow damage so it’s not super urgent..

Temp went up again today. Af should be here sometime this weekend-or not-we shall see!
Fingers crossed for you tex & cb! Hope you kick off the next round of pregnant people!

Ugh tex termites ahhh I hate bugs! I hate killing them more! I just wish they would all stay outside! Except the lady bugs. We host several every winter. Our house is a swarm location so a bunch get inside and hibernate on the ceilings. Since they're cute and totally harmless they get a free pass. Really we need new windows. Like desperately. Anyway I hope your grandmother shows some improvement soon and lets your mom leave at night.

LADIES!!! Levin is walking! He has taken several steps today! I am so excited but it's also sent my broodiness through the roof! Every milestone he hits makes me fall in love and makes me so excited to do it again!
Gigs, knoxville is pretty cool. Too big for my tastes, but a trip there now and then is fine. The real estate there is definitely more expensive than where I am.

Shae I feel like our seasons are similar to your except summer is long and winter is so so.

Gigs wow that's interesting. I guess it makes sense if male anatomy is that shape. The false pockets though.

Gigs sorry for cd1. Oh that sucks your O has moved further back. A couple days in follicular phase feels like weeks. I Od CD22 when I conceived V. I seem to have slightly earlier O cd18 to 20.

Oh thats great about December being avoided. I really feel unsure about edd to gauge when I'd have baby. Hope the shots will prevent PTL, well at minimum make it to 37 weeks.

Good luck on waiting to test this cycle :)

Oh I hate bugs too!!! One of the worst aspects of homecare if you ask me. I would rather see cockroaches tha bedbugs though. Yuck, yuck!!

Ahhh!!! How exciting he's walking!!

CB are you 6dpo? I'd wait, but you know me. Just wait til 8dpo :) better chance of squinter. FX for bfp in your near future.

Tex aww I'm sorry about your gran. Here's hoping for a quick recovery. Oh and termites, how awful. I really don't know why certain pests even exist.

Happy to see your temp jump back up. FX you don't get AF and get bfp instead.

AFM, I'm on call tonight. Oh joy. Hoping it's not too crazy,but if so at least it's more money.

V is getting much better at pulling to standing. Unfortunately she pulled up on her car door and fell ino the frame as that door moves. Has a small knot on her forehead, but handled it well.

Just rolling along in my follicular phase, CD7. I think I'll start opks cd 16 unless I see ewcm before that.
Alright ladies I am going to try to jump back in lol. It has been a few weeks but I&#8217;m still standing!

Gigs I agree the double whammy of bfn + af is such a kick when you&#8217;re down. I think we have all thrown ourselves a very much deserved pity party. Sorry that you&#8217;re spotting. Fxed you and the other TTC ladies fall around the same time! And yay for him walking!!!!

BDB I don&#8217;t know if I ever said congratulations! I&#8217;m so happy you get a bump buddy. It really makes the experience that much more enjoyable. I had one at work, but our schedules never let us talk. But I love having a couple friends whose babies are a month older and a month younger.

Fluek I just took the Women&#8217;s One a Day with the DHA. And yay for the standing! Sorry about her bonking her head. A hits his multiple times a day. Just taps it really but he&#8217;s so dramatic so the shock of it is like what &#8230;. DASJFNWAUHDIAH

Shae I second cb that pie chart is hilarious

Tex I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother, I really feel for your mother. That&#8217;s so hard. I was dying just doing sub plans and having no other commitments. Your mom is a gem. Sending positive thoughts. And sorry about the termites :( And I agree chart looks great

Re: Texas. I&#8217;m from California. And there&#8217;s a stereotype that CAs are hella left and TXs are hella right so we don&#8217;t get along/ have a natural state rivalry. So as much as I would love to have a nice house, I couldn&#8217;t deal with the heat. Or just the fact it&#8217;s TX lol. Also, I just love everything (except the house prices) about the Bay Area.

Re: beach vs mountains. I like both to visit. I couldn&#8217;t live in either long term. But a weekend cabin trip or a week log beach house trip is just he ticket to relaxing. But if I had to choose a vacation home, I&#8217;d go beach over mountains. The spiders man. The spiders.

Re: Easter! I love that so many of you have feasts and traditions. We&#8217;re not particularly religious, so Easter pretty much starts and ends with the morning Easter egg hunt. As children, we hunted candy. And when that lost it&#8217;s allure and magic, the eggs had money. One with a $100 bill and I think a handful of $20s and $10s and $5 and $1 thrown in the mix. This year, we went to my brother&#8217;s gf&#8217;s birthday picnic at the park. A got to play with some eggs, and I got some cute pics of him in his first easter outfit. But I am so sad BRUS is closing. I get all my holiday first onesies from them because I like them the best. :(

Re: reunion, It was fun just everyone got too drunk and when I&#8217;m having depression and I get drunk I can&#8217;t manage it well. So the sadness of the hospital stay and my life caught up to me. But I guess I&#8217;m glad I went just wish I had stuck to my wine only plan.

Re Baby A: He&#8217;s sitting really nicely now. Hates when I leave the room. He kind of says yeah and hi and I think is starting to try to wave and high five, but I&#8217;m not convinced of his awareness yet. Not crawling but definitely has his army crawl down. And he&#8217;s eating three full jars of baby food a day! His poops are HUGE hahah. I am starting to wean myself from pumping. Hurt like hell at first, but I'm down to once a day. It's bittersweet like Gigs said. Does not make me broody though. Just makes me sad to see how quickly he is growing and hoping I'm doing right by him. We're thinking of taking him to Monterey Bay Aquarium this weekend, but not sure. I have us signed up for free trial mommy and me classes all week lol. And he gets his helmet on Thursday

And I forget who plays Poker Go, but we stumbled on a group chat for nearby raids so my mom and I went raiding yesterday and both caught Latios :)
Glad you survived the hospital stay Dobs. It’s tough when they are in the hospital and you are the only one available to take care of them. I’m helping my mom out the best I can but I have Tabs to look after too so that kind of puts a wrench in things. And I hate having to ask my inlaws to watch her all the time...

Re my chart- i feel like I’ve had similar charts before. You never know though. Wouldn’t that be something. Lost 25 pounds and God is like “ Ok now you can have a baby and gain weight” lol
Awww so exciting when they learn new skills! I'm afraid bumps on the noggin are par for the course :/

I would never want to live in the city limits of any city...but I super loved visiting knoxville. The square was lots of fun and looked pretty family friendly. I would also like to see Nashville one of these days...though I'm wondering if I'd be disenchanted because I'm not into country music?

You know...I have SO MUCH to do around the house and the baby is napping and instead of being productive this is what I'm doing.
Gig- :hugs: on CD1. Fx that this is your month!

Shae- that chart is very much like Texas, except our summers are as long as your winters. :lol:

Dobby- I've lived here all my life and that stereotype is very real. I'm still not used to the heat and I haven't voted Republican since the 2004 election, so maybe I belong in Cali after all? I do think this state is beautiful, but I'd leave it in a heartbeat for somewhere with 4 seasons.

Cb- Fx on your test today!!

Tex- I'm so sorry your grandmother is still struggling. :(

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