General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Hmm fluek I have no clue with the cycle. Any idea when you MAY have ovulated? So sorry to hear about V being under the weather but glad she's on the mend! How is work going? Are the hours getting any better? Hope you get some rest this weekend.

Well between Lev being sick earlier this week and my own stuff I've been more anxious than such I feel like my body is so stressed there's no way an egg is going to implant up in this hizzy.

Also a friend(ish) of mine was at the playground today when we went and was talking about how rough the two year age gap was between her kids :( freaked me out! She said it was tough in the beginning but they love each other so much and it's awesome now. Ahhhhhhhh

So many feels!!! WAAAFFFLE!
Gigs just dropping by to say LOLOLOLOL @ “I may wait till Monday to test”
Flueks what cd are u on atm?? You possibly have ov’d but missed it with being a busy girl & non temp every morning, looking forward to you testing if you do eeee fx!! Sorry to hear V has Croup, its awful.. has she had it very long? Lotsa things to try but as your in the Medical background you probs already know all these :) hope your settling into the new job role ok

Gigs i read that the more ‘under the weather’ you are the more chance your bod has of falling pg! Our bodies fight off embryos as their foreign to us but if your feeling run down, yoir body is fighting other stuff that it supposedly makes it more in our favour to get preggers! Admitidly, i miscarried in Feb but i was very poorly when i fell pg in Jan, i had 2/3 months of lingering cold/flu viruses & a horrid middle ear infection that i couldnt drive or anything.. I don’t think it had anything to do with why i miscarried that was probs chromosomal issues! i have everything crossed for thee! 6 dpo WOOP! I think i tested at 6dpo this time ha ha happy peeing hun :haha:

Well ive yet to rinse off my fake tan.. looking lovely & golden this morning, we’ll soon see if theres patches i missed, i can already see a bit on my butt cheek ive missed.. lol dunno how!!

Gigs, me & my friend were chatting about the minimal age gap, it really depends on the child & how they are, if Levs pretty chilled & I think Des is aswell, i dont think you’ll have any probs, if they are very much a handful all the time & being monkeys i dont think you would be wanting to ttc no3 just yet but idk lol - you’ll be fine when it happens & you seem a chilled out person so try not to stress :)
Gigs possibly Saturday as my temp was up a bit. I don't remember ewcm since Saturday. I didn't have a positive opk. Maybe I had a short surge? Thanks V hasn't coughed any overnight, thank goodness. Work is going well. I'm doing my last weekend. I don't have PTO so I wanted to work Sunday to Tuesday for next week. Was already on Saturday.

Ah I know how you feel about stress negatively affecting things but lots of women still get pregnant.

I think the short age gap is very dependent on how your child or children are. You got this :)

CB I'm cd 25. Yes I believe I did O. My bet is on Saturday. She got cough last weekend but got worse Wednesday.

I had a weird tingly sensation in breasts last night. Like when your boobs are filling with milk.

Anyways, got to get ready to go
Re- age gap... i wouldn’t want mine super close together but 2 years would be doable... my brothers wife is literally having a baby a year for 3 years... the oldest is 2 1/2 the middle one will be 1 in July and the newborn coming in August... that I do not envy. But once she gets the oldest to about 6 it will get easier I think. But for the next 2-3 years are gonna be sooo rough...

However I don’t feel bad for her cause I don’t like her..... she just makes me so irate. Like I had a car seat to give to her around January. It literally sat in my moms garage until March. I kept telling her hey I’ve got a car seat for your middle kiddo just like the one you have for your oldest... well it wasn’t good enough for her until after she tried to buy a used one and couldn’t find one cheap enough... then all of a sudden it was perfect... insert eye roll. And like we don’t even buy the boys clothes anymore cause she never dresses the boys in them. Like she’s petty and I can’t stand it. I could go on but you get the idea haha.

Afm I’m pretty sure I ovulated last night but hubs and I have been dealing with sinus stuff so the best bd we managed was O-3 so it will have to do haha. Not that I am expecting miracles... still losing weight but not as fast. I need to buckle down and measure better. Maybe cut it down to just eggs meat and cheese for a few days... competition will be over May 4. Doubt I will win but maybe my
Mom will come through and give me the equivalent to the prize money anyway like she said she would haha...
Gigs you’re still in for a chance despite stress! My mom likes to say if stress made it super difficult to get pregnant or often caused miscarriages, the human race wouldve died out a long time ago. Sure it can impact fertility a bit, but it doesn’t make it impossible!

CB I’m laughing at the missed spot on the butt cheek.

Flueks ooo is that a good sign for you? Did you get that feeling with V?

Tex that’s annoying about your SIL, I’d be pissed too. You’ve still got a shot with O-3, although I know with you trying for so long it probably seems dismal. Much love. Awesome job on the weight loss, even if it’s slower it’s still something! You should be super proud of yourself, weight loss can be super hard, my mom has struggled with it for like 30 years, it’s not easy.

AFM- does anyone have any recommendations for clothing brands that sell jeans that have a little extra room in the booty? I have such skinny legs that my skinny jeans smoosh my butt and it’s not attractive. Preferably cheap because I’m a broke college student lol. Or any general recommendations for jean styles that work better for extra booty. I’m used to buying what teens buy for jeans, low rise skinny jeans, and when they are skinny enough in the leg they’re too small in the butt. I’ve heard getting higher rise jeans helps? Anyone know?
Shae because im in a whooole other country i wont suggest clothing ideas lol i buy mine from Supermarkets - Jez will know - Sainsburys TU!! I love their stuff & its cheap!

Oooh Flueks im hoping its an early preggers symptom with the tingly breasts :) Hope V isnt too poorly for much longer..

Tex i bet you look fab & any weight loss is great! The more you closer you get to your bmi the slower it takes & harder it is to get the weight off (this is what i had read somewhere) so the fact your losing still is still great ;) like Shae said, i know you been long ttc so just the once bd but your still in perfect catchment of eggy & it&#8217;ll most probs happen when not really thinking about it or bothered one cycle! <3

Sickness is def lurking over here.. had the funny lingering funky taste in my mouth all day today.. Gag!! & tummy is feeling like i have a tummy upset, symptons in full swing!

All im thinking is.. &#8216;i wonder if Gigs poas today&#8217; .. Lol
Hey, O-3 is totally possible. Remember how I conceived Charlotte at 38 years old, with one bd the whole cycle, at O-5...these things can and do happen!!!
I did NOT test today! I'm still debating on tomorrow but it'll have to be IF i can get away. But I'm not feeling pregnant at all.

Cb Lev IS a little monkey, especially recently! He is allll over the place. He won't even lie still for diaper changes, even if you have something to distract him with. He sauirms around, flips over, sits up...and he still wakes up at night for a bottle. He is definitely our wild child and i do feel crazy for wanting a second! Must be partially where my nerves are coming from.

Tex my m/c pregnancy was most likely from o-3 or o-4 bd. Fx! Heck yeah on weight loss! What position are you currently in? Bust out some cardio work and edge out #1! You can do it!
I’m thinking I’m still in 3rd....but I won’t know for sure until the competition is over in 2 more weeks. I’m cracking down on my carbs hardcore and just hoping for the best... I’m gonna try for some cardio but I highly doubt that happens. Lol
Hi all, congrats on the new pregnancies and looking forward to test pics from Gigs and Tex soon :)
Why is it that I want a +hpt but have decided that I want G to be an only child :) haha I think after all these years of ttc and failing to conceive, the need for that second line is engraved into my brain.
Two of my friends are booked to have sons via cs on Thursday. One will be a new mommy (reason for her cs is medical problems with baby) the other one is my neighbor with an elective cs; she has a toddler only 4 months older than G who screams and tantrums all.the.time.... we both ttc'd together in Sept when I lost my embie; I must say right now I can't even imagine how I would cope with a newborn.

G is growing up too fast! He is a gorgeous doll of a boy who frequently gets mistaken for a girl lol. He loves books and sports, not a big fan of cuddling unfortunately, easygoing but have started with frustration tantrums a few months ago (where he gets angry if he struggles to do something), babbling and saying a few words, aaawwww where did the time go!!??

Tex- if I want to lose weight fast here is my keto recipe. Spinach and other greens (many herbs for a vitamin punch), some olive and/or avocado oil, protein powder (I go for Natures Choice pure rice protein extract because it has double the amount of protein per gram than whey & no added starch or sugar; but I don't know what your options are in US?) Some berries/ a bit of grated carrot/beetroot for antioxidants. Pop it in a blender and fill a few glass jars to freeze. Eat just that for a few days. Hunger pangs- fill up on eggs, meat and avocado.
CB- the differences in meanings of words between the US and UK never cease to amuse me. Especially when you said you get clothes from supermarkets. You were right about the whole other country issue with that one haha, idk if it&#8217;s just my region of the US or the whole country, but here a supermarket is a grocery store. If someone here said they were going to the supermarket to buy jeans I&#8217;d look at them like they had two heads :rofl:

I did a quick google search and it seems the brands best for extra booty are also expensive. I personally think jeans should be under $20 a pair (it&#8217;s some fabric sewn together, why would I spend a full day&#8217;s worth of pay on a single pair of jeans???), and most places they cost $50 or more, especially the ones good for booty. Forever 21 has high waisted skinny jeans for $12.90, but the local mall here doesn&#8217;t have a forever 21. The local mall back home has one, so I could wait the two weeks I have left of this semester (I&#8217;ve been wearing butt smooshing jeans for years, I can wait another two weeks) and try on some jeans then. It makes me nervous to order pants online. Shirts, no problem. I check the size chart as a precaution, but I&#8217;m almost always a small. Pants, it goes by number, 0/2/4/6/8/10 etc, and not XS/S/M/L/XL etc. Except junior sizes, which are 1/3/5/7/9/11 etc. Though I&#8217;m sure you know that CB, it&#8217;s likely a similar system in the UK. My Walmart jeans from 8th grade are junior sizes, I&#8217;ve got both 1s and 3s, and then my regular jeans are nearly all size 4, but they were a bit tight even trying them on, I just was too stubborn to go up a size. They fit my lower legs perfectly, upper thighs it gets a bit tight, butt requires the wiggle.

Anyway CB, sorry you&#8217;re feeling poorly, but glad you&#8217;re having the normal pregnancy symptoms! Seems like a good sign that this pregnancy will be healthy and sticky!

Gigs- good job restraining yourself on testing haha

Fern- great to hear from you! I&#8217;m glad G is doing well! Sorry he doesn&#8217;t like cuddles though :(
Hi Fern! Nice to "see" you again :) I empathize with you in the frustrated baby screaming. Lev throws tantrums when he wants things and can't have them, like when you take away items he isn't supposed to have or a door to a room he wants to go in is closed, or you take him away from an area he shouldn't be in...

Shae I have heard of apple bottom jeans but that's all i know of. Also regarding supermarkets...what would you classify a super target or walmart as? I always just refer to them by name lol...not quite a department store, not maybe that's a supermarket. That's what I envision asda must be, grocery on one side, everything else on the other.

Cb yuck sorry you're feeling crappy but I hope it's as they say, a symbol of a healthy pregnancy!

So i woke up before anyone else did. I said I wouldn't test IF I couldn't get away alone! But i was alone so of course I pulled out a cheapie :D definitely negative though, as expected :p


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Lev will be 9 months older when you get preggers though Gigs, it’ll be fine :)

Fern hey :) lovely to hear from you! :wave:

I just made Banana cake mmmmm i wanna devour it now ha ha!

Gigs u still early are u 7/8dpo?
Good morning! It's been a busy weekend around here. Both girls wound up sick yesterday. They both ran sky high fevers and little DD even threw up :( Bonus- bedtime was a breeze and they both slept in until 9 this morning. Their fevers are down but still low grade, but they are both in good spirits. My fear is coming down with whatever they have and having to reschedule my scan this Wednesday.

Gig- I specifically was hoping you'd be testing :lol: What dpo are you?

Age gaps- All of my kiddos have been potty trained before a new baby has arrived. The closest gap is 3y9m between DS and DD1. The new baby will be exactly the same age gap with both DD2 & DSS. I feel like my brady bunch is so confusing :haha:

DS- 12
DD1- 8
DD2- 3
DSS- 3 (literally just 10 days younger than DD2)
I am only 7dpo, wasn't expectingg anything on the test but took one basically out of compulsion. I am really not expecting a positive this month though. I will be gobsmacked if I am!
Gigs that&#8217;s a good point about supermarkets. I always call them by name as well. According to google, super walmart is a big-box store or supercenter or hypermarket, which is apparently different from a supermarket? Seems a supermarket is mostly food with some other departments, whereas a supercenter is less than half food? But it might be a subjective definition. Not sure.

Will look into apple bottom jeans, thank you!

Sorry about the bfn, but you&#8217;re sooo early rn :)

CB ooo banana cake! I don&#8217;t normally like bananas but there are exceptions haha

Bdb sorry about the sick littles! Hopefully you&#8217;ll not catch what they have!
Shae I didn't have that as tww symptom eith V or ever except post partum. As far as jeans. I love maurices jeans but I don't consider them cheap or expensive. I would just go to different places and search about.

Texas still have a chance but I feel you. If I don't have it twice during O, O-1, or O-2 I feel like it's not hapenning.

CB when is your appt? You get an early scan at 6 weeks right? Oh and banana cake. I want a piece!

Gigs V is also getting to be a bit of a wild child. Trying to stand in the tub. Always going for dangerous things. I can't complain on her sleeping though.

Sorry for bfn. Still so early though :)

Bdb hope your LOs get over it soon and that you don't catch it. I was blessed to only get a stomach virus while pregnant. It was strange but welcome.

Fern nice to hear from you. Glad G is doing well.

AFM temp has been up past 3 days so I definitely Od. Maybe my pee was too diluted. I'm guessing O on 14th but could have been as late as 19th. Could kick myself for not temping 16th through 19th. Will be testing Wednesday. I expect bfn. DH has mixed feelings about this cycle, but really hope AF doesn't show during vacation. I think he kinda wants to drink with me one our time off is why he has mixed feelings about pregnancy.

Also, I'm getting a massage Wednesday. I guess if by some miracle it's bfp, I'll tell them.

Alright V waking from ger nap :)
Flueks if you did get a faint positive on Weds but still wanted a drinky with hubs.. its soo early & if you werent tracking your cycle you probs wouldnt be aware, i was reading up about it & so many women inbthe first few wks who arent aware of pg drink like fishes Lol an odd glass would be ok, i had a small glass on SO&#8217;s & your birthday :)

My &#8216;booking in&#8217; apt was a quick telephone call but i need to be actually seen by a dr i been told so i can have blood pressure took & health check blah blah but my mw will contact me & she will book the early scan, if ive not heard by nearly 7wks about the scan il be contacting the early pg unit as its not on! MW doesn&#8217;t usually make contact until 6/7 wks ish.. im expecting a call this week, the apt will probs be around 9/10 wks just before my 12wk scan. Trying to get a Drs apt atm is a bloody nightmare!

I never thought i would be pg this cycle & i never had that &#8216;feeling&#8217; we were talking about Gigs, only thing i thought was that it would be just my luck I would be as ive handed my work notice in & hadn&#8217;t started my new job yet Lol! Im excited for your testing eeee!!! Feeling good vibes as you ov&#8217;d early :thumbup:

Oh Shae i dont like Bananas either, i ate them for ms with Riley :sick: & since then i not like them but i love Banana flavour & i can eat the Cake its weird!

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