General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Flueks sorry about the tracking mishaps. I hope the outcome is favorable. I understand your DH being sad about not being able to drink with you. I haven&#8217;t had a drop of alcohol in like a month and I just wanna get drunkkk. Not right now though, I&#8217;m feeling a bit nauseous, I scarfed down an entire large miso soup before I even started eating my sushi (I got takeout cuz the dining hall didn&#8217;t have anything good at dinner, weekends are their weak days), and I had a single spicy salmon hand roll then decided to put the rest in the fridge for later tonight. Probably too much liquid at once in my stomach. I don&#8217;t drink when I&#8217;m already nauseous, it seems like a recipe for disaster. Anyway, good luck with this cycle <3

CB sorry it takes so long to get an appointment. It varies here how long it takes to get one. When I wanted to get my IUD the next available appointment was a month away, and when I got there it was like a 15 minute consultation type thing with the gyno instead of actually getting it in... but then they scheduled the insertion for legit 2 days later. Partly because I was on my period at the time and they would&#8217;ve had to wait until my next one started if they didn&#8217;t do it while I was still on it. But still, the availability was confusing. It&#8217;s much easier for me to get appointments at my mom&#8217;s office whenever I want, because my NP is one of my mom&#8217;s best friends, so she makes time.

With alcohol during pregnancy, it&#8217;s super controversial. In the US, most people say &#8220;no amount of alcohol is safe&#8221;, and if you even suggest otherwise you get called uneducated or ignorant or just plain wrong, and then they like to basically tell you you&#8217;re causing fetal alcohol syndrome and you&#8217;re neglectful or horrible or some other mean stuff. I had that happen to me when I mentioned a study done in the UK that showed a glass of wine 1-3 times per week on separate days (which they called moderate drinking, I call it light drinking) showed no harmful effects, and they followed the children for years after birth, and the kids whose moms drank the amount previously mentioned actually had higher average IQs. It of course showed that heavy drinking was extremely damaging. I cited this on tumblr and an LPN from Kansas ripped me a new one and tried to humiliate me on a massive mumblr blog as she was a moderator of it. I was probably like 14-15 and she didn&#8217;t care one bit, she was absolutely horrible. In France, pregnant women often drink half a glass of wine with their dinner, but if they see you eating salad while pregnant you&#8217;ll get death glares. Sushi is also quite controversial. I think it&#8217;s safe, Japanese women still eat it while pregnant, but many people think it&#8217;s not, including the crazy LPN who thought it was okay to go off on a child. I don&#8217;t mind that she had a different opinion, I mind that she attacked me, a kid at the time, and posted about me on a blog that has like 100,000 followers or something.
Wow Shae, that’s pretty mean. It annoys me how so many people think using the Internet means it’s okay to turn into a **** (insert whatever four-letter rude word you like). While on the topic though, my friend in Australia had a few drinks during pregnancy and then after her son was born the media started running a piece on a new study that showed even small amounts of alcohol can cause issues later in life like anxiety and I can’t remember what else, and she was beside herself. Idk, studies are never without flaws and considering the number of factors that contribute to how your kid ultimately turns out, drinking a few glasses here and there probably has a very small relative effect. My other friend had a similar situation when deciding when to schedule her c section - she wanted a date that some research suggested was too early to offer the optimal time for development and one study even said it made a difference of one IQ point. Obv we should be armed with the best knowledge possible and make the decisions we feel are best, without getting too caught up in the anxiety of it.

Argh sorry, I actually only wanted to say that CB did in fact mean she gets her clothes from a grocery store. I miss British grocery stores :(

Gigs I knew we could rely on you for line porn. I knew you’re not optimistic but I’m srill excited.

Fern great to hear from you! Glad G is doing well. I’m so curious to see what he looks like. Tilly often gets mistaken for a boy, even when she’s drenched in pink. Also, I’m hoping the behaviour you (and Gigs) described is just a normal phase, since Tilly also gets super annoyed when she can’t figure out a task instantly or I try to stop her from having or doing something. Hubby and I actually say we’re scared of her. She’s also taken to clinging to my legs and crying when i try to do something in the kitchen. Apparently I’m not allowed to be in there unless I’m holding her.

BDB sorry your girls are sick and I hope you don’t catch it so you can go to scan!

Tex oooh I wonder if you can (safely) push it and come in with the clincher right at the end. Maybe mail your opponents some exceptionally high-fat brownies too?

Flueks argh the temping thing is annoying, and yeah it would be nice to drink on your time off, esp if this might be one of the last times.

I’m sorry, I know there were others...

Feeling crappy over here because we allowed Tilly’s face to get a bit sunburned today. Such a fail. And to top it off, she tripped over my foot after we got home today and cut her lip on the floor. She was bleeding and crying and it was so sad.
Aww poor Tilly, lips & gums etc heal mega quick.. her sunburn will be a calmer today no doubt, Riley got abit sunburnt a couple of times & i was constantly ontop of it with suncream, they always catch it when not expecting to, dont feel too bad hun :hugs: we&#8217;ve all done it

I think the foetal alcohol syndrome is mainly caused by those who drink constantly & regularly throughout the week when preggers or alcoholics, i havent had any wine since & i wont now until baby is out, i never drank a sip with the other 2 & although i miss drinking, id feel a million times worse if something was to happen. I hear mixed views on Sushi aswell & Brie cheese, i think in France they eat Brie as normal in pg as its something they eat alot of the time, their body is probs immune to the effects of any bacteria the cheese may carry, that probs goes for the sushi aswell. My god i love Brie lol! I know Paté is a big no no because of the Vit A (retinol) but i dont really eat alot of that tbh..

Fruit ticker clicked over eeee! Feeling extra anxious today as it was 6wks last time I had the Mc, im feeling ok still though & not really enjoying my coffee this morning BLEUUUUUGH!

Bdb how are the kiddies feeling now? Hope their temps have stayed down, im sure you wont need to reschedule your scan hun :)
Cb a sweet pea <3 I think this one's sticky, no need to worry! :hugs:

Jez your commentary regarding high fat brownies makes me want one.

Shae that person probably would never say that to anyone in person. The internet brings out the ugly, rude, and tactless side of people sometimes.

Jez don't feel too guilty, cb is right we've all been there. Getting out of childhood unscathed is basically impossible. If it makes you feel better Lev pulled a hard toy off a shelf yesterday...he was at face level with it, so first he pulled it into his own face, then he plopped onto his butt, and the toy was unsteady on the edge of the shelf and fell onto his head :dohh: whole thing happened in a second! Poor guy has a knot on his forehead now :/
I disagree, I think if a child inserts herself into a very much adult conversation then you don&#8217;t get to use the &#8220;I&#8217;m just a child card&#8221; when someone is unrelenting in their opinion. I would be as well if it was something I practiced and experienced firsthand and then a 14 year old tried to correct me. Unless she was swearing, I don&#8217;t see anything wrong. You were, comparatively speaking, uneducated. You were in 9th grade compared to someone who I assume has gone to college or trade school. She considers it neglectful, that&#8217;s her opinion of drinking while pregnant not an attack on you. And her posting on her blog is no different than someone posting on twitter or Facebook or whatever media, and you knew going in that she had a blog (since you posted on it) and you knew she had a great deal of followers. So honestly, though I wasn&#8217;t there, it sounds like you instigating and then got upset that she didn&#8217;t just roll over and accept your opinion. And I don&#8217;t blame her. I wouldn&#8217;t tolerate being corrected by a child unless it was done respectfully. In my class, my students correct me by prefacing their statements &#8220;with all due respect&#8221;, &#8220;excuse me, I don&#8217;t mean to be rude&#8221;, or &#8220;Ms. B, I noticed&#8221; and use a certain tone because I taught them that adults are humans who make mistakes but you have to show respect when correcting them.
Dang Dobs! Massive kudos on teaching such respect into your students! How old are they again?

Afm big fat Neggo on the preggo. Seeing the stupid antibody strip again -.-


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Thing with being so early aswell gigs is that the test line looks so light its hard to determine colour/no colour.. mine was like that & then i retested :) Hope Levs lil head is ok bless him
Tbh i only started doing it because my principal before this one was like you really shouldn&#8217;t let them talk to you like they are smarter than you it&#8217;s disrespectful so we talk about tone and phrasing when speaking. I&#8217;ve had this talk with my second graders and fifth graders. They want to be respectful they just have to learn what that looks like

Gigs I see it in the first as well
Dobs, I see how it could come across that way. I think you misunderstand what happened, though. I did not instigate her, she threw herself into the convo. What actually happened was, this blog is a community type blog, where everyone is welcome to comment on stuff. I was not aware she was a moderator of the blog, there are (or were, not sure about it anymore) several. It&#8217;s less of a blog than the word makes it out to be, but I don&#8217;t have a better word for it. On the blog, people asked questions and the community contributed answers to it. But it doesn&#8217;t matter that I didn&#8217;t know she was a mod, because I didn&#8217;t comment on her post, I commented on a community question. I didn&#8217;t &#8220;correct her&#8221; in the first place. I mentioned the UK study in a comment on the community question, and this lady went off on me on her personal, then used her power as a mod to call me out using the actual page&#8217;s account. I then had multiple blogs targeting me, and other mods from the blog she was a mod for apologized for her behavior. She was indeed swearing and calling me names, and I was trying to be respectful. I cited my sources, and she simply told me I was wrong and to stop talking, and ignored my sources completely. I get that she viewed herself as more educated (and she was, she had been to trade school) so she thought she was right and I was just a kid. I didn&#8217;t expect her to roll over on her opinion, but I did expect her to be respectful. I wasn&#8217;t actually instigating in the first place, when I commented she was not involved, and she inserted herself into the conversation and proceeded to belittle me. I didn&#8217;t mean to use &#8220;I was a kid&#8221; as a &#8220;hey you can&#8217;t tell me I&#8217;m wrong&#8221;, I meant it as she threw herself at me and belittled me, and you don&#8217;t do that to a kid, it&#8217;s not frickin okay. You don&#8217;t do that to anyone, but especially to treat a child that way is wrong. She used the fact that I was a child to tell me I was stupid and had no right to even have an opinion. I later tried to apologize to her (although I shouldn&#8217;t have had to), and she basically told me to go f myself.

I get that kids should respect adults, and I agree, but forcing a child to respect someone who is blatantly disrespectful to them, I disagree with. Respect should be mutual. I probably sound like a millennial brat, but questioning authority, to me, is important. You shouldn&#8217;t do it disrespectfully, of course, but if authority treats you like shit, I think you should be able to say something back. I respected 99% of my teachers as a kid, and I behaved in a respectful manner to 100% of them. But should I have had to cower in the corner when my 4th grade teacher screamed at me for not understanding a question, accused me of lying when I didn&#8217;t and refusing to listen to my explanation (and if she&#8217;d paid any attention at all she would&#8217;ve known that I was being truthful), and proceeded to scream at me to stop crying when all her screaming made 9 year old me cry? No, I don&#8217;t think so. Should I have had to remain silent when my male 9th grade health teacher made insulting jokes about how skinny I was? No, I don&#8217;t think I should have had to. But I did, because kids are forced to respect those who don&#8217;t respect them. That&#8217;s not real respect though, it doesn&#8217;t teach actual respect, it teaches complacency. It teaches kids to take abuse and just deal with it instead of standing up for themselves. Real respect requires respectful behavior by both parties. Did I ever get mad internally at teachers for things that were my own fault? Yeah, of course I did, I was a kid. But I didn&#8217;t behave disrespectfully when I got in trouble for things that were my own fault, and most importantly, I didn&#8217;t lose respect for the teachers doling out the punishment. They weren&#8217;t disrespecting me, they were doing their job and correcting me or punishing me for doing something wrong. My anger was temporary, because each time I realized that I did do something wrong and they were being a good teacher by not letting me get away with it. I respected them in their authority, because they were fair and respectful to me, and punishment for legit reasons is fair.

I want to note, Dobs, that I am in no way saying you would behave disrespectfully or unfairly to a student. I&#8217;m sure you are fair with your students, and correcting bad behavior is completely fair. So please don&#8217;t think I was mentioning teachers trying to insult you, because that couldn&#8217;t be further from the truth. I was using them as an example because teachers have been the main authority figure in my childhood. So if anything I said came off as disrespectful to you, I truly apologize, as it was not my intention at all. I keep re-writing this trying to not sound disrespectful because I&#8217;m not the best at detecting when what I say could come off the wrong way. It&#8217;s a problem for me. I get scared a lot that I might upset someone with what I say, but I usually get scared when I shouldn&#8217;t be and don&#8217;t get scared when I should be, so I really don&#8217;t know. Anyway, I respect you sooo much, please know that.

Sorry to rant, I just feel very strongly about that, and clearly I hold grudges for far too long. I may or may not have gotten myself all internally angry and worked up all over again about those situations. Whoops.
Omg that post was so long I&#8217;m so sorry

Gigs I&#8217;m with CB, I see something on the first pic. Fx&#8217;d!
I was trying to figure out why those stupid memories are bothering me so much, because usually I&#8217;ll think about them and be pissed a few minutes and then move on, and right now I can&#8217;t. Like my mind is stuck on being upset about them, and I feel really stupidly emotional. I just want my brain to move on. And then I realized my period is due in a few days and I&#8217;m PMSing. It&#8217;s weird, I normally just have night sweats and nausea as PMS symptoms but the past two months I&#8217;ve also got overheated while awake both PMSing and on my period, and before my IUD I used to get really emotional and awful while PMSing according to my mom. I figure since I&#8217;m extra emotional and I&#8217;m due soon and I&#8217;m not normally like this, it&#8217;s probably a PMS symptom. Although it&#8217;s possible I&#8217;m just having a depression bout or maybe it&#8217;s because SO was supposed to visit last night but a bunch of stuff went wrong and he couldn&#8217;t come and I was really disappointed. Though I&#8217;d think I&#8217;d be over it by now, so maybe it&#8217;s a mix of a lot of stuff. Who knows?

I worry a little about gaining new PMS symptoms that are similar to pre-IUD PMS, but according to Planned Parenthood the mirena is now okay for 6 years based on new studies, so it shouldn&#8217;t be running out with 4 years. I&#8217;m just paranoid. I&#8217;m sure it&#8217;s fine. I don&#8217;t mean my regularly scheduled &#8220;wait am I pregnant&#8221; lol, I&#8217;m 100% certain I&#8217;m not, I just mean my PMS is picking up from IUD norms and I worry about future effectiveness of the IUD. But like, if that happened, it wouldn&#8217;t be approved for longer than that started happening for some people. So clearly I&#8217;m being stupid. Yup, definitely being stupid. If I tell myself I&#8217;m being stupid enough times maybe I&#8217;ll convince myself :rofl:

I felt crappy all day. I don't know if it's a bit of what my girls experienced this weekend, or if it was my first legitimately crappy pregnancy symptom, but I got a whole lot of nothing done today even though I had a laundry list of honey do's.

After taking the big kids to school, I sat little DD down for breakfast and swept and mopped the living room and kitchen. As soon as I was done I just felt gross. Quite nauseas. I ended up laying down at 9:30 and taking a looong nap again. When I woke up, I contemplated laying back down with DD for her nap, but decided to get some laundry going. Then regretted it the rest of the time as I laid on the couch feeling like more crap. :(

I'm feeling better now but still feel like I wasted a day. Oh well, that leaves me with just a day and a half to go until my scan! <3
Bdb, sometimes you just have to rest. I mean growing a person is a huge ordeal for our bodies. Also, I'm getting so excited for your scan :)

Shae I'm definitely more irritated by things when PMSing. I hope that's all it is for you. When is yoyr semester over?

Jez sorry about Tilly. In th grand scheme of things it's minor. Accidents happen, we are human. It's not like you are abusing or neglecting her. You are doing a great job!

CB yay for 6 weeks!! :happydance: I have really good vibes about your pregnancy :)

Gigs, I hate bfn. Also, I wonder if FRER wants us to notice the antibody strip in a ploy to sell more tests as we all have line eye from squinting. Just a thought.

AFM, V is doing fairly well but having trouble with sleeping from steroids. Tomorrow is last dose. Thank goodness!

I felt a wet sensation at work. I didn't pee myself and there was no color. I had loads of watery cm today. Last dtd was Saturday so it wasn't that. Hoping it might mean something. I get wet feeling before AF but no wet panties until she actually shows up. Considering testing tomorrow since I havea bajillion ICs.

Training going well. I did the teaching today and Wednesday. I was told I'm doing a great job. I do have one that's having computer issues. She's not tech savvy. Honestly, you really have to be tech savvy. Our computer documtation is way more than hospital.

I think that's about it. Happy Monday guys :)
Not offended. Takes a lot to offend me lol

As for grudges I was just complaining today about my 4th grade teacher so clearly I am still bitter lol so I get holding grudges

As far as teachers go I see that as a western millennial thing. But being raised Thai where it went Buddha, teachers, then parents and respect for respect’s sake (your parents give you life and teachers give you knowledge which enhances your life plus age means life experience) I am very much into respect. I treat my students fairly and kindly for ethical reasons, not out of a mutual respect. I have students who have earned my respect through their choices and actions, but even then there are levels. I respect them as students not as my equal or peer.
Bdb I second Fluek you can never waste a day because you spent it growing a baby! And all your kids are alive so win! Like me I fixed the hoses on my washer. So today was a win. Lol everything else is gone to s* but I win there Haha

Fluek sorry about the croup hugs sorry the steroids aren&#8217;t sitting well with her. A was out so much when he had croup. Yay for a good day at work! And I vote ic!!!! I&#8217;d be ok with you doing one tonight lol
Fluek what ic brand do you have? I'm thinking about buying a bunch if this cycle is a wash. Although wally cheapies are so reasonable...

OMG I can't believe I keep forgetting ro mention! My local walmart now puts the cheapies in those plastic little cases! No more discrete purchases for me :cry: I was just grabbing a bunch and going through the self check out so I didn't get "the look" from the cashiers. Another reason to buy some online cheapies. Might get wondfo again...I've used them in the past but no idea what a positive one looks like or how they progress. They've always been negative for me!

Anywho Fluek I hope all thw wetness means something positive! Fx!

Dobs nice wish the washer hoses! Mrs Fix It over here! I'm too lazy for that stuff. I'm like yeah I could youtube how to do it but it's so much easier to bat my eyelids and ask hubby :haha: every once in awhile I'll get a "bee in my bonnet" to "man up" and do some maintenance things or fixy the time I fixed (well, more of a band aid) the water heater. Or remodeled the whole freaking bathroom including replacing the sink faucets. Anyway.

Shae how's it going with the nightly pills? I am still anti your IUD. You frequently mention weird things your body is doing...I just don't trust it.

Afm don't want to jinx anything but I'll just say I'm thinking positive thoughts and trying to remain optimistic!

Bdb hope you get some rest and feel better! Not long now until your scan!

Cb hope you're not feeling so icky today!
Oh I meant to say my stance is no alcohol once bfp. I usually even avoid during tww. I kmow other countries drink mildy while pregnant but I do not want to take a chance. That being said, I still indulge on sushi in moderation while pregnant.

Respect. I respected my paternal grandmother but there is a lot of issues between us. I do not have any love for her. I will respect her and have sent birthday and Christmas cards. I even call on those days but she never answers or calls back. Whatever, I don't need her in my life.

Dobby thanks! Cough has improved but still there. As far as testing. Not going to tonight. Too short hold with too many liquids. Oh and I'm proud of you changing the hoses on washer. I get worried I'll mess something up.

Something funny happened this afternoon. Previous educator (K)and performance improvement nurse (L) were tlking about where K is supposed to create a video about part of our documentation. K thought staff would just sleep during video and was a bad ideal. L said it would be good in case I'm off for some reason. I said, "Yeah like when I'm on maternity leave again one day." L's response was let's say not pleased with that. L isn't my direct supervisor so doesn't matter. Really it's not my problem either if my supervisor wasn't thrilled.

Sorry for rambling....
Gigs, I have wondfos. I love them. I hate buyimg a lot pf hpts at stores as the cashiers look at you for buying multiple. Like does everyone else just get knocked up?? The first time I bought mine at dollar store. The woman asked if they were all for me. How rude?! I'm glad you are feeling positive about this cycle :)

Thank you, I hope it's a good sign. My body likes playing tricks on me though.

Heres my wondfo bfp at 13dpo with V. It's compared to dollar store cheapy and FRER. Sorry the site killed my pic quality. The lines were quite clear though.


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Lol gigs I asked my ex and it was on tight you needed a wrench and he never got around to it story of his uselessness. I&#8217;d totally delegate it but I have nobody to delegate to so it was either ruin A&#8217;s $100 of news clothes washing them in the wrong temp like I have been (can&#8217;t change the rinse cycle) or get it done

I had a few beers and A was SGA, which is associated with small amounts of alcohol. But I also had IPV. And we also have small babies in my family. So who knows.

Also L is lame wtf booooo

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