General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

I think it’s just a stomach bug but man it hurts. My bones ache. Can bones ache? Mine do. Idk if I have a fever because my forehead reads 98.3 but both ears are 101. No idea where my oral thermometer went. My legs feel like they are throbbing it’s so hard to walk. I tried calling my parents honestly just for a pep talk but they didn’t pick up. I just need A to go to sleep
Flueky, with what mil said: I could not leave it standing like that either, hence my choice words back. Woman have worked hard enough to be respected, screw her for holding us back!

Dobs, hope you feel better soon! The only time my joints/bones have been in pain was when I had the flue. As in actual flue.
Yikes Dobby, that sounds rough, and a lot like flu with the aches. DH has that for a day only, so I’m hoping it’s somethinf like that. But I have always wondered what people do if their kids are constantly sick and can’t go to school/daycare. Surely if there’s no one else to help, they could potential get into a lot of debt from missed work? Or even lose their jobs? I remember working for a pension/investment company in the UK at 18/19 and was off for well over a month because of an illness that had me hospitalized for two weeks. I was shocked and offended that work had written me a letter after a month of being off saying they were going to reduce my sick pay to 50% if I had to take more time off. But in hindsight, was I expecting to be paid indefinitely? They were probably pretty generous anyway.

Flueks I’m so excited about your line! Please post when you can.

Bdb I’m very much looking forward to scan pics tomorrow. My bff’s went great and they found a healthy bean with a massive head like her partner’s haha

Gigs I’m the same with the news. I don’t actually follow it anymore, esp the sad stuff. Maybe that’s bad, idk. Love the weird 22 sticker and potential dream reference. Was it from clothing perhaps?

Michelle thanks for thinking of me. I forgot you were ttc next year. How exciting! I’m still petrified of TTC again and not sure why. Even my planned timeline feels too soon, but that’s mainly due to school. Your DD is so sweet btw.

Shae I was gonna say I’m the same with holding some grudges and still feeling angry/hurt by certrain things when I think about them, like when I was 18 and went on holiday to Turkey with some gfs and was on a boat standing with my legs apart slightly to get better balance and was shouted at through a window from inside the boat by a 15/16-year-old girl to close my legs coz I “look like a sl*t.” When I looked to her parents in anticipation of them scolding her, her mother just said, “yeah, you look like a sl*t.” I was so, so shocked and just wanted to cry. I went back inside and told my friends, and this girl and her fam were shouting over to us “what you looking at?” when my friends looked over. I’m still so upset and bitter till this day (15 years on) and have had many fantasies about them getting their comeuppance over the years.
Jez wow that’s horrible. I probably would’ve went off on them. When I was in my mid teens or so, I went to universal studios and was standing outside a ride entrance with my 3 cousins, who are Korean, Mexican-Korean, and half white half Pakistani. A boy ran by and whacked my female cousin’s breast. He was probably 12 years old. She yelled out, and his family got all mad. I explained to them that he had hit her boob and she just wanted an apology. His older sister told me if I touched him she would give me a beat down, to which I responded I had no plan of touching him, and she just kept yelling that if I touch him she’ll knock me out or beat me up etc. The mom said something horrible, can’t remember what, I said “excuse me?” And she just said with so much attitude, “yeah, excuse you”. Then the mom told me in a super condescending voice, “run along with your little Asians” and I yelled at them for being racist as they walked away. I was fuming the rest of the day. My cousins thought I was silly for engaging but my mom understood, likely because I learned that mindset from her. She was with my sister at a different ride at the time, so I told her when we reconvened. She was calm but still mad about what happened, just calmly mad lol.

Flueks what is a “joe roll”? There’s a sushi place near SO’s college that has a “Lenny roll” which I haven’t been able to find anywhere else. It’s like a philly roll but the salmon is raw rather than smoked. It’s soooo good. Never knew raw salmon would go so well with cream cheese.
Was it you who posted a test? I might see a haze, not sure.

Gigs I echo that the upped saturation makes a line come out.

Dobs oh nooo that sounds terrible! Feel better! Maybe you can bring a travel mug of ginger tea or ginger ale with you and some saltines? Sending healthy vibes.
Dobs are you also snotty nosed? Flus almost always come with fevers but colds can be merciless too and have those body aches. Either way, so sorry you're miserable.

Tex ugh you too?! Healing vibes sent your way!

Jez wtf?! I can't believe the behavior of that mom! Disgusting!

Who asked about the cats? I forgot to tell y'all...they both got out of the shed and one ran away. Fortunately it was the a**hole cat no one likes. The super friendly sweetheart came back and is still hanging put in the shead, eating well, and comes up for pets all the time. I have a pic of him finally, albeit a blurry one, will post later when i have more time.
Jez omg im so glad u didnt move in the end!!

Flueks i can see a hazey line ever so faint, fx your next test strip is more defined ;)

Pacific yay get humping lol

Aww no Gigs im sorry the cat ran away.. good job you got 2 of them then, nice to hear this ones settling in ok - anymore tests lol

Eagerly awaiting Bdb scan update!

I gave an early scan booked woop! This Friday at 0930 :) dunno if il get a pic or not as its NHS, il ask if all goes ok though. & my midwife called this morning aswell, sges arranging all other scans for me & then will call me in the coming week to book official apt eee! I had same mw for Nuala & Riley aswell, she remembered me hehe
The only reason I worry about flu is I have zero coughing and sneezy. This doesn’t feel like a cold. I feel momentarily better right when I wake up and then within minutes my body says nope. Headache, aches, alternating being too hot and too cold, nausea with some vomiting, other stomach issues, looking at food/eating physically hurts, and the fatigue. It hurts so much to move because I feel so tired I cry. I took Advil and it did nothing. My mom called and texted after I fell asleep that she can take A tonight but he’s miserable, too. I feel pregnant lol like third trimester fts miserably pregnant except worse

I’ll try ginger ale today because tea and smoothies were not working yesterday

Sorry for still being self centered
Well I have a sec now, Des decided he needed to poop right before we were walking out the door :roll:

Meet Hyzer!


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Your not self centred dobs :hugs: tummy bugs are rough, just take of yourself hun xx

Awww Gigs your kitty is very cute :cat: i love the white stripe ontop of his/her head hehe lovely
Awww CB i bet Riley looks so cute in his specs!!! And yay for early scan! Wow you'll hardly have to wait!

Dobs yuck that sounds terrible. Does A have the same thing you have?
Creepy I had a dream I found a stray who looked just like your cat last night!!!! He is cute

Yup tummy virus 24 hour stomach bug. She said the aches and fatigue are from losing electrolytes so gonna grab bananas and applesauce and Gatorade on my way to work but I feel better than when I woke up yesterday so fxed

Also waiting on these tests ladies!!!! :p
When he gets them, il snap a piccy to show ya’ll :)

Well i ended up calling the epu just looking for advice as my dr wouldnt refer me, she was adamant the midwife refers, epu said no she needs to or i can self refer as ive had previous issues, get in!!!! Lol! So she booked me in, she did offer today but it’d be right ontop of school run
A is in better spirits just tired and ornary. Hoping he’s over it as well and won’t get hit with it
Lucozade has electrolytes in it Dobs, or any active drink, hopefully it’ll get you up n running hun!

Uhhhh peeing with rain now as i need to do school run typically :eyeroll
Well my test was a big ol' blank single line fail. So I'm not going to bother posting, we all know what a negative test looks like! So I'm done testing this month and it looks like I'll be on my period for pur disc golf tournament -.- can't think of worse timing for that -- it's out in the woods and heavily dominated by men (in our tournament there are almost 60 people signed up; I am one of two women). Oh well; at least they have an outhouse.

Fluek it's all up to you now!

Tex you're next!

I'm going to just eat my feels (ben & jerry's) and watch Bad Girls.

Bummer but not too mich honestly; that due date (1/6) was a bit too close to the holidays for my liking, especially if I have to go in early for a c section.
Sorry to post and run. My test looked negative. So not sure what to think. Will test Friday if no AF. Got to go :)
Sorry ladies about BFN... Don't give up hope if af hasn't arrived yet!

Bdb, was your scan today?

Jez, that's one horrible mother for not correcting her daughter! Ugh! Honestly I am already getting my mind ready for responses when Logan starts asking me aloud about people walking past us. So many "different" people here. From hers, hims, thems, etc.... you name it.

Dobs, glad to hear you are feeling better!
Hey ladies! My scan went so well. We found the heartbeat immediately (170bpm) and s/he looks just like a gummy bear. The baby is measuring a few days ahead of what I thought so it’s looking like I may be 9 weeks exactly. There was one day where I felt like I was fertile and so we dtd but I thought for sure I O’d a few days later. Granted, I never test for O so there’s no way to be sure. Either way, yay! :cloud9:

I apologize for the selfish post. I’m just ridiculously happy and grateful.


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