Holy hell you were chatty today lol. I got through a couple pages then started getting lazy. I don't have the attention span lol. Idk. I'll try to stick around I'm just bummed. In my heart of hearts I KNOW even if I got what I wanted that it would (maybe even literally) kill SO. My time will come. And every month it doesn't, is just another month of life experience and financial security I can offer my kid.
Gigs, sorry the buyer backed out but hopefully you hear from someone soon. Just takes that one big buyer and then word of mouth. You got this! Also sorry you got c-blocked this morning and that your cm is messing with you.
PL, how cute that DH sent you suit pics. All spiffy and cute for his boo. SO went through the same thing when he started wearing collared shirts to work. Got a pic every day. And now that he is back at the gym on schedule I get shirtless pics on the daily haha usually captioned "made big for you". I'll make something of his big alright DAHSIDASOUDWGOU
Brea, good to see you back and alive! 10dpo getting exciting!
Campn, glad af is staying away. We need another bfp here. No pressure.
Greenie, yay now I get to stalk YOU buahaha. 96 is mad low! I've seen charters with 96s but never talked to someone who had a lower BBT like that. Kind of cool

Sorry weird lol
J, sorry the donor situation is ridiculous. For what it's worth, if you were in Cali I'd totally let you come over and share my booze with you. Only stocking rum, tequila, orgy, and a few of SO's beers though. Also running low on soda so we'd be SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SH-SH-SHOTS everybody! up in here.
I feel like I missed someone... if I did I love you.