General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Shae I don’t want to scare you but you NEED to get checked out. Everything you’re describing is exactly how my husbands crohns started. Especially with you being thin, my husband has never been able to gain weight, ever! He eats like 4500 calories a day and doesn’t gain weight. That’s because his crohns prevents him from properly absorbing food. Then the pain and bleeding when going started, he was constipated with diarrhoea when he did go.

I know I joked before but please see someone about this.
Hey, ladehs. Here's a couple recent photos of Charlotte...she turns 7 months old tomorrow! She's seriously an awesome baby. For those of you expecting baby third baby has been a dream child, so I hope you have the same experience!


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CB my af finished yesterday! I got my opk kit in the mail (has 50 tests shopping with 20 of tests) I'm itching to start testing lol
Here's one of me, Hannah, Oscar, and Char (in our Tula carrier) before walking down to the farmer's market. The kids were pretty grubby yesterday, and it is NOT a flattering picture of me, but whatever. Getting myself in a photo with all 3 of my babies is a rarity!


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Okay, okay. 😁

CB- Glad to hear your Harmony test results were great! I did that twice due to my ago with both Ozzy and Lottie. Good for you for holding out on the gender! I loved being on team was the BEST at Char's birth - I was shocked she was a girl!!! I was feeling movements by 12 weeks with her, btw. It is not unusual to feel things earlier and earlier with subsequent pregnancies.

Gigs- Glad little Tippy has rejoined the family! Oooh, and I love sparklies, especially in rose gold. Your last test had a blazing test line. For your sake, I do hope baby #3 sleeps for you. Hopefully Lev is a better sleeper by the time new baby arrives.

Dobby- I hope ex is behaving, and all is well. My break begins on Wednesday! I cannot wait.

Tex- Sounds like keto is making a big difference for you! Well done!

Shae- I'm with Kitty. You need to see a doctor, and perhaps a specialist. Ickiness...I'm sorry. 😣

Jez- Lol @ the swapped thong, the boob slippages with FIL, and best of all, the interrupted sex encounter. I think you've thoroughly ruined your in-laws for the time being. :rofl:

Bdb- I'm sorry to hear of your FIL. I'm dealing with this same thing, only it's my dad. I'm glad your pregnancy has been quiet and easy thus far.

Cpp- Still have everything crossed for you...the chart's looking good.

Sorry if I've missed anyone!

AFM- My dad had a heart attack last weekend, had stints put in (3), and came home yesterday. It's been stressful, but everyone is much better.

In other news, I turn 40 in a month. Good Lawd, I'm feckin' old.

What else???'s out for summer in a few days. I can't wait, even though that means I'll be doing the SAHM gig with the kindergartner, preschooler, and'll be a wild and exhausting ride. My old ass can barely keep up with the two older kids. I try, and fail daily. 😂😂😂
Wook so glad to see your update! Happy your fil is recovering well! Hopefully things cobtinue to calm down and you can have a nice birthday celebration next week.

Love your pictures!
Awww wook she is precious. You are the second person to tell me the third was easiest so here's to hoping I follow that trend. It's hard for me to imagine a kid that is a worse sleeper than Lev but I know it's possible! He woke up around 10 last night but slept through after :thumbup: he is very slowly, overall, getting better.
Aww love the picture updates wooks!! Sorry about your dad though :hugs: glad he’s on the mend now
Yeah, he's doing okay. He's 75, and none of this was a shocker...both of his parents had heart issues too, and high blood pressure. It's my actual dad, not my FIL. Mom's doing her best to look after him, but he's ornery as all hell, so it hasn't been easy.
Sorry, meant dad not fil. Ugh why are old men so damn stubborn???!!! My dad is the same freaking way and it drives me insane. He's in his late 60's, my mom's been pkeading with him to get healthy and he won't. He's overweight and collects it allllll in his abdomen. He lost 55 lbs year before last then gained it all back and then some just as quick as he lost it. We've also been hoping for years they'd moved closer -- my mom wants to, but stubborn dad has his mind set on moving even further than they already are to a place he will not budge on. Since they are at an impasse they are staying where they are -.- at this point he's so frustrating I'm not sure I want him closer anyway lol

Anyway what's he bent out of shape about? I'm assuming maybe some lifestyle changes he doesn't want to do?
Wookie omg Charlotte is soooo precious! Sorry about your dad :(

Kitty I can gain weight, I gained like 6 pounds in my first year of college and I definitely don’t eat 4500 calories a day haha, I gained the 6 pounds by eating probably 3000 a day in college. Last night I didn’t end up having diarrhea, I lay down and the gas ended up settling after a while and I fell asleep. Thank god. When the intestinal pain happens it’s always gas, and it’s never so bad I need to go to the hospital or anything, like I always manage, it’s never so bad I’m crying or anything. I think I’m gonna give it a week and see if it resolves, and if it doesn’t I’ll go to the doctor. In the mean time I’ll talk to my mom about it, see what she says.

Sorry I couldn’t remember anyone else :(

ETA: also wanted to say I had a normal colonoscopy in September 2017 (except the prolapse at that time of course).
Cb- I'm so glad to hear your blood results came back normal! Are you waiting until birth to find out the gender? :happydance:

I have yet to hear about my blood results, although I'm not sure if my insurance covers the harmony test or just the standard 1st trimester screening. This Wednesday will be 2 weeks since my 12 week appointment. Surely I would have been called if something came back suspicious, right? Or would they wait until my 16 week appointment to hit me with the news? :nope: I've been so worried about my results lately. SO, so worried. I don't know if it's because I'm nearly "advanced maternal age" or if it's because my 12 week scan was so hard to capture anything clearly due to how much the baby was moving and jumping and turning upside down. I have no very clear, standard shot of the baby because of how mobile he was. So that makes me worry because I cannot just look at my scan photo for reassurance. His (or her) little face is all blurry and I remember the tech having a hard time getting the measurement behind the neck because he kept moving.

I really need to quit worrying. It's doing me no good at all :(

Wookie- I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, but I'm so glad he is doing so well in recovery! My FIL is healing nicely, too.

And YES, my third baby was my "best" baby. She was so content and LOVED her sleep. I only remember her having a rough go of sleep from months 4-6 but before month 4 and after month 6 she was back to STTN. My first baby loved his sleep, too, but he had to be entertained by me 24/7. My second child HATED sleep. It is no exagerration when I say she only ever slept in 30-45 minute increments ALL NIGHT LONG for nearly the entire first year. I had to night wean her at 10 months old because I felt myself reaching a breaking point. She had to fall asleep with a boob in her mouth and would wake back up within half an hour and need the boob to comfort suck. I was so miserable and felt myself nearing resentment, so I decided I had to night wean and do some form of gentle sleep training.

It was a huge lesson for me, though, because from day one with my third baby, I would put her down in her bed while she was still drowsy (but not asleep) and she taught herself to fall asleep on her own without needing a prop. It was the best decision I ever made. We would still cuddle, but she would be laid down the moment I would realize she was nearing sleep. It got to where I could feed her, burp her, love on her, and then lay her straight down for bed while she was awake and she wouldn't fight sleep at all. No cries or whines.

Anyways, enough rambling :blush:
Wooks love the family pic. I'm sure it's hard to get a good family pic!! Sorry about your father. I hope he recovers swiftly.

Bdb I'm sorry you are anxious about baby's health. It's hard not to, but I think if anything was suspicious they would have wanted to do another scan to make sure.

Happy 2nd tri!!!

Shae I would definitely get it checked out if it continues. I hate hemmrhoids, I'm easily prone to them since I got pregnant with V.

Gigs, glad Lev is starting to sleep better. Any new symptoms??

AFM, well I got an email from my dr. My vitamin d is low. It's 18 and nirmal is 30 to 80 so fairly low. I thought my prenatal wud be enough D but I guess not. I wonder if low Vit D has contributed to conception failures??
Hey all I feel like by the timeI check back in I’ve missed you much? What’s the easiest way to keep up???

AFM period just ended now we wait for thw big O.
Pirple my hair fell out reaaaaally bad after i had ds2. My recovery was terrible and my hair loss made me scared i was dying :rofl: silly in retrospect! But this is the first time I've experienced the massive hair loss whilst pregnant.

Fluek otheer than this hair loss and a bit of bloat, I'm still feeling very un-pregnant. I'll be taking my last test tomorrow (at least the last one before i buy more :haha: ). I'm a little worried but since I was fairly asymptomatic with ds1 that is helping ease my mind a little. I have no idea why pregnancy less than two years ago knocked me on my ass then at an older age I'm fine...? Guess I'll appreciate it because I know it can kick in at any time! It's just odd. I was already off my coffee from 8dpo last time and i think by now i was drinking sips of cream in the middle of the night to settle my stomach (it had the feeling/effect of pepto bismal). Anyway...

I'm also tired but I usually am anyway :shrug: in bed tonight at 8:30pm! It's glorious! Just checking bnb then i'll pass out.

Nyx the best way to keep up is check back here 1-2 times a day :haha:

Fluek I don't know much about vitamin d deficiency except it's extremely common. Not sure it plays a role in fertility but it can play a role in mood which can effect fertility. On a somewhat related note i believe it was last time i was ttc i discovered magnesium is good for fertility...if I'm remembering that right!

Bdb ignore the measurement of the nuchal fold if there were no other markers. Take it from someone who went through it (see my link in my signature). I spent my entire pregnancy freaked the f out and nothing was wrong -- had a cvs test and everything and he had no chromosomal issues. If bloodwork is fine and no other markers, neck measurement is irrelevant. There's the possibility of heart issues but they would have seen an obvious build up of fluid around the body. Try not to worry as it does no good for you or baby! Odds are very high everything is perfectly fine :hugs:

Also i'm going to try this time to get baby to sooth itself. Lev always fell askeep at the boob and now is totally dependent on a botttle. We tried the binky but he won't take it any more. I hate having that as a crutch but with how terrible of a sleeper he is...I gave in! Anything to get him to pass out was my thinking! Oh well
Hi girls

Had a hectic wknd & i was trying to reply last night but fell asleep hugging my phobe haha!

Bdb i know its hard but try not to worry.. if there was anything to be worried about they wouldnt wait another 4wks until your next apt they would just call you up.. if your anxious, you could always call them & see if all ok? Do you have your scan notes? With our NHS scans, they take about 2/3 wks to come through in the post confirming results etc, if theres anything wrong or something is picked up, they call you within the 48hrs of the results being collected, just relax :) you gave a lil wriggler in there hehe!

Wookie aww such a lovely family you have, Charlottes hair is wild in the first pic lol i love it, soooo cute <3 I had the Harmony test for the same reasons, im 37 now & il be just a couple months away from being 38 when babe arrives & i just wanted peace of mind & i didnt mind paying the £&#8217;s for it :thumbup:

Oh Vit D deficiency is quite bad esp if it gets mega liw, it affects your muscles, energy & everything, SO&#8217;s Dad has it & he thought ge was dying as he lost so much weight with it & it happened almost overnight! Get a good Vit D intake hun :) i also heard Magnesium is goid, Zinc is for the men aswell, healthy quicks swimmers hehe

Riley learnt to tie his showlaces this week & ride his bike without Stabilisers this wknd, hes so chuffed with himself <3

Im off food shopping shortly (joys) Nuala been whingy this morning so im hoping she doesn&#8217;t kick off in thr Super Market eeek
Got my Alcohol fix ladies :haha: If your really fancying a beer, Becks blue when its icey cold really takes the edge off, tis loooooovely :)


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Omg so I had another email today from Baby Bond (ultrasound direct) re my Harmony test, same email as before but this attachment details the babies Sex!!! Now i dont know what to do lol.. all the time i said no, we&#8217; Wait until 20wks i was fine with this but now if i open the pdf doc it&#8217;ll have it on there, i cant believe they sent me it..! I deleted it but then i moved it from my Trash folder back into my Inbox lol! They shouldn&#8217;t of sent it to me, its gotta be pure accident no doubt! If i tell SO he&#8217;ll open it & tell me as hes eager beaver & impatient, but i think maybe im actually swaying toward wanting another Girl & if its a Boy, knowing this early i think il get upset or disapointed maybe - isn&#8217;t that crazy??? We already have 1 of each!

Maybe i should just delete email & delete from Trash folder & not tell SO. I&#8217;l be how it was before i got the email haha! Im happy to know at 20wks & il be fine with whatever the gender is then. Ahhhh so conflicted!

Stupid really as i should be just happy im pg, would u be tempted to open or stick to it.. i dunno i think 12wks is so early to find out, half way through is something exciting to look forward to at the scan :)
Omg cb!!! If you truky aren't ready to know then I would definitely say just delete it and be done with it. Although what if at 20 weeks baby isn't cooperating on ultrasound? But you'll find out that's so tempting though to find out now eeeep!

And how cool sout Riley's new skill with the laces <3 Des just learned buttons lol. He has a bit of trouble with fine motor skills so it is a huge feat!

Well, took my last test today...I think I'm pregnant :haha:
It's going to be really hard not to buy more tests. The desire only stops foe me after i have an ultrasound.

Anyway here is 30 seconds, 1 minute, and 10 minutes.


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Thanks, ladies. I know that worrying does me no good. I can remember being newly pregnant at age 20 with my first and being so irrationally terrified that something was wrong with my baby. I felt like the only one who worried about those things at such a young age. Now I'm 33 with baby #4 and the fear is magnified. My fear has always been having a baby that I am incapable of caring for. :(

BUT!! I put in a call to my OB this morning and the nurse got back with me within 20 minutes informing me that my blood work came back normal (or maybe she said negative) Either way, I feel on :cloud9:

Cb- I didn't realize you were 37! You look so young. I was thinking maybe 30. And I've missed beer something fierce since falling pregnant. I love my beer. I love trying new ones and I miss enjoying one with dinner with DH. I just love the taste. I'll be on the lookout for Beck's! I hope it's sold in the states.

Gigs- I'm glad your early pregnancy is going by so smooth. Did your nausea kick in at this point in your previous pregnancies?

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