General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

So glad your results were all ok Bdb :) its a big sigh of relief to know the results are all fine, & aww bless u, thats a Snapchat filter haha i look great on those, im starting to look my age abit lol

I love your test snap shots of the dye going across Gigs haha id say you were pretty much preggo aswell :haha: i always get tempted to buy Digis for the science of the hook effect hehe like it may say ‘not pg’ ha

Ah yes you are right, i should really delete it & wait it out & not tell SO! The only amt of Willpower i ever have haha im crap usually lol! If they can’t see at 20wks, il end up having a 4D scan around 28/30wks as i had them with Nuala
Physically with #1 it was pretty easy breezy. I had acid reflux pretty bad later but overall it was fine. #2 was a completely different ballgame...i was nauseated almost right away until probably 14-15 weeks or so. Really tired too and a ton of food aversions. I couldn't be in the kitchen when hubby cooked meat. I was also totally off cooked veggies...actually in the beginning i mostly lived like a peasant--eating bread & cheese and drinking water lol. I was so certain i was having a girl! Nope!
Bdb a Google Becks Blue alcohol free & see if its selling anywhere local to you :) it has to be cold otherwise it tastes guff ueghh
I made Cottage Pie when i was early pg with Nuala & i really fancied it, Adam & Riley loved it, i tried some & i could really taste the cooked Carrots :sick: it put me off the whole pg haha weird!
Any insight into doing a gender ultrasound at 15 weeks vs. 16 weeks? I found at 16 weeks with my first two, and I found out at 14 weeks with my third.

I'll be 15 weeks this Saturday and a huge part of me wants to go get that gender scan done. But then a small part of me says to just wait an additional week to 16 because that's when most medical sonographers will make gender determinations.

The man I go to (same one with DD2) has an elective ultrasound place.
The longer you wait the more accurate the result should be. The place near me says they can do gender scans from 14 weeks. Maybe give them a call and ask how they feel about the u/s at 15 weeks? Like if they're confident they can get a solid answer.

O'douls is another n/a beer my FIL with heart issues loves. I've had it, it's not bad. I love wheat beer (hefenwizens) but they don't make any n/a, at least none i've ever seen :(

Cb what is cottage pie? How are you with food this go round?
The longer you wait the more accurate the result should be. The place near me says they can do gender scans from 14 weeks. Maybe give them a call and ask how they feel about the u/s at 15 weeks? Like if they're confident they can get a solid answer.

O'douls is another n/a beer my FIL with heart issues loves. I've had it, it's not bad. I love wheat beer (hefenwizens) but they don't make any n/a, at least none i've ever seen :(

Cb what is cottage pie? How are you with food this go round?

:shock: how do America not have cottage pie????

Cottage pie is minced beef with finely diced vegetables in rich gravy with a mashed potato topping.

It’s possibly one of my favourite dishes 😂
Cottage Pie is the U.K. version of Shepherds Pie, which is what we have in the US. We had it a lot at my school growing up, it was made with hamburger and corn rather than carrots and the like, and of course topped with mashed potato, I loved it. It’s how I came to like mashed potatoes, I originally hated them.

Read the rest but very tired. Got some nasty grease burns making bacon this morning :(
Yeah it’s shepherd’s pie in North America, though strangely shepherd’s pie is the same as cottage pie but with lamb in the UK. Makes sense, since shepherds shepherd sheep, no?

CB I went to Tesco when we were in England the other day and there was such an impressive selection of alcohol-free beers. And re: sex PDF, just forward the email to me, then delete everything and if there’s issues at your later scan, I’ll just tell you the sex hehehe. I just really want to know.

Gigs - any feelings on boy or girl? Do you still have slight preference for girl?

Wooks - Lottie is suuuch a sweetie, and I’m sorry about your dad.

Shae - ditto on getting checked out of the gastro stuff doesn’t go away. That definitely doesn’t sound normal.

Flueks- fx for a bfp this month. Idk how vitamin d may affect fertility but I take supplements daily and so does Tilly. I hear we’re pretty much all deficient in the West because we spend such little time outdoors.

To all those with tricky sleepers, I hear ya. Tilly must be going through the 18-month sleep regression because sometimes she’ll wake up and demand either me or her dad to rock her nonstop. She screams bloody murder if we stop or pass her to the other person. She’ll wail dramatically and point at the person she wants with the most accusing expression and shout “mama!” or “dadda!” repeatedly. DH and I were both up between 2-6am last night, and that was after she’d tossed and turned for an hour.
Oh Gigs I think you asked for the MIL sex interruption story so here it is. Not as exciting as it sounded but I’ve put it in a spoiler window below in case some of you aren’t into reading somewhat graphic sexual content right at this moment.

It was a Sunday evening. DH had just gotten home from an afternoon/evening of drinking with some good friends he’d not seen in years. MIL had already mentioned several times over the past two days that she’d love to have Matilda in bed with her overnight. Pffffft yeah right, but because Matilda’s father was drunk and irresponsible, and her grandfather similarly useless, MIL took Tilly upstairs to her room to watch her while I got ready for bed. DH came in while I was showering and asked for a BJ. I agreed, but set the condition of him washing his ding-dong. He declined.

I went upstairs and found Matilda was asleep in bed with MIL. A 10-minute circular dialogue ensued in which neither of us asserted ourselves, so it felt like we would never decide whether she should stay there or not. At the point where I felt myself physically aging with the passing of time, I decided to let her stay there until I myself was ready to sleep, or until Tilly woke up - whichever came first.

I went to the bedroom and found DH there. He asked me to jerk him off. I asked if he’d washed his pork sword since our last conversation. He hadn’t. I asked him when he’d last washed it. That afternoon, he claimed. Meh... not bad. However, I suddenly realized sex would be less effort, so I proposed that instead. He was amenable, so we commenced. He was surprisingly passionate (he’d had seven pints of beer and he pretty much never drinks). He went down on me for the first time since 1936. Despite having to slash his way through three acres of Amazonian rainforest, he hit the perfect spot. I commented that I’d forgotten how good he was and that I did in fact wonder just the other day whether he would ever go down on me again. Not the best time for conversation, apparently.

He would’ve made me come but then stuck it in me. Classic move, classic. It was as vigorous as you’d expect from a very drunk man who’s had sex three times in over two years. Anyway, aware that mini-DH was unsheathed, I reminded him that while we’re admittedly quite fond of her, we do not want another Matilda anytime soon and that he should pull out. I came quickly from missionary position (least effort FTW).

The Sex continued for some time, positions shifting, appendages noisily slipping here and there, me almost falling between the two silly single beds pushed together. He attempted some boob play but was a bit sheepish once I reminded him that milk might squirt out. Apparently that’s not an aphrodisiac. 14 semenless hours passed. It was clear he’d never come after seven beers from the get go. I prayed for a miracle.

Of course, my God-loving MIL came to the rescue. JUST as I’d asked DH for the third time whether he was going to come, I heard a knock at the door (which was ajar, btw). Flapping breasts now still, I hovered above DH, motionless and aghast, his sad, tired willy finally given respite. She called my name and I darted off him like a purse-snatching street child caught in the act. DH, despite his drunken clumsiness, had somehow gradually removed every item of my clothing with surprising deftness and discretion, so I knew I had no time to get dressed. I said “just one minute” in a wavering tone reserved exclusively for indicating one being rumbled when having rare marital sex. I flung a towel around me and peeked around the door. His mum looked disturbingly pleased. (Maybe this was her ploy all along?! God does apparently love a bit of marital sex, and she was practically inviting us to do it).

Anyway, she told me that FIL was scared he would roll on Matilda so maybe I should come get her. I said oh yes fine, while trying to execute a smile in a relaxed, casual way that couldn’t possibly be achieved if I had something to hide. And then I noticed she was standing in just her thong. Just kidding; I sensed the story getting a little dry. Anyway, so I said I was just about to change into my PJs and would be there in a sec. She’d already seen me in my PJs earlier. So that was basically that. Sad thing is that I suspect DH woke up the next day feeling confused and ashamed once he realized he’d had a one night stand with his wife.
Jez I’m sorry if I’m overstepping;

jez I’m really sorry, I feel really bad for you guys? I’m incredibly confused as to why he refused to wash his penis?? Or why you felt he thought it was a ‘one night stand with his wife’ that doesn’t particularly sound healthy, are you guys okay? I apologise if I’ve missed something
I'm left feeling insensitive as I had an opposite reaction to kit...I'm actually over here laughing my ass off. I knew your story wouldn't disappoint. Admittedly I could have done without the mental imagery of an older woman in her thong but I appreciate the added spice.

Do you think this may be the kickstart to the revival of your sex life?

And I've also been there, requesting a wash up of ye old stinky pogo before going o town on it...also the drunken failure to finish where the minutes progress as follows:
Impressed by inhibitions and getting friskier than normal/date I say dirtier than usual (in a good way)?
More Pleasure
Pleasure eruption (for me)
Oh, he's still going...ok
Ok it's been a little bit now should I keep up with the noises?
Ok I'm over it and ready for what point should I quit pretending I'm still enjoying this?
Suggestions of different positions
More waiting

And finally either he finishes or concedes it's not happening.

For the record it's very rare he's drunk enough for that but when he is...well at least it's enjoyable at first.
Im with you Gigs, Jez im sorry but i cried at more than a couple of bits there LOL! The way you told that is how i would read something from a Book it was fab lol! Sorry you guys arent as intimate as often as you should be though :hugs: The Amazonian rainforest bit floored me :haha:

Omg when SO is reeeelly drunk he cannot (majority) of time get it up although hes feeling very horny. Frustrating as hell for me! When we were younger there was never that issue but i do understand the whole ‘hurry up & get there already’ lol been there a few times
Hahahaha Jez that killed me I love it!

Kitty I think he was just being lazy especially considering he was drunk, and that made him not want to wash it. As for the second part I figure it was just a joke, though not sure of the exact meaning of it.
The shepherds pie talk made me want it, so I now have potatoes boiling for the mashed topping. I’m making French-Canadian Shepherd’s Pie (Pâté Chinois) because it’s basically what I grew up with as shepherds pie in school, with just the corn as the veggies. I didn’t realize it was a different thing until I was googling recipes. Can’t wait to eat it yummm
Kit, the not washing is a combo of laziness after ten years of being together and his lack of belief that I’ll actually deliver the goods, as it were. You’re right, our sex life is not healthy and has been the huge elephant in the room in our relationship for a long time. My libido always decreases once a relationship becomes long term and unfortunately my intense focus on school over the past seven years has really undermined our connection to each other and just exacerbated the sex issue. He stopped initiating a long time ago because my rejecting him was very difficult to bear. We’re having even less sex since having Tilly so now it’s a really big issue. But if I can’t laugh about it, what can I do? (Seek therapy, I guess, which we are working on). It’s sad because other than this we are so compatible.

Gigs I’m so the same with the “should I keep doing these noises” haha. Sometimes it’s a double edged sword. You want to encourage them but not enough to make them think you want it to last even longer.

CB I guess I’m lucky he could keep it up! I was actually very surprised because it’s definitely a common issue when drunk.
Oh and I was hoping it might be a revival of our sex life but DH is highly skeptical, and I understand why.
Jez I’m sorry if I’ve stirred up difficult feelings, I suppose every relationship has a lull in sex, especially after a baby. I guess with us only being together for almost 6 years means we haven’t got fed up of each other yet, you guys have been together for nearly double the time we have! That’s crazy!

Do you feel okay about it? Like would you be up for initiating something or do you have little/no interest? Have you taken a trip away from Tilly? Even one night can do wonders!

In the end, sex isn’t everything in a relationship, and you are happy otherwise so it’s really not the end of the world that you aren’t doing it like rabbits :rofl:

To be honest it was the one night stand comment and him feeling guilty that got me worried!
Again I’m sorry if I’m overstepping and do not reply if you don’t want to.
Jez- Honestly I would go crazy with only having sex 3 times in 2 years (not trying to diss your sex life or anything so I hope this doesn’t come off that way). I have such a high libido that basically every single time SO and I see each other we end up having sex. We don’t always finish, but we always start. SO’s libido is lower than mine, but definitely not low, it’s still at least moderate. Can’t wait until we move in together so it’ll be easier, cuz right now we are very restricted by having other people in the house. If we had a baby in the other room it wouldn’t exactly know what sex noises mean, but my teenage sister’s room is next to mine, and she can hear everything. She’s heard us before, whoops. That was embarrassing to find out. My bed is very creaky.

Anyway, maybe this will spark a sex revival like you said, and if not, as long as you two communicate and are happy, that’s all that matters. And if you think therapy will help, absolutely go for it (not that you need anyone’s approval of course lol). I might want SO and I to do couples therapy as a preventative, I think it’s very good for relationships. But he would probably not want to do it unless we had big issues, he had a bad experience with a psychologist as a teenager, they basically told him to suck it up and it really hurt him. So we’ll see.

Shepherd’s Pie is in the oven :)
Bdb glad everything was good. I know it's hard not to worry. I would wait until 16 weeks or later, but you do what you want.

Gigs, I'm good until about 5 to 6 weeks as far as testing. If heart rate and growth is on track at 8 wk appt I start to feel quite confident. I also just had a feeling V was a healthy baby. I can't explain it.

I didn't have morning sickness until 7 weeks with V. No sore boobs either.

Jez I waa rolling from your desription. I do hope that you two can rekindle that aspect of your relationship. If you are both happy with it though, thats okay.

DH would absolutely die! 2 to 3 times a week isn't as much as he'd like. I'm fine with less unless it's my fertile window. Ttc or not I get a pretty high sex drive around O time.

CB I can't believe you are getting close to 2nd tri!! Also, I hate when men get drunk and try to have sex. Oh and you are making me hungry. I've never had shepherd's or cottage pie but sounds yummy.

Shae are you feelingany better?? Oh and I dislike people being over and trying to quietly have sex. V is a deep sleeper and in another room.

Funny story, I was staying the night with a friend in a 4 bedroom apartment and one of her roomates was having sex, but it sounded like she was crying instead of moaning :rofl:

AFM, did sime research and low vit D definitely affects fertility. So I'm hoping this has been the cause of taking so long with V and when I correct it, ttc will be short. I felt better today after starting it last night.

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