General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

CB- I spend quite a lot of Time on the nub pages the last few years, if the mods/admins are also drawing out what I’ve done, I’d very confidently say team
Blue x - of course they can be wrong. Every pregnancy I was desperate for a girl, after my 1st, and 2nd everyone assumed I would want a boy but no I was literally scared at the thought of a son. This pregnancy has been hard, I’m full of anxiety and feel like everyone is watching and judging me, when I walk down the road with a 6, 4 and 19 month old with a big bump, I can see what people think, I almost feel ‘ashamed’? My mum had 4 kids and struggled, we were all off the rails (my lil
Bro was kicked at of school at 5 and would throw chairs at teachers calling them ****s and slags! My auntie/cousins etc have stopped talking to
Me and said I’m just like my mother etc. I’ve been really down and now referred to
Perinatal mental health team. Hate to say it but when I found out it was a boy I struggled even more so. (I had a slow developing jaw that wasn’t noticeable until around aged 9, but around age 13 I basically had no jaw at all and a very bad double
chin etc, I was very bullied for a long time. At 19 I had an 8.5 hour op (lower jaw broken & pulled forward with plates & screws, upper jaw broken and pulled down, and then a chin implant a year later) All I remember growing up is thinking thank god im a girl, I can hide behind my hair, or try to fix the ugly things about myself by doing eyebrows, make up etc, and now I’m having a son, I’m so scared I’ve passsd my jaw onto my children and subjected them to a lifetime of anxiety,bullying and confidence issues, I can’t live with the guilt everyday it breaks my heart, I shouldn’t have had children because of it , and now everywhere is full of teenagers under such pressure to look right, with snapchat, selfies Fb, etc, everywhere we go. It makes me so
So worried for my kids x

Sorry for the long one lol - here’s my xray of all my plates etc


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Kit- I’m so sorry you went through that at such a young age too. I can very much relate (because of my jaw issues) I knew there were two options, be laughed at, or be ‘wanted.’ So similar to you I did sleep with a lot of people (my whole group of male friends) then stayed in australia with my nan, she got her son-in-law (I was 15, he was 55) to take me out round oz, show me all the beaches and places to go etc, he bacame my only friend and would guilt trip me into “I’m sending him mixed messages etc” I just wanted friendship, eventually we ended up sleeping together (I felt disgusted everytime I did NOT fancy him) when I came home he’d send me love letters and it wasn’t until I confided in my friends mum, she told me it wasn’t normal, he was a Pervy old man and burnt the letters with me. I suppose I just wanted looking after and someone to love me? Teenagers have it rough. I would not repeat my teenage years if you paid me £££££ !!

Gigs - totally agree finding a name helps to bond with baby. Every pregnancy I’ve had my girls name by 14 weeks, I have my girls name again this time (Olivia Jane) but no boys names! I have a list of 6/7 but none of them feel right. I think he’ll end up being nameless for abit until I get to know him? I’m ok thank you! Finding it abit harder this time! I always sailed through pregnancy but I’m older now, (and wider) lol with 3 little ones to run around after (plus have hip dysplasia and arthritis so makes the extra weight very hard) how are you feeling? I’m so happy you got your bfp! When I saw it I was literally more excited than my own tests lol so are you slightly hoping to stay a Mumma to boys? My mum always says her boys are so loving! (Yeah thanks mum) lol

Shae - baby adult :rofl: I think your incredible all the work you have done and the accomplishments you’ve already made. You are switched on way beyond your years, at your age I was out drinking and just being a general nightmare. I think you have learnt lessons a lot of people are still trying to figure out way into their late 20s. So as far as ‘adulting’ goes, you got this. One thing at a time!
Sorry for hogging the thread lol, I like to press ‘post’ in little chunks incase the page refreshes and I loose what I wrote!

Last I read dobs was having some trouble with her ex? Hope she’s ok, I know normally she’s an active poster!

As requested bump shot - 30weeks today and feel like a hippo! Getting the dreaded ‘restless leg syndrome’ at night and pins and needles in my hands etc, I can’t wait to no longer be pregnant! X


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:shock: keeps you’re so pretty!!! And absolutely do not resemble a hippo (or any other large animal)

I do know how you feel though! That’s the only part of a second that’s putting me off! (Well and the fear that they won’t sleep as well as Evie does)
My life is a shit show, Keeps. I read and toss out a thanks here and there so y’all know i’m lurking. Just busy with end of the year stuff, police welfare check, a is sick, his dad’s still a dick have a restrainting order. Just fun times

Moms/people in the know I am torn about taking A in. I’m gonna call to see if I can get an urgent care appointment rather than ER
Have to screenshot it won’t let me paste it. But yeah I got his armpit (I cannot find his forehead thermometer! I keep it in his diaper bag so I have it everywhere I go) down to 99.7 but that’s as low as it wants to go. He’s asleep in just a diaper and so hot still. Also read about rosela or hand, foot, mouth but nobody at school is sick and nobody at daycare is sick


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Dobs the worrying thing is that he’s not showing symptoms other than the fever, is his skin mottled? Is there any issue breathing? I would absolutely take him in as it could be an underlying infection that could turn to sepsis. I’m so sorry he’s sick sweetheart ❤️
Keeps not sure if it helps but in the beginning, all babies are pretty much the same. They have similar habits and needs. The only thing you needs to worry about is his penis spraying pee all over the place lol. Otherwise, babies are babies, and his personality will gradually come about, and you will love him no matter what.

Shoot already forgot who said they're hoping i have a girl :haha: i am not offended. Honestly if it happens it will almost feel like God's way of rehabbing me through my own shit. I just have to remember me and my husband are nothing like my parents and our kids will not be the same as my family was.

Which reminds me, teens these days are no doubt facing some tough struggles, but to be honest these battles are extremely unlikely to be the same ones our kids face. Also the upcoming generation is becoming increasingly straight edge as their form of rebellion against social norms (since experimentation as teens is pretty standard). So try not to freak out now about battles 10-15 years away that we may not even have to fight!

Dobs sorry to read A is ill again :( checking something and will brb to add more
Anyway i was just looking at mold allergies for A...just wondering if he is having issues at the daycare, catching something there, etc...but mold allergies don't cause fever so there goes my theory.

Keeps you are so pretty! You don't look that big. And yikes about the jaw :( is that genetic? My friend had his jaw broken (intentionally) and reset; had his whole jaw wired for some time in high school. As far as i know he was the only one in his family who ever had an issue like that.

Blah i keep forgetting what else i was going to say!

20 days until my first scan!
Hope A gets better soon Dobs :hugs: Riley had hand, foot mouth & noone anywhere had it, its airborn one i think so he’d only need to be near someobe who is carrying wuthout knowing, big hugs lil dude & to you hun X

Keeps your doing a fantastic job hun, my sister has 4 children, youngest is nearly 4 & oldest just turned 16. Dont feel guilty or anything for having babies, they are beautiful your girls as are you :) is the Jaw thing genetic? Do either of your parents have it? If its not hereditary im sure your lil babes will be fine <3 :hugs: Honestly, Boys are so lovely, i wasnt excited to be pg with Riley when i knew he was a boy but as i got more pg i was really excited, you&#8217;ll be suprised how much he&#8217;ll look like his sisters aswell awwww & you do NOT resemble a hippo lol X

Oooh 20 day countdown Gigs ahhhhhhh exciting times heheee
Thanks I think the Tylenol is working. The advice nurse says teething but I am taking him in to the clinic anyway just to cover my bases.
Teething has alot to answer for! Def best to get him checked out like you say hun just incase its something else lurking <3
Dobs- I hope A gets better :( Recently Emma ran a fever over the course of 3 weeks. We went as far as getting a lab done on her through a blood draw and it came back as a viral infection (cannot remember the name) that had to just run its course.

Cb- Baby looks so sweet! I do know a lot about the nub theory, but I find myself leaning :pink: for you. Every time I look at where the nub would be, I see the lower portion (what another poster referred to as the scrotum, I believe) and am thinking that's the actual nub. So I'm still thinking it's a girl for you.

I will say, though, that Brenna "should" have been a boy based on when she was conceived (we only dtd on my day of ovulation). Suffice to say, there really are no guarantees.

Keeps- You are BEAUTIFUL and I am so sorry your family is treating you the way they are. I feel like my family gets "the look" from strangers as well. I can only imagine the looks when I have DSS along with us AND I am very obviously showing. So I'll look as if I'm pregnant with #5 and have no idea how birth control works.

If only everyone knew that this baby, and my previous two children, were all conceived intentionally. I wanted this large family.

Shae- To me you are doing an amazing job getting your career and life in order. :hugs:

I can't remember what else I should be saying now.
Hi can I join please. I'm hoping we caught our eggie this month it's first cycle trying I think I ovulated on cd14 or 15 and we dtd CD 15 and 16 so I'm not sure if I caught my eggie or not
Dobs, hope A feels better soon

Hello and welcome miss waiting! In terms of trying to catch the egg you should BD before ovulation! But some people do manage to catch their eggs the day after! How are you tracking ovulation?
Dobs, hope A feels better soon

Hello and welcome miss waiting! In terms of trying to catch the egg you should BD before ovulation! But some people do manage to catch their eggs the day after! How are you tracking ovulation?

Oh only decided to try after the fact so I hadn't paid attention I checked and that's what my app was saying. I use natural cycles and ive kept an old app i have been using for ages called p tracker . I have been tracking my bbt on natural cycles when I remember to temp so I've now set an alarm to remind me and p tracker has just been from charting my cycles
Awww dobs poor thing!!! Hopefully he gets over it quick. How's he doing with the band btw?

Hi Miss! Welcome :) it's entirely possible you ovulated after your app said and you're in with a chance. My guess is it predicts 14 days bedore your next period is when you ovulated -- that's the average so pretty typical to assume that (even doctors do). But lots of of people have shorter lp's, i for example ov and then have a period on 12 days past ov. All this to say you're definitely in with a chance, especially if you aren't certain the day you ovulated.

Poor Lev has had diarrhea all day, and man it wreaks!!! Fortunately he's otherwise no worse for wear. I'm thinking either daddy fed him something weird last night or he's fighting off a bug.
Dobs I hope A feels better soon. I hear hand foot and mouth is quite common but not very pleasant of course. Tilly had 102 fever per armpit in Hungary just as we were about to fly to the UK. So frustrating when deciding what to do.

Keeps I’m sorry you’re feeling down. Re: kids, people will judge for everything; if you have “lots” of kids and it’s intentional, if you have lots of kids and it’s unintentional, if you only want one kid, if you want NO kids... we can never win. I must say when I do see mums with 4 children (I did just yesterday) I actually think wow this woman is able to handle so much and I feel pretty incompetent being stressed out with just one, so I have genuine admiration.

MissWaiting - hi and I hope your journey is a short one! I used a period tracker app with cycle 1 and discovered with OPKs and temping in cycle 2 that I actually O’d on day 16 of a 27-day cycle so I’d totally missed the window.

Shae - I agree with keeps; I think you do a way better job of adulting than a lot of people your age, and if it makes you feel better I would 100% be stressed out about those same things and I also have impostor syndrome, even though objectively I’ve achieved a lot.

Gigs - have you thought of any non-n-ending names yet? Please share if so. I came across some names and thought of you the other day but now forgot.
Hi Miss Waiting! Fx&#8217;d that you catch the egg this cycle!

Keeps you look great, don&#8217;t let judgey people get you down.

I know nothing about nub theory so I&#8217;ve got nothing on that front.

Jez you mentioning Gigs and the name issue reminded me, I found this name I thought was super pretty for a girl, Alura. I heard it on supergirl, and I mentioned it to SO. He said no to it because, wait for it, he can&#8217;t pronounce it. Like I said the name to him and he couldn&#8217;t say it, it came out Uh-lerr-uh instead of Uh-loor-ruh. He tried, I swear, he just couldn&#8217;t say it. And he said he won&#8217;t name his kid something he has trouble pronouncing. To be fair, it&#8217;s kinda hard to yell. It doesn&#8217;t roll off the tongue easily, so I guess he&#8217;s right.
To add on to my previous post about the name thing:

SO wants to have a girl with the name Ellie. His grandmother&#8217;s name is Eleanor but they always called her Ellie, and he wants to have an Ellie in honor of her. Ellie is cute, but to me it&#8217;s a nickname and not a full actual name. So I said we could do it as a nickname but we have to find an El name that we like. That&#8217;s how I ended up with Alura, I figured it could be Elura. Elora is an actual name, SO can pronounce it too, but idk how I feel about how it looks. I feel like both Elura and Elora look ugly written out even though I think they sound pretty. BUT Elora sounds too much like Laura to me. So maybe Elena would be a better option. Idk, maybe he won&#8217;t be super firm about needing an Ellie. If he&#8217;s firm on it, we&#8217;ll figure it out.

I&#8217;m afraid I&#8217;m terrible with boy names. I couldn&#8217;t think of any interesting ones to save my life. I kinda hope I have mostly girls for that reason. If I have a boy I&#8217;ll need to buy a baby name book or something.

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