General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Yay get a ticker Pacific hehe! If u get a Fruit ticker, i wanna know where u got it from as mine disappeared from my signsture because the Bump ticker webpage wasnt working :( hence a food cravings ticker haha

Jez u crack me up ‘Instagram live feed’ lol! I have to say though (not to freak ye out) i had tons of creamy CM after ovulation & pre pg with all of my ones... if the pull out was successful & in plenty of time im sure all is good & your brains just going into overdrive ;) would it be such an awful thing if it was a pull out woopsie? Tilly would be over 2 if u were pg when baby would arrive:hugs:

If u on Instagram Gigs pm me your username & il add thee :) i dont post an awful lot on there but i like to look, lurk, like & comment on others ha ha

My parents weren’t massively strict but i had to be home by like 10/11 as a teenager but i would be out with group if friends & walk each other home, i used to get drunk alot at wknds when i was 15/16 Lol my mum could smell it on me but i used to go straight upto bed as my Dad would’ve kicked off oops.. always had to let them know where i was going & call when i get somewhere etc but if it was late & i was home & i wanted to out for anything my Mum would say no as its too late, dark, weirdos etc..
Jez in the least harsh way it really wouldn’t surprise me if you had a pull out pregnancy, pull out is not that effective :rofl:

But I also had quite a bit of creamy CM on my pregnant cycles...

In terms of parenting. My parents couldn’t control me, so they gave up. I was climbing out the window and going for night time walks at 10. In high school I turned up at lunchtime everyday, I even went to my GCSE German exam drunk from the night before! Got an A* :rofl: it wasn’t until I met hubby that I got my act together. My parents couldn’t even say the whole ‘my roof my rules’ thing because they knew I would just find somewhere else to live, one way or another (did this for 2 weeks until they asked me to come home because they were worried about me) I was a shitty child, it wasn’t until kinda recently (when my mum asked) that I told her everything that went on all those years! She felt like a shit parent for not getting me help, but knowing me at the time I wouldn’t have gone anyway!
Jez- creamy cm has always been a norm for me prior to AF.

I shouldn’t have posted the gender prediction here. Two boy guesses. Lol. But everyone over at the Ingender forum say girl, so I’m going to stick with that for now. If you aren’t familiar with that forum, gender prediction and swaying is all they do. I need to leave it alone before I drive myself mad.
Jez is he shitting a brick because he noticed? Lol I get weird cm during my lp sometimes

Shae was today your doctir’s appointment? I hope you get some relief and answers

Pl lol nice yeah my twin brothers weren’t raised with the same rules so they come and go and take cars (like yesterday the one with the car seat!!!! Grrrr) without saying anything or asking and then don’t pick up their phones r_r but it’s definitely not five minute food run it’s like they’ll be gone for hours with friends

I’m nervous because A looks like he is having mild retractions and he’s quite warm
DH got sent to work a few hours away for the rest of the week. I forgot how much help he actually is, with the kids, when he gets home. :( We have DSS for two weeks and having him and DD2 together is just like having twins and the level of chaos is magnified tenfold when the two of them are together.

I'm not sure how my brother and SIL managed two sets of twins (plus two more children) without losing their hair.
Dobs your instinct has been spot on before so if you are feeling like he needs to see a dr, take him in!

Jez can you describe how thw questionable act went? Like dis he pull out in plenty of time? And did he follow the three key rules to pull out? Ie:
1. He pulled out in time
2. He did not spill baby seeds on the vulva
3. He did not go back in afterward, unless he cleaned off his porker and peed first.

The time I believe we had a p/o pregnancy (not viable) he broke rule 3, which he had never done before and we have never had even a scare with it...but we had begun talking about #2 so i guess he got reckless.

Regarding cm that has been a symptom for me BUT later/closer to when af is due. Things get dryer probably around 8dpo or so i think...
Yes you follow the rules of pullout it is over 93% effective. Most people who say it fails didn't follow the rules. Kinda like a good majority of women who have pregnancies on bcp have missed a few days.
Bdb congrats on the girl! (Don’t remember if I said that already)

Jez I get creamy CM during my LP every cycle, so it could mean something or nothing. I agree with Gigs, did he follow the key rules of pullout?

Dobs yeah I guess you’re right about the not legitimately adulting despite age. And I get the safety aspect of it, I just don’t like being told I can’t do things, I’m stubborn lol
Bdb that's interesting you are getting different answers. When is your actual anatomy scan?? Sorry DH is working away.

In general about parents and control. Wow, I couldn't deal with my parents acting like that. I would tell her where I was going and when I'd be back for courtesy/safety reasons but I did what I wanted. I did listen to her advice. I worked graveyard shift in college so I was always up late on my off nights. It wasn't strange to go on a taco bell run in the middle of the night. I always tried to be aware of my surroundings though. I think if mom tried to control me it would have pushed me away. I mean at 5 I was riding a plane alone and told mom, "I'm okay mom you can go," as she was trying to comfort me on the plane before take off. I did have unaccompanied minor service, but still what 5 y.o. says that?!

Jez I had loads of creamy cm last cycle. Bfn for me. I usually dry up during lp except right before AF. I agree wiyh gigs that pullout is quite effective if the rules are followed.

Cppeace Iooks like AF came to visit us on the same day. Hope we can be bump buddies as well as cycle buddies.

Gigs I'm glad you are feeling pregnant. Sickness stinks but it is reassuring.

Oh I'll be traveling to VA for work Friday. It made me think of you. I'll be in the boonies from what I've heard. It should be a pretty drive though. I'll taking driving in the boonies over city traffic any day.

Dobby, have you been able to take his temp. If he's having retractions I would definitely get him checked out. Gotta make breathing easier for A. Sorry he is ill :(

CB oh I used the geek ticker last time. I like the fruit one too. If it's not available I'll do the cravings.

Sorry if I missed someone.
Flueky- I have a scan at 20 weeks but I’ll probably do another private one in two weeks. If the tech was wrong somehow, I’d much prefer just a couple weeks to go by than over a month.

Regarding pull out- when I was married it was the only form of prevention we ever used. Married 10 years but aside from our two youngest and our miscarriage (which were all intentional), it worked beautifully. Our first was conceived prior to marriage and it was a drunken oopsie :haha:
Lol Shae I hear you that’s why I teach so I tell people what to do jk jk lol but i’m Stubborn too

I remember unaccompanied minor service!!! Good times lol I would have died without my brother though. I think I flew once alone and I cried the whole way to the gate BUT I have anxiety lol

Traveling alone makes you grow up fast. My brother was so dependent on us but when he moved to SD he has really matured

Bdb I love it girl after my own heart can’t wait to see more pics

Thanks ladies my mom will take A in since I can’t get off work (second to last day of school) and if I wait to take him then it’s not until 4. He was breathing better by the time I left, but Idk better safe than sorry and no out of pocket anyway
Fluek pm me, I'd love to know what part of VA you'll be in!

Dobs glad he seems to be improving

Nothing to add here except my back kills and Lev's being annoying. I couldn't/wouldn't pick him up so hit bit my stomach. He's bit me, hubby, and Des this past week -.- I feel bad but I definitely smacked him in the head. Not hard at all but just enough to give him a shock when he bit.

Verdict is still out if i can take flexeril for my poor back :cry:
Bdb I don't blame you. I couldn't wait over a month to confirm if I was unsure.

Dobby yes I used that service I don't know how many times. When you are really young you aren't allowed any flight connections. Then they escorted you to the gate terminal with staff until you boarded. Don't worry about crying, I think that's a "normal" reaction.

I agree it's better to be safe than sorry. Woohoo school is almost out for summer for you.

Gigs, I'll send you a pm in a moment. Oh I'm so sorry about your back pain. I hope you can get some relief soon. Are heating pads a no no?? I honestly can't remember if they are okay or not.
K I’m feeling a bit better about the pullout stuff now. He definitely followed the rules too. To whoever asked whether getting pregnant now would be so awful, well, obviously we’d figure out a way to make it work, but there are so many practical reasons not to have a second now, and then also the fact that I really, really don’t want a tiny baby to look after anytime soon. The larger age gap that I want has its downsides, but I saw a video yesterday of a 7-year-old girl excitedly holding her baby brother for the first time and the excitement and love with which she spoke about him really melted my heart. Plus they can change diapers at that age haha.

Dobs glad your mum is able to take A in. No harm in being extra cautious, esp with no out of pocket.

Bdb aww its a good idea to drop the gender stuff. It would drive me crazy too! I’d Defo trust the doc + ingender :)
Gigs, your box is full. I'll see if I can send you one on ctp.

Jez glad you are feeling better.

Just curious what age gap are you wanting??
Really? I guess when you don't empty it in 5 years...

Yes i've been living on the heating pad. It eases up and then i twist slightly and the pain is back full force.

My family dr so f'king useless. I am SO glad to be with a new office for this pregnancy. The nurse called and said she spoke to a (absolute least favorite dr who all but refused to give me an ultrasound last pregnancy when I requested it) dr who said to tell me "it is a class b drug" then basically read me the definition of a class b drug. Then said "use with caution". So no real answer, no anecdotal "oh I prescribe this to pregnant ladies all the time and never have seen an issue". Like gee thanks you dumb hooker.

Then the nurse says if it continues to hurt i need to be seen :roll: yeah right! Not by you guys!!!
Fluek I deleted my messages so feel free to respond on here if you'd like.

Jez I think since it's on your mind you're probably just hyper sensitive to symptoms. If you followed the rules I bet you're fine :)
Jez im sure you guys are fine if u followed the rules :thumbup:

Gigs theres a Dr at my surgery like that, he poop! I had a bad exp with him once & it always puts me off seeing him if i get him as an emergency apt! He gave me an AntiB ointment for my Acne that contains Zinc Acetate & although the product says pg is fine no issues he was still abit reluctant to give me it as ‘nothings guaranteed’ & use sparingly uhhh! When all you need is someone to say, yes its fine but if you start feeling yucky stop using it! I been using it for 4 dats & my skin is 80% better, nearly all gone so i wonder if i had some infection on the skin aswell perhaps?!!
Hmmm maybe? If you have larger pores and use make up that can definitely cause skin issues
Gigs don't feel bad about bopping him. My parents said they bit us back and it broke us fast once we realized how it felt to be bitten. People seem to be against that these days though :shrug:

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