General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Thanks gigs! I know this early it's not pregnancy symptoms but it's still fun to read into things sometimes.

Sorry for preggo brain. I'm sure being pregnant and having 2 LOs make it a bit more exhausting.

I hope I don't jynx anything but is Lev sleeping better?

Woot woot for getting a new dishwasher. I do hope evetything is alright with the wreck. Well as well as things can get in a wreck.

Bdb that was very kind of your ex to let them have time with family.

I hope your DH gets to come and stay home soon.
Hubs things he saw the hospital helicopters so that's never a good sign :( i was in the shower when they cane but also saw the ambulances leave at a normal pace -- also not a good sign but hopefully anyone injured were in the heli's and will be OK. Also not a good sign is energency crews are still on the scene and the road is closed; been a couple hours now or close to it. It's hard to tell exactly what's going on because we have trees between our vantage point and the road.

Lev is not sleeping through the night. He does every now and again but i'd say 85% of the time he's up once, 10% he's up twice, and the rest is about split between waking up 3+ times and sleeping through the night. I was more or less used to it but between that and waking up to pee a bunch and hormones or whatever i just feel so derpy-brained recently.


Symptom spotting/testing can be fun! Who knows how long it'll be until you get to try again!
Omg y'all I am about to lose my shit! I have a paint class tonight out of the house and at a restaurant. Well first of all I lost the painting sample, and ended up re-doing the damn thing only to realize the sample was already at the restaurant (I had put it there so people could sign up). Anyway one person signed up online, and 4 signed ip directly at the restaurant. The person who signed up with me cancelled about an hour before class. Well here I am, all set up and class was scheduled to start 13 minutes ago and NO ONE IS FUCKING HERE. I'm all set up sitting at the table alone sipping on a diet coke like a loser :rofl: :cry:

I can only imagine what the other patrons are thinking and how sad this will be when I end up just packing all this shit back up and leaving -.-
Gigs oh no!! That does sound like he was hurt pretty bad. Praying for him or maybe her.

I'm sorry your class hasn't shown up :hugs: maybe they are fashionably late.

OMG I've reached a new level. I ordered cb weeks estimator off amazon UK site. I just really love the weeks estimator. I have one but now I can theoretically test all the way to 3+ whenever I get a bfp. :rofl:
Yup all no shows. I am self medicating with sushi though so feeling better!

Fluek look at you!!! I miss those things. Ya know i never did see 2+, only got 2-3 and now they're off the market again :roll: oh well i will live vicariously through you! Haha
Gigs, sorry about the class. Is the restaurant still paying you for your time?
Hopefully the drivers in the accident will be ok, although from the sounds of it, it does sound pretty serious. :(

Preggo brain, I mine is definitely kicking in earlier too. That and sickness and exhaustion. I have about 20 minutes left until my new "normal time to fall asleep on the couch".
Oh, and eating makes me feel sick if it's just slightly too much, same if I drink water on an empty stomach.
Gigs sushi sounds wonderful right now :) I'm sorry they were all no shows. Did you get a new dishwasher?

I know I was really sad I only had one :rofl: I think it's crazy they were pulled. I waited I think a couple days past 5 weeks and got 3+ with V. I didn't want to freak out if I got 2-3 at exactly 5 weeks. Hope I can use them this cycle :)

Oh I found out the wondfos I have are a bad batch so the past coupke months have been dodgy tests and not chemicals. I'm a bit disappointed as I'd never had any issue in the past with them, but relieved I wasn't having chmicals.

V woke up a bit before 3 and then I had a hard time falling back to sleep. Ugh... I think I'll take nap since she's napping right now.
Nope, I get nothing out of classes like that. The bartender did give me think drink free since she felt bad for me so...also it was a diet pepsi, not coke, so i'm gkad she paid for it. Not sure i would have got it had i known (i am a diet coke snob).

Ugh your early symptoms sound miserable. I love water! I have some as soon as i get up usually. I would be quite sad if it made me ill!
Omg Gigs thats stinky that noone showed up for your class, their loss at the end of the day not yours! Haha coke cola snob :haha: I actually hate Pepsi, its tooooo sweet for me eurghh!

What day are you thinking if testing Flueks?

Ah Bdb hope hubs gets some decent shifts soon so you can have to time together :)
Love reading all your updates just tired

I never got a 3+ they were always pulled when I was preggo and even though I was supposedly beyond the threshold still got 2-3 so oh well

Gigs that’s poop but glad you made a night of it.
Thanks ladies. I am going to set up a ckass here in the studio soon, always so mich better that way.

Never left for the dishwasher as the road was closed for a really long time, but a out to go now. Fx!
Oooo Gigs- yay On the dishwasher. Word of advice- buy the most expensive one you can afford. I’ve bought both a super cheap one and the top of my budget one. The cheap one didn’t last but a few years and the rack started rusting where the plastic broke on it. So when we remodeled i got rid of it and bought a new one. the expensive one i got is awesome- it’s so quiet you can barely hear it run and it cleans great! Just my 2 cents..

Congrats to the latest bfp!

Afm summer is here and thank God my sisters wedding is over. It was last night and sooo pretty. I got a virus or something though cause I started puking about 1 hour into the reception and by the time I got home I was running a 101 fever and couldn’t stop puking. I had to stay till it was over though so I could help my mom clean up and pack up what we brought in etc... turns out my sister got the same virus cause she started puking around midnight and still hasn’t stopped. Of course she drank lots more alcohol and not much food but since it’s a fever too I’m leaning towards virus. So she’s at the airport getting ready for her honey moon and is sicker than a dog... poor thing.

I packed up all my old baby clothes and took them to a charity and when we clean out the shop again I will get rid of the last of my baby gear. I mean I’m mostly ok with getting rid of it. I know it needs to go. It’s just sad cause it’s like so final giving it all away.

I will try and post more often. I do read everyday and try to keep up but it doesn’t always work out. Love all you guys!
Gigs now I don't like diet drinks but I do prefer coke over pepsi. Pepsi seems too sweet to me. DH prefers pepsi over coke. Although we pretty much never have sodas at the house.

Good luck getting a dishwasher. We got ours 2 years ago. It's a GE brand with slate finish. I love slate!! It doesn't get as dirty as stainless steel.

Oh having the class at your place will be nice,a lot easier on you.

CB woot another Coke girl! Haha.

I'm going to test Thursday. The non bad batch of wondfos expire next month and I've only used one of 20. I'll be 9dpo Thursday.

Dobby I think I recall you ordered off ebay but they were the plan digitals?

Are you enjoying break so far?

Tex I'm sorry you are letting go of that part of your life. :hugs:

Sorry you were sick at the wedding. Yuck. Although your sis getting it sounds like karma bit her on the ass. Okay, sorry I'm mean....

Just pop in when you can.
Dropping in quickly to say hey and show today’s progressionz only one test left :sad:

Went to my friends suprise baby shower whoch was so sweet and gave her my present that I made her.

Now to take a nap


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Agreed that pepsi is way too sweet!

Tex :hugs: will you be preventing now or just not actively trying? Funny story, a friend of mine (not a close friend) was actively trying for 3.5 years. Well about 16 weeks ago she was fertile, but also had the flu. She went ahead and dtd anyway and lo and behold got pregnant that cycle :dohh: pretty wild. Anyway just being sick made me think of that. Really sorry you're ill; those tummy viruses are so brutal. And your sister...karma? :haha: JUST KIDDING. Ugh too bad they can't postpone.

Nyx great progression and OMG THAT HIPPO!!! That is amazing! Do you sell these? If so I may need to pm you...
Loving test progression Nyx hehe! Wow that hippo is awesome, you talented gal, i live knitted animals <3

:hugs: Tex I second what Gigs has said, will you guys be just not actively trying? Could be the less stress you need! friends of ours were in the same position as you & your hubs, they stopped & like withing 6 months of just generally dtd she was pg, 7 yr age gap but their daughter is 4 now :) its always hard giving away baby clothes.. hugs my lovely .. sorry to hear you & your sister are poorly, fx it passed real quickly xx

Eeeeee for Thursday testung Flueks hehe!

Cb digi wks estimators are everywhere in uk, i buyed the dbl pack with this pg but got the 3+ max reading at just 5 wks lol so i gave the other test to my friend :)

Its the beginning of a mini heatwave here atm, uhh! I can cope ok but Nuala struggling to sleep comfortable at night bless her :( they both have a fan in their bedrooms but she still stirs..
Nyx beautiful progression and your hippo is lovely!! I have no talent for things like that so that's amazing :)

CB yes it's only 4 days but feeling like an eternity right now. I think I'll be pretty busy with work this week so hopefully it passes sooner.

I'm glad they still sell them somewhere but I'm aggravated I can't buy in US. There was ebay bht it was gping to cost me more. Then I wondered if the test was expired on ebay.

Poor Nuala. I hope it cools dpwn soon or she adjusts better.
Tex, sorry about giving away baby stuff. You never know what will happen.

This is a coke household too
Been reading but not commenting as much, whoops :coffee:

Popping in to say that I also prefer coke over Pepsi, and agree that Pepsi is too sweet. I don&#8217;t drink diet soda, so I wouldn&#8217;t know about that.

Gigs I&#8217;m sorry nobody showed to your paint class. I would&#8217;ve come :) we have free ones at my college (student activities pays for it) and when they email about a new one it fills up in minutes, it&#8217;s hard to get a spot in them. I&#8217;ve never gone to one just because I&#8217;ve never seen the email early enough. Do you know if the person in the crash was okay? Did you get more updates on it?

Nyx gorgeous progression. Was it you who made the knitted hippo? It was sooo cute!

Dobs I feel like I keep forgetting to comment on your posts, it&#8217;s not on purpose I swear, I love seeing your updates. Love the orca idea btw, I love whale watches. We have humpbacks here. My only concern is if the seas are rocky. My last whale watch was very turbulent and a few people on board puked, including my mom. I&#8217;m surprised I didn&#8217;t, I was sitting outside staring at fixed points in the clouds cuz there wasn&#8217;t any land left, feeling like I would throw up any second. However, most people on board were relatively okay, so if you&#8217;re the average I assume you&#8217;d be fine. Id love to see orcas on a whale watch. Once on a cruise I saw dolphins jumping beside our ship as we were leaving the port. It was awesome. Dolphins are probably my favorite animal.

Tex I&#8217;m sorry you&#8217;re dealing with the pain of acceptance of quitting TTC. It must be hard, I can&#8217;t imagine. I&#8217;m so glad you have your little girl. Also I&#8217;m sorry people got sick at the wedding. Even though your sister was a bridezilla, everyone deserves a happy wedding day and honeymoon (unless they&#8217;re like murderers or kidnappers etc, which I assume she is not).

Flukes I&#8217;m super excited to see your tests!

I also wish they would keep the weeks estimator tests. I don&#8217;t see why they don&#8217;t just update them to say 3-4 instead of 1-2, or just explain on the instructions that they mean weeks after conception, not weeks pregnant. It&#8217;s not their fault if people don&#8217;t read the instructions :shrug:

ETA: CB, sorry Nuala isn&#8217;t dealing well with the heat. I can relate to that, I can&#8217;t stand heat waves.

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