General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Holy beans, this thread has been chatty. I know I’ll forget so much.

Who puts sugar in guacamole anyway? Is that an American thing? I’ve always known it to be avocado, salt, lemon juice and garlic. Easy to make but I’m still too lazy. Love avo though.

Gigs - well done for getting a few tacos down at least. Reading you got home yesterday with the weird sausage biscuit thing made me really feel for you. I HATE that. Blooming onion I’ve only heard of once and idk where. I remember thinking it sounded amazing though. Glad you’re getting excited now re: 3rd!

PL - can’t wait to hear about your scan!

Green - yay on weight loss! Hope you resolve your ttc concerns soon. I agree it should feel right, though I think it’s also normal to feel some trepidation. Oh, also, I know you said your hcg wasn’t crazy high with the twins but I swear there was something that made us all think it would be twins. Was it really dark tests or something?

Kit - yay for roof! I’m sure it’ll hold rain. Sorry you’re feeling sick and hot. Hot summer days in the UK are the worst. Try the massive lump of ice in front of a fan thing maybe.

Keeps - ditto on the ice in front of fan thing. And I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling with pica again. I’m surprised the docs or whoever aren’t suggesting blood tests or treatment of some sort. Tbh I’d personally be more concerned about all the harmful chemicals the sponge is made of and dyes etc. and whether they’re can harm baby if they’re teratogenic. Hope you figure it out soon! I remember last time eating them made you sick.

Bdb - I forgot to ask if you had any names for baby girl? Am I imagining it or did you already decide?

Flueks - great lines and I’m also curious about your hook effect experiments. Tbh I’ve never been all that interested in the hook effect but i feel like your project might change my mind.

Yep, forgotten everything else
Oh someone asked for pics of Tilly so here are a few. She’s loving water parks these days, even though i have to trek several km to them in the feels-like-45-degrees heat. Good exercise though.


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Jez- she is precious! Any more thoughts on having another? I know you weren't ready or even thinking about it last I heard.

About the guac- premade store bought a lot of times has sweeteners or and/ or bad preservatives. I've been on this huge kick of reading all labels and j can't believe how many foods have sugar/ sweetener in them that you wouldn't think does. Also, there's over 50 names for sugars and sweetness that most didn't even know were sweeteners. Sorry ramble lol

Gig- I hated that part of pregnancy!!! I always ate one bite too much that would make me sick.

Pl- any scan pics?!

Kit- I also was so hot during pregnancy. It lasted a long time after giving birth too. Defiantly wouldn't want to be massively pregnant during the heat of summer. I'd never leave my house lol

Also forgot to add earlier. I'm feeling much better thanks to everyone for asking. I think it was a touch of food poisoning but luckily didn't last long.
All the food talk is all I can remember :haha: it’s making me hungry!

I love blooming onions from outback, sooo good. They’re very popular from what I’ve heard. I also get the seared ahi tuna appetizer they have there, it’s my favorite, practically sushi!

I avoid store bought guacamole. It always disappoints me, it’s got like a weird “whang” to it. Chili’s table side guacamole is my favorite. It’s avocados, lime juice, salt, jalapeño, tomato, cilantro (except I ask for none cuz it tastes like soap to me), and maybe onion, I can’t remember.

Authentic tacos sound sooo good. None around here, I’d probably have to go to Boston. Not worth the travel stress.
Aww jez she’s adorable!! Can’t believe how grown up she is!!

I second the sugar thing, it’s in literally everything! I always read the back of packets and I remember reading a sandwich pack which was 13% sugar! Literally everything contains sugar and more than you think as well!

But yeh he’s coming with me, he’s paying for it :rofl: I’m hoping he (and I to be honest) will be happier once we see the little flicker of a heartbeat!
Naw man, the only way to get the real deal is to go to mexico. And if you're in the beach and an okd woman tries to sell you tamales out of a cooler in the morning, don't you dare say no.

I loved the food in mexico so much. I just steer clear of seafood. And water. This was in Puerto Piñasco if anyone is curious. Been there a couple times. We got robbed by cops though...and i almost died on an atv. but that's a story for another day.

I am feeling like crap from tacos but my bloomin onion desire has persevered through the gross.

Jez she is so cute. Now that Lev is pretty steady on his feet I'll have to get hin to a spray ground. Like you though they all feel forever away :/
Jez- we are naming her Hayden :cloud9:

Tilly is so adorable!

If y'all love authentic mexican food, I'm the woman to come visit! I live very close to the Texas/Mexico border and so we are a melting pot of Mexican and Texan culture.

I took little DD to the mall to do some back to school shopping for her. I cannot believe she begins preschool this year. Nor can I believe school resumes so early here. August 13th so we've just got a month of summer left!
Kit i hope it brings you some answers as well as joy <3

Bdb i'll let you know when i'm on my way :haha:

Lev has been saying "yeah", he says it after i do or sometimes if i say "do you want this? Yeah?" Then he'll say, "yeah! Yeah!" Would you count that as a first word? He's also been trying to say "duck" (sounds like duh). He says mama and dada but not with intent (like he babbles it, doesn't really call us though).
Jez- Awww, Tilly Manilly!!!! She's adorable. And I make homemade guac all the time, and never add sugar...gross!

Green- Having a singleton will be CAKE compared to twins. Have no fear. You're a professional. &#128514;&#128514;

Kitty- My husband was adamant against a third baby, and he was rather shocked for a week after the news. Things got better as time went on, and you've never seen a prouder daddy when Charlotte was born. He's smitten with her, and he's so glad we're now a family of 5. Hubs will come around - no worries.
Aww Tilly is gawjus Jez <3

We have a few American themed restaurants here, TGI&#8217;s, Eds Diner & other typical diner style ones with enourmous burgers bigger than your head Lol i love the Vanilla milkshakes mmmmm yummy!

I love Guacamole, never made my own but I should. .. i could talk about food all say atm, its all us pg women have Lol!

Ah bless Lev, i would def class Yeah as a first word, its slang for yes & its probs in the Dictionary! other than mama & dadda, Rileys was &#8216;Catmeat&#8217; HAHAA!!!

When u ask Nuala something, instead of saying yes, she says &#8216;Uh huh&#8217; :haha: I love little peoples lingo, its quirky n cute :)

Wooks hey there!! How u enjoying the Summer?

Wow Bdb that is soon to go back to school, Riley hasnt even finished yet... he finishes 25th July & is back around 10th September. I love Hayden for a Girl, it was on my list for both when pg with Nuala <3

Pacific i hope your apt went well today..
Ah Clairey I forgot about Ed&#8217;s diner! Mainly because I can&#8217;t stand the fake cheese :sick:

I hope Pacific is okay
Hope pl is busy celebrating!

I'm waffling about my preference for gender/sex again. Back to kind of wanting a girl but i am so equally torn i will be happy with either. I just can't wait to find out.

Meanwhile family & friends comments of sending me "girl vibes" and "fx for a girl" are pissing me off. I don't want anyone to be bummed about a boy nor do i want anyone thinking that i'll be bummed!

Cb, catmeat?! What is that? Like cat food? Where did he pick that up? It sounds so gross lol. Des talked early, maybe 11 months? He talked long before walking. I have a theory that kids are early talkers and late walkers or vice versa, but rarely early at both. Lev is definitely my early mobile guy. His speech seems to be emerging though :thumbup:

Oh Des' first word was doggy.
Confirmed! We are expecting 1 little gummy bear! New due date is Feb 11, so 3 days earlier then the simple online calculations say!
It was a good appointment, very friendly chatty tech during the medical part of the scan. Then they bring in family and showed us the HB and the other few obvious things at this early stage ;)
I have pictures in the car... Too lazy to get them right now as I've had 2 markets in the last 24 hours so I am dead beat.
Congrats pacific! So exciting!!!! I'm sure you've said but I can't remember. Do you have a preference on sex?

Cali has authentic "street" tacos! And basically tons of authentic Mexican food. We also have pretty good Chinese food, not crappy Panda Express fast food Chinese food. That's the one thing I would miss if we moved, the food options. We can basically get anything because we have such a diverse state.

I also don't like bloomin onions. I know Shocking!!

I LOVE the name Hayden.

I was LOLing at your story about Mexico gigs. "I loved it, I mean aside from being robbed and almost dying!!!!" Lol

I can't stop thinking about having another baby! Like I'm terrified but I know I want one. I'm probably ordering tests and ovulation tests online next week!
So I'm already on Amazon looking at tests...:dohh:
These tests have gone up in price!! $20 for Wondfo's when I think I paid $10-$12 a couple years ago. Lol

Should I buy a bbt too? :haha:
I used to temp but not sure if it will work these days with the boys. Maybe would work but won't be as accurate as before.
I think I've been bit by the ttc bug.
Lol Green, I love your 180. I also agree with Bdb that you’re a professional — baby 3 will be a piece of cake. And yes I’d buy a bbt coz it might still be okay with wonky temps. Also yes I’m still against the idea of ttc2 anytime soon, but I will say I’ve recently seen some newborn vids from people I follow on insta and I felt my ovaries twinge for the first time in a while. Also re: sugar, I guess you’re right. I’m also always checking labels and am mostly shocked by how preservatives, other artificial crap and trans fat are in so many things (and like you said, by different names so it’s confusing). Really limits what I can buy.

CB I also want to hear the story behind catmeat. I cannot imagine. It’s certainly not what I called cat food in the UK so I’m wondering whether you’re secretly running an underground cat meat farm. It’s okay; this is a safe space.

Gigs I want to hear robbery story! And keeping fx for a girl for you! Juuust kidding.

Pickled onions were mentioned before. LOVE that shit. And pickled anything, really. I used to pickle peppers. Mmmmm now I crave.

PL yay for gummy bear! Can’t wait to see pic. Did you get heart rate so we can start guessing sex?

Re: first words it’s so bad but I can’t even remember now. I guess mama, dada and our cat’s name doesn’t really count, so it must’ve either been bubble, ball or cheese. Actually “more cheese” was her first two-word sentence, which conveys just how much she loves cheese. Re: saying yes, she mostly enjoys saying no, but when she says yes it’s always in the most serious tone, and usually in response to “do you want milky/cheese,” or the other day she said yes to confirm she’d done a poo :lol: though she usually announces it before or during (but she also calls her Pooh Bear cuddly toy/stuffed animal poo-poo so it gets confusing). She also loves pointing to things that belong to us and saying “mama’s eyes,” “dada’s buh (book)” and “Tilly’s dress” etc. and it kills me. Oh and she’s constantly humming twinkle twinkle little star / ABC song / bah bah black sheep (could they really not think of original melodies?). It’s cute but I wish she’d branch out. Also, she’s so much fun now and it’s great watching her little mind develop, but seeing newborns now makes me realize how much easier it is to look after them. It’s funny how they give back so much more as they grow but also become harder work. And then maybe it reverses again in older adulthood? Like when I’m super old Tilly won’t be any work for me but then she’ll shove me in a nursing home and never visit so I wouldn’t be getting anything back either :’(

Anyway, wow, tangent.

Aaand yet again I’ve forgotten previous stuff.
Green, this is the link to what I bought when TTC #1.
I think they were cheaper at the time, but still a good deal for a total of 75 tests! I still have so many left, although expired now. They still tested right ;)

Gigs, totally thinking of you ... I ate frozen pizza pepperoni for a snack just now. We buy the large package and freeze what we don't need right away on home made pizza. Yeah it was still frozen too, I was that desperate.

Can't remember on who asked re: gender preference: DH and I are both thinking this one will be a girl. Our preference too, but obviously happy with either one ;)
Jez- I was thinking the same thing about them being so much harder now! lol I also don't really know the twins first words. It's hard to tell sometimes because it kind of goes from babbling to words really slowly. So I'm not even sure when /what it was. They still don't say a lot of words, only a few. But max knows some sign language too. Michael knows a tiny bit but he's very stubborn and most vocal (even though I can't understand him lol). I'm pretty sure Michael is just going to start saying sentences as he gets older and less single words. My mom says I was the same way. So who knows. I feel like there's so much pressure on teaching them so young. I point out colors, types of animals, animal sounds, etc but they aren't really learning them yet. Now I'm on a tangent. Haha

Pl- thanks!!! That brand is cheaper but I wasn't sure on the quality/ sensitivity.
It’s so funny how different kids are eh. Goes to show how much is in the genes and not so much what we do. I think they generally walk when they walk, talk when they talk etc., and as long as we’re not completely depriving them of stimulation, they’ll pick things up when they’re ready. The thing I do feel some mum guilt about is not doing too many things with Tilly. So many mums here take their toddlers to swim class, gym class, music class, soccer(!) and goodness knows what else. I take her to the park and sometimes to run errands and that’s about it. Even that feels like a lot of effort.
What?! Soccer?! We do play dates and run errands and go on runs. That's basically about it. We play outside A LOT. At least once a day. I did actually look into gymnastics today because I figured it would burn off most of energy but I didn't think they could really do anything else? If I only had one I think I'd try to go to a Zumbini class (like Zumba but baby form lol)

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