General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

It’s so funny how different kids are eh. Goes to show how much is in the genes and not so much what we do. I think they generally walk when they walk, talk when they talk etc., and as long as we’re not completely depriving them of stimulation, they’ll pick things up when they’re ready. The thing I do feel some mum guilt about is not doing too many things with Tilly. So many mums here take their toddlers to swim class, gym class, music class, soccer(!) and goodness knows what else. I take her to the park and sometimes to run errands and that’s about it. Even that feels like a lot of effort.

Don’t feel bad, I do the same thing with eves, sometimes I take her to a baby group but that’s it! One of my mum “friends” always basically tells me I’m a shit mum because I don’t do a lot with her, but eves hasn’t had any ill effects from it (far from it!) we love her greatly and just because I don’t knacker myself out doing every conceivable activity with her doesn’t make me a shit parent, and it’s the same for you! Don’t feel bad because of other people’s expectations.
Greenie :haha: the ttc bug has bit you some. As far as bbt, mine wasn't perfect as I usually woke up to pee in the middle of the night but I still got a clear pattern.

Pacific yay on one healthy bub!!

Gigs a bloomin onion sounds really good right now.

Jez I think toddlers going to all that is a bit ridiculous. Personally, I think soending time with them, playing and reading with them, etc. is what they need. I mean if you want to take your toddler to a class that's fine or all those activities. You do you. I just don't feel a toddler needs all that. I do want to do swim classes sometime though for V.
"Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not who someone else is today."

PL so happy your scan went well!!! How did your markets go? What are you selling these days? I really need to up my art game and sell some stuff. I'm really trying to save for at least a downpayment on a's not going so well though :/

Frozen pepperoni? Yeah that doesn't tempt me lol

Jez maybe when you marinate on the idea a little you may warm up sooner than you think (to #2). What does SO think? Were you both on the same page about a large age gap? Also (warning, super intrusive question time), how has you sex life been since the baby scare and vacation sexcapades?

Also I'm in the "arrands and occasionally the park" camp with Lev. I think Des has social anxiety so he never really enjoyed big play groups. He's in school year round so I feel less obligated to do play groups but i think I may need to set up some 1:1 time with individual school friends...which I dread because that means I have to interact with their moms :sick:

With Lev, I think he'd love play grouos but people constantly schedule these tings at 10 which is his nap time :(

Sorry, ranting.
Sorry I kmow my reply was crap, but yesterday went from great day to horrible day. Lab confirmed, yup I'm pregnant. My 1st scan is the 26th of July. I'll be 7+2.

I returned to wirk and discovered our VP and financial director were let go. Our VP was going to hire me into educator position officially into new budget year which started July 1st. So I felt very unsure of my future. I spoke with our director who reported to our VP and he is going to look into it. If anyone will do me right, I believe he would. I really don't want to go back to the road fulltime as it's harder with on call schedule and working holidays. I will take a job over no job though.

Anyways, I just felt like my world was turned upside down and I'm still not feeling as confident about things.
Fluek sorry i didyser your last post, we must have been typing at the same time. You up early too? I'm the only one up right now. I had absolutely terrible sleep.

So sorry to read about the uncertainty of your job! Have you looked into positions with another company should this job not work out? Or would you prefer to stay? I know being pregnant right now complicates things a bit :/

Your scan date is the day before mine :dance: so many scans coming up eeee!
Gigs, I'm really surprised V isn't awake. I'm usually up by 7 latest. DH wakes up at 6 for work on weekends. Most of the time I don't fall back asleep. I slept well last night though.

I know there are road staff positions and I don't think they wouldn't let me have that option as technically to HR that's my "job". I don't really want to get into something new while pregnant. However, I may look into something else if I'm back on the road after maernity leave. Loosing short term disability and right to fmla would be reckless right now. I think Al will do right if powers that be let him.

Also, the company I work for is HUGE. Not many other healthcare jobs available outside my system.

On a positive note I'm looking forward to our scans :) I had kind of wanted the next Thursday as I like the 8 week look better than 7 but they want first appt around 7 weeks and they are "ahead" of my calculations because they go by lmp. To them I'll be 7+6.
Fx on the job situation.

And yay! So basically you'll be 8 weeks anyway :haha: isn't crazy the difference a week makes?

Actually since they scheduled my "12 weeks scan" at 13 weeks I'm hoping maybe dr can make an educated guess on the sex :haha: he is supposed to be one of the best around here so we'll see! Wither way I may be doing the private scan thing at 15ish weeks. I just really, really want to know the sex. My desire to have a big reveal party has gone out the window lmao
Thanks gigs, I appreciate it. It'll all work out in the end.

Well only 7+2 because I'm a "late" Oer. However since I had an early positive I'm thinking baby's growth might be closer to 8 weeks :)

Hehe I hope he can make a guess. Hope they get a good nub shot. I stink at nub theory, but I know there are others that are quite good with it.

As far as gender reveal I wouldn't want to find out at the same time as others because I don't want to let them see me adjust to the ideal if another girl. I'll certainly love her, but I'm hoping for a boy this time. If we have a boy though and then a 3rd down the road I might consider finding out at the party.

I do want a reveal party of just close family though. I think they are fun. It's knd of funny when we think about how interested we are in knowing boy or girl.
Good morning :)

DH got home late last night so I'm a happy camper today.

Green- I feel much the same way you do with regards to having another. For me personally, I was not even having baby fever. My cousin (who is more like a sister to me than anything) has a just turned one year old and any time I felt like I was missing the baby stage, I'd go kidnap my 'niece' for a few hours.

But I'm in my mid 30's and knew that, if DH and I wanted 'one of our own together', I needed to do it sooner rather than wait. He's several years my junior so while he was thinking "I'll just wait until I'm 30 before we try".. that put me at 37 and I didn't want to be actively trying for our finale at that point. So we decided 'what the hell' and went for it.

I'm STILL terrified even though I'm super excited. My house is small. We have both girls in one room and both boys (my son and our step son when he visits) in the second room, and then our master bedroom. So one bedroom is going to have 3 kiddos! We need a new vehicle because I have an itty bitty car and he has a truck, so we need a third row van or SUV. I really dread that part because I was enjoying not having a car payment this past year now that my car is paid off.

I can easily handle three, but anytime we have DSS over, I feel easily stretched thin and drained. I'm not sure if it's because 4 kids is a lot.. if it's because Brenna (DD2) and DSS are the exact same age, so it is just like having twins.. or if it's because, since he isn't with us full time, the contrasting routines cause conflict (or hell, I'm sure it's a mix of all the above).. but it's so much harder with four than it is with three.

So then we decide to throw in a FIFTH! Lol. :shrug:

Anyways, sorry for the vent. I do worry that I'm in over my head, but I love the chaos and I love all of our children and I know that, once I find my groove, everything will work out just the way it's supposed to.
PL- I'm so happy your scan went well!!

Flueky- Yay for a scan date!

Gigs- DH's family was allllll about me having a girl. In fact, his grandmother's first words, when she found out I was expecting, were not 'congratulations'. They were, "I hope it's a girl this time". It put a lot of pressure on me even though my initial desire was a boy. I wanted a boy for me, but I knew deep down how amazing it would be if this baby ended up a girl since the last girl in DH's family is now in her 20's. But given those responses, it made me so nervous that this baby would 'just be another boy' and wouldn't be so loved like the others. It's a sucky feeling to put an expecting mom in.

What else?

Oh, I was 'that mom' with my first two. They did all sorts of extra curriculars before they were even in school. I never missed a single story time or toddler time at the library. We went to the mall play area weekly, had play dates weekly. I kept a very full schedule.

With #3 I did none of the above. She's attended maybe two story times at the mall. We go to the play area only if I already have to go to the mall and I always try to keep those visits as short as possible. But in return she's very easily entertained and doesn't need my constant intervention to keep her occupied.
I am definitely not good with keeping up with extracurriculars for my son, but he has lots of toys and books and other things to keep him occupied so I don’t feel bad at all.

I wish I had a time lachine so I can hurry up and get to this first scan. I’m dying!
I know what you mean nyx! I’m so scared of twins right now it’s mental! How are you feeling? Any symptoms?
Flu- I'm sorry about the job stress. All stress is totally intensified while pregnant. Not only because of your hormone but because having a baby is scary! I'm sure it'll all work out. Always does. Hopefully it works out soon though so you're less stressed.

Gigs- I found out what the boys were at 13 weeks! I think it depends more on the doctor than anything. If they're allowed to say. My doctor wasn't allowed to say until after the 20 week anatomy scan. That way they wouldn't say the wrong sex because its too early.
Also, I was going to comment awhile back about everyone wanting a girl for you. That's so annoying. I hate the stereotype of women wanting baby girls. I admit I wanted one of each with the twins but now that I have two boys I kind of want another boy. So no I'm not hoping for a girl or trying for a girl. I'm trying for a healthy baby *eye roll*
Sorry as a boy mom this highly annoys me! We've told almost everyone we're done having kids and the response is "but don't you want a little girl of your own?" Or "oh come on you have to try for a girl!"
No I don't. Lol

Bdb- thank you for understanding! I'm mostly worried about the house being small. Our house is actually nice size but it's only 2 bedrooms. I know the baby will be in our room for 6 months or so like the boys were but I worry about after that. The plan is to move, but we all know how plans fall apart! Haha
I think my car will be okay once the boys car seats become forward facing. Hm. Maybe I should throw in an old infant car seat and see how it fits.

Nyx- when is your first scan?

Soooo many scans coming up I'm so excited!!!!
No symptoms besides super tired and frequent bathroom stops

Scan is on the 23rd
Excited for all the scans!!!

Still not caught up :rofl:

Remember how I was complaining about money? I just bought $120 of cupcakes for A’s party. But they are so cutttte!!! Edible pictures on top of matching color frosting. The pics will be kawaii versions of all my fav Avengers: Baby Groot, Black Panther, Thor, and Dr. Strange. Plus special “heart shaped herb” ones for A so he can become the black panther at his party

And we got matching mommy and me shirts

It’s gonna be lit. We’re having an infinity war competition to battle for an infinity stone that can be traded for movie tickets

Sorry i’m Like so proud of myself lol

ETA can you just hear my California coming out in this post :rofl:
Hahaa Dobby u crack me up! You should be chuffed with yeself, organising party’s & games etc, im crap at those things.. id be a terrible maid of honor Lol! Awww how long until A’ Birthday??

Haha Jez i have some secret Cat slaughtering thang going down over here :haha: nah Catmeat is just wet Cat food not biscuits, sachets of mix types of meat & fish, i just call it Catmeat & Riley copied Lol! But when i say Catmeat, people do always say ‘What? Actual cat-meat like meat off a Cat??!!’ Erm no hahaa

Been so busy & not stopped much today, im pooped, i breezed through the last couple pages but didnt take it all in as im tired, il probs re-read in abit Zzz, we been out getting Rileys prezzys today as his birthday is on this Monday, hes 6! Hes growing up & losing his youngness :(

Pacific so glad your scan & apt went well :) looking forward to seeing a scan piccy when your able to upload, glad its a singleton pg hehe
It’s the 21st. I sent out pun filled invites. Time to assemble, no thordinary day, Loki backyard gathering haha

Drinks will be themed: iron man punch, black widow champagne punch, spider sodas

Food also themed: hawkeye’s hot dogs and hamburgers (though my mom kind of wants to get a taco truck), thor’s hammer cheese squares, captain America fruit shield, hulk smash guacamole and chips

Already bought the decor plus a 6 foot wall panel so people can take pictures lol

Games have 1 winner each and are related to each infinity stone
Mind: avengers trivia
Time: something timed my family didn’t like my original idea
Reality: whoever draws the most realistic tbd avenger picture (judges by my parents)
Power: thor’s Hammer toss
Soul: whoever writes the most heart moving birthday message to Aiden as judged by me
Space: maybe an egg hunt whoever finds it first

Cb I pinterested lol I have good ideas but I get fixated and want it done my way but the problem is my way tends to be expensive... which was fine back in the day but rn not so much lol
Bdb glad DH is home. Any plans for the weekend?

Sorry you feel stressed about how life/how thing will fit with another addition. I know you love all your children and things will work out.

Nyx you and me both :rofl: I'm so excited to see the heartbeat and tell our parents. We've decided to tell close family 6/28, 2 days after the scan. I think I'll ask DH to possibly wait on FB announce. I'll just see how I feel after the appt.

Greenie thank you. It was definitely intensified. It's very odd not feeling job security. Thank you. I tend to believe if things don't work out as I want then there is something better in store. Case in point, V. I wouldn't have had her if I had conceived earlier. She was definitely worth the wait.

Dobby omg your party sounds amazing!! I would ask for an invite if I lived nearby :haha: I hope you'll share cupcake pics. I do hope it's a lovely party.

CB me too! I'm a horrible party planner. My SIL excels at it though. Oh and I love that his first word was catmeat. Hehe.

AFM feeling better. My mom stopped over and I got a nap in. I also got to vacuum while she was here. Something about being with my mom I know things will be alright.

I told her we wanted to have a dinner the 28th so to make sure she doesn't make any plans that day. I want to tell her so bad, but I'm looking forward to telling our parents with V wearing a onesie saying "being promoted to big sister".

DH mentioned pickle fried chicken at kfc and I really want some soon. He's picking up sushi which I'm looking forward to :) :)
Dobs your party sounds like it’s going to be great! I’m not even giving eves a 1st birthday party!

Not sure when We’re going to tell our families, probably when we are out of the danger zone! Flueks your announcement for your parents sounds so adorable! I’m glad you got a bit of sleep though!

One of the few times I’m really glad I live in a village!

Evie’s top teeth are coming through and so it was a nightmare trying to get her down tonight, with it being a Saturday where England have got through to the semi finals of the world cup I was sure the pub across the street would have one of their usual parties but 10x worse. I asked them if they could turn the music down a notch or two explaining the situation and they actually did! It’s so much quieter tonight than it has been in ages on a Saturday! They wouldn’t have even have paid the slightest bit of attention if I was in the city!
Dobby can I come to that party!!! Sounds like so much fun!

Kit thats awesome they respected your situation. Still good people in the world

Exhausted, but got this because I couldn’t resist at the dollar store haha. The top one was ny first positive and the bottom was today no hold or anything haha showed up at the pee was spreading. Think I’m done now just need to stay out of the dollar store haha


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