General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Dobs your party sounds fantastic! Be sure to take lots of pictures for your special memories!

Mrs G, I am not sure how sensitive those tests are since I am not an early tester,it didn't matter. Still a good value for the ovulation sticks though.

I am definitely not one of those moms who does a different activity Every day. He gets to come along on errands, see one farmers market a week, and a play group when I remember! DH and I occasionally take him to the pool. Other then that, it's stuff at home, farm animals, garden stuff, etc.

Flueky, congrats!! Pickle fried chicken?! OMG, although I like pickles and fried chicken, I can't imagine the combination....

Afm, I am so exhausted today. Spent the morning doing a quick errand with L, then baked an apple pie. Phone call from a friend, made pizza dough, DHs brother came to spent the night, made pizza bites, do farm chores. Then bil invites dh out for a lacrosse game and I am on baby duty stuck at home until L went down. Not impressed, gave DH a warning of me needing a break, but they had to leave to be on time. Still let him go, he doesn't hang out with friends or brothers very often. Either way, not impressed with myself or DH. I worked my exhausted, pregnant ass off today. Can't wait until 12 weeks when my energy returns (FX!!)
Nyx that makes me want to take another lol. I love when the line appears before the pee even finishes runbing across. It's oddly satisfying. thanks for sharing!

Dobs that all sounds very impressive. I think it's lost on me though as I've only seen avengers. I do love the idea of the photo back drop though. How big is your guest list?

Kit that is amazing. I can't believe how accommodating they are being! That warms my heart.

Fluek are you going to point out the shirt to your parents or wait and see how long it takes them to realize?

Afm got my bloomin' onion :haha: hubs was reluctant but complied. I am feeling so crappy now but i think that is due to the hot wings i had earlier :blush: i am feeling quite malnourished now. I think i need more fruits & veggies in my life. I may have to try and bring back my morning smoothies.

Cb awww happy birthday to Riley! What do you have planned?
Pl isn't thete some lingering resentment with BIL? Or an I confusing you with soneone else...?

I hope he gives you abreak tomorrow.

I an also eagerly awaiting the return of my energy. I hate feeling out of breath so easily. We did a lot of walking with the kids today and whike i can usually hold Lev for awhile., i had to keep passing him off to hubs.

OHHH i bought a dishwasher! I got a fantastic deal because it has a very small dent in front. It's a $700 dishwasher marked down to $450 and somehow I talked them down an additional $150. I feel pretty awesome about that!

So tired I'm falling asleep right now. Sorry for typos
Yay on the new dishwasher! We need a new one too, it rarely ever cleans everything even though dh has cleaned out the whole thing and have switched detergents. Ugh.

You are thinking of my sil... Or to be exact, she's the half-sil. Did I tell you she refers to her brothers girlfriends, fiance's and wife as "add-ons".

So it's not just me feeling out of breath! I was going to bring it up with my mw, I actually had low iron with my last pregnancy (3 rd trimester) and had to take a supplement. So I wonder if that is related again. Totally forgot to ask her at the appointment
I’m Still on my selfish kick lol was hoping to get to catching up today but idk where my computer is

Lol it’s like 15-20 people. His original party was no fuss no muss at a gym kids place but all the kids cancelled! So I said f* it and cancelled and moved the party to my mom’s. I had a lot of friends and fam who wanted to see him but being at a kid gym when they don’t have kids is weird, so everyone wins. And tbh it’s more for me lol my birthday is a week before but I don’t do parties for myself so reaaaalllly it’s like my party but bring gifts for my baby instead of me :rofl:

I’d totally invite you all.
Dobs I agree it sounds amazing, and I don’t even know the movies it’s based on. It must take SO much planning... just reading it gives me anxiety, though I’d LOVE to be there. Actually i Wouldn’t mind the planning part, but then just delegating the execution to capable other parties. Can’t wait to see pics.

Pl and Gigs sorry you’re feeling out of breath. I do feel like it’s normal? Doesn’t the heart have to work harder to pump around more blood so you get out of breath more easily? I might’ve made that up. No idea how that would relate to breathing.

Flueks - I’m sorry about the job situation. I do believe something will work out for the best, even if it’s not possible to see how atm.

Bdb - while daunting, I have no doubt you’ll handle a fifth with amazing form. The way you speak about your kids makes me very sure of that, but of course some unease is normal.

Kit - that’s so nice the pub did that for you! I had to write my paper so I missed the match but could hear hubby shouting upstairs with every goal.

Cb - can’t believe Riley is 6 so soon! 6 is around the time I started forming most of the memories that I can still recall today. Random unsolicited tidbit for you there. I guess it just interests me coz it’s weird to think that around 5 years onwards is when they can properly start remembering stuff for life. The massive emphasis we put on boy/girl I also find interesting. At the end of the day it’s mainly genitals and some other biological differences and yet we care about it so much!

Green I’m with you re: gender thing. I used to want a boy when I was growing up. I also kind of want a second girl now, but obv would be happy with a boy. I guess people assume everyone wants the best of both worlds. I do also think that just like people often assume women want girls, they assume men wants boys, if not more so in fact. Sometimes I’ve heard of women wanting to “give” their partner a beloved son too. Meh, everyone’s different.

Gigs you asked about sex and wanting a second sooner rather than later. I’m an open book btw, so ask away! Sex is far from an erotic novel storyline but it’s happening somewhat regularly now. He is no longer reluctant to initiate I think and I always oblige. I just need to initiate more, because I do enjoy it. Re: wanting a second, I’m not necessarily thinking of doing it sooner, but maybe that’s because I know I have to get some school stuff out of the way first. Plus attachment parenting is quite demanding so it’d be easier to have a second when Tilly is a bit older and maybe in school. Hubby is the same as he was the first time around - apparently willing to go with whatever I want, but he’s on the same page re: waiting. I think he already feels like it’ll be decades before I finish my PhD.

Good job on the dishwasher haggling by the way! I’m way too unassertive to haggle for anything. What are your secrets?

Oh I just remembered I do take Tilly on play dates too, but that’s it. Tbh it doesn’t help that we don’t have a car and that I don’t like travelling too far on the subway. Most things are pretty close thoifg since we are right downtown so it’s not the best excuse. I dont think young kids need too much to be happy and appropriately stimulated though. I hear even just being outdoors a lot and exploring is amazing for them, rather than highly structured activities. Or at least that’s what I’m going to roll with to justify my possible failings.

Unrelatedly, I am absolutely petrified of putting her in daycare in sep. Like it fives me so much anxiety and makes me want to cry. I so wish we could get a nanny instead but I get subsidies for daycare that make daycare costs less than half the price of a nanny :(
Random question Flueks but where is V when you’re at work?

Also, I’m soeey everyone for my massive posts. I really have no idea how I always end up writing so much.
Pl and Gigs sorry you’re feeling out of breath. I do feel like it’s normal? Doesn’t the heart have to work harder to pump around more blood so you get out of breath more easily? I might’ve made that up. No idea how that would relate to breathing.

I think you’re right, Because the lungs have to oxygenate all the extra blood causing you to need to breathe more to get the required oxygen...
Id totally rsvp & come to the party Dobs hehe it sounds awesome btw! A is gonna love it, photos will be fab aswell ;)

Ohhhhhh im totally breathless ALL the time atm! Never had it with the other 2 but i think the hot weather isnt helping! Its all the extra blood pumping harder etc.. plus, the heart dbls in size when pregnant to accomadate all the extra blood & pumping, crazy!!

Omg Gigs u total haggler, well done!! For $150 that’s awesome!! Have u had it delivered/fitted yet??

Jez great that you & hubs are getting bit more intimate ;) sometimes with me its the initial getting down to do it but once im in full swing jiggy im fine, its usually findings the energy & my inner horniness lol

Nyx those lines are blazing haha!!

I do get tempted to but tests still just to see how dark the lines would be & say ‘oh look im pg’ :haha:

Not doing a great deal for Rileys birthday, we got a few gifts but he’ll a few bits from relatives etc, he has an inset day aswell tomorrow so no school on his birthday hehe hes loving that! Not sure if SO is taking day off so we can all do something but if not i may take him & Nuala to beach or park or something although I desperately need to grocery shop Lol thats NO fun on ye Birthday!! Got some balloons & we’ll get a cake etc, on the 20th July he has a big soft play party booked which is Laser Tag, he cant wait, its the earliest date they had, there be him & 11 of his friends/coudins :)

Jez Tilly will LOVE daycare/Nursery, they love the social fun of it, mine only went/go 2 days a week & you’llbe suprised how much they come on & you will enjoy the break even though you’ll miss her, she’ll be fine hun :hugs:
Kit that's great that they actually turned it down. We've had fireworks going off every night since June 30th. I'm hoping tonight it's over.

Nyx awesome lines.

Pacific I don't really care much for fried chicken usually, but imagining fried chicken woth a pickle flavor just sounds amazing right now :haha:

Reading your day makesme exhausted. Ugh, I don't think I could have done it. I hope DH helps you out a lot today so you can nap. I've also felt a bit breathless when walking my usual routine.

Gigs I'll wait until they realize or if it takes too long I'll point it out. My guess is my stepdad figures it oit first. My mom and MIL aren't very observant.

Yay for bloomin onion. I also need more fruits and veggies. I tried eating blueberries yesterday which I love, but they didn't taste right.

Wonderful news about the dishwasher!!

I'm also hating the fatigue and breathlessness. Soooo looking forward to 2nd tri for many reasons.

Jez thank you. Oh I'm also not a haggler about prices. Wish I was.

I'm glad you and your DH are being more intimate. I believe it's important to your relationship.

Sorry you are feeling upset with thought of Tilly in daycare. I can totally relate. V goes to an in home daycare. She currently isn't watching other kids right now though.

Cb happy early birthday to Riley. Hope SO takes the day off so you all can do something.
Cb, laser tag?! I am jealous!

Jez i love your massive posts. Don't stop. I'll be honest, the first day at daycare Is rough. I cried, and had a private sitter who watched two of her own kids. He was 3 months old and didn't give a hoot. When he was older, my sitter went back to work and i had to find a new daycare. I cried again, and this time he cried too! But it got better. And then we moved, i was a sahm with him, and when he was about 3 he started preschool part time. Cue the tears all over! But he loved it.

Haggling secrets: go in with a realistic expectation. Don't expect much, but always ask for more than you want so if you meet in the middle it'll still be close to what you were hoping for, but they might surprise you and lower it more! Or just say yes to your initial request :) ALWAYS BE NICE. Be so insanely nice. And say something like, "i know this is asking a lot but is there any way to get this price closer to xxx?"

Being nice is the main trade secret.

Des has just crawled into my bed. More later.
Ha ha i think we all love Laser Tag hehee i know that SO will be joining in ;)
Gah it’s too hot!! My house is 31 C (87.8F) we have no fan/AC just a window and some blinds to keep the sun out

I’m melting! It’s so humid :help:
Gigs thanks for the tips. I'll have to keep them in mind.

CB I've never player laser tag but I've always wanted to. Maybe one of my children will want to play.

Kitty oh dear. Could you go somewhere with AC for now?? That's really hot inside. If nothing else maybe a kiddie pool in some shade??

AFM sushi was soooo good ladt night. I was disturbed by my fortune cookie "you will soon be changing your present line of work". Seriously?! I know it's just a fortune from a cookie, but not what I needed right now. I opened one for baby 2 "you will make many changes before settling satisfactorily". V's was "you will soon receive an unusual gift freely given. Accept!". DH was "now is the time for peace in your life. Go along with other's ideas."

They were all a bit eerie in relation to our lives but it's just a cookie. Sorry have to keep reminding myself :haha:

V woke up at 1 hungry. Then she wanted to play. She didn't fuss in her bed but she was noisey. Could have been worse.

Took an IC, slightly darker than control line now. I'm considering doing my digi Tuesday. I'd be exactly 5 weeks. Considering my progression and early bfp, I think it's most likely I'd get my 3+ then.
Haha those fortune cookies seem very subjective lol all for fun though :)

Ohhhh ours is really hot aswell Kit, i second Flueks with the kiddie pool? & sun umbrella.. we have fans but just circulating the warm air, our kitchens quite shaded! Im actually sat in the Sun atm getting 20 mins whilst Nuala snoozes.. its partly cloudy today so not as burning heat
You’ll def get ye 3+ from 5wks onwards Flueks poss even today maybe :)
We don’t have a garden currently (or any outside space at all!) it’s really frustrating!

If you put cold water/Ice cubes just behind the fan apparently it then circulates cooler air!
Pickle fried chicken was all I dreamed it would be and more :rofl:
These parties sound like so much fun!!! Can you imagine if we got all the kids together? That would be a blast! Lol and completely insane. Haha

Scans will be here so soon. Can't wait to look at more baby pictures.

RE daycare: obviously the boys aren't in daycare since I stay home but we do put the boys in nursery when we go to church. They cry every single Sunday as we walk out. They stop after a few minutes. It breaks my heart but I know they're fine. We just make sure we always say "goodbye. I love you and I'll see you soon"

Flu- those fortunes seem pretty spot on!! Kind of scary. Lol

Today we're going swimming st a friends house and to talk about me watching their baby after he's born and she goes back to work.
Wow Green that’s so nice of you! I barely think I can handle one other kid, though I have offered to do the same for a friend occasionally. It’s usually me who needs someone to look after my kid so I can study.

Kit I’ve been telling y’all about the ice/fan thing! Stock up on ice cubes or freeze balloons with water in them for more volume.

Gigs I like the nice way too put the haggling: “I know this is a lot to ask.” That’s a good line. I always feel too rude to ask.

Flueks the job thing in the cookie is a little creepy I must say. Your story makes me want to write cookie fortunes though.

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