General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Little known fact...i used to collect fortune cookie fortunes. They're in my wallet where most people keep photos (it's an old wallet). I started out just keeping amusing ones then just kept them all with big plans to make art from them, but never did. My favorite keepers:
Never trouble trouble til trouble troubles you

You are a happy man

You are going to have some nice cake

The last being my favorite, because who doesn't want nice cake? anyway Fluek, I wouldn't worry about the cookie :p

Hope you ladies are cooling down!

So, sad-ish story so do not read if injured animals make you sad! Today we had a new duckling hatch. It's been weeks since this happened, so he appears to be the first in the next batch. Well, evidently ducks are f'king savages. It spoears the moms from the last hatch assessed him as a threat and tried to kill him! Hubs found him on his side smooshed in the mud and crap and barely alive. He brought him to me and upon closer inspection i saw he was covered in HUNDREDS of fly eggs :sick: fortunately some warm water and dish soap cleaned him up. I blow dried him as well and we made him a temporary brooder to keep him away feon the homicidal ducks. Sadly, as i was drying him, i saw his leg is broken :( so i took to out state chicken lovers page on face book and asked if anyone could help, and someone responded! She wants to try to fix him up, then give him back (she has chickens but can't keep ducks).

So hopefully this story will have a happy ending! Ducky is doing really well right now. He's got a loud peep and is actually managing to "stand" despite his leg. He hobbkes but can get around a little. Considering was all but dead earlier this is a fantastic sign.

Fx for little Ducky! Oh and no, I don't "know" it's a boy, i just assume all babies are boys until proven otherwise.
Aw Gigs that was a nice story after all. I was expecting something more horrific. Maybe I’m just expecting horrific things atm coz earlier today I hear some shouting and a crash somewhere outside our apartment and then ambulance turn up five mins later. Turns out a cyclist had gone into the back of a car and was taken to hospital in serious condition. And a couple of weeks ago a woman got knocked off her bike and killed just two blocks away. I cycle rjeee streets all the time when I’m in school properly so it’s scary. Scary world.

Aaaaanyway, you fortune cookie fortunes lifted my mood though! I love the cake one too. So straightforward and true and happy.

Speaking of big plans to make art, I once saw a thing in a music shop with tonnes of old keys dangling from string that made a beautiful sound when jangled. Sounded just like magic. I so badly wanted to make one myself but where on earth would I find that many keys?! Well, a few years later our superintendents in our old apartment were changing all the communal locks so they took back all the old keys from everyone and gave them to... me! Woohoo! Hundreds of keys! Have I gotten around to it though? Nope. Do I even know where they are since we moved? I honestly haven’t the faintest idea, but now that I’ve remembered them I REALLY want to make this key mobile... maybe paint the keys different colours? Would they still jingle as nicely?

Anyway wow look at Rambles McGee over here yet again.
Gigs- sounds like he should make it! We do a lot of saving animals too. Probably way more than we should.
I never told you guys about the pitbull we saved did I? Long story short. We saved a pit a few months ago. The shelters told us to "let him go" because the shelters were too full already. We suspect it was our neighbors dog but she insisted it wasn't. (Country living, I use 'neighbor' loosly) he kept hanging around her land and she had one who looked just like it. But whatever. Ended up getting him to a shelter. Both DH and I felt it was the wrong decision. DH went to check on him and they said he wasn't adoptable because he was too scared and came off as aggressive. We adopted him ($150 later) and found him a new home.
Sorry I totally just made that about myself.

Jez- I'm not that nice of a person. It would be full time daycare 4 days a week and she'd pay me. I don't mind watching babies for people but this one is more of a job lol
Green I think you told us that story before - I was so angry for you when I heard it! Also, I did assume you’d get paid for watching her kid and I STILL thought you were a hero
Haha Rambles McGee lol!

Jez you be careful hun cycling around... cyclists always worry me, same as motorcyclists they appear out of nowhere & sometimes vehicle drivers just dont look enough :hugs:

Mrs Green your a trooper, i always praise people who look after children/babies or work in a Nursery, i just couldnt do it, i would find it mega stressful whether being paid for it or not. With it being a newbie though, it may be the gentle swaying to decrease your anxiety for another Bambino <3 Thats totally not selfish post about the Dog adoption, even if you did make a few quid on it, you took him into your home & provided for him, you guys didn&#8217;t have to do that, so glad you found him a lovely home, i bet hes very happy now :)

Awww poor Ducky.. i hope this lady is able to fix his leg & hes nursed back to health, poorly animal stories always get me but its nice to read hes doing lots better :)

Jez & Gigs - you should totally do your Art things, the Key jingly sounds lovely & very relaxing & the Fortune Cookie collage would be awesome, if you sold that after i bet someone would def snap that up as it&#8217;s very diff & unique, i love things like that!

Kit, my SO has been eating a ton of ice pops to keep cool lol fill ye freezer up hun, im going to have to get some more today!

I been up since 0530 zzzz Nuala was up moaning &#8220;Duuummmmmy&#8221; at her stairgate & then she wanted her Milk & then of course Riley heard me up & its his birthday so hes uber excited lol! They are both currently playing with balloons in the Lounge whilst watching Despicable Me haha & moaning he wants to open his prezzys.. SO isnt up yet (its 06:30) so ge&#8217;ll have to wait lol!
Ooh Jez you&#8217;re up early? Or is Canada ahead of UK..

Im still reading back haha!

Im a crap haggler aswell i always feel too cheeky! SO on the other hand, is great at it, he haggle for the last item in a Store if its display item & more often than not he&#8217;ll get like 30/40% off haha!

Did u know that with Ikea items, if they selling or you want to buy the last item on display & esp if they not getting anymore of that item in, they can knock upto 70% off the original price! We had a display office chair which was £120 & ww got it for £45!! Bargain :thumbup:
Green you did share that stiry but i am not sure if the pup found a new home yet. Glad to hear he did! Poor pits, such a bad rap. Kudos for babysitting 3. I offered to watch my nephew then instantly regrettit. Didn't matter though, I can't fit three kids in my car anyway and still have to pick des up from school so i got off the hook *phew*

Jez that key mobile sounds so cool! I'll be on the lookout for kets at yard sales now. Be careful on the bike! Just take my husband's advice (it is for motorcycles but applicable here): "ride like everyone around you is trying to kill you".

Gotta check on ducky and meet this lady this morning. Had some lovely insomnia last night that gave me anxiety. Yay! Sooo tired, and naturally this happened on a night Lev actually slept through -.- that's life i guess.
Ahhhh Eves just took 2 steps unassisted and didn&#8217;t fall over afterwards :cloud9:
Yay!!! Oooh I hope she's walking soon! Only because life will be easier on you pregnant with a walker rather than having to carry her when you're further along.

So ducky's outlook is not so good...the lady i met took him to a vet who is not optimistic. His bone is exposed which complicates vet friend also confirms it's definitely not good. But the vet he's at is still going to try to fix him up, so at least he has a chance. I am keeping my fingers crossed. If he makes it, he'll be given an official name and be pardoned on our farm (which means we will keep him as long as he lives and we are able to). We do jave one other pardoned duck, Tony, who is nothing special, jist a black runner duck that hubs likes. He also happens ro be the alfa duck of the whole flock, including the geese (we have a male & female pair of geese and Tony has actually gotten down and done the dirty with the goose! She's twice his size!).

Wow talk about rambling! Sorry y'all!
Greenie I think it would be hard to watch other peoples kids because I may think something is okay and they may not. Stuff like that stresses me out though. How old will baby be when she goes back to work?

Jez I know! It was just horrible timing. I did rip it in half trying to pull it out so I must have voided the fortune :rofl:

That key mobile sounds awesome. I think I'd want one outside and make it into a windchime.

Oh that's horrible wth the cyclists. I would like to ride but it's not safe where I live.

Gigs I used to collect my theater tickets. Thank you for sharing those. Now I want cake :)

Oh and yes I do realize it's a bit irrational about my fortune. Just very bad timing.

I'm so glad that it sounds like Ducky is going to have a hapoy ending. He sure is a tough little duck. Hope it goes well the lady this morning. Oh wait I just readyour latest update. I guess with exposed bone they are concerned with osteomyelitis. In humans it's 6 week iv antibiotics typically. Will be hoping for a miracle for ducky.

Of course you can't sleep the night the Lev does. Freaking Murphy's law.

CB i remember being a kid and waking up super early for birthday or Christmas ready to open presents. Hope you can get a nap in today.

Kit yay for walking!! Agree with gigs it'll make it a lot easier when you are further along.

AFM work environment seems pretty somber, a continuation of Friday afternoon. Just trying to keep busy. Well other than my bnb break.

I do feel more positive that I'll be hired into the educator position officially.

Not much symptom wise, just fatigued mainly. As awful as it sounds I'm eager for morning sickness so I actually feel pregnant. I'm thinking I'll do a digi tomorrow as I'll be 5 weeks. I'm going to dip an IC first and then decide :haha:

Not much else going on.
Hope the digi cooperates. I did that with ds2 and it gave me a very unsatisfying 2-3 weeks.

Glad your position seems secure. Did you find out why the other people were fired?
Oh no the ducky!! Ducks are hard though from what I hear! My friend had one called benedict that she found injured and tried to nurse back to health, unfortunately he didn&#8217;t make it
Gigs, yeah I'm going to compare my IC tomorrow to pic of one from last time when I got 3+.

I'm pretty sure it was overour finances. Home health, hospice, and dme are all in the "red".
That is unfortunate for them. Glad your spot is secure though!

Got word that ducky has a compound fracture which is basically worse case scenario :( she said the vet has fixed many ducks and if she can fix him she now just a waiting game. I am really hoping it pulls through but not keeping my hopes up :(

I am amazed this women and vet have gone to this length to help. The thing must have had an xray which is crazy to me!
Been reading, don&#8217;t remember much. I swear I&#8217;m not skipping people on purpose!

Dobs, that party sounds adorable. I haven&#8217;t seen a single Marvel universe movie but I get some of the references (Grew up watching Batman and justice league animated shows, these days I&#8217;m really only into supergirl, I watch the live show).

Gigs so sorry that Ducky is hurt! I hope he can be fixed :(

I&#8217;m PMSing really bad this cycle. AF is due any time now. Not certain on O date, guessing CD 19 or so based on symptoms. I&#8217;ve had night sweats the past few nights as usual. My breasts aren&#8217;t normally THIS tender though, they&#8217;ve been SUUUPER sensitive the past few days, everything hurts them ugh. I&#8217;m also getting nausea like usual, but it&#8217;s pretty bad. I&#8217;m lying in bed nauseous, and if I lift my head it makes it worse. So annoying.

I just ordered a 25 pack of clinicalguard hpt&#8217;s on amazon prime just cuz I don&#8217;t like using frers unless I have to cuz money, they&#8217;re reserved for if I get a positive cheapie or have no other tests. I wanna have the cheapies since I&#8217;m going on the pill in less than a month.
Gigs I was also going to say I’m impressed by the lengths they’ve gone to to save Ducky when putting it to sleep would be cheaper and easier. Restores my faith in humanity...

Flueks glad your job is safe. Random question, but if you weren’t doing nursing, what do you think you would be doing for work?

I think if I wasn’t going to be a psychologist, I could see myself being a midwife, a hairdresser or a journalist. All very different vocations, I know.

CB happy birthday to Riley! How lucky for it to fall on an inset day.
Shae hurry up and finish school, make a bit of money and jump on the TTC train! Gotta get in there while we’re still all having babies haha
Gigs sorry about the duck but sounds like he is in great hands

Fluek glad your job is secure but yeah that sucks that people are losing theirs :(

Shae agreed I hope that there are some of us ttcing when it&#8217;s your turn. Also Batman and Superman and justice league are DC not marvel (brb my nerd is showing) lol ily

Atm just so tired and fat and still no period if it hadn&#8217;t been 8 months since sec and a test in clinic in dec then I would swear i&#8217;m pregnant
Gigs yeah my main worry is if the new leader has same plans as our recently fired VP. I do think it'll be alright, just really shell shocked Friday and I think pregnancy magnifies emotions to the 1000.

Omg, poor ducky. It's amazing he's alive right now with all he's been through. Praying for him and the vet.

Jez either accounting, physical therapy, or speech therapy.

I like being able to help people. I also like holidays and weekends off :haha: I like working with numbers. I took an accounting class in high school and enjoyed it. Most nurses hate math, but I'm an oddball ;)

I've thought about being a certified nurse midwife, but it's the whole labor and delivery thing that scares the ever living shit out of me. Otherwise, I think I'd really enjoy it.

With your age gap. Shae and you might be ttc at the same time.

If I ttc#3 I'm waiting til V starts school. I cannot afford 3 in daycare at the same time.

Shae sorry for the bad pms. Sometimes it really sucks being female.

I think it's always a good idea to have some ICs on hand.

AFM well it's a bit tmi so skip over for the faint of heart. I had sone yellowish cm come out after a bm. I believe it's normal pregnancy discharge as I'm not burning or itching. Just wanted reassurance as I never had it with DD except about 2 weeks before her birth. I think it's just some mucus plug. Anywho, enough about that.

V woke up after I left for wrk this morning. I can't wait to pick her up today.
Flueks I definitely had a lot of yellowish discharge in pregnancy. I had discharge that looked like smaller amounts of mucus plug (but yellowish) a LOT. I also had brown discharge and a tiny bit of bright red blood in first tri and all was fine.

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