General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

L4cey sorry about the BFN, you’re still early though so you could definitely still get a positive!

Ladies, thanks for the shared anger over the murder case.

Gigs, I think my mom is doing okay. She’s tough, she’s dealt with so many patient deaths that at this point she can deal with anything. Every death still stings and she mourns them, but she has to move on quickly. She wasn’t a patient of course, but she’s taking her death in a similar way.

She worked for a family-run chiropractic office since I was a toddler, and they were basically her family. They’re throwing a memorial potluck at their house (which is also their place of business) and inviting all their patients I think (idk they called us to tell us), since the family is having a private funeral/burial. The wake is public, though. It took so long because of the autopsy since it was homocide. The chiropractic office is being closed temporarily for mourning, they canceled all the appointments.

Anyway. On to less depressing stuff.

AF arrived today, finally. I was getting tired of all the PMS crap. My super strong pheromones caused my 51 year old mother to ovulate (she hasn’t been lately) and she got her period today, and so did I. Whoops. Considering my extreme PMS symptoms, yeah it was likely me. I used to mess up her cycles as a teenager.
This is going to be crappy as I'm soooo exhausted tonight.

Gigs it's early and difficult to find the hearbeat. I think they don't recommend them until 15 or 16 weeks for use at home because of that.

Your SIL must not be a POAS freak like the rest of us:haha:

L4 so sorry for bfn. Maybe test Friday with fmu??

CB so glad it went well for your friend. It can be so easy to get busy and not think that others are worrying about us. That's totally me!

Shae I had a read. It's disgusting what he did and his I hope her friends and family can find some closure.

Glad AF arrives.

Kit, you know I'd think twins would drive me even further to finding out. I do not like gender neutral clothing so I'd want to be fully prepared. Your scan will be here soon, but I know it'll drag by for you. Almost 2 weeks until my scan :happydance:

Dobby love you, our little snowflake, hehe.

AFM busy day at work. We had a "town hall" meeting regarding our change in management. Our interim leader was once our VP so that's nice. No details but they disclosed the change was due to a corporate compliance issue with our dme company. They said it wasn't a criminal activity but an error. Firing seemed extreme if that's the case. No one has come to talk to me so I do not forsee any change at the present.
Shae hugs I did not read it because honestly I can’t deal with wives/gfs/exes getting killed. I’m legit worried that’ll be me one day. I do hope they find closure. There are no words really so i’m Just going to give you a big e-hug

Fluek lol i’n Glad y’all put up with me

L4 sorry about the bfn, which test did you use? You had two frers and two something else, right? It’s still super early so fxed

Kit I would have sprung for dna testing if my mom didn’t threaten to not buy the crib if I did haha. I want to know so I can daydream and buy very much gendered clothes haha. If I have a second, i’d really lean to do aex selection and have a girl. Especially if I had a partner. But if A didn’t care I wouldn’t care. But I also hate the idea of having one child fulltime and the other not. Exchange. Sorry went on a tangent

Today I learned swim diapers do not hold pee :rofl:
Dobby especially since where I live we are basically the complete opposite of Cali :rofl: I'm pretty tolerant and I usually just keep quiet if I disagree unless it's dangerous.

One child fulltime and other not??? Are you saying if A had to spend time with his father and baby 2 was always with you?

Yes they are only meant to keep poo from leaking in the pool ;)

Think I'm goingto nap or just go to bed. Night y'all
HI LADIES:hi: Remember meee??
:blush: yesss, the slacker B* who didn't mean to take another break and did lol So sorry
I'll explain in detail later, or see my channel, but basically I am on cycle 52 after a surprise donor meet up cycle 51, hail Mary style. And was soooo feeling good about it. Then the :witch: came up right on time grrrr...
Sooo, onto cycle 52, but I had like 2 weeks KILLER migraines almost daily, major nausea and food aversion. ..WTF ya know i have never had preg or period related nausea or migraines. ...
Took some wally cheapie and frer here n there even after period and nothing more than squinters
Fast fwd to when i decide to take another wally cuz i combined FF charts for 51 and 52 for a channel vid, and :shock: despite the "period" i only had bbt b dip ONE day under cover line! ?
And since then, my temp recovered and today was the highest level yet 98.49,and i checked 3 times! !??
So fast fwd to tonight, i take a wally with 8 hr hold, nothing more than a squinter ...THEN i recalled an article i read saying because hcg is higher in blood than urine at all times, is possible to get a bfp that way early on. ..hmmm :-k
So mad scientist chick here tries it, in the vid is sooooo slow to cross the hpt, i call it neg, then....i start to see a hint of a line but the red is blocking it badly, not even 3 mins later bam definite bfp !!?? Now i have NO idea what to think, OHHH and, i took 3 opk the last 6 days they got LIGHTER till nothing on ystrdys!! Cd12, and you ladies knowww i almost always O cd13, which is today, so thoughts? ?
I'm gonna try a frer worth fmu, but not expecting much
Saw a ton of YouTube vids with bfps with blood on mult brands:shrug: Pics below!


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J!!!! Welcome back! That’s so crazy! Do you have the money for a cash lab beta? I’m concerned that it’s not showing up in your urine. It could be some kind of issue, like an ectopic... hopefully it’s a stealth pregnancy though!
Gigs, my go to last night was the left over potatoes. Originally they were cut into pieces and baked in the oven with oil, salt and pepper and some butter. For my night snack I just fried them up in a ton of butter, added more salt and fried them in the pan. Voila!

4, welcome to the group!

J, Welcome Back! Missed you! I ditto shaes question: got enough money for the lab? We've seen those light lines before from you, so I am hesitant....

Dobs, haha, my mom learned that lesson a few weeks ago. I laughed.

Gigs, to add to your story of sore knees and weighloss. Co-worker of mine has terrible knees and her doctor just suggested exercise and weighloss. But exercise made the knees even worse. So she herself spring for an MRI on the knee which her doctor didn't even sign for (so it came out of her own pocket). Turns out to be a sprained miniscule, arthritis as well as a cyst! Talk about a triple whammy her Dr ignored.
Long day, I'll explain more in a bit but I'll try to remember as much as possible.

J- hey!!!! I'm pretty sure I saw a thread of women testing the blood theory and it ain't accurate because when they test it they spin it separate it or something? I really can't remember the reason. Sorry maybe I'm no help here lol

Jez- firing does seem pretty extreme for an accident... I hate when work isn't secure. It's so stressful.

Dobs- you go to a mommy and me class? How exciting! I'm totally jealous.
Also, hahahahahahha on the snowflake comment. That seriously cracked me up.

Dobs- I'm soooo happy ducky is doing better. You must upload a pic!

Kit- we were the opposite of you with twins and finding out the sex. We weren't going to find out if it was a singleton but we were going to find out if it was twins. So we did lol if we have another we won't find out though.

So my long day: took the boys to the doctors for a check up. I talked to the doc about one of the boys getting frustrated and mad really easily. He has to make lids fit, make things fit in containers, and her said things out of containers. When it doesn't work or when something else doesn't go his way he screams. Like a blood curdling scream. He has even hit himself in the head and banged his head on the floor. Doesn't happen often but has happened more than once. Doc said it isn't abnormal but isn't normal either so he sent home a packet with questions for me to fill out and send back. From there, they'l let us know if he needs more testing or what they reccomend. My mom actually went with me to the appointment and when we left I asked her, "does that packet sound like they're looking for autism?" She said yes. So even though I'm really sure everything is fine it still makes me nervous and worried for him.
No worries- I really expected Nada as it was just a Mad Science vid for giggles, Nooo idea tho, as i have watched at least 50 vids and none have a line as dark as mine except ladies who are well a good few weeks preggo, and I haven't seen diddly on urine really. Doing my last frer with fmu. Last cpl I did were almost 2 weeks I think??
And deffo no :sex: since legit night before/going into Father's Day Morn ( how ironic if it worked lol)
And check out my crazy chart in the thumbnail:wacko:
One dip and a recover happened where I bled ( had to remove the bleed to make FF merge them) all very very odd.
I'll call my doc asap in the morning since she prob has a warrant out for me missing my annual labs in Feb lol.

Oh and I see I've missed MUCH!
Congrats it seems to Gigsy and Fleuk!! Just caught brief blips in siggys etc. Got ALOT to read
Fluek lol that’s a good way to go. I make fun of the pc culture but I totally do it haha i’m Only good about stfu on FB for fear it’ll get to my job and contract rules we can’t have opinions on things. Hope you are sleeping!

Pl ooo 4! I like that! Had a huge crush on 4 from divergent. Almost naked A Tobias because of that tattoo explanation scene lol. But I got shot down by everyone lol crazy story about your friend! Reminds me of a movie I just watched with my mom “brain on fire” on Netflix

Green I love that autocorrect turned gigs to dogs I wish I was as cool as her lol. Yeah it’s a blow to the bank but A LOVED the free trial class so much. It’s like $200 for the summer with two classes a week. I think as long as I go to each class (already missed one last week ugh) it drops to $10-15 a class. But it’s fun and social but A is the only one with sharing manners! Thankfully he doesn’t get mad when kids take stuff out of his hand. We just shrug it off and find new ones while I glare at the parent like for real for real?

Hm I try really hard not to label or diagnose. That liability is for the rsp team. It’s such a hard line to decide what is “appropriate” response levels. It’s good they are looking into it, but just keep in mind one person’s label may not be. I had a handful of therapists telling my mom she has borderline bipolar, but I spent a week under observation and he said you know at first glance you would think she is BPD but when you talk to her it’s so obvious she doesn’t. So idk. But as he ages i’m Sure they can help you with some frustration management. We used to do mindfulness twice a week in my old class. Or maybe he’ll go my route and do Krav and hit bags. Hugs hugs

J wow so confused I sure hope you can get that lab done! Crazy idk anything about the blood hpt thing but I see it for sure. Welcome back!
J!!!! So nice to see you!! I’ve got everything crossed for you

L4cey hope you get clarification today, eagerly awaiting your test!

Green hope everything is okay for you guys, autism sucks, my mum said I was the worst at 6-14 with mine, until I started being able to control it better, I went to visit paediatric therapists who helped me learn coping mechanisms. I still slip up from time to time and freak out over things not working properly, but I’m SO much better than I used to be!

Oh yeh want to add I have knee pain. Both knees, hurts sometimes when I run, had it when I was borderline obese, still have now!

:bfn: as in taken test apart tried every angle and gone in every room in house to try different lights!! think the line that isn’t a line on the cb was due to the blue die!!

Not due af until 18th so will test again closer to the time

Hi J sending:dust:
Aw I’m sorry l4cey! How do you feel? I hate those blue dye tests! I’ll never buy one again! So many false lines it’s crazy!
Aw I’m sorry l4cey! How do you feel? I hate those blue dye tests! I’ll never buy one again! So many false lines it’s crazy!

We’re not trying Kit!

I already have 3 youngest has just turned 2 and my other 2 are 13 and 9.
DH has a vesectomy after the 2nd then he had it reversed in March 2015 and I got my bfp in August!! Did go on pill after she was born but felt like it made my depression worse so came off it hence the pull out method while I decide which contraception is best. In the back of my mind I’m not done having babies but also don’t think I could manage another as my hubs works away Monday to Friday so picking contraception is hard as I don’t want to use something that will take a long time to get out my system or mess up my cycle as at the moment I am really regular. Hubs wants another but I’m not ready to commit yet (obvs if I am decision is already made)

Sorry for the long post!!
Aw I’m sorry l4cey! How do you feel? I hate those blue dye tests! I’ll never buy one again! So many false lines it’s crazy!

We’re not trying Kit!

I already have 3 youngest has just turned 2 and my other 2 are 13 and 9.
DH has a vesectomy after the 2nd then he had it reversed in March 2015 and I got my bfp in August!! Did go on pill after she was born but felt like it made my depression worse so came off it hence the pull out method while I decide which contraception is best. In the back of my mind I’m not done having babies but also don’t think I could manage another as my hubs works away Monday to Friday so picking contraception is hard as I don’t want to use something that will take a long time to get out my system or mess up my cycle as at the moment I am really regular. Hubs wants another but I’m not ready to commit yet (obvs if I am decision is already made)

Sorry for the long post!!

I understand, I would say use condoms like we did but that’s how our woopsie(s) came about :rofl:! Hubby’s getting a vasectomy after this, we only wanted 2 kids in total!
We have condoms but he’s not a big fan of using them 😂
J welcome back!! FX urine shows something more promising soon. I think I saw the blood on hpt wasn't accurate, but can't recall.

Glad you've got a donor again :) and good to see

Dobby ahhh I did sleep and othet than waking up after DH came home and peeing in middle of the night. It was great. Feel much better for now.

Enjoy the mommy and me classes :)

Greenie sorry about the tantrums. I was very hard to deal with and threw crying and screaming fits for like an hour...... erm, I was just strong willed and stubborn. Hope it's nothing serious. I forgot you decided you wanted to know if twins but team green for singleton.

L4 sorry for bfn. Also, we don't like condoms either. Deciding about birth control can be tough.
Green don't panic. Autism isn't likely but even so, it is far from a death sentence! I am pretty sure Des is on the spectrum but he's so high functioning he can't get a diagnosis. But he definitely exhibits behaviors like that, gets frustrated by things easily. Still, despite his processing delay he is an extremely bright kid and a sweet heart. He'll probably end up doing something extremely complicated in IT that I will mever be able to wrap my head least he's amazing at video games and reading so I feel like those are IT skills :haha: ANYWAY it's also entirely possible your little guy just doesn't have the fine motor skills he wants yet and that's making him frustrated. Lev used to get very upset not being mobile. Now that he walks with ease he's so much happier!

J welcome back! No idea on the blood thing but fx!

Ugh so tired...our smoke alarm randomly went off at 4:30am! Wtf! Just beeped a few times and stopped. Still we shot out of bed with our hearts racing. I didn't fall back asleep until close to 6, 35 minutes before o had to get up anyway :roll:

Kit i connot relate to "team yellow" at all so i think you're crazy regardless :haha:
Green don't panic. Autism isn't likely but even so, it is far from a death sentence! I am pretty sure Des is on the spectrum but he's so high functioning he can't get a diagnosis. But he definitely exhibits behaviors like that, gets frustrated by things easily. Still, despite his processing delay he is an extremely bright kid and a sweet heart. He'll probably end up doing something extremely complicated in IT that I will mever be able to wrap my head least he's amazing at video games and reading so I feel like those are IT skills :haha: ANYWAY it's also entirely possible your little guy just doesn't have the fine motor skills he wants yet and that's making him frustrated. Lev used to get very upset not being mobile. Now that he walks with ease he's so much happier!

J welcome back! No idea on the blood thing but fx!

Ugh so tired...our smoke alarm randomly went off at 4:30am! Wtf! Just beeped a few times and stopped. Still we shot out of bed with our hearts racing. I didn't fall back asleep until close to 6, 35 minutes before o had to get up anyway :roll:

Kit i connot relate to "team yellow" at all so i think you're crazy regardless :haha:

I honestly NEVER thought I wouldn’t find out the gender ever, but I feel like I don’t want to know with this pregnancy. I don’t know, I might not be able to do it but for some reason I’m drawn to it this time weirdly!
Go for it then! I personally can't bond until I know so it feels like a requirement for me.

LADIES! Today is the day! Nacho fries are back!!!

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