General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Kitty did you find out the Sex when u were preggers with Evie?

J Hey :wave: So good to hear from you :) ooooh when are you re-testing? Can you get ye paws on any Frers???

L4cey, sorry your test was Negative... Def re-test when period is nearly due or day of if she hasnt arrived! We also had Condoms to use but SO hates wearing them, i still have a whole 12 pack unopened in my bedroom Drawer & because we were doing pull out (except he got carried away) & this is now my third pg Lol!

Gigs what time is your apt today? I hope she scans you... your 11 wks ahhhh!!

MrsG Riley was a very frustrated young'n / early toddler & would get stressed very easily but doesnt always indicate Autism/Aspergers, alot of the time its general learning/understanding, i wouldnt worry as the boys are only just over a year old, actual diagnosis is usually over the age of 3yrs.. :)
Yeh I found out ASAP with eves :rofl: it’s weird because last time I felt like I needed to know quickly but this time im really chilled about it!
Gigs, replace the battery of that smoke detector. It's usually a sign that they are in need of replacing.

Green, I agree with Gigs. Id be hesitant on calling it autism or be worried about it just yet. Toddlers do get frustrated when things don't go their way yet. L does too, especially when lids don't fit or won't come off. I let him deal with it for a moment but then do give just enough aid for him to figure out another way to get it done. He's gotten quite good at problem solving this way.
L4 I hear you. I agree about retesting closer to AF. I hate condoms but I hate sex in general (this is how I actually feel not dobs lying to herself because dating an a*hole). I only want it cuz hormones near o and then I get it and wonder why I wanted it lol tangent

Fluek sorry I never answered your question about custody. I don’t want A to ever feel less loved than his is. Cue parenting with guilt over here. I hated being a stepchild, and I had a really good stepdad. I don’t want A to be in a situation where his dad has fought to get 50/50 just to stop paying support, and then I have a kid full time. Esp since he calls my brothers p words for lady bits for liking what they like, and I can already tell he likes those things. And he only wants him to play hockey, which i’m not really down to have him play hockey or any rough contact sports unless he wants. So I doubt ex will treat him nicely. I already know he intends to just stick him on the couch in the living room or just leave him with the equally no shits given grandparents. And CA is one of those states where you have to be 14 to have a say.

Gigs excited for your update!

Kit maybe since it’s your last you want that experience of team yellow so no retreats of having not done it. I’m with gigs. I gotta know lol

Oh green and a gets mad and throws tantrums when he’s trying to communicate and we clearly don’t understand him. I think that's What your doc meant by it being normal to some degree but learning to manage it will be good for every one
Green- as someone who has gone through the process of having their child tested and diagnosed with Autism i can tell you that yes it was heartbreaking when the doctor told me we needed to get her tested. In fact it wasn’t even my pediatrician who said it. We were attempting to have some sort of swallow test type thing done for some speech stuff and she flipped out on us in the room. And in those 15- 20 minutes and subsequent talking the specialist told us that she likely had autism and needed to be tested. The lady doing the test actually sat on the autism board at the children’s hospital. We waited over a year for the actual appointment- it took forever to get my pediatrician to write the referral and then even longer for the wait list. But I had been asking all of my family and close friends if they thought she had traits of autism starting at 12 months. Of course they wouldn’t tell me yes but they suspected too. So it wasn’t a huge shock for her to be diagnosed. I won’t lie when the specialist in the X-ray room told us she likely had autism i ugly cried for at least 10 minutes. Not because of the autism but because she had already been through so much. She has a rare birth defect called bilateral coronal craniosynostosis and she had already had several surgical procedures for it. She did physical therapy for almost a year for torticollis and then speech therapy cause she couldn’t talk and she had lots of ear infections. So at the time it was devastating because it was one more diagnosis and more things to go through. And those forms.. gosh i had 4 packets to fill out- very overwhelming and sad- and her father was zero help. It was like he didn’t want to know. His parents still insist that she doesn’t have autism.

However now that we have been diagnosed for over a year i will say that it doesn’t matter as much. She’s still her and it doesn’t change who she is or anything. It does make things challenging sometimes. We don’t live in an area that has great services for autism and The state of Texas is horrible with getting Medicaid etc to help pay for them and we can’t afford all the therapies etc that would help. She’s very high functioning so her autism comes off as mostly “quirky” at this point. But I’m always afraid of “what if it gets worse” but there is no good way of knowing what will happen.

Dang I feel like I said a lot of nothing. Basically i know how you feel cause I’ve been there but it’s not the end of the world, yes it takes some getting used to but depending on locations there are services that can help depending on severity etc. autism is a huge range and what one child shows in their symptoms won’t be what the other one shows and things can be corrected for example. My child used to flap her hands and repeat no no no when she didn’t want to do something and now she just says no thank you once and occasionally 1 hand flap. We taught her not to do the repetitive part she was doing previously. Anyway I’m here if you have any questions or anything.

I read everything else but after that huge reply I’m spent haha.
:hugs: tex I know we've been through similar so biggest empathetic hugs appointment went fine, was very quick. I asked for a scan but she compromised with doppler which was fine by me. She found the hb very easily! So I'm done with mine at home for now. As I said I can physically feel my uterus
Is bigger/growing so meh. I cannot wait till my next ultrasound though. I am back to feeling disconnected from this pregnancy. Very frustrating.

On the plus side I have nacho fries in the car seat next to me so yay!
Gigs, yay on nacho fries and hearing the HB! Big plus, focus on that ;)

Tex: thanks for sharing the insights, I can't imagine how hard this is on all of you. I can't remember if I had asked this before, but a friend of mine trains service dogs for kids with autism. If you ever want more information I'd be happy to pass it along.
I appreciate it pacific. We actually have a dog but she’s not a service animal and my daughter basically ignores her. Doesn’t play with her much etc and if the dog comes near her like when Tabs is eating She shrieks. Or if the dog licks her Tabs shrieks. So I’m not sure if a service animal would do much good...

Gigs- good to know on the heartbeat situation. I hope once you find out the gender you can connect more to the baby.
Thanks Tex, I really think finding out the gender is going to be what it takes. On the plus side my mother-in-law offered to pay for the early gender scan! So that is also exciting.

In other news, we have been receiving Amazon packages we did not order. I called Amazon and they can't figure it out either, just told us to keep everything if we want to. Has this happened to anyone?
Thanks everyone for the responses. I really believe he doesn't have autism or if he does it's hardly on the spectrum. I just wouldn't want him to have to deal with anyone thinking he's different or treating him different. That being said, DH had a couple people in his family that do have autism (one pretty severe) and I see how other look and it breaks my heart. That all being said, I'm not worry about it until there's something to worry about. He's so smart and such a big personality. He just melts my heart and cracks me up all the time.

Tex- I appreciate your long post. It's super helpful. I'm so glad my doctors are being proactive since I hear these stories all the time about waiting forever and waiting until they are older to even get them looked at.

I4- since you aren't trying I guess yay for bfn? Lol

Gigs- lol you're cracking me up with these nacho fries. I've never had them but I'm starving right now and it's making me hungrier.

At my doctors appointment (physical) and he lowered my BP meds in half again! We'll check it out in a couple weeks to make sure it's all good but I'm pretty stoked. He wants to try to ease me off the meds and see what happens. Waiting for blood work now because apparently I'm anemic and no one told me.....
Thanks Tex, I really think finding out the gender is going to be what it takes. On the plus side my mother-in-law offered to pay for the early gender scan! So that is also exciting.

In other news, we have been receiving Amazon packages we did not order. I called Amazon and they can't figure it out either, just told us to keep everything if we want to. Has this happened to anyone?

Gigs yes this happened to my mum, whatever you do if someone comes along and says they delivered it by mistake and they’ve come to collect it DONT give it to them. And check all your accounts, they charged my mums card and tried to pretend to be a courier and collect it before the payment processed on her bank.
Gigs yay for nacho fries!!! I really don't think home dopplers are as good as medical grade. I probably won't use mine til 2nd tri before I start feeling movement. It's not that I use it because I worry but enjoy listening to it.

You said your next scan is 13 weeks??

Very odd about the packages. Did you call number from package or using amazon website?

Dobby wow that's crap they don't have a say until 14. I'm not sure how we compare here. At 5 in AL I chose to live with my mom.

Greenie yay for halfing the dose and plan to wean you off it. I don't really lie taking anything. I do for ttc and pregnancy though.

Tex how's your summer going right now??

AFM sooooo tired again. I'm looking forward to 2nd tri already. I think it's harder because I can't just sleep when I want.

Anyone have a recommendation on a diaper backpack?? I have a Jeep one but the lining for compartments tore. I'd like a new one for baby and am looking for ideas.
Wow that is so shade!!!!

Gigs glad yiu heard the hb! And how exciting is that! Can’t wait! Hugs

Green I hear you. Kids can be mean without and with meaning to. But I have had functioning austistic kids in my class and sure they have moments but they have friends and make excellent grades and are happy :). I had one kid who cried and banged his head when he messed up but working with him and his parents after tri 1 he really flourished

I forgot what else my parents are arguing and i’n Like I had to cancel my plans to listen to the same fight over and over gag
Wtf Green how have they not told you about the anemia?! Omg I bet you notice an improvement in your energy when that gets corrected. Geeze! Great news about the bp meds!

Regarding the packages I called amazon who told me to keep it. There was a matching phone number on each shipping label so i called that and left a vm. I would be really skeptical if it were something expensive, or like electronics, jewelry, etc...but like one was a stud finder and we also got 250 biodegradable straws Hubby is going to check activity on all his cards as well just in case.

Ugh feeling horrid right now, Fluek I will commiserate with you on being tired. I ate too much crap today a lovely headache now :roll: oh well.
Summer is going great. Except for the fact that I only have about 4.5 weeks left and one of those weeks will be spent at a conference for my particular field of classes I teach (family and consumer sciences) so really 3.5 weeks left without anything work related. It’s been really nice to be able to stay home for days on end in my Nike shorts and T-shirts. Lol and I’ve managed to keep the weight off that i have lost thus far. I’ve had a few bad weeks of eating but now I’m trying to get back on track so I can maintain where I am at.
Gigs that's so odd. Glad hubs is checking his cards though.

Yes, it really sucks. As far as junk, I've ate pretty well todsy, but I think I'll pick dinner up for dh and me. I'm thinking pickle fried chicken again :rofl:

Summer break never seemed to last long enough. Sorry you have to go to a confetence one week. Also way to go on maintaining your weight. I find maintaining harder than losing.
Gigs a stud finder and biodegradable straws sounds exactly like something I would order, no joke. It’s also spooky that my mum told me that this morning around 4am her fire alarm went off for no reason (it’s one that speaks, so it was declaring “fire! Fire!” Anyway, yes do check your credit cards and maybe reach out to amazon through their site if the phone number on package doesn’t match their site number (though it sounds like it does). Maybe change amazon password too just to be safe.

Green - good news re BP meds, though booo in secret anemia. I’m sure you’ll have so much more energy once it’s sorted. Also, Tilly occasionally gets very frustrated with things she can’t do instantly, like putting a lid on something. She does get over it fast, but you can tell she’s super angry (tbh I’m the same). Maybe you notice it more because you have another same-aged child to compare to, so what might be a pretty common behaviour stands out more because the other one doesn’t do it. Just a thought.

J welcome back! I hope you stick around again! Very intrigued by these “blood” tests. And omg you’re so behind on who’s pregnant on this board! It’s easier to ask who isn’t.

Oh, re: swim diapers, OMG so THAT’S why Tilly’s stroller stank of pee after we went to the splash pad last week. Lucky I put a bunch of towels under her so it’s not actually in the stroller. So really it’s not much better than just letting them swim in underwear?

Forgot everything else and gotta go wake Lazy McGee up now since she’s napped late due to being up and playing between 1-4am this morning and then having a sleep-in.
OMG JEZ THAT IS FREAKY! I swear, and I told hubs this, i heard a recorded woman's voice say "fire, fire". I said to hubs "I didn't know we had the type that said 'fire'." He looked at me like i was insane and said, "I didn't hear that, just beeping." Made mw feel craY lol
Omg how weird jez and gigs! That would freak me out. Maybe you heard that gigs because you were dreaming a little?

Swim diapers? I missed that. I did read this thing once that said "they're basically just a poop catcher" lol I've never bought them. I just let the boys wear their shorts and no diaper or diaper depending on what we're doing.

Summer break really always does go by way too fast. I've heard some people are going back next week!!!

Sorry you pregos are tired. I'll join the tired club too. Just hit me this afternoon. No idea why.

Hope everyone's day is going well!
The amazon thing is freaky :shock:

Green I wouldn’t be too worried about autism at this point. I get frustrated and freak once in a while when something isn’t working, and I don’t have autism AND I’m an adult. It seems normal to me for a toddler to act that way. Also, maybe you’re tired because of the anemia?

Crap, that’s all I remember.

Rant incoming

I’m realizing just how much I want to be pregnant, and it’s driving me nuts. Like, a huge part of me is hoping that the pill will fail and I’ll get pregnant. I would never do anything to cause it to fail (not on purpose at least), like I plan to take my pills perfectly every day. I could never do that to my SO, to me that’s way crossing the line, he’s made his position very clear that he’s not ready for kids yet. I plan to tell him if I miss more than one pill in a row (it seems one isn’t a big deal, two is kinda a big deal, three is a huge deal, from what I’ve read) that way he can choose to not have sex. And I know it would make my life exceedingly difficult, in order to stay at my school and raise my own kid (rather than my poor dad or SO’s family) I’d have to get an apartment (money!) and daycare (also money!!). So logically I know it would be bad to get pregnant. But my heart (and my hormones) want it so bad. Not enough for sabotage, just enough to wish and hope. Ugh. I feel bad for even wanting something that would make life difficult for everyone involved.

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