General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Oh no gigs!! I’m sorry, is it really painful? Have you spoken to anyone about it? Have you got a wrist support to help? X
No, haven't done anything. It's only been an issue the past few days and only in the morning for an hour or two. I mean my right hand is a little sore right now but barely. I'm going to have to figure out how to keep it from getting worse I guess.

Idk ladies I'm having a rough go. Money is tight, I haven't had a paint class in awhile, we need a van, and figuring out food has been such a horrid chore. I am always nauseous but no appetite...I basically have to digure out food one meal at a time which is making grocery shopping nearly impossible.

I have a headache again right now....ahhh complain complain complain.
Gigs I think you should tell someone, they might be able to make some suggestions to stop it getting worse!

Evie took her first steps last month but is now a fairly solid (but slow) walker as of today! :cloud9:
Thx Ladies <3
And yessss Jez I'm just gonna ask WHO of those still TTC is NOT pregnant right now?? :rofl:

Sorry most my free time is volunteering/working with the Church by my house week days, the Kids Rec Ctr summer camp weekends, and time with DS!
ANY free moment whatso ever is :comp: Editing vids arrgghh!

I'm SOOOO excited to see soo many of you all who had babies then thought you were done due to SO/hub etc PREG!!!!:bunny:

AFM not much to say - my doc is a stupid b*tch! I called and explained the varying lines and need for a quant beta confirm in order to sched with my OB as they ONLY see ppl with my insur for maternity care, not general well woman/fertility issues etc...

The office not only agreed to do the labs since my annuals were overdue, but got me in withing 2 hrs!?!:shock:

I legit speed walked in the heat from the church to the office 1 mile away, arrived pouring sweat to be told my b/p was a bit high :roll:

So I'm all excited for ONCE the doc is gonna understand. I even brought an old + test in case I needed to convince her, just so I could get the beta:ninja:

Well....had i KNOWN the bitch would flip as soon as she walked in the room, I'd have brought my friend's preggo pee to put in the urine they had me give them ...
Because Miss Thang MD legit ARGUED with the tech in the hall who DID the urine test right outside my door!
I heard everything! The tech said "look it's positive"
The Doc was quiet like a minute- I thought they walked off...then she says "I don't know, it's not as dark as the control...":saywhat:
Then the tech says "yea, but lots of them are lighter..."
Doc says " I'm calling it negative. If it's real she can come back for the beta if her period doesn't come" and I hear her clop off!?!? WTF???
She doesn't come to the room till 20 mins later, then I politely listen but am prepared with my test n showed her my FF chart...explained the unusual bleed and all right at AF time blah blah
She gave me this sh*t eating know it all Smirk, and says "YOU haven't been taking all your b/p meds...":huh:
WTH does that have to do with the Price of Big Macs in China??? We are talking about a BETA:brat:
I tell her the script ran out a month ago, but It's been fine, I just speed walked a mile in 90+ degree heat!!
She looked at my test ( a blaring old one from DS), and nodded, and my BBT chart, which she doesn't understand, then said-
"No Beta. Your period is due in a week ( um nooo not even going by cycle 52 only- it's due in 2+ weeks, cuz I have yet to get a opk that isn't BLANK!!)

Then she says - if you don't get your period in a month, come back for a beta.:saywhat::saywhat: She refused to do my annual labs as well, as she is booked up for physicals for 5 months... and Cherry on top:cake:
She refused to give me a Rx for my sleep meds....which I have suffered a YEAR without WTF?? She's soooo fired lol. I can't...

She told me NO betas unless the urine is very + WTH?? Like not if you are only a little pregnant?? She didn't understand temping/charting, said my Progesterone may be low ( it was fine a couple months ago) and ummm temps say progest is ok atm ...I hate the lady... gah

OMG my hair was on fire:growlmad: I am NOT returning to her no matter what.
Cash lab is $150 - can't afford it and repeats etc, and the soonest ANY doc taking my insur has an appt is 3-4 weeks :cry:
I'll just wait it out- 90% sure it's a chem or missed dealie.
Oh and frer just had a squinter the next morning, before I saw her
Regardless of Chem or not - I wanted a beta # to have for info purposes going fwd.
Oooo my long post is gone so short version

Kit that is so cool! Yay!

Gigs agree tell someone fxed you get some relief and it&#8217;s just temp

J definitely abstinent lol lady parts is closed for business and WTAF how did you not go off on her?! I&#8217;d be like b* you have a medical responsibility and liability I heard you show me my test bring that nurse in her. Like wtf WTF?! Omg I am so mad for you

Also where is our pics of the squinted?!?!

Afm A had his first visit with the dentist today! He got a rubber ducky :)
Shae I'm sorry you have to feel broody now. It's harder when you feel like all you see is babies or pregnant women. Maybe once the semester starts you'll be so busy babies will be the last thing on your mind.

Greenie omg! No AC?!

Dobby how was his appt? Is A helmet free now??

Woot! I asked my dentist and they said 2 years? I dunno, I may try to make an appt earlier.

Kit not muh longer now!!! I'm curious to see if you are further along or multiples.

Funny thing about views.... around here people say "I'm 30, I'm too old to have any more kids!". I mean not everyone but most around here are early to mid twenties.

Yay for E walking now!!

CB I mist be blessed as getting nervous doesn't give me the trots. Not disappointed about that :)

:rofl: gassy and having to leave the room. I could hardly poop if DH was in the same house. I couldn't relax :haha:

Gigs sorry you feel awful. I'm scared of migraines happening again. Tylenol doesn't cut it but I can't take anything else.

I think my hands and fingers were a bit sore in the morning in 3rd tri, but I think it was due to swelling.

Sorry about financial woes. I wish it was sonething people didn't have to worry about. Could you sell some art??

J I was confused why you called dr a stupid b!+$%. Then I read the rest. A line is a line!!! That's crap she wouldn't evn talk about it, just redirected about your bp med.

Hope it darkens or at the very least you get an answer soon.

Oh and yes a lot of preggos right now. I can't keep up with all of us.

Cppeace is still ttc. Tex is ntnp I believe. I think that's it. If I forgot any who are ttc then I apologize.

AFM, today is day 1 oh operation no pacifier. I figured I can call in reinforcements tomorrow so I can nap if need be.

My job seems to be safe, but it sounds like I'll be having to come in on Thursdays instead of working from home. Lots of things going on right now at work. Bit of badtiming, but I'll manageand am thankful for my role.

I'm going to try to nap.
We didn&#8217;t go I was too tired to drive across the bay but he hasn&#8217;t worn it all week. It bothers him and honestly we could have stopped last month. We just need to close out and do final measurements

Fluek that&#8217;s interesting. I feel like I heard that as well but all my email updates said go to a dentist within 6 months of first tooth. They did say usually they do first appointment between 1-2, but since he is so close to one and has four teeth they took him. It was more about getting him familiar with the place/tools/people. They just brushed his teeth lol. But his next appointment is in 6 months and he gets a fluoride treatment. She said he is behind teeth wise but she says that&#8217;s good for some reason I already forgot lol

Boo about the schedule change :(. Enjoy the nap!

And yeah people have views on everything so I just ignore them then come b* on bnb about what people say lol

Kit yes i&#8217;m So curious about multiples
J teah I would have called her out too. Or maybe call back and ask to speak to the office manager and explain everything, they may get you in for a beta and hopefully apologize!

I have my next appointment in 2 weeks, i'll ask then about the CTS unkess it geta bad. In the meantime I'm trying preventative measures. Might look into wrist braces for nighttime. This only just started ao it still may just be a temporary thing. I do sleep with my hands all crunched under my pillow so maybe that mixed with relaxin is the culprit. Idk. Man pregnancy f's you up.

Fluek glad your job seems safe! I have been trying to sell arts in various places but no bites. People like custom portraits so maybe i should start advertising that again, even though I hate doing them. Or maybe i could do portraits of popular breeds and sell prints...hmmm...

In other news I was checking instagram and some people i thought were close friends here went on a trio to cisit one of our friends that moved. I am really hurt; I didn't know anything about this trip. Just made me feel so crappy, like I have no real friends here. Definitely stings. I feel like I've barely been invited to anything since I had Levin. I've tried to set things up and have had everyone cancel last minute...maybe I should be grateful and consider it fate weeding out crappy people in my life. Idk.
J that&#8217;s insane! It&#8217;s not as dark as the control makes it negative to her, wtf?! I told my doctor mom about it and she was appalled! She says you should definitely find a new doctor.
Oh gigs I&#8217;m really sorry! I know how you feel! I have no friends since I had Evie, some of them have literally never met her! I really hope you feel better soon as you seem to be having a really tough time :hugs:
Ah Gigs thats crappy about CTS :( ive read its a common pg one aswell.. i get pins n needles its crap! Sorry your going through a crappy spell.. things will pick up :hugs:

Kit Yay for Evie walking ahhhhh trouble trouble now haha just kidding! Its progression baby woop!!

Flueks will V be having her Pacifier still at bedtime?? Nuala has her during the day for naps & bedtime only.. shes a crappy sleeper so i daren&#8217;t take it yet lol

J - your Dr/Nurses are ridiculous l!!! I would def put in a complaint as your showing a test & does your Insurance cover Bloods? - if so, why are they moo&#8217;ing about it??!! Grrrr frustration!! Have you poas anymore?? Please post i love to look heheee
Thanks ladies:hugs:
Kit forgot to say congratulations on the walking! Go Evie!!!
Dobby ah well I'm glad he doesn't need it anymore :)

I think they say it's less time for cavities with baby teeth if they come in later. I may have dreamed that though...

The nap was glorious! DH said I don't need to be so tired when my mom comes over or she'll figure it out :haha:

Gigs pregnancy really does a number on your body in ways you wouldn't think of.

Oh good idea about the popular dog breeds :)

Sorry about your friends. Do they have kids? Maybe they assume once you have kids you can never do anything without them?? It's still crappy though.

CB no I decided I'd rather take away for naptime and bedtime at the same time. It was the only time she used it anyways.

It went fairly well. She slept 3 hrs before waking. Gave her a bottle and then it took her a bit to fall asleep. She was fussy but not screaming crying. She didn't wake up again until 7:20. She woke up in a good mood too :)
Gigs hugs I know that feeling. I only have one friend and i&#8217;m having the opposite problem. She keeps inviting me out with all her friends/people I don&#8217;t really care about to do things I can&#8217;t afford or is hard with A. And I feel bad shooting her down all the time but she doesn&#8217;t get it that I want to be home/close to home/be around responsible adults who can help me if I need it

Fluek lol hopefully you can surprise her and your symptoms don&#8217;t give you away. I&#8217;m trying to take his paci away as well. It&#8217;s very out of sight, out of mind but when he gets tired he wants it. He spits it out once he&#8217;s asleep but he needs it to fall asleep/fall back asleep
Well the "friends" down here are all moms, we actually met in a moms group with sinilar aged children. One of the tough things is because Des has a speech delay I think him being in large social situations gives him anxiety and he just wants to be around me, especially when kids yammer up a storm and he can't keep up. Because of this he's never made good friends with any of my mom friends' kids, especially because he a very gentle boy and their boys are very rambunctious. Additionally, a mutual friend started up a mom's running group and and I simply don't like running with other people. I jave tried it and I prefer to do it solo. But like ALLLL the moms do it except me, and so I think i fell out of the click. Add to that having a baby and, well...I fell off the map.

There's a mom at Des' school I like but haven't gotten the courage to suggest a play date. I swear it's just like dating
Dobby maybe you could initiate an idea to hang out?

Good luck with pacifier end. V has done really well. She fussed for 10 seconds when I put her down for a nap. She's an easy child though. I'm sure #2 will be tough :rofl:

Oh and I got a nap in so I should be good for symptom hiding :)

Gigs wow that's just wrong. Their loss. I'd totally be your friend irl if we lived closer.

My mom friends are family. Need to make more of an effort. My best friends from high school are all childless. One has Turners which she had to take hormones to develop female charactetistics., another said she never wanted kids and struggles with depression, and last one has health issues with chronic pain and she never wanted kids either.

Oh I'm sure it is almost liking dating. Well I hope you get the courage soon.
Oh Fluek I don&#8217;t want to hang Haha. I have my bff asking me every day to do things I don&#8217;t want to do lol. But in the past I have seen my friends posting on social media and it&#8217;s like um why didn&#8217;t you ask me. It sucks. But now i&#8217;m like ew stop asking haha i just want to stay home i&#8217;m Tired and broke

Woot that&#8217;s great! And fxed baby #2 is as easy going

Gigs hugs that is a tough spot. My mom&#8217;s friends are from my brothers, so if Des isn&#8217;t connecting to other kids then it&#8217;s hard making friends. Could you maybe look for a mom&#8217;s only group? Like moms who get together and drink wine or something while husbands watch kids? Is that a thing? But yeah it&#8217;s like dating but worse imo

A just walked like 2 feet. We&#8217;re practicing a lot these days hoping to have him steady by his return to daycare in a month ahhh

In other news my lawyer always calls me when i&#8217;m on the porcelain throne and I temp have sole custody so that&#8217;s fun
Dobs sole custody that's awesome!!! And yay for walking! And that the helmet worked! All good things :thumbup:

Mystery packages mystery has been solved: "The scam is known as "brushing." An online seller – usually overseas – purchases their own products through fake buyer accounts they've created. The products are shipped to a real address. Then, the seller writes a positive review of their items from the fake buyer account."

This is exactly what's going on. Did a little sleuthing and there is a fake hubby account with his first & last name and a review for how awesome the stud finder is :rofl: now the debate is do we report the account or let it be and potentially keep getting free stuff? My vote is the latter because we may get cool stuff, or stuff we can sell, or stuff we can give to someone in need. They aren't ising out money and not hacking any accounts, just using our name and address which anyone with a computer can find.

Kit ahhhhhh just a day!

OHHHH did i tell y'all my MIL & FIL want to pay for an early gender scan?! :happydance:
Gigs- I also vote for the latter. I mean, why not? It's the companies stuff they're sending. Not stolen goods or anything.
Sorry about the Mom thing. That's how I feel with my two sisters lin law and cousin in law (is that a thing or did I just make it up?
But omg yayyyyy about an early gender scan!

Baby dental appointment- I've asked our dentist numerous times and they said not until 2. So at the last pediatric appointment they gave the boys a floride treatment. The doctor also told me kids dentist offices usually start around 1 year and regular family dental practices start around 2. He told me no big deal just make sure we take them in at 2.

Dobs- so glad you're done with the helmet and glad A was okay at the dentist!

J- I second calling and talking to a manager. They can make things happen.

Sorry that's all I remember. I'm keeping up, just not much time to reply on the weekends.

PS. Dominos pizza is 50% off if you order online right now. Good until tomorrow. That's what we're having tonight! Lol

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