General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Shae- sorry about the work study bring. I also get overly emotional at times so I feel ya girl. Hugs.

Jez- I actually LOVE that idea! I've never played so no idea how long I takes or how many can play but I think that's an awesome idea!!

My tests came in the mail!!! I'm SOO excited about ttc again.
Okay brain working somewhat again.

Kit I understand being overwhelmed by that. I would be too. But you’re going to be okay. You’re a smart lady, you’ll figure it out. I agree with the others that you won’t have to buy everything at the same time, that’ll help a lot. And you’re already an experienced mom, so you’ll have some idea of what to do. You’ve got this!

I love the disc golf idea, so cute! I wanna do either a black balloon filled with confetti/some kind of powder stuff, or those color grenade things. I just think those parties are sooo cute!
All about me Post Haha

Thanks for the b-day wishes! Had a good day. Had lunch with my brother and parents. My mom wasn’t hungry so she fed A, ago did really well eating pasta as long as he didn’t have to put it in his mouth himself. The cashier made a lot of mistakes so I ended up with a free upgrade on my meal and a free latte. Then we went to Build A Bear to capitalize on the Pay Your Age Birthday bear. Booyah $1 bear! So I splurged and got a shirt and cupcake to make an $11 bear and gave my $15 coupon to my mom when mislabeling has her make a bear that appeared $2 and was $22! Then hit up party city to get stuff we don’t need for Aiden’s party lol. Then off to Benihana for dinner with surprise cake and champagne at home around the fire pit. My brothers got me gift cards and a wine opener/preservation kit and hella wine lol. Literally the only two things I want: money and wine. :rofl:
Shae hugs I remember giving up on work study. By the time I called hours later it was gone! It was so aggravating. Glad you are feeling better

I had a black confetti balloon. Never popped it. My mini reveal party was nice and good memories afterwards, but it was disappointing. Everyone present wanted and guessed boy so it was like ok great we already all “knew” you were having a boy

Green yay for the tests!

Btw af never showed classic cramps then nada. Oh well
Dobs glad you had a good bday. What happened with your mum’s bear? There was a typo I think. And how come you never popped your balloon?

Shae I’m sorry about the work study. Hope you get the classroom gig at least. Just wondering about the sleep stuff, and hope this isn’t our of turn, but do you have a sleep disorder?

Green I’m excited about you TTCing too! Have all your doubts gone then?
Thanks ladies, I always get so much support here it’s great! I’ll be slowly looking for bargains as and when I come across them! I know I should wait until 12 week scan but I’m sort of wanting to get cracking with planning and getting bits!

Green it’s so great that you’re looking forward to ttcing again!! Can’t wait for more pregnancy in this thread! Plus line porn is lacking since nearly everyone is pregnant!

Can’t remember if I’ve said it but happy bday dobby!!

I love gender reveal parties, but I saw a debate online recently and a lot of people were saying (ridiculous in my opinion) that gender reveals are rude, unnecessary and damaging as ‘the baby hasn’t revealed their gender yet’ and that all babies should be raised gender fluid until they decide which gender they are and tell you. Im all for people embracing themselves fully and changing gender if they feel they were born with the wrong genitalia but I can’t help but feel sad that It’s now frowned upon to even consider your baby a boy or a girl until they tell you. PLUS children nearly always go through a phase of wanting to be the opposite gender, I certainly did!

Shae are their any other job opportunities around? I’m sorry you missed out!
Shae I hope you get the work study.

Greenie yay for tests and looking forward to ttc :happydance:

Dobby it sounds like a pretty good day :)

Kit omg! If you want a gender reveal party, do it :) F@$^ those people saying we should be gender fluid before they are born. I have some other strong opinions on this subject anyways. Just going to shut my mouth/fingers up now.

Oh and I completely understand. I like to be prepared early :) hope you find some great bargains. When is your appt?
Extremists are loud on the internet. I don't know how popular that opinion actually is...regardless, I don't really care who I offend with my gender reveal :haha: ; anyone who is coming is going to be excited :D i also went through a stage I kind of wanted to be a boy, or at least do boy things. I'm sure it stemmed from having older brothers, but I was SUPER jealous of Boy Scouts! I really wanted to join because they did way cooler things than girlscouts, like camping with tents (we had cabins), building fires (we weren't allowed), carrying knives (again, not allowed). I understand there is some controversy over letting girls into Boy Scouts now but I don't agree with that anyway. They just need to improve the skills the give the ladies!

To be fair that was like 25 years ago or so, I'm sure they have changed since then. God I feel old now.

Thanks for the party ideas! I think we've figured it out -- Jez I am with you on getting everyone to participate. We are going to do what is called a ring of fire where everyone stands in a circle around the basket and throws in. Traditionally you get one throw, and one more if you make it in. It's like an elimination thing...but here we'll all just be trying to break a target inside the basket. Now i just need to find a hanging target!

Kit I actually started buying baby stuff for ds2 when we were ttc! I just stored it in my basement. It was a great deal on gender neutral stuff!

Shae can you get a job off campus?

Dobs your birthday sounded fun. I love gift cards!!! Omg give me an excuse to shop yes please!
Jez I have sleep apnea but haven’t been using my CPAP since college cuz I’m too lazy to even set it up (my executive function is at an all time low lol). I’m not aware of any other sleep disorder. Sleep apnea is just supposed to make you tired all the time, not keep you up for 24 hours straight then make you sleep for 12-14. Idk. Not at all out of turn, don’t ever worry about asking questions! Speaking of this issue, I woke up at dinner time and I’ve been up ever since. I meant to go to bed but it didn’t happen. I’m gonna try to stay up all day to avoid a repeat of yesterday. If I take my bupropion soon and maybe have some coffee, I’ll survive!

Kit those people on the internet are ridiculous. You may recall that I’m pretty liberal, but I’m 100% for gender reveal parties, and I plan to have ones for my future kids. There’s nothing wrong with raising a kid to match their genitalia, and the vast majority of people are the same in the head as they are in their pants. As long as you don’t disallow anything because it’s not girly enough or not manly enough and you let them be a kid, who cares? You can raise your kid without extreme gender stereotypes without stripping them of their gender identity. No need to pretend they don’t have a gender. Will I dress my daughter in pink? Absolutely. Does that mean I’m oppressing her? Of course not. If my daughter told me she hated pink, I wouldn’t force her to wear it. If she told me she was a boy, I would listen without rushing into anything. Maybe it’s a phase, maybe not. Give it time. I recently read something from a trans women saying anyone who does gender reveal parties would reject a trans child. I vehemently disagree. It’s ridiculous to assume that someone who is excited to share the gender of their child would kick out their kid for saying “hey actually...”. It really upset me that they would think I would reject my kid just because I want a gender reveal. I commented this, and they basically told me that I was wrong and I had no right to comment because I’m cisgender and therefore don’t get to defend myself. Lovely. I hate when people do that. Drives me nuts.

Okay that’s really long so to summarize, don’t worry about what people on the internet say. If you want a gender reveal, go for it. There’s NOTHING wrong with that.

Gigs Girl Scouts sucked for me too haha, we just used hot glue guns the whole time basically, it was stupid. We didn’t go camping once. I totally wish it was more like Boy Scouts. I get both sides of the issue tbh, and I’m not 100% on either side. I do wish there was a plain old “Scouts” that was as popular as Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts that could be unisex so they didn’t have to change Boy Scouts, because it feels wrong to invade haha, but since there isn’t one I kinda understand wanting to be able to learn all the cool wilderness stuff. People say they should reform Girl Scouts, and I kinda agree, but it’s easier said than done. A lot of it was under the control of the troop leader. Pretty sure it’s still the same today as it was when you were in it. Anyway, it’s a complicated issue, and like I said, I see both sides of the issue :shrug:

I would get a job off campus, but with the classes I’ll be taking, it would be better to do an on-campus job. They’re generally way more accommodating with hours, based on your class schedule etc cuz they only work with the students. My only concern is that if I get this classroom work study, I’ll have to work Friday mornings. I did less drinking first semester because of that, but second semester when I wasnt working mornings anymore (schedule didn’t fit with that work study anymore) it picked up a bit, and I do worry that if I drink a lot Thursday night I won’t be safe to drive until later Friday morning. I never feel drunk when I wake up, but it’s not that easy to tell I feel like. Last semester I didn’t drive until afternoon if I got drunk the night before, just in case. Idk. I can always just drink Friday or Saturday nights instead so that’s not an issue. My friends won’t be on campus anymore anyway so it’s less likely that I’d be getting drunk on a Thursday night. One of my two friends actually dropped out (makes me really sad cuz we were gonna have clinical together, but she’s been struggling mentally after the miscarriage and with depression so I understand, she plans to come back in a year, it’s just a break) and the other isn’t in nursing and has classes fridays, so she couldn’t stay up late Thursday nights.

The fact that I’m worried about job scheduling because of my drinking might be a slight concern... :rofl: nah it’s fine, I can choose not to drink. I just don’t like to stop once I start (my friend cut me off last time whoops), but I don’t drink more than twice a week, usually only once, and this summer it’s been like once a month lol. Plus I don’t drink hard liquor at this point, just wine and mikes and Smirnoff ice. I might get into it eventually, but at this point I’m good with my jumbo bottle of pink moscato.
Sounds like you moved to CA :rofl: most people I know rolled their eyes at me. Because millennials do too much unnecessary stupid stuff (gender reveal, sprinkles, maternity/newborn shoots, cake smash). My brother at UCB made a couple jokes about assigning his gender, but I also have strong feelings. I am more than happy to teach the curriculum surrounding transgender/various types of relationships because I would never dictate how someone lives their life and I expect nobody dictates what parties I can throw lol. Except my mom because she usually chips in :rofl:

Only time I wanted to be a guy was when I started dtd and realized how it’s so make centric/painful for me. I figure it must be nice to be the guy. And let’s just say some special experiences in college confirm that theory

And I agree so many pregnancies which I am thrilled for but definitely leads to a lack of tests to squint at and tweak
Mit, congratulations on twins!! That's big news alone, let alone twins! Kids need to identify with a gender, all of their friends will. At 6 years old when they change to go to PE class, I'd hate to see this kid struggle with his or her identity among peers when they don't have an understanding of gender yet. Kids can be so cruel to one another, that we don't need to add this 'non gender" crap on top of it.
If they are unhappy about their gender that was assigned at birth, they can change it later. Anyway, that's my opinion, throw a gender reveal party.

Dobs, happy birthday!! Sorry I missed it yesterday but I am glad to hear you had a good day :)
Oh and A’s birthday gift to me was eating some bits of various pastas! He’s still lacking fine motor skills to feed himself, but (when spoon fed bits) more is staying in than coming out! Which is exciting. Normally everything ends up on him/the floor
Re boy scouts- My son was in Cub Scouts from Tiger through Webelos 2 (so from start to finish) and I was a troop leader. DD1 went to all of the extra curriculars and activities with us. There was no way around it. She went on the trips and the camp outs and no one was ever bothered by a girl's presence. I was far from the only parent who had to bring along opposite gender siblings, either, and there was a never an issue.

I do not see anything wrong with a unisex version of Cub Scouts. Lets not sexualize our children far before they are emotionally mature enough for that.

But Boy Scouts is an entirely different ball game. The boys are all in 6th grade and older and girls no longer 'give cooties'. It's much harder to supervise older children so I do agree with different groups for the kids by that point.

However, Girl Scouts really need a new agenda. Selling cookies is fun and all, but most of those girls would love to be out there getting just as dirty as the boys. My best friend's daughter took part in GS for a few years and she was so bored with the sewing and household duties they were being taught. She was so envious of my son's camp outs and fishing trips and hikes and such.
I joined Girl Scouts when our first two meetings were shadowing female vets and female engineers

I quit the day I earned the “make me pretty” badge which involves wearing dresses, putting in makeup, and having a photo shot at 9
I never went to any scouts, brownies or girl Guides :( deprived as a child! I think because my mum had 3 girls she couldnt of afforded to send us all.. miffs me really! I def dont want that happening with ours growing up..

Oooh your birthday sounded fab Dobs, so glad you had a lovely day! Have u opened ye Wine ?? Hehee! I always find/found both Nuala & Riley always eat better with other people, they grazed with me & Nualas dinner mostly ends up on the floor, totally normal :thumbup: i just think, if they hungry they’ll eat even in attempting to shove bits n pieces in their mouths lol

MrsG woop!!! Im excited that your tests have arrived heheee!!! :)

Love that gender reveal idea Gigs! Close fam & friends will have lotsa fun & your Boys will be so excited <3

Just come back from the school Fete, its been cloudy & less hot all day, lovely, school kicks out & the sun comes out, ive been dying in the heat fir the last 1.5hrs uhhhhh!!!
Oh no cb now you've done it -- you said "brownies", guess what i'm craving now? :rofl:

Hope you're able to cool down! That sounds miserable. At least we're almost out of the hottest time of the year...

I am excited for fall, but moreso the holiday season! I've begun Christmas shopping :haha: I don't want to get hit with the cost all at once again this year, especially since we now officially have more people to buy for than ever. Last year was rough. Plus I can yard sale for some things now! Hahaha. I actually got a really nice brand new nieman Marcus necklace with the tag still on this past weekend! $55 I paid like $3!
Haha mmmm warm brownies & Vanilla Icecream Droooooool Lol!!

Heatwave set to continue here at least through til August :shock: Hottest uk long summer since 1976! I am looking forward to cooler weather but no doubt il moan about it :haha: our Autumn is just full of cold rain mainly & then crappy icey cold rain in Winter! Summer is my fave usually, alot cooler now sat in lounge with2 fans on ha ha
Ah check u out aswell, crimbo shopping!! I aim to do all mine in September, all wrapped & handed out before December Lol
We've also still got another 6+ weeks of hot weather. In reality it could be 10 week. We probably won't see any rain either. We took L to the beach twice in the last 4 days, turns out this kid is already getting a tan and he had sun screen on and limited time in the sun!!! At least he isn't like me, who just turns into a lobster. After lobster phase, I turn white again. L has a tan... Like a real tan with tan lines on his arms where his shirt cut off.

Gigs, like you, I am looking forward to fall and the holidays. But reality just hit me, that means baby will come shortly after! (Fine, February, but in the grand scheme, that's short time).

So, DH was convinced that we'd be done after 2 kids. Totally convinced, thinking of getting snipped after or if this baby is another C-section I'd get my tubes tied.
So yesterday we were talking, what if this baby is another boy? Would we want to try a third and have another chance at girl?? So it definitely sounds like we may not be done our family even though #2 isn't even born. Haha, I reminded hubby that we'd still have to go through labor and delivery which would probably make him change his mind again.

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