General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Gross warning

Today is not starting out great :haha: I took a 4 hour nap from 9-1 and woke up super nauseous. I thought it was cuz I didn’t get enough sleep. But it didn’t go away. It got worse. So bad I took a pregnancy test :rofl: it was negative. Then I went to take a nausea pill, and when I picked up the bottle I gagged so hard I knew I was gonna throw up, so I ran to the toilet... and at one point puke came out of my nose. I feel a million times better now. But my throat stings from the stomach acid. I am not looking forward to morning sickness lol, my mom puked every 30-60 minutes while working with me and my sister, it was terrible. I’m such a wimp, I can’t even handle puking once, yet a bunch of you ladies are probably puking every day and not saying anything.
Oh heeze PL, you're right, i'll have a baby a short month after xmas :shock: suddenly i'm ok with the holidays taking time getting herr :haha:

Cb we have the prettiest falls here on the east coast. Fluek can attest to that! Lovely mild temps, not much rain, BEAUTIFUL colored leaves changing on the trees...sweatshirt weather! Love it. But yeah probably still 6 weeks out from that but it'll be here before i know it.

Shae wonder what that was about? A stomach bug?
We have probably 12 weeks of warm weather. We go to this place every year in October and I always think "should I wear shorts?" Because it's warm but it's our doors and kind of farm-ish so I wear pants and then I'm warm. So basically that's how I know we still have 12 weeks of warm weather left. Haha
Supposed to be 108 I think today. I'm dying already.

Shae- that's not good!!! Maybe something you ate? I will say with pregnancy I kind of just sucked it up and kept going and I'm sure you will too. You're a tough cookie.

Cb- how hot is it there?

Bravo for you ladies doing Christmas shopping already!!!! I have no idea what I'm even supposed to get a 2 year old. Lol so I haven't started.
Yikes no no I don’t want fall to come. I don’t mind it, I just hate the evenings getting darker earlier... it’s so depressing. Plus having to spend 500 years putting 1000 layers of clothes on a squirmy toddler.

PL you know you could always find out the sex and then base the tube tying plans on that ;)

Shae it sounds like s stomach bug? You may not be nauseous at all in preg even though your mum was (though it sounds like she had hyperemesis gravidarum or whatever it’s called). I always assumed everyone got sick in preg but I’d say most people I know have been totally nausea free, several have had nausea, and very few have actually been sick. My two preg bffs are both nausea free now (though one is only 6 weeks) and I’m like great I drew the short straw, but even I never actually puked. Anyway, hope you feel better soon!

CB I could totally do with hot brownies right now mmmmmm

Re: gender reveals, ah yes I know the kind of people that get up in arms about that. There was one student who was appalled that a biology book had diagrams for male and female anatomy. Several people at my university have started to put their preferred pronouns in their e-mail signatures (usually confirming “he” or “she”). There’s also someone I did a Spanish class with who’s always posting screenshots of her convos on Tinder with men or just from social media, and she basically gets super verbally aggressive with them over even the slightest hint of “misogyny” or objectification. Like she posted a picture once in which she said she was feeling sad and ugly, and then when a male follower commented and told her not to feel ugly because she’s beautiful, she reamed him the eff out. I won’t judge her because maybe she’s had terrible experiences that make her ultra defensive but I do see a lot of anger and vitriol (not just re: gender) over things people really do not intend badly at all, and also some people believing that others are not even entitled to have and express an opinion unless they’re part of such-and-such group.

Tangent, sorry. Point is I agree with Shae and PL. Biological sex differences exist whether we like it or not (although, get this, some deny that too), and gender is a huge part of identity, whether we like it or not. I think there are all sorts of problems with gender stereotypes (girls not being allowed to make fires and go camping is utterly ridiculous), but you can change that without ignoring gender altogether and confusing kids even more. Just my ranty opinion of course.
Jez I totally agree regarding sex/gender etc.

Thanks for the love ladies. I’m not sure what it was. Generally with stomach bugs I puke more than once and still feel pretty sick after. It feels like it’s more likely food poisoning. But idk :shrug:
Forgot to say, IUD removal was rescheduled to August 10th. It’s closer to when my period is due anyway so I’m fine with it. I’ll be CD31, my cycles have been sticking to 33-35 days or so most of the time.

Oh and Jez regarding my mom and morning sickness, she probably did have that. She took nausea meds AND wore sea bands or whatever they’re called. She also had symptoms with me 3 days after conception so she seems to get all the symptoms from that stuff. She’s pretty in tune with her body as well, she’ll be like “hey I ovulated this is your fault” cuz she’s starting menopause and rarely does. She knows when she ovulates, I don’t always. Once she told me she had such a strong ovulation that she thinks if my dad didn’t have a vasectomy she would’ve gotten pregnant despite the Mirena. I think that was only like a year ago too. And she KNOWS about that stuff, like she ain’t just making stuff up for kicks, she can tell with her body. It worries me a little cuz last cycle I had a strong ovulation I’m pretty sure, super bad PMS too, and I didn’t DTD in the right timeframe but if I had I worry I might’ve ended up pregnant, considering. That last cycle of mine also made my mom ovulate it was so strong. She hadn’t in months. Freaks me out, man.
CB I haven't braved letting her eat messy foods by herself. Puffs, small pieces of scrambled eggs, or cheese is fine by herself. I need to get over it.

Oh and as gigs said fall is beautiful this way. The beautiful changing of the leaves in the mountains. It's stunning. The weather is cool and crisp but not cold. My favorite time of year for sure.

Gigs the mention on brownie makes me queasy. Most sweets aren't sounding too good right now.

I'd really like to go down the nlue ridge parkway sometime in the fall. Sooo gorgeous from all I hear.

Pacifc interesting about DH considering #3. It's funny because right now I feel like I don't want a third :haha:

Shae I hate getting sick. I used to cry :haha:. It's still very unpleasant but I deal with it. My main trigger for vomitting was brushing my teeth in the morning. As disgusting as it was. I did slip a bit in my oral hygeine as acud etosion from vomitting won't help either. I did mnage to brush in evenings better. Thankfully mine wasn't severe though . I hope you feel better soon.
Ugh jist bitching real quick, my SIL (not the one i've been talking about recently but the one who lives nearby) just forbade my MIL tonwalk her son in a stroller in MIL's neighborhood. We go together in the morning because my MIL watches SIL's son, and I walk with ds2. WHAT THE ACTUAL F? Now I've heard of people being overprotective of their kids but this is insane!!! She doesn't love on a busy road!
Gigs that's so annoying. I'm hyper sensitive to being overprotective because of my MIL. She's so overprotective and crazy. When her boys were little if she didn't get home before the sun went down she would go stay at her sisters house (because her husband worked out of town). Like what?!?
She used to HATE that I went on walks alone with the boys. Then I started running almost everyday and she was really unhappy about it. She bought me pepper spray haha
I also don't understand how people don't do anything with their kid(s) because they're scared? I do everything with my kids becyase my husband is out of town Monday-Friday and I'm not spending my two days with him running errands. Sorry tangent, it's a touchy subject with me haha

Ummm so I'm not sure if I mentioned this before but my husband works out of town Monday-Friday (occasionally Monday-Thursday) so if I ovulate during the weekrhag cycle will be wasted for me. Boo. I could make a trip but hubs shares a hotel room with his coworker and I'd have two kids in tow... so not sure it would work anyhow. Bummer.
Green the thing is my SIL will not let MIL do ANYTHING with her son except watch him inside. He is not "allowed" to go in the car with MIL unless it's an emergency. In fact my MIL isn't allowed to watch my son and SIL's son at the same time even if FIL is there too! She is just an insane control freak. She even pitched a fit about MIL letting baby watch tv even though SIL buys & plays movies for him...??? I just don't get it. The really annoying thing is she basically gets priority (because she has a full time job) of babysitting and she's screwed me out of MIL watching ds2 a couple times...all because she won't allow the kids be watched together. I've been going over anyway and just hanging out and it's a shame SIL is batshit because our boys get along really well. Uggghhhh sorry just really frustrated. And in case anyone wonders why MIL won't say anything, it's because she is afraid SIL will hold the baby over her head and not let her see him.
Sorry about the rant!

Green, just make sure you dtd every Saturday & Sunday! If you dtd sunday you have at least a solid three days of coverage, which really only means you'll be screwed if you ov thursday. If he comes back on fridays that still leaves you with evening bd. Don't worry! Still plenty of chance :)

Ewww Jez i forgot all about the daylight getting shorter. Ugh I absolutely hate it. Definitely another reason fall/winter can take its time. I really need to take advantage of the evening daylight hours after Lev goes to sleep but i'm so dang tired! I passed out on the couch again tonight :dohh: and I've got soooo much art stuff to catch up on.

Fluek i used to have a friend who had a legit vomit phobia. She would have panic attacks if she felt ill enough to puke. She can't even watch it in a movie or she gets panicked. I'm sorry your gag reflex gets so bad! Is it like that this time around? Actually just realized you never said it was a pregnancy thing...was it worse pregnant (the teeth brushing)? I notice too if i brush the back of my tongue i gag (only pregnant). Very annoying.
Gaaah!! Typed on my phone for 10+ minutes and it didn't post!

Gigs, some moms are just like that... My parents have friends with a daughter and grandkids. Daughter won't even let her parents take the kids over night let alone to their cabin alone because she's afraid she'll miss a first. The kids in question are teenagers.

Shae, fx for not getting sick! Maybe try something with ginger to settle the stomach? Summer sickness sucks, worse then winter sickness. Sorry about the nose puke...

Flueky, at this point I am not sure about #3! One baby at a time!

As for fall colors, we get yellows and ever greens here but we do get some nice storm watching here in the Pacific Northwest. I am looking forward to going to Toronto in the fall. Probably heading further east to Ottawa too. Hopefully around the right time!
We don't get any pretty fall colors, unless you go up to the hills. It's California. It's just ugly. lol Everyone thinks California is so beautiful but in reality unless you live on the beach or in the hills/ mountains it's ugly.

Gigs! She sounds like my MIL. She refused to drive with the boys. I had to drive them home once so she could watch them while I was doing my sisters baby shower. She also HATES putting them to bed because I just put them down. They whine (not cry) for 60 seconds and she acts like it's the end of the world.
Selfish rant cuz broken phone

My stepdad is getting on my nerves. Little things but they are peeving me off.
- Not offering me food/treats. Granted I complain about my weight and i’ve Visibly gained quite the belly, but he does this to my mom as well. Like micromanaging our food. He’s not stupid enough to say anything but it’s stuff like offering everyone cookies except us, clearing the food before we are finished, throwing out my leftover birthday cake, complaining when I asked for a cupcake for my birthday. After the whole being mooed at whenever I are, i’m Not in the mood for another a**hole to dictate what I can and cannot eat
- at dinner his meal cane with shrimp. We all love shrimp, he hates it. He gave it to my brothers. My mom and I just looked at each other like a**hole they already had three rolls of sushi and it’s my birthday and they ordered shrimp!
- he keeps taking digs st my spending. Mind you I don’t buy anything for myself. I only buy things for A. And granted I do splurge on him. But he keeps going on about “are you spending money you have?” “He doesn’t need top of the line stuff” “when we had the boys we didn’t have half this stuff” blah blah like gtfo our how dare you. I return anything I borrow from you within weeks. I’min debt because the lawyer I asked you about firing f*ed me over and my ex doesn’t pay his child support. Yoi’re Not paying my bills so don’t even step to me about what I should or should not do for my son. And gfys everything EVERYTHING is on sale or with a coupon or both

And i’m also just mad because I borrowed my mom’s pants and the pockets are weird so A kicked my phone out and it broke the screen so now I have to buy a new phone because it is shredding my fingers rage typing lol
Ah that all sounds very annoying and kind of hurtful Dobs. My mum’s longterm partner can be a bit like that with the food stuff too. I mean, I’ve defo had a belly since having a kid (diastasis recti doesn’t help) but he’d be like that even when I was very slim. Like why is it anyone’s business?! Did you put him in his place or did you have to bite your tongue? Phone thing sucks. Tbh there’s a good chance I’d cry.

PL I forgot you were coming to Toronto in the fall. If you have time and you’re close we should have a playdate haha.

And what kind of first might a parent of a teenager miss? Like... their first sexting?

Shoot everything else just dropped out of my head and i better sleep coz I’m already getting back into bad habits (it’s 1:25am).
Oh Gigs that’s super annoying re: SIL. I’m guessing that’s her mum she’s bossing around?
Ugh I’m so pissed, I tried to go to sleep at a somewhat normal time (like midnight) and I woke up at 2:30 am with my body saying I had to poo but my body was a liar and now I still feel like I need to but nada and I’m not tired at all so I’m just up at 3:30 am all over again.

Dobs that’s pretty rude of your stepdad. It’s none of his business how you eat or how you spend money on your son.

These crazy overprotectiveness stories are wild! My parents were overprotective in some ways, but not that bad!
Work Study update: they had a small shift opening at the library from 12:30 pm to 3 pm (legit only 2.5 hours ugh) and offered it to me. I took it, because $15 a week is better than $0 a week, plus I can pick up shifts that people drop. I say $15 a week cuz minimum wage in NH is $7.25 and I still have to pay MA income tax on it. So it’s an estimate, but probably accurate. I didn’t want to reject it, because what if I applied to off campus jobs and none of them wanted me and I had absolutely zero income at all? That would be worse. I might apply to work weekends at a restaurant or something. Preferably one right over the MA border so I get $11 an hour. The border is like 15 minutes from my college, and there’s an Olive Garden right at the border and technically in MA.

Also, yes, I’ve been awake since I posted at 3:30 am :rofl: kill me now please :dohh:
To clarify, MIL is not refusing to do anything, SIL is forbidding her to do anything with the kid.

Jez my SIL m's husband and my husband and brothers, so MIL is both our MIL.

omg baby's first sexying :rofl:

Dobs that is so passive aggressive! But i'm so confrontational these days i say call him out next time.

Shae i'd still look into waitressing somewhere or bartending or something.
Officially 12wks gigs :)

oh Shae ... how you feeling today?? i bet u enjoyed doing the pg test Lol - sorry u were feeling poop though

Mrs G get some fertlity lube & use it daily so that any spermies have an extended life during the week unless you get tons of ewcm around Fertile Window :thumbup: The temp here atm are ranging from 24/5 - 30 degrees most days, which may not sound that Hot but generally a Uk heatwave is like 1/2 wks at 23/4 temps lol but the upstairs of our house (newly extended & very well insulated) its like 29 degrees at night, feel awful for the kids :(

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