General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Kit you have such an attractive family! And lol at that last pic! I thought it was a towel draped over him until i saw Fluek's comment haha

We took Des to a monster truck competition thing tonight. We went last year and he loved it! He was less impressed this year; super squirmy and not paying attention by the end. Anyway I wanted to get funnel cake until I saw this woman two rows in front of us eating one slopped with some sort of fruit syrup. She was massively large, unkempt and disheveled looking, and had these insanely long, red, pointy fake finger nails and she was slurping the syrup off her fingers. I mean she looked like straight up honey boo boo white trash and the sounds she was making were so repulsive I nearly puked. I've never felt sick from someone else eating until tonight! No longer wanted the cake after that and I had to avoid looking at her (she was sitting sideways on the bench so i could see her eating). *shudder*
Kitty I also thought it was black boxers like Flueks, then I looked again and realized you scribbled over his booty :haha: maybe I’m a b*tch cuz I would’ve woken him up and told him to move his ass :rofl:

Michelle I’m glad everything is going well for you! So exciting that she’s nearly walking!

CB glad Riley loved his party! Good job herding that many kids!

SO brought me for sushi, taught my little sis to play poker (I didn’t feel like learning anything so I sat out lol) and then he had to go home to get stuff done and sleep before work tomorrow. I had one mikes margarita flavor and am exhausted suddenly, so I’m about to go to sleep. Gotta chauffeur someone tomorrow but I’m getting paid so it’s worth the 3 hours round trip.
Where are u chauffeur’ing too Shae?? Hope the vehicle has air con if its hot..

Omg Gigs :sick: i find things like that repulsuve aswell, totally grosses me out!! But u can’t help watch them either its kinda weird!!! Did u manage to eat anything when u got home? Glad Des enjoyed the Monster Truck competition:)

Mich - I completely missed your post hun! Baby brain vision lol! Glad you & your family are well, Insta pics & stories are very cute :) ttc for next year will come around reeeeal quick hehe! I hope the birthday cake turns out well, im sure it will!
I’m so pissed I said final rsvps were due 7/10 because I am custom ordering cupcakes and then had sent a reminder out a week ago. In three days my number double from 15 to 30. I don’t have enough favors or food or dessert. I spent so much money to make this a nice, 99% family small get together. It’s like my baby shower all over: a whole ton of money spent on a crap party.
Did buy a new phone but haven’t set it up so rage typing on my cracked screen
Dobs get some cheap extra cupcakes at a grocery store and mix them in with the others.

Screw favors for late responders! In fact i'd be all passive aggressive about it and say "sorry i didn't have enough! I only knew the size of my guest list two days ago HA HA." Then flick them off (last part is optional).

Mich awwww glad you and yours are well! Yay for ttc discussions :thumbup:

Cb did you get any party pics? That sounds like a blast.

Mmmmmm sushi. "I didn't feel like learning..." :haha: that's very millennial of you.

This dang toddler SUCKS at sleeping! He was up at 5 (that was his second, possibly third time up) granted he peed the bed but i got him cleaned up and he went back to sleep, now it's 6:17 and he's up again! Ahhh! He usually sleeps in on weekends. I was hoping he would so i could sneak out early to yard sale -.- i think i'm going to try diffusing essential oils again.
"12 weeks. Your baby is the size of your enlarged areolas."
CB idk I think Georgetown, MA? My mom was supposed to bring her friend but she’s sick so I’m bringing them.

Gigs ewww that lady noooo I would’ve cried legit. And lol the not learning was cuz I was tired and my brain was just not functioning enough haha, I like learning sometimes I just was bleh. But yeah still kinda millennial of me haha. Also I died at the areola joke :rofl:

Dobs ugh people suck. Screw them, the people who RSVP’d on time should get the nice stuff, late people get supermarket cupcakes with middle fingers on them :haha:
Michelle glad it was negative since you aren't ready yet. Looking forward to you ttc again though.

Glad she is doing well. V is still a good eater. I'm hoping it lasts.

CB glad he enjoyed it even if it was a bit chaotic :)

Gigs that does sound gross. Sorry she ruined it for you and Des wasn't into the show.

Sorry Des is now ruining your sleep. You can't win for losing. Ugh, mix that with pregnancy exhaustion:( can someone watch kids while you nap?

:haha: enlarged areolas. So glad mine don't get bigger, they are big enough pre pregnancy :blush:

Shae glad I wasn't the only one who thought boxers.

Oh man, sushi sounds amazing and it's 7 a.m...... it's settled.... sushi for lunch :rofl:

Oh and I lol reading "I didn't feel like learning". I don't know how to play poker, but I'm not interested either.

Woohoo for earning money.

Dobby I always assume more show up. If not then leftovers :) I am sorry that it's altered your plans.

I agree buy some cheap cupcakes to mix in with your special themed ones. Agree with gigs late rsvpers get screwed on favors.

Honestly, I don't even like party favors except for kids.

Is your party today??

AFM we had a bad storm last night, well actually in a tornado watch. All seems fine this morning.

V is still sleeping, but I'm sure not for long.

I think we might try to walk today and then get sushi :haha: I'd also like some ice cream but I'm trying to resist. I'm going to get HUGE this time with my cravings.

A bit boring weekend but that's fine by me. I told my mom to have a restful weekend at home as I feel I may need her more after next week.
Sorry to still be all about me

Party is today’s. I’m just pissed I already went to the store twice to get cake and cupcakes and more plates and more food. We’re not physically set up to host 30 people either. I wanted to wake up and go to mommy and me and the park and enjoy time with A. Instead my mom is freaking out. I didn’t go to bed until 2am. I got 3 hours of shit sleep. The house is a wreck. And like I keep complaining and all I get is oeople suck like what people?! YOU SUCK I am telling you specifically because you did not rsvp either!

My son is turning one. My baby into a toddler. I want to enjoy today not be stressed out accommodating rude people I barely like anyway.
Eesh I’m so sorry Dobs. I personally find hosting parties ridiculously stressful no matter what. I always say I’ll never do it again, but then enjoy it once it’s happening. I hope you end up enjoying yours too. At least take lots of pics and post them here so we can give you lots of kudos.

Michelle I’m loving your insta stuff too. They grow up so fast don’t they? Glad your bfn was well received. I agree that Jan-March will roll around so soon.

Gigs I internally LOL’d at your 12 week ref. Can’t wait for 13 weeks.

CB glad R had a fun time. I always found laser tag scary. Probably coz someone smacked into me once and it hurt so much. Plus I get really competitive and heated ha.

Flueks - remind me, does your mum know yet? Is she likely to know what’s up with you saying you’ll need her more? Sorry for forgetting...

Shae - I hope you get your sleep sorted soon. Are you anxious when you can’t sleep or are you just simply not sleepy?

Kit and Wooks - I LOVE your fam photos. Makes me want to get some. I have a tonne of Tilly and a few of me or DH with her, but really not many of the three of us.

K gtg wake Tilly now so I can rush madly to get us ready to leave for my mum’s on the weekend.
Dobby hope it still goes well. If you don't want people at your party next time, don't invite. I didn't invite some family to my wedding because why should I be stressed on my wedding day?

Jez, no I didn't say to her I might need her soon. I just said, " you guys are coming up next week and you can always come up the week after if you want to rest this one."

Oh and to answer your question, no she does not. Reveal is Saturday 28th :)
Jez usually just not sleepy.

Dobs I hope things have improved over the course of the day.

Flueks what are you doing for the reveal?

Currently have a migraine again. Lovely. My mom wants me to bring my CPAP on the trip cuz of my snoring and the shared hotel room, which is reasonable, but I haven’t used it in months so I’ll have to readjust. Might try to use it tonight to get back into it. I know it’s bad for me to not use it, but it’s effort to set it up and my room is a disaster zone so there’s like no room for it. I’m being a lazy bum about it.
Shae have a promoted to big sister onesie. We've invited them to dinner at our place. I'll take V to get "ready for bed" and bring her out in the onesie. Then see how long it takes for someone to figure it out.

Going to have photo of her in onesie, a blackboard mesage, and ultrasound photo for FB announcement.

Going to email my dad photos late Thursday night so he'll know one day early since he's 800 miles away.
I messed up my date, u/s is friday not thursday. At least out pics will be spread out a little ;)

Dobs hope you're having a decent time, if not better. Who knows maybe you'll get lucky and a lot of people will no show.

Fluek can't wait to hear how telling your family goes!

I regret Facebook announcing. I use it primarily for business at this point and any other person to person interaction on there feels so disingenuous. I'm also bitter towards my local "friends" anyway so...I don't think I'll be announcing the sex publicly, except on here of course ;)
Gigs sorry scan date was wrong, but you are right it'll be 2 days in a row of scans :)

We only fb announced gender and birth for V :rofl: we really didn't get on before her. I think dh wants to fb announce that Saturday. I'd prefer to wait until after appt in August but I'm okay with it. Not to mention my mom can't keep secrets well.
Omg i'm so bloated it's painful. Like legit hurts my gut to breathe. I look 20 weeks pregnant, if not closer to 30.

We had a family get together tonight and my SIL (local one who i was just talking about who won't let MIL do anything with her kid) & BIL just announced their pregnancy :shock: I am in a state of shock. I had my suspicions that she was pregnant but not as far along, but she said she's at least 7 weeks! And that's just since a positive test!!! I know this is stupid but a part of me feels upstaged (totally irrational), and now our babies will be due insanely close together which means any help needed from MIL will have to be split up -.- UGGGHHHHHH I wish my mom would just freaking move closer!!! I'm having a lot of mixed emotions on this one. On one hand it'd be fun to be pregnant with someone again but on the other she's been irritating the piss out of me recently...but maybe just hormones. Idk. Anyway i hope she's up for the challenge as her baby is just about to be 10 that's roughly, depending on how far along she is, a 17 month gap at best, but possibly closer to 16? Actually that's not as bad as i was originally thinking...

Thanks for letting me rant & vent as always...not that you have much of a choice.

In other GOOD news, Levy said "yellow" and "duck" today!!! Yellow was him attempting the word after i said it, and it may be been just sounds but i really felt like he was trying! And it really did sound like he said it...then tonight when we got home the ducks were swarming us (dinner time) and, unprompted, Lev said, "duh!" and was looking at them <3 it's a start! He's not as strong of a talker as des was at this age, but i can confidently say it's an emerging skill. And on that note Des was only just starting to take steps at this age whereas Lev is baby running. Each at their own pace!
Gigs I hope the bloat is better this morning.

Also, sorry MIL assistance is looking like it'll be lacking. I'm hoping some of her bat shit craziness has been from pregnancy hormones and will allow mil to watch more than one at a time for now.

Oh there is a higher risk of premature labor too with small pregnancy spacing. So her gap could be a bit smaller.

V is more of a mover than a talker. She does say "bye, mama, dada, yeah" and that's all that's coming to my mind right now. Great news about Levs new words.
Yeah I'm not stressing too much because 1 it's emerging, 2 I'm hypersensitive to speech stuff anyway and 3 when I took Des to the dr around 2-2.5yrs they said "let's see where he's at in 6 months" so just gonna wait at least until Lev is 2 before I seek and evaluation. He wouldn't be receptive to it now as he's only 14 months...but even so we do emphasize a lot of words to him to try and help him out which does seem to help. Anyway.

Fluek funny you mention MIL watching our two kiddos because this whole time we've been saying "what is she going to do when she has a second kid? MIL will have to watch both at the same time at some point!" So now we'll see what happens since this is the reality!

Also sil's kid, imo, is not close to walking. He pulls up and crawls like a champ but doesn't really like having his hands held to practice walking. He prefers to crawl...he reminds me in that way of ds1 who didn't start walking until 14 months. Hopefully he'll at least be walking before baby is born, but again we don't know how far along she even is so...i'm going to see her today and pick her brain to try and figure out how far along she is. She is so weird...said "i will make an appointment around 12 weeks because that's when i had my appointment last time." Mind you she didn't findout she was pregnant last time until 7 or 8 weeks along (she didn't know). Idk man. She also was going on a rant last night about how parents have little influence on kids :rofl: i'm like how do you even make that assumption?! She has this habit of applying things that is true for her to everyone. And btw, her parents, especially her mom, had an enormous effect on her!

Sorry i could go on for awhile about this but I won't.

Jez I was thinking of you and kids m. Not sure if you plan on having more than two...but i was thinking about how ds1 & ds2's age gap has been helpful. Not that Des is a super helpful big bro but he wasn't insanely jealous of a baby and he does, like, grab diapers for me s sometimes. A girl will probably be more helpful since they typically (obviously not always) are super interested in babies. Then, if you have a third, second baby will already be ised to sharing you/having a sibling. And baby1 & 2 can Play with each other while you tend to the baby. At least...that's what i'm hoping for!
Hugs I love you all. Selfish update before I try to catch up.

Literally reached a point where I told people party was cancelled, but then my friend talked me off the edge so I uncancelled lol. The morning was so aggravating. I went to the store to get more food because of all the last minute rsvps. This caused me to miss our mommy and me class and I was PISSED to put it mildly. I go to get the balloons not realizing that I had ordered nearly 50 balloons. The balloon lady offered no help, so after dropping a loud f bomb and crying and popping three balloons a nice lady offered to help me haha. Then I went to get the cupcakes (mind you, i&#8217;m 40m late to pick them up), so I ask my brother to get the cake (that I ordered because the last minute rsvp). I get a call: there are questions about my cake? So we swap: they leave to get cupcakes and I go to the store. Upon the discovery that my cake is not finished and her trying to charge me more and blaming me for the cake not being done, I can&#8217;t even. I LOST it. Poor little girl just there to get her brother a cake was like omfg this lady is crazy. And I hate when I lose my temper in public because I feel like i&#8217;n Fitting into a black girl stereotype. But I got a you ummy cake for free! :rofl: but I think the guy who took my order is getting fired. Then back to the Mexican supermarket for my carnitas. We go full swing decorating mode. I employ everyone. Stepdad on grill prep, mom and I on decor/food, girlfriends on the apps, and brothers on game set up.

So I down a very delicious &#8220;Black Widow Molotov&#8221; and surprise surprise vodk makes you feel better lol. In a better mood, I enjoy the party. Guests appreciated the theme, nobody went hungry, everyone got their cupcakes and favors. The games were fun. We did change them for lack of prep.
Reality- guess the price of a signed marvel comic
Time and Power- first two to finish a Spider-Man dot to dot
Soul- everyone wrote a birthday wish then luck of the draw
Mind- true or false marvel trivia
Space- paper print out of the stone was hidden somewhere outside and they had to find it

Favors (thanks for popping by aiden&#8217;s marvelous first birthday)
Infants- avengers bubbles and hair bows
Kids- avengers cup, avengers bubbles, avengers stickers, avengers mystery stun tsum
Young adults- root beer
21+ adults: quarter bottle of korbel

The only thing that went over people&#8217;s heads were the balloons! There were six groups (because six infinity stones) and each color represented the six infinity stones. Had we not lost five balloons already, I had planned to label them. And my mom made a tri tip salad I didn&#8217;t know about so it didn&#8217;t get a clever name lol

Upside to more people is more presents haha plus I do actually like these people so it was good to see them


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