General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Hi ladies! Read back a little bit and congrats to all the BFPs! And Kit congrats on the twins! Happy to see everyone is doing well :) Dobs happy to hear the party was a success! Sorry to hear about the crazy pre party prep lol

We got back a week ago from our Vacation in Europe and wow it was amazing however a little disappointed in Paris we found it dirty and smelled of urine in most spots :s we are still TTC currently in the tww if all goes well I should be testing next weekend...

Em turns one Thursday and I go back to work the following Monday it's all happening so fast. We did a cake smash session I made him a cookie monster cake and he smashed the hang out it hehe I tried to add a pic but everything I try keeps saying the file size is too big.. anyone know how I can fix it?
Gigs I guess she better get over it or find another sitter which would be ridiculous. MIL watching lev and sils baby right now would be great practice for watching both SILs.

Your SIL does sound odd. What person isn't anxious to get to their first ob appt and scan. Well for her sake hope baby 1 is walking. Parents having little influence on kids...... yeah...... what rock is she living under?

Dobby glad party turned out well in the end. The pictures look amazing!! I'm really wanting that thor hammer cheese right now :)

A is adorable. He looks so much like you and his hair!!! Ah love it!

Purple good luck!! Looking forward to tests next weekend!!

Sorry Paris was stinky. I've never been and really have no desire. Too cliche for my tastes. However, I'm obstinate and enjoy disliking things most people like just for the hell if it.

Hapy early birthday to Em!!
Purples sorry France disapointed you.. the few times ive been to France, i always found alot of the people there very blank rude, i wont go back. Exciting waiting to test for ttw, keep us updated :)

Ahhh Dobby party pics look fab hun, you went all out on the superhero theme, i love the Captain America desert, very talented of you! I hooe you were able to enjoy it & it wasnt too stressful for you.. Rileys 1st birthday was do stressfull i hated it Lol! A looks soooooo cute <3 happy birthday lil guy

Dont worry about ranting Gigs, its the best place for it hehe! Its totally normal I think to feel the thunder being stolen & i expect MIL will love having both granbabies around once they arrive, everyone loves babies :)

When i fell pg with Riley hardly any family members knew in the early wks & then literally 2 wks later my older sister announced her pg (4th child id like to add & knowing i hadnt announced ours yet...) it really miffed me & my mum was all over it & when i announced my pg my mum never seem phased by it :-/ i was ok after a short while after but still got to me Lol! I def think hormones were in the mix of it aswell.

I cant remember much else lol i need to read back an extra page
Haha CB Gigs is making her own “ticker”. Idea is that one should be able to simply look down at a body part and instantly know the size of their growing baby, presumably rather than being like, “onion? Well what kind of onion? Like a massive Spanish onion or a small yellow onion?”

Re: stealing thunder, bff1 who is 20 weeks totally feels like her thunder was just stolen by bff2 who’s 7 weeks (ttc for over 1.5 years, got first bfp with first IUI last month) though she’s obv happy for her. She also says she’ll be so annoyed if bbf2 has a girl and she has a boy, coz she really wants a girl but nub theory says boy for her. I know all this sounds petty but we’re just super honest. We all get irrationally bitter sometimes.

Gigs that’s a good point re: age gap with three. I never thought how Tilly would also be able to “help” with the second (and/or third) if we had a third. I always assumed a third would be off the table because I couldn’t do another big age gap. I also think girls are generally more involved with younger siblings. Older girls at the park LOVE Tilly (though some old boys have been super duper sweet with her too) and all the 4-to-7-year-old girls I’ve seen love babies and toddlers so much. But who knows.

Re: speech I’m pretty sure Tilly wasn’t saying much at 14 months. You may recall me being slightly concerned. At some point though her vocabulary exploded and she now has some two-word sentences too (“mummy do”, “Tilly’s/mummy’s/daddy’s ______”, “more _____”, “cat jump”, “no sit”, “yes milky” etc. I’m really loving this phase. Man, it’s what I’ve been waiting for since she was a newborn. I know that sounds bad.

Dobs - the party looked amazing! I’m glad it ended up being enjoyable for you, and good work for laying the smack down re: the cake. I wish I could’ve seen you in action to take notes. I’d probably be the one apologizing to THEM and then leave and cry and be super angry with them and myself for not being assertive.

Super - Fx the tww brings you good news! That’s disappointing that Paris was smelly. I went when I was really small and have kind of been wanting to go again, so I’m glad to hear I’m not missing out too much. I’ve repeatedly had the same experience with New York (Manhattan) in the summer; so much trash and dirty streets, and stinky smell everywhere. Re: posting photos, sometimes if you screenshot the photo on your phone it makes it small enough.
Gigs hugs I think that&#8217;s fair to feel upstaged. I was unamused when my cousin was due a week before me and then another got pregnant because we were. ESP since it means mil attention will be split. You are a great mom and you&#8217;ll rock it even if the grandmothers might not help out as much. And sorry about the bloat :(

Also lol at the 12w size comparison

Kit I agree! Excellent pics. I also love the last one and thought that the black was boxers haha

Purple I heard Paris is super dirty these days but never been. Glad you enjoyed your trip despite that and lots of baby dust to you

Michelle yay for the good update! Glad to hear all is well!

Cb oooo looooved laser tag parties at that age. So fun. But I agree on being stressed. Like field trips as a kid SO FUN field trips as a teacher is 8 hours of anxiety and praying nobody gets hurt or has an allergy attack lol
This time tomorrow I’ll be in work. Absolutely dreading it after having 3weeks away. It’s a lovely team but lately I’ve had to speak out about some unsafe stuff so my immediate manager is hating me even though it has worked out super positive for her. She is on the war path now and gunning for me.

I’m so tempted to call I’m sick however I know when I go in there are staff on shift that will make me feel better about myself. Apparently I rock as a team leader myself because I’m so blunt and direct so they never have to try work out what I mean. They know when I say something can be improved on with their work that I’m not saying it to be mean but saying it because I support them improving. While part of my personality make junior staff love working with me, the same part of my personality seems to disgust management.
Dobs your party looked great!! I think you did wonderfully and the theme was amazing!

Gigs I&#8217;m sorry your thunder is being stolen, you have every right to be upset!

Purple, I also dislike certain parts of France, hubby speaks French near fluently and I&#8217;m getting there but I haven&#8217;t actually been to France since I was about 6? At which time I (apparently) begged to go home because it stank so bad :rofl:

In ther news eves is being referred to a specialist because she&#8217;s not doing certain things they would expect at her age :growlmad: didn&#8217;t take into account she&#8217;s walking (infact completely bypassed it and asked me stupid questions like &#8216;is she sitting unaided yet?&#8217; Whilst she&#8217;s walking in front of her very eyes) makes me feel like a shit mum and plus I don&#8217;t need it right now, I feel AWFUL like knackered all the time and I never want to eat anything :cry:
Hello lovies

Dobs- what a fun and cool party!!! Looks like y'all had a blast, especially A. Sorry about all the craziness but I'm glad it worked out well.

Sorry I'm fried and I really can't remember anything else.

I get my mirena removed tomorrow!!! Woot woot. No one knows except for you all and DH
Kit sorry about the referral. Hopefully it&#8217;s just precaution. I remember reading some kids just skip things. Like if she&#8217;s moving she may not feel the need to work on sitting. Idk. A has his year check next week, and he is now swallowing food but he had to be fed. He did eat his cupcake solo, but everything else he has to be fed. He grabs whole hands and drops it, doesn&#8217;t even try to pincher. He says zero words, though i&#8217;ve heard yeah, more, hi, bye one and only once in the last six months. His receptive language is much stronger. And not walking. So we&#8217;ll see. But the not feeding himself concerns me and makes eating myself hard. Sorry made that all about me

Point is: you are not a shit mom at all!

Yay green! Remind me, can you ttc right away like with paraguard?
Kit don't fret :hugs: you could probably lost count of how many times any of us have worried about our kids development on this thread alone! Drs are so overly cautious these days. Take there opinion but don't ignore your gut instincts either. You are a fantastic mom and don't let anyone make you feel less.

Dobs massive kudos on the party! Wow turned out great! And you two are cute as always. Why do you think cake guy was fired?

Purple are you from uk or states? I was going to say I imagine Paris like New York but less lights and more french accents. Glad Jez somewhat confirms my suspicions. And I do not like new york...only fun if you have copious amounts of money to spend.

So speaking of one year olds' birthday parties...that's where i was today lol. Our besties with the kid close in lev's age had a party for him and sil & bil attended. Well my dumbass read the invite wrong and we were two hours late and missed his cake smash :dohh: but it was still fun and we got to visit with our friends after everyone left which was actually better i think.

Anyway i ended up chewing out sil :blush: her and bil and hubs were kind of harping on her weight (she is rather overweight). Bil and sil were really ragging in her, and bil says "She needs to exercise. She just sits all day." Then sil says "yeah just sits and watches tv" and i just lost my shit.

To be continued
Now I bit my tongue but they just kept raggin' on her and I couldn't NOT say anything. So I blurt out, "Well she WAS trying to exercise but SIL won't let her!"
And she looks at me dumbfounded and says, "what?"
I said, "we were going on walks with the boys in the morning but now you won't let her!"
She looked like she was taken off guard, and starts saying how it's a busy street...i'm like, no it's not! We walked the other day and were passed by three cars! She says "well maybe not her street but the others" and i'm like WE WALK ON HER STREET! What does she think, we teleport to busier roads?!
Then finally she completely backtracks and says, "well anyway it's not that she walked him, it's thay she didn't ask first." Then bil chimes in, "probably because she knew you'd say no" and hubs says "can you blame her?"
Bil finally says "well she can walk him" and i said "well you need to tell her that." And that was the end of it. SIL was mad at me and tried to avoid eye contact lol. Usually when i get in fights there's a part of me that feels guilty but not this time. I am so right I don't feel the least bit bad :haha: and maybe the place was not right but it was the right time. Also i could tell by bil's reaction that he had no idea that who stroller thing happened. I hope they continue to discuss it later because i know he'd be on my side and maybe he can talk some sense into her.
Giggs- Kuddos to you for sticking up to your sil like that! Hopefully your bil will talk some sense into her.
I'm actually in Canada and I've never been to new York so I can't really compare but if you say it's smelly that's all I need to hear lol the country side in France is gorgeous plus we went to Croatia that is breathtaking!

Kitt which milestones are they worried about? Just the sitting? Now I'm afraid for Ems one yr visit Tuesday he doesn't walk, won't crawl (buttscoots only) and refuses to hold his own bottle :s btw any tips on getting them to use a sippy cup?

I believe I was successful in attaching the pictures here is a pic of em after his cake smash and a pic of the cake I made him :)


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Way to go gigs! You tell her! I think he got fired because the baker mentioned he frequently messes up cake orders and he would no longer be doing it. I was like awwwwkkkkward i&#8217;m Not mad at him i&#8217;mmad At you lol

Purple looooooove the cake! And the picture/background details! I&#8217;m just gonna grab a cake from the store display and call it a day. I am so over cakes and cupcakes. We have three cakes going right now I wanna throw up haha

All the advice I got online was bad. I tried the doing 1-2 oz and putting water in the bottle and starting with less pressure meals midday. After three frustrating days (because he loves his sippy for water), I gave it to him for his morning bottle and just filled the whole thing, and he demolished it. And since he&#8217;s just used the sippy. We use the Chicco 360 rimless trainer with handles from target. He holds it himself but he wants to be in my lap most of the time. When I first started using it, I used it first and then acted like it was the best thing ever then handed it to him. He mimicked me and that was that.
Purple that must legit be the best cake smash pic I’ve ever seen. Tilly didn’t even want to touch her (cup)cake (I deemed the big cake too good to be ruined). Whereabouts in Canada are you?

Gigs good for you for sticking up for MIL and confronting SIL. Hope the walks become a thing again.

Kit I’m sorry you’re feeling crappy about E needing a referral. I echo what Gigs says about all of us freaking out. From what I’ve heard there’s also so much variation in what docs deem normal and not. Of course I don’t know the nature of her supposed delays, but even if they exist, I’m sure she’ll be right back on track soon enough and that it has absolutely nothing to do with you. I can only imagine how tough this all is in top of the extreme fatigue of early pregnancy an’ all.
Sippy cups- I tried a few before I found one the boys likes and could use. So if you're not having luck, try something else. I actually ended up buying one of every style in the bargain bin type things at the bottom of the shelf at target. Finally found one that worked, BUT the flow was a little fast for the boys so occasionally they would gag a little. We use the cheapie straw ones (munkin brand or something maybe??) and they're the best!!!! But it took soooo many to find ones that worked for us. Also, I just tried water and milk in them. Never anything else. Never any fancy tricks. Just found one that worked for us. When I finally did I tossed all the bottles.

Purple- amazing cake!!! I wouldn't really worry about the not waking and stuff. All kids are different. Having twins really makes me see that.

Dobs- doc wants me to wait one cycle to make sure my lining is thick enough. But I guess I can get knocked up anytime??

Gigs- good for you!!!!!!! I hope bil does say something later. Your poor mil can't do anything.
Sorry I don&#8217;t think I worded that right, she&#8217;s been sitting since she was 5 months old, I thought it was ridiculous to ask if a child can sit up when you&#8217;re watching her walk around no problem! The bits they are worried about are;

She doesn&#8217;t point (she just goes and grabs what she wants)
She doesn&#8217;t put a hat on (she takes them off)
She doesn&#8217;t try to brush her hair
She doesn&#8217;t try to put shoes on
She doesn&#8217;t try to feed herself with a spoon (she only has finger foods)
Her height has dropped from 90th to 25th percentile

But the thing is,
she signs for milk really often
She knows mama and dada
She&#8217;s walking around
She listens when I tell her to stop and come to me (about 60% of the time)
She feeds herself brilliantly
She plays beautifully and takes stuff out, puts stuff back, knows to look under things etc

I&#8217;m not worried I&#8217;m just annoyed at the health visitor for making me feel shit! I don&#8217;t need it when I&#8217;m just absolutely knackered and nauseous and I&#8217;m going back to work in 6 weeks and I&#8217;m trying to move house but the house is delayed and we need to apply for a new mortgage before they want to complete otherwise we might lose our deposit (£50,000) which are our entire life savings and I&#8217;m expecting twins that I&#8217;m entirely unprepared for! It&#8217;s just too stressful right now without them telling me she&#8217;s not developing properly!
Um neither of my kids could do those things at 11 months...lev is still on finger foods. If she's performing equivalent motor skills I don't see the issue...that is really weird to me. Like i doubt Lev would put on a hat (he hates hats) but he tries to put on sunglasses. And Brush her hair? What??? I've never even heard of that as a test for development! She is still ypung, i agree you're right to be frustrated with them. Try not to let it get to you, you have enough on your plate! I can't believe your deposit is at risk, i'd freak out!!! I'm sure it will all be fine but ugh houses are so stressful!

Purple that cake is amazing and the after picture is hilarious. That's probably how my before attempt would look.
Urghhh fucking health visitors!!! Kit, honestly half of them are a bloomin nightmare & half had never had children & its all &#8216;text book&#8217; what they can do/cant etc.. i def wouldn&#8217;t stress about it, Riley was only crawling at 10-11 months & was fussy with eating & using utensils! The 12 month check, Nuala they said they were concerned because i never ticked the box for &#8216;solving problems&#8217; ?? Like what kind? But she does lots of that hunting toys out etc But its such a silly question to have on there! Thank god that was the last standard check! Evies perfectly fine :thumbup:

Ohhhh wow Purple that cake is bloody awesome!!!! & love your lil Em smashing it pic haha totally covered :)

I still cant ger Nuala out of using her Tommy Tippee milk bottles for just her evening Milk tried her on another Nuby handled beaker with soft squishy sucker teat but nah she not wanna know & i can be bothered to bother trying Lol!

Evie your a Tic tac today hehe!! Or you gave 2 tic tacs should i say :)

Well done Gigs for soeaking your mibd te the stroller & walking thing :thumbup: maybe MIL will be a bit relaxed now!

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