General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Hi Kitty, I wouldn’t worry too much. I find health care workers can sometimes lack the skills needed to explore things like that in a more helpful. It is probably standard procedure and a tick box criteria they have to adhere to.

If anything, try see it as a positive... “if” there is anything that is happening developmentally that is out of the ordinary then at least there is a greater chance it will be picked up early. Better to make a referral when it amounts to nothing than to miss an opportunity to get an assessment and help if needed in a reasonable time.

Saying all that.... it is still worrisome to hear there is a referral being made. Did she explain where she was referring you to? If not it may be worth you giving a call to clarify where to.

Work stress is hmmmm stupid. That’s all I can really say. Just called the gp surgery to get a call from the duty doctor. Going to ask for some phenegran to settle my anxiety levels down as I’m expecting over the coming days I’m going to have intense periods of crying and anxiety. I don’t have much in the way of support because I’m not from the area only have friends I made through work.
Gigs way to go on defending mil and sticking it to sil! I hope you can go on walks together again :)

I feed V the non finger foods. I'm too "scared" to let her feed herself with a utensil. I really need to work on that. She does excellent with finger foods.

Purple oh man. We tried different cups. She never liked holding her bottles. Not a physical problem, just she enjoyed being fed her drink. She started to hold for everyone but me. She still tries to get away with it, but I'll "drop" it so she holds. She does like to be held while she drinks too.

The sippy we are using is nuby. We stopped using the handles as she can hold a bottle. It took lots of tries introducing her to the sippy before she really took to it. I also started out with a small amount of juice instead of milk in the sippy.

Btw, love the cake!!

Greenie yay for mirena removal today!!! Looking forward to you ttc soon :)

Kitty I don't point to much so V rarely points herself. I think the other things are ridiculous to expect her to do at that age.

Don't let that worker make you feel bad E is doing very well! I'm sorry you have so much stress on you right now.

Cb wow sounds like UK is very different on develoomental milestones. I don't think of a 12 month old solving problems.

Sorry it's so hot!!

Need sorry about work anxiety. I hope it calms down soon.

AFM just had a bad evening. I'm usually pretty positive, but had a momemt. I'm looking for a sitter for Thursdays and I hate that whole process. Finding someone competent and you trust is tough.

Then I was feeling worried as I've not vomitted any yet. Just really mild nausea with occasional gagging while brushing my teeth. I didn't feel so exhausted either. I dunno I was just being stupid. I think it's because my scan is coming up and I get a bit nervous before the scan. Also, I just feel so different from last pregnancy. Anyways, just need to focus on being positive and if there is bad news "what'll be will be".
Scratch that exhaustion is here. I just want to take a nap right now.....

I may leave a little early though.
Needa is yoir signature just a quote or do you actually ride horses? Western or english? What breed(s)?

Fluek feel ya on the exhaustion :( i've been drinking coffee. Not excessively but just a cup or two during the day to get me through. Wish I had asvice on the nerves...but really i think it comes with being pregnant :haha: ROLL ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY!

Ugh ate a cupcake and blah i feel so awful right now :sick:
Dobs, good to hear As party turned out good regardless of drama.

Jez, I'll let you know through Facebook when we are coming to your city. I'd love to meet up. I can't remember what DH said on where his thing is.... He doesn't have the dates yet either.

Can't remember much else although I've been reading all.... Ugh.
Tons of stress here, DH and I are probably going to sell our property to move onto the big island.

Ls new favorite word and thing 'helipopo" which means helicopter. Can't look at enough helipopos in a day... Haha, that kid brightens my world.
Lol PL, that sounds like a police helicopter. Yes, keep me posted!

Kit that is absolutely and utterly ridiculous and makes me quite angry. I wonder whether this worker is a busy body or has some other incentive to make referrals. You never know. Could always follow up with someone else about your concerns.

Flueks I agree the anxiety is part and parcel of early preg, but I will say I’ve consistently read that different pregnancies can be wildly different for the same person, so at least try not to worry about that part.

CB - that really does sound like an epic heatwave!

Gigs - lol @ your “before” cake looking like Purple’s “after” cake

Need - ah I hope the work stress lessens soon, though I’m glad you’re being proactive with meds if that’s helpful

Afm there’s been a mass shooting in Toronto, thankfully not near me (though I’m at my mum’s right now quite far away), but there’s been so much crazy stuff happening here over the past six months. Toronto (and Canada) is definitely not a place one normally associates with things like mass shootings, so it’s a little scary.
Gigs I've had some caffeine but maybe once or twice a week. It's so hard not to sometimes. I think having a LO adds to it for sure.

Sorry about the nausea post cupcake.

Oh and yes roll on Thursday and Friday :)

Pacific I love his word for helicopter.

Sorry about moving. I hope it's for the better :)

Jez thank you. It's not typical of me, but it's such a stressful time.

Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about that Jez. Prayers and thoughts to all involved.
Helipopos <3 that is tooooo cute Pacific hehee!!

Ah Jez thats awful.. scary stuff shootings :( & sad aswell.. :hugs: so glad its not anywhere near you. The Met office have said to avoid going out in the Sun for the coming wk as its high 20&#8217;s almist 30&#8217;s atm, afternoon school runs kill me! I was walking about the house in my pants only earlier today lol i just dont care hahaa!!! Nice suprise for Adam got home at 4oclock lol

Ah Flueks bless u, its difficult not to worry esp when the pg feel differently to the last, fx the exhaustion will pass in a few wks, when did ur sickness kick in with V? I still cant believe upto 85-90% of Women get the sickness & the remaining % get none at all, the young receptionist at my private 10wk scan had none, she said she had 3 scans in first tri as she was so scared, completely normal though to feel like it Flueks, im getting abit nervous about my scan next Tuesday eeeek!!

Only couple more days girls until scans ahhh!!!

I really want a Hotdog after seeing my ticker ha ha
I'm sitting (laying) here naked waiting for my doctor. I can hear her in the next room.

Omg you U.K. Ladies crack me up with the heat. 30c is 86f. It was 110f ( 43c) here last week.

Gtg!!! This is going to hurt. I'll catch up later.
I'm sitting (laying) here naked waiting for my doctor. I can hear her in the next room.

Omg you U.K. Ladies crack me up with the heat. 30c is 86f. It was 110f ( 43c) here last week.

Gtg!!! This is going to hurt. I'll catch up later.

I think it’s a different kind of heat though, when we go to Tenerife and it’s 35-40C I’m fine! But it’s so so sticky here at the moment! It’s wet heat that’s driving me barmy like I didn’t even know my elbow COULD sweat let alone produce the wetness that is currently in my elbow pit :rofl:
Thanks everyone for the support, I think I&#8217;m just reaching breaking point stress wise at the moment. Like it&#8217;s fone because I know we will get through it but I&#8217;m normally so calm and collected it&#8217;s awful for me right now, I&#8217;ve found my autism has been less in control recently too, I find myself freaking out more again about things I was able to let go

I will read and reply to everyone tomorrow morning but right now I need sleep!
Needa is yoir signature just a quote or do you actually ride horses? Western or english? What breed(s)?

Hey, it’s a quote from a song by an Irish duet called rubberbandits. From what I remember it is also the name of the song. I most likely added it to my sig a few years ago after some drunken late night banter on MSN. Back in the day we used to chat far too much on msn while drinking alcohol and all sorts of mayhem used to ensue. We all got put on the naughty step one time following us getting obsessed with goats and basically derailing a shit load of threads with goat talk. In fairness..... it did diffuse some needless arguements in a couple of threads.

The rest of my sig is then the mods from then hijacking my sig and editing it.

Thanks not a fan of meds but I need to have my head together quickly to be able to deal with stuff and I know I will be better able for it if I have 2days of being slowed down and sleepy rather than being highly strung. When I get anxious it can be hard for me to come down off that and I can stay in a prolonged anxious state for days or weeks. I can become quite unwell mentally because of it and I’m keen to minimize that risk especially since it would prevent me dealing with the issues that are going on plus, as work have insinuated that my well-being is what is the issue and not the glaring health and safety issues that are th problem, I need to stay as healthy.

I’m currently pacing around because I can’t find the charger for my watch. I get so fixated when I can’t find something.

Oh Kitty, it’s so much harder to manage stressors when there is autism in the mix.

I have traits (however I can’t be accurately assessed since I will be missing some of the childhood history) and I know that while some of my traits are actually really helpful and influence me positively I also do struggle a lot because of them. I have an incredibly strong sense of right or wrong so when I see something wrong I find it hard to ignore and not act on raising a concern despite it always causing me more harm. I also find it incredibly hard to interpret what others are meaning when they say stuff. That particular trait I’ve only noticed is an issue since moving to the uk... I find English people often send dual and sometimes contrasting messages in what they say and I find that incredibly difficult to interpret. I’ve gotten in to all sorts of conflict at work for asking for clarity in these situations. Apparently that is me being awkward and a bully. But if I try guess what they mean I typically get it wrong and then I get told off for not asking for clarity. To be honest, I’m not quite certain if it is an English thing or if it is just the immediate people I work with.
Kitty :hugs:

Greenie way too hot for me. I hate summer!

Hope removal wasn't too painful. Congrats, you are one step closer to ttc.

CB thank you. I think it hit me aound 6.5 to 7.5 weeks. I may be a bit off. Yeah maybe I just got lucky this time, but honestly MS is reassuring to me. I'm a bit crazy for that I suppose. I'm looking forward to finding out your baby's gender :)

Oh I forgot to mention Saturday night we keot trying to get pics of V for our announcement. She wasn't very coopetative :haha: this was the best one I got thatshows her onesie and face. Do you guys like it? Oh and DH had to hold her hands so she wouldn't block the words :haha:


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Jez I'm between Ottawa and Montreal just on the Quebec side. I heard about the springs this afternoon hope your ok! To hear of something like that in your own city must be emotional.

Thank you everyone for the cake love! I'll be making a similar one but Elmo for his actual birthday party I bought all the decorations today for his Sesame Street theme so I'm getting pretty excited for it lol

Kitty sorry to hear they were so hard with the development! Em has not got any of those and he will be 1 on Thursday. Hope everything works out with the mortgage and you do not lose your deposit! You have definately had a very eventful few days.

Green hope it was good news from your doctor's appointment and the removal didn't hurt too much :)

I hear you guys with heat today or was in the 30s but feel like 40 with the humidity they were calling for rain but we never got it is crazy how dry out is so many first fires going on right now.
Flu- that's adorable!!! And I think the picture is just fine! Getting pictures of kids is so hard! Pinterest gives me false hope. Lol

The Heat- totally agree with you Kit. It is a different kind of heat. Ours isn't dry but not really humid either. Humidity makes it worse. I'd say we're somewhere in the middle. DH works with someone who was dying in our heat because he was used to Arizona where it's really dry, but hotter than here. Hopefully fall comes early!

Kit- is it possible to take some time for you? Even if it's just for a walk or a pedicure or something where you can just not think about anything? Sorry for all your stress hun.

Mirena is out! Didn't hurt at all. We'll see what happens with AF. I had AF two weeks ago so hopefully I get another in two weeks. But I kind of want to start opks. Lol who knows when or if I'll even ovulate before another AF. No bleeding so far?
Yay for removal being painless Mrs G :) ha ha i bet your bod will start ov’ing very quickly, give it a week & you could always use the opks ;) at least you can note down neg/pos etc hehee im very excited for you!

Urhhh yes Kit its a heavy sticky kill me now type heat lol! Ive been to Greece in over 30degree heat & ive been fine so its def diff! Plus noone here has aircon in their homes (unless Rich or expensively rented apts)

Awwww Flueks V’s reveal pic is soooo cute, shes such a pretty lil bubba <3

Purple when is Em’s birthday? Love sesame street theme, very bright & happy, the Elmo cake will be awesome! Do u make cakes for a living or just very creative & arty? Id love to do a cake decor course, live my arts :)
Purple so do you do all kinds of different cake designs. It's so cool seeing what people can do.

Greenie yay for painless removal. Hope your body regulates quickly.

Oh and yes she only looks right at camera for my stepdad :rofl: maybe one day.

CB thank you! I'll have to see if DH will text me the one photo he got that I love.

Did you eat a hot dog?? Or are you going to later today? If I get a craving I can't stop thinking about it until I get it :haha:
Haha before either of mine look at the camera i need to start clicking away so not to miss it when they look directly for a split second :haha: lil chimps!! Nuala was splashing about in the paddling pool yesterday, i dont think i got 1 pick of her looking at me though hahaa

I am doing a mini grocery shop today so il probs pick up a jar of hotdogs lol! I only want the hotdogs though, not fussed on the buns as they fill me up too much :)
CB I took a few decorating courses to learn how I work as a nurse but do cakes for family and friends. Ems birthday is Thursday so July 26! I can't believe my first born will be a year in two days!! They say time goes fast but until you are experiencing it you cannot imagine just how fast it goes. Not looking forward to leaving him Monday when I go back to work..

Flu I do icing as well as fondant cakes I did my wedding cake and cupcakes as well as the one for a friend of mine. For Ems gender reveal I had made a pink onsie cake and a blue one so people could have a piece of the gender they were guessing lol..

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