General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Gigs haha I’m not always that polite, being accidentally rude or overstepping is actually a big problem for me, whoops :haha: and aw shucks, thanks for the compliment :)

Kitty thank you, I love them! I was worried I’d not find ones I liked but these seem to be growing on me more and more the longer I have them.

I wanna get a pair of prescription sunglasses. I love gold aviators, I’d definitely get them with brown/amber lenses. But moneyyyy ugh they’re so expensive. I don’t have enough money for them, and I feel bad asking my parents to buy me them. So for now I’ll go without them.

ETA: Flueks, thank you!!
Thanks ladies. The trauma is likely from when ex was here screaming a storm. That was a big thing for me to leave him because A would get upset. So now if people talk loudly or get mad (worse if it’s directed at me) then he gets upset. He also has insane clinginess which is worst at home. At my mom’s he’ll explore and generally doesn’t care where I am. At home, he had to he within arm’s reach. He also screamed bloody murder with ex. He never screams like that. And it is a lot pre-emptive therapy. His family stress score was a 5/7 and anything over 4 is a huge red flag

He had lead, a CBC, and one other thing I forgot. And then two allergy tests: dairy and egg. So 5 4-5ml bottles total. He inherited my small veins so they dug around in his left arm and couldn’t find it then finally got it in his right arm. So poor babe fell asleep with three bandages on his left leg, two on his right, and one on each arm :(

Long morning I would have killed to not be a single mom. Just happy to be home with A napping and my cheeseburger lol

Shae I agree the glasses fit you very well super cute. And ditto fluek and yeah prescription sunglasses are a bit much esp if you don’t wear them often or lose then like me lol

Fluek sorry to hear you’re already exhausted. He can’t self feed by hand or with utensils. He tried to puncher but can’t then full hands and misses. Out of 10 pieces he’s lucky to get 2-3 in his mouth and then they fall out. I let him self feed with several tablespoons of corn and out of at least 30 pieces he ate one. With a spoon from me he’ll eat 8-10 of the pieces.

Gigs I feel weird zooming in on this pic trying to find see pinky lol so i’m Just gonna take your word it’s there and not click on it
Dobs I feel like every time I’m driving (except at night) I need sunglasses lol. I have ones I use for when I’m wearing contacts (aka cheap regular ones I got from Claire’s when I brought my little sister there) but all I’ve got for when I’m wearing glasses is a cheap clip-on pair, they’re super ugly and awful lol so I only use them if I absolutely have to. I considered getting ones online but then I can’t try on the frames first and I keep having an issue with sunglasses being too loose on the sides. Idk, I might need them during the drive to 7 am clinical once a week before the sunrise gets super late. I’m gonna think about it for a while lol, clearly I’m indecisive about stuff.

ETA: I’ve heard light colored eyes (blue, green, etc) are more sensitive to the sun, maybe that’s why I need sunglasses more often than other people sometimes? Idk

Anyway, about you. I’m sorry A is showing trauma from the screaming of the ex. It seems like he’s protective of you when people raise their voice at you. But considering his age I feel like that’s something to look into, so pre-emptive therapy sounds like a solid choice. Poor baby with the veins, that sucks :( my mom has tiny veins, in med school they’d practice IVs on each other because it was like 1990, and nobody wanted to partner with her cuz of her tiny veins. I’ve never had a problem with my vein size, luckily. I’ve never had anyone have trouble finding a vein on me, no double sticks or anything. My veins aren’t large by any means, but I guess they’re not tiny either. I’m pretty thankful for that when I hear stories like yours :( I hope A is feeling better from all those sticks, poor kid. When will you get his results?
Oh dobs I’m so sorry, I really hope he’s okay :hugs: have you got anywhere suing ex yet?
Ooo yeah i’d Get them then. Driving into the sun is scary! The glare is baaaad I can’t see

Yeah mine also stop randomly do one time they had to do both arms, legs, and finger pricks to get enough blood. There’s one tech here who is super good though so I try to wait for her and she has her routine of getting me juice and Warmers lol

I guess this first round is just observational. She’ll ask me about family history and his behavior then observe him then we go from there

Nope. My old lawyer is an ass so basically it’s been a waste of $5k and 7 months. Still have not seen my child support and his interest is $5 compared to the $100-200 I get on the same amount on my credit card

Kk off to try and organize my overflow of chaos while A naps. He’s been out about 3 hours but no fever so hoping I can get at least a few things out of the hallway
Flueks because your so hungry earlier, probs why your feeling so more exhausted hun, these growing babes take everything from us lol lil chimps! Just obey your bodily needs :hugs: hope you can get an early night in or some relaxation time in the tub :)

Not long until school then Shae, you go back when Riley goes back, omg your are so cute & i LOVE your new specs, they so suit you! I have blue eyes & i squint even on days when its not super sunny, you are right about the lighter colour eyes being more sensitive though!

Oh Dobby, poor A lil love! I hope he wasn&#8217;t grumpy when he woke from his nap! All that prodding made him sleepy <3 The protective upset clingyness is def also a normal reaction from babies to their Mums, both mine do this, Riley still does now, if me & SO argue (hardly ever in front of the kids) or a voice has been made loud at me, he gets upset & runs to my aid bless him. Your ex has alot to answer for :angry: with A being so little i think he&#8217;ll forget things as time goes on hun.

My eyes are getting soooo heavy i keeo nodding off whilst on my phone Haha.. i may have to say g&#8217;night for now zzzzZ
Cb- what time is your appointment tomorrow? And what time is it there now? Lol darn time difference.

Dobs- I'm sorry for everything As been having to go through. Poor baby. How come ex hasn't paid child support? Isn't it just taken out of his employment check? I know a few people who pay child support and it's always been automatically taken out.

Shae- you're adorable!!! DH and I both have green eyes and we're both very sensitive to the sun. So maybe that is right about light eyes?
Aww cb i&#8217;n Always pro going to bed lol, i&#8217;m Hoping it&#8217;s just typical one year old i&#8217;m Spoiled behavior. His pediatrician told me like once a week try not to pick him up straight from work and do something for myself. We&#8217;ll see but yeah I guess i&#8217;m Sensitive to it because being around my bipolar screaming grandparents really upset me as a kid so Idk what level is normal. If that makes sense

Green I think he has to be delinquent for three months before they garnish his wages and they didn&#8217;t get official paperwork until last month. And he has paid some just not all of it. He owes about $1800 in support and $3k in daycare. So whatever it&#8217;ll get better soon lol. Maybe idk lol right now he owes all of what I owe on one credit card. Then I just have to watch my spending and chip away at the other. But this is pre trial costs ugh

His CBC came back everything in range so yay. Dunno when the other stuff comes back but I do love Kaiser online lol
Shae I once had a pair of prescriptions glasses that had a magnetic clip of sun shades. It was fit exactly for that frame. This was 10 years ago though.

I just buy the cheap clip ons. I'd rather be able to see. My eyes are very sensitive to light. I often need shades for cloudy days. I'm brown eyed so I'm just a weirdo in my light sensitivity.

Dobby well I'm glad he's not exposed to that now.

Sorry he had a rough blood draw. I do dread the thought of them drawing blood on her. I was relieved ours was a fingerstick.

My veins were crap as a kid. I have some good ones, but I better be warm if they want it to be easy.

I'm sorry he's hacing trouble with self feeding. I'm sure that OT will help a lot.

Dobby hope you see some more $$$ soon. I'm sorry you had a shit first lawyer.

CB thanks, I'm sure it is all the growth, but I remember not eating much last time so it's odd. Oh well.

Midwife also said if I feel more exhausted we could recheck my vit D levels. At the moment I'm considering rechecking at 24 weeks with gtt and anemia check. That gives me 6 months of supplementation before recheck.

Going to do a few things the nap for a short bit before DH comes home and I pass out again.
Flu- those sound like fancy glasses lol luckily I don't have to wear glasses. Well I'm supposed to but oh well. Sorry about the exhaustion. Growing a baby is hard work.

Dobs- seeee that's different than here! Here they automatically set it up to be taken out of your check. OR you have to call the courthouse to pay if you get paid cash. Then the court pays you.
Wow that&#8217;s interesting. Here they encourage you work stuff out yourself and hate it when you can&#8217;t. So they would hope that you just help out financially. If you don&#8217;t, your ex files a motion asking for a court ordered child support amount. They hope you agree out of court, if not the judge has a guideline calculator then does that. Then they hope you just pay it. When your ex doesn&#8217;t, you file a motion with your local child support people (assuming you didn&#8217;t just start with them because if you just want money you could go straight to them). If they agree, they take over and hope your ex now miraculously pays them. Which can happen because sane people don&#8217;t want to piss off the government/ people who can jail and fine you. If you continue to be delinquent, they garnish your wages.

And because of a f* up from old attorney they can&#8217;t collect daycare so I have to sue him separately for that and for my rent so I already have two missed days of work for this bull and another that hasn&#8217;t been scheduled to get my money back from old attorney like ffs

Sorry I read everything but don&#8217;t Remember so off to bed ffs I hate this condo cats and dogs and assholes so noises every fing night
And ugh so hot and the breeze only blows from the opposite side of my master so opening the window does nothing
Morning y'all. I was going to respond last night but fell asleep while reading lol.

Dobs I hope you and A are feeling better this morning after such a rough day yesterday. I agree early intervention is good if there's something there, and if not those sessions are always fun for kiddos anyway! So might as well.

Cb I'm excited for your update! I am still thinking you'll be joining me on team blue but hopefully you're excited regardless <3

I also have sensitive eyes but have dark, color changing eyes so not a light color thing here either. I go through glasses like candy and have a light tinted pair for driving in the rain when it's still bright enough to bother my eyes but not bright enough for dark tint. Yup i'm that guy.

Currently looking into wood burning stoves that also have ovens. Damn they're expensive! Anyone have experience with these? It'll be our first. We've wanted one for yeeears.
Can’t help you on ovens Gigs. I think my grandma in Hungary had one like that ages ago but I know nothing.

CB I believe your scan will have already happened! I’m still saying girl but I’m always wrong.

Dobs I’m so sorry for all A has gone through. I’m sure your bond with him will be like nothing else, since you’re totally his rock. I’m sure the referrals will be good for preemptive stuff like you said. Re: small veins, argh that reminds me of the horrific ordeal of having to place an IV in Tilly when she was 5 months. But what’s CBC? And they test for lead? How come? They don’t do any kind of blood tests here at one year.

Shae your glasses are perfect and your hair is perfect. You’re a very pretty young woman. And such a kind face haha. DH and I are very lucky coz we each get $800 or prescription lenses every two years on his insurance so now I’ve built up two pairs of glasses, two pairs of designer sunglasses and a bunch of contact lenses over the years. It’s time to go again if I don’t want to waste the allowance. I think me eyesight has changed a bit. Anyway, I ramble.

Keeps I can’t believe you’ll get to hold your little boy in a mere few days!!! I did have an induction and had a wonderful labour in all honesty, but I was quite overdue and was most likely going into labour naturally at the same time, so not sure if that’s the best example. I’ve certainly hear many other positive stories too. Were all your previous deliveries vaginal?
Gigs no help there never had one or knew anybody with one but gl finding one in your price point! Sounds cool

Jez complete blood count. Checks red and white blood cells,and all that other stuff in your blood. It&#8217;s standard here to do that, anemia, and lead. A lot of houses here are built before 1978 and were painted with lead based paint.

A&#8217;s Ferrartin came back 18 when normal range is 22 to 365 so we&#8217;ll see what doc has to say about that.

Keeps thinking of you! So close!

G2g A is cranky he&#8217;s warm to the touch and flush but totally fine temp
Dobs wow CA isn&#8217;t very helpful with child support, huh? I googled the ferrartin, did you mean ferritin? That&#8217;s what came up on google. It looks like kids have much lower levels, and I even saw a scale that said 12 was minimum normal for adults, but it seems different labs have slightly different ranges. Obviously talk to his doctor, but I wouldn&#8217;t worry too much about it.

Gigs I know nothing about wood burning stoves. I grew up with an electric stove (I hated it, it took forever for the burner to heat up), and then the oven part died and we switched to a gas stove. I love the gas stove haha, the burner is hot immediately cuz flames. Only thing is my dog accidentally turned on a burner. Aka flames. In the middle of the night. She somehow knew something was wrong and banged/scratched on my sister&#8217;s bedroom door until she got up and was led to the burner and was able to turn it off. Most of the time my dog acts stupid af, but based on that, I think she&#8217;s quite smart and just doesn&#8217;t care what we tell her to do lol

Jez wow I wish I got an $800 glasses allowance every two years :shock: the new pair was like $125 or something, I could get adequate prescription sunglasses for $125 and super nice ones for $250. I don&#8217;t care about getting designer frames, so that lowers the cost a bit haha. All those prices include lenses and frames, the whole shebang.
Yeah ferritin my autocorrect/unwillingness to proofread lol but yeah i&#8217;d Be worried if his red blood cells were low but they aren&#8217;t. Just curious if she&#8217;ll want him on iron supps but I doubt it

Pretty cool about the dog! Mine is def smart but plays dumb to get out of behaving lol

I think the cheapest glasses I ever got were $100 and the most were coach and Prada closer to $400-500 why my mom ever forked out the money I do not know lol probably my low self esteem
Ok i havent read m, ive just &#8216;thanked&#8217; lol so the verdict is...


  • 9F0D4B62-7544-438B-98ED-FD86B5413B2F.jpg
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Baby was laying face down to my bits, scan tech had to probe about to get baby to move haha!

Looks like me & Nuala are going to be outnumbered <3 Baby Boy no3 ladies lol! I am really happy, nuala gets to be the queen bee :)

So i opened that email attachment & there was nothing about the gender on there i could see pfft!!!

My Placenta is laying reeeeally low like on the edge of my cervix, she needed to do an internal scan to get a better view, i need another scan at 28 wks to see if its moved up or lowered over cervix, as im having a csection its not a huuuge deal but she said Placenta previa & bleeding later in pg can be an issue uhhh! Fx it moves up

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