General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

CB I’m gonna look at skull theory stuff before I put in my final guess but my tentative guess is girl right now. So excited to find out tomorrow! (Now Keeps diagram is making me very unsure)

Keeps omg you’re due so soon!!!

Gigs wow SIL is definitely being a total b*tch. I feel like pregnancy is the only reasonable explanation for that behavior, and even then it’s a bit much. We all have b*tchy days, but every day seems to be one for her.

I understand why you’d be scared to have a girl as the 3rd because of your brothers order. I really think you’ll raise your 3 boys into respectful men, though. So even if you have a 4th who’s a girl, I don’t think you have anything to worry about.

Flueks I’m glad you’re not taking the “was it planned” question too hard. I’d probably be a bit offended haha, and kinda confused considering it’s your second...

ETA: oh and Jez your 2056 comment made me laugh!
Gigs - aww congrats on baby boy, I totally get the feeling abit sad thing, but omg what your hubs said!! And he is so right, there isn’t enough nice men in the world (that I’ve met anyway all seem to be horrible) maybe it’s down to you both to raise some decent ones with good morals, and by the sound of it, yours and hubs relationship is setting a great example to your little dudes! X and sorry but how rude is your SIL?! “I’ve been waiting half hour” whilst at your gender reveal and hubs bday that is incredibly rude!

CB- omg didn’t realise tomorrow was gender day for you! Eek how exciting! Totally get the gender thing I had 3 girls so should have wanted a boy but nope had hoped for a girl again again, lol I like have my team of girls! How u feeling? I’m so glad this weather has cooled down abit! X

Flukes- I didn’t see the post about was it planned comment but people don’t realise how rude they are sometimes! I keep getting the eyerolls when I say it’s my 4th, then they proceed with the same “is it a boy this time?” To which I reply yes and get the same “so you can stop now” back everytime! So rude!! Congrats on the reveal and glad it all went well - when will u be finding out gender? X

Shae- how’s things? Yep not long left at all I’m booked for induction next Saturday because of my hip dysplasia & arthritis, so 5 days left!

Afm - as said above booked in for induction in 5 days time! Super nervous, never been induced before, plus Ella is only 21 months I’ve never left her before which makes me sad, if it was just me I’d be fine, but it’s leaving the home and Kids etc I know their routine and what they like etc etc - nesting has hit me hard have been running around flustered with a duster and bleach in the other hand lol trying to get things ‘organised’ but I live in a zoo (literally 3 kids 6 and under, 2 kittens & a sausage dog) my life is chaotic! Anyone on here been induced and care to share their experience? I’ve been told to take my induction date with a pinch of salt as it’s NHS and they only have 4 induction beds and obviously ermergancies / people in actual labour but not progressing etc take priority but my midwife seemed confident I’d be seen within 4 days of my induction date! X
Keeps ahhh 5 days?! Crazy! What is the reason for being induced? I am excited for you to meet your little man, i know you've had mixed feelings but once you meet him i know you'll be smitten <3

Jez cleaning a penis has got to be easier than cleaning a vagina! So many crevasses! A penis you just wipe down lol. Now yes there's special care for a circ job but that's temporary, and when uncut you have to eventually clean under the forskin but it can take some time to separate from the penis head (Lev's is not separated yet, it can be months or years) and until that happens no different from cleaning a finger! (Side note if you want my perspective on cut vs uncut, pm me as i have one of each. This one will not be cut either and I regret having Des' done, but I won't go into it here!).

Dobs I might be tempted to gender select in your shoes but I probably wouldn't tell anyone irl :haha:
Gigs 5 to 10 updates and selfies a day posted?! That's awful she can't respond to your announcement considering she has so much time apparently.

I like your outlook about beinga boy mom :)

That's crazy about confusing the kids. Oh and your poor BIL I'm not sure how he puts up with her. I hope she grows up before she pushes everyone away. Oh and you and DH have a great relationship. That will definitely help your boys see how to treat women.

I also think Carlton from fresh prince, but I loved his character.

Greenie I like it too, we didn't use my mom or MILs middle names though as we don't like either: Mae or Gaye.

We are using James as a middle name for a boy. It was my grandfather and brother's middle name. DH suggested it actually.

Jez thank you. Yes I don't find a 2ish year age gap "unusual". Oh well maybe because no one else has gone for #2.

2056 eh??:rofl:

Dobby thanks!! Oh man that would be awkward. Did she just say it out loud??

How funny about A climbing on people. V was doing that but she tends to walk around me now.

CB less than 24 hours!!! I'm thinking I'm really not sure. I'm staying out of this one as I really can't tell.

Pacific yay for telling FIL!! Sorry your mom was acting up. I wouldn't have told either then.
Oh someone asked how fil1 and my dad could mix up the kids. Well they are both young white blond boys...but Lev is 5 months older than his cousin, obviously bigger, and walks around. They were not wearing similar outfits. Maybe it was an honest mistake and a "senior moment", but to me it looked like he (my dad; didn't see fil1 do it) legitimate couldn't tell them apart. To me it was just an indication that he doesn't visit enough to recognize his own grandchild. At least with fil1 he is the grandpa to both similarly aged kids, ya know? But what excuse does my dad have? I think he's only met the other baby 2 or 3 times.
Shae thanks. I usually try to let things roll off me. I'm not perfect at it though. As I've gotten older I care less about what people think of me and I determine my own self worth and self esteem.

Keeps how rude. It's no one's business how many kids you want anyways. I remember so many people asked if I was going to breastfeed or how I was going to deliver. Didnt let it bother me, but it's intrusive.

Well here's hoping baby boy is here Saturday. I'm srdy you've had so much pain this pregnancy. I wasn't induced so I have no advice on that.

Is your family going to watch the girls??
Keeps that is horrible people would make comments like that. How much of a d!ck do you have to be to lack that much tact?! Anyway I second that I hope your pain subsides after birth.

Fluek I am there with you. Mostly I just don't care anymore about opinions, but ugh I can't stand rude people. I think I myself was having issues with the "praying for a girl" comments because I was taking offense on behalf of my son. Like people were trying to wish and pray him out of existence...and now I fear people with have this misplaced empathy for me, like "oh she must be so upset it's another boy"...dude leave my boys alone. And I think i'm just being sensitive because I was so on the fence anyway but "knew" it was a boy.

And now I am the one rambling!

Anyway thank you for this "Oh and you and DH have a great relationship. That will definitely help your boys see how to treat women." you are sweet! But it's also a matter of THEM finding loving wives who aren't psycho bitches and treat THEM well. And consequently raise good sound kiddos themselves.

PL sorry mom is being an asshat. Ohhh doesn't it feel guiltily good keeping such a big secret? It's actually part of the reason I'm not publicly sharing the sex. I am bitter towards some people and I'm like screw y'all, if you care enough to know you can ask me personally.
I&#8217;ll re read but I think what keeps has lined is the hip bone/leg not the nub
Gigs yeah I think it mostly comes with age as I used to view my self worth by other's opinions. So glad I don't do that any more.

That is true too!! My DH had a very toxic gf prior to me. He is so sweet and loving. He is actually more romantic and affectionate than I am :rofl:

His dad actually quit inviting him to things because of her. She was lying, manipulative, and truly mentally unstable. I'm glad he got out of that relationship.

Yup, they are all precious and loved regardless of gender. I'm sure we will get similar comments if we are team pink again. I always have my nephews.

I just feel like crap today. I think I'll leave a bit early. I can't really describe it, but not anything I feel I need to bother the ob.
If there were other pics like it, id quite say yeah maybe it is Boy but all pics are the same apart from that one where the legs abit fuzzy & all the others has the leg swinging about so i dunno, could be the leg flipped over lol! Maybe as im swaying girl but if its a Boy il still adore him, i wonder if he would be blonde like Riley & me or a Ginge like Nuala & her Dad haha! I think im abit more excited to open that email haha

I am liking the slightly cooler weather but not enjoying the extra layer of clothing these past 2 days.. warming up again tomorrow & hot rest of week haha im bever happy, i like it hot but not sweltering!

Gigs omg your SIL what a cow to BIL when its his brothers birthday? I know if that was Adam, he would tell me to do one lol & state its my bro&#8217;s birthday! Your hubs us so sweet Gigs, bless him, so appeeciative aswell <3

Ah Flueks.. hope all is ok, are u just feeling under the weather/not yourself type thing? Or weird &#8216;down there&#8217;
Shae the skull theory wouldnt work on this bub or Nualas as the head is facing the scanner lol so its not a true shape of head profile, typical!! This theory wouldve been my second thought :)

When are u back to college? Has any p/t holiday work popped up yet?
Ooh yes keeps why are u being induced? Was it because of your last labour & the cord issue around babys neck?

Ive never been induced but a spec was seeing if i was &#8216;favourable&#8217; for a sweep but everything there was tucked behind my pelvis lol! My uterus is tilted right back so maybe thats why i never dilated properly with Nuala? I never wanted to be induced purely for reason of a real high % always end up with intervention/csection & im real funny about my bits being poked & prodded, but then you do have women that are induced, dilate fine & deliver as normal, hopefully you&#8217;ll be the latter :)
I was induced with ds1 and ended up with a cs, BUT he was large and not presenting well (back labor) AND he was my first. I suspect being your 4th you have a much higher chance of success!

Blah it occurs to me that DS3 will likely be a csection :/ if he's as big as my last two a vba2c is definitely out of the question. And being a boy, that is quite likely.
All about me post

A had his one year check. He&#8217;s so cranky because it&#8217;s nap time. We got an OT referral because he isn&#8217;t self feeding. And a therapy referral because our family stress score is high and he does have some signs already of trauma. Waiting now to get his blood work done after 5 vaccines :(. Poor kid
Poor kiddo :( what signs of trauma? And what is the bloodwork for?

I wanted to share the 4d pic of ds3 that i think you can see his little bits in :haha: *sings* do you see what I see?


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Keeps things are going well with me, thanks for asking! I&#8217;m sorry your hip dysplasia is so awful during pregnancy! Are you excited for your induction?

Flueks I&#8217;m not as good about not taking things to heart haha, maybe cuz I&#8217;m so young, but not everyone develops that skill of not caring what people think, so idk. Either way, good on you for shrugging things off. I&#8217;m not that mature haha

Gigs yeah I would be upset if people were praying for a certain gender. Besides, if you&#8217;re gonna pray, pray before they get pregnant, once conception occurs the gender is genetically determined, prayers won&#8217;t change that.

CB darn on skull theory. College starts up beginning of September. I think I move in the 2nd or 3rd. Mandatory meeting the 4th, classes start the 5th. No luck with jobs this summer. I&#8217;ve given up because no one is gonna hire someone for only a month. But I got the tiny shift during the school year, so that&#8217;s something at least. My parents have been paying me to do certain things they don&#8217;t wanna do or can&#8217;t do haha, like the chauffeuring my mom&#8217;s friends. She was supposed to drive them but was sick. They&#8217;ve been pretty understanding during this whole thing, I&#8217;m thankful for them.

Dobs I&#8217;m so sorry that A is having trouble. If you don&#8217;t mind me asking, what exactly would be the cause of the trauma? Stuff with your ex? If it&#8217;s too personal feel free to ignore me or tell me no etc.

I finally got my new glasses! I really like them. They&#8217;re purple, so they make my green eyes look greener. They&#8217;re kinda green-blue, like the outer rim is blue and the inside is green, so in some pics they look blue and others they look green. Idk. I&#8217;ll post a pic soon
Okay, new glasses pic below! I like them a lot :)


Gigs aw cute 4D pic! How awesome! I might see what you see haha
Jeezus Shae you're so adorable!

And lol you're so polite, I'm like TELL US DOBBY.
CB I always imagined V with dark, curly hair. Her hair is brown and wavy. I'm curious to see how it finishes growing as it's not fully come in.

Haha yeah it's been a bit cooler, but tolerable. I really like 60s and low 70s. Early fall weather :)

I'm feeling a tad better. I'm just tired, hungry, head feels funny, and occasionally nauseated. I made a stop at chick fil a as my early lunch was already gone. I'm so hungry so early this time. I didn't get this way til 2nd tri with V.

Dobby self feeding as in wth utensils or bringing small foods to his mouth with hands? I'm sorry he's showing signs of trauma.

The bloodwork was lead and hgb at my office, they did it via fingerstick. V didn't even flinch.

Gigs I think I see a small penis.

Shae I wasn't this way at your age. It was mid 20s. So no worries ;)

I love the glasses they really suit your face.

Glad your parents are giving you money for errands/chores. I agree no one will hire for a month's part time.

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