General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Lol nyx jk I vote boy. I was just thinking statistically lol BUT aren’t we a bit heavy thread? I feel someone did the numbers once lots of blue pregnancies

Pl yikes! That’s a shame it’s not more convenient. Only had that experience once and I was pretty bored waiting in line. Luckily we were parked in line by a gas station so I made multiple snack trips lol. Is it likely you can sell or do acontingency sell and nab that land you are eying? Or is that the dream like how I look at things and sigh deeply and drink wine lol

Fires are a ways away. We had one small blaze up in our hills but it was small and far enough away from my house. Only knew it was there because I saw the smoke and scorched area on my way home on the freeway. My brother is volunteering with the Red Cross and they ask him every day if he’ll deploy (forgot the actual Red Cross term) out there but he leaves to volunteer at a camp for kids whose parents have terminal illnesses so he can’t. He really wanted to go though.

Which reminds me green how are you? I know yoi’re not too far from these parts. Fxed ovulation gets back on track soon!


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Ah that’s awful about the fires. News of the ones in Greece actually made me cry.

Nyx hiking for bot for you then and can’t wait to find out. We had a spate of girls and then a spate of boys in 2016-2017 on this thread which was interesting, so this thread definitely seems to ignore stats. Plus you’ve got Green’s always-wrong promise haha

PL that’s exciting about the move! Makes sense. Did you move when you were preg with L too? And two kids in an RV! I salute you.
PL good luck with the move! And good on you for being able to live in an RV with kids. I’d go insane, honestly. I would looooove to buy a big piece of land that’s good for homesteading and have my dream home custom built on it. Unfortunately, the chances that I will ever have enough money for that are quite low. Nurses aren’t exactly known for mansions and 6 figure salaries haha. If SO can get a decent job in game design, that’ll help. But I’m not holding my breath. I also worry about the location of those jobs. I would hate living in a city or suburban style neighborhood (I like privacy trees, not privacy hedges), and neither of us can deal with heat so anything in the south is off limits. Even if he gets a job in an acceptable area, his student loans are gonna have us in so much debt, we won’t pay off our mortgage until we’re 100 years old. Makes me wish I was born in a country with free/inexpensive education. But alas, the “land of the free” is quite expensive. (I know it’s referring to freedom but I’m making a joke so play along please I suck at jokes)
Okay sorry I’m rambling in an attempt to not worry about my inevitable financial doom. Oh and that ferry line sounds horrendous. Yikes.

Dobs at the zoos in MA we have a lot of animals that shouldn’t be in MA. Everything from polar bears to lions and tigers to elephants. Idk how they keep them healthy during temperature extremes opposite from their origin climate.

Nyx, I hope it’s a boy since that’s what you want!
Super Long Selfish Post

So yesterday I went to Walmart with my dad and sister (to pick up the glasses and get some groceries) and I told my dad oh I need some new bras cuz all mine are old and stretched out so he went to get food while my sister and I grabbed some bras. I’ve always been a 32C, but Walmart doesn’t carry those so I have a bunch of 34Bs from them. So I grabbed 3 34Bs, so did my sister cuz she’s also a 34B, and re-joined my dad. Didn’t actually try them on. Big mistake.

Once at home, I tried them on. With all 3 of them my boobs were spilling out the top and sides. Crap. Had my sister try them on, they fit her, so she now has 6 new bras. Apparently my boobs have grown. Weird. So I had my mom measure me, and it turns out my boobs are now a 32D, and this bra I’ve been wearing is actually a 36B? No wonder it rides up in the back :dohh: my other main one is 34B but it’s wireless so it’s more forgiving with growth I guess.

So tonight I went on Aerie and ordered 4 new bras in 32D. Send good bra fitting vibes! :rofl: They do have free returns but I’d rather they just fit on the first try of course. I got 3 nude bras (I mostly wear nude bras so they don’t show under clothes), though 2 are lacy on the cup so they’re less boring haha, I didn’t want to spend $25 each on multiple boring or ugly bras. So one is plain nude, 2 lacy nude. And then the 4th is a black lace bra, which I’m excited for cuz I think it looks super cute.

For anyone who cares, link to black bra so you can see what I’m excited about:

And link to one of lacy nude bras to explain what I’m saying lol:

I told SO about the bras being too small and was complaining about it and he was like “all I’m hearing are positives” cuz all he hears from that is “my girlfriend has bigger boobs now”. But honestly I’ve always been insecure about my boobs being too small, so I’m kinda excited too. We’ll see if the pill makes them bigger. Mixed feelings since I just ordered $100 of bras. I get the IUD out the 10th so in theory I’ll start the pill that day. Might consider waiting until the 12th just cuz the 10th is a Friday and I like the Sunday-Saturday thing. I’ll have to see what the pack says. If it starts Sunday, I’m gonna want to start Sunday just cuz I’m a little OCD about stuff like that (I don’t actually have OCD I don’t think, it’s just obsessive compulsive tendencies with some things, and saying I’m OCD about something gets the message across even though it’s not entirely accurate).

This week in random cravings:

-This actually isn’t random at all, I crave sushi multiple times a week, I may have an actual addiction, it’s the one thing I ignore budgets for, it’s becoming a money issue, god help me.
Indian food
-I’ve been wanting Indian food for the past few days. Still haven’t gotten it. Anything from the microwaveable packets to homemade to restaurant will do. We have zero Indian restaurants near me. So those boxed packets from Ocean State Job Lot might be the solution. I’ve been avoiding going there for a few days cuz effort.
Sour cream.
-As of a few hours ago, this is my dominant craving right now. I don’t love sour cream, like it’s good with some stuff but I don’t love it so idky I’m craving it. My brain has gone from rice and beans with sour cream to Jez’s Hungarian zucchini soup with excessive sour cream to pierogies with sour cream. Luckily, I don’t want to eat it straight up. There’s no pierogies in the freezer, and I’m too lazy to cook rice and beans, and I don’t have the ingredients for Jez’s soup. So, I shall suffer and wallow in my laziness.

I feel like the number of strong cravings I get is abnormal considering I’m not pregnant and they happen at any point during my cycle. I would think it could mean I’m deficient in something, but the cravings are so random and they happen both at college when I’m eating well and at home when I’m not eating well because nobody in my house cooks... though I do feel like since starting college the cravings have been way more frequent and intense. Idk, man.

I should go to bed. Instead I’m thinking about food. Crap.
Get up & eat food Shae lol! Your hormones are most prob being wacky from your iud.. not long until its removed! Fab news about new Boob size, i was a 32DD before having Riley, loved how great they looked in push up bras :) i luuuurve that Black lace Bra link u shared, very pretty!

Yay for temping MrsG, get those cycles back to regular & on the ttc train :)

Pacific wow thats sounds awesome & really exciting about the move & possibilities of building your own house, id love to do that! SO is a Carpenter & i highly recommend him haha! I know he would love to build a house from scratch, great times ahead for you :) I couldn&#8217;t remember how pg you are atm, will this be your first official mw apt? Hb will be a definite <3

Jeez Dobs that fire!!! Did they get it under control ok??

Ha i bet Nuala will love being a the only Girl & middle child, i never had any brothers growing up, 2 sisters, i was middle child aswell! I never got any new clothes really, pfft! Nuala will get all new as shes only girl & get to eye up her Bro&#8217;s friends lol!
Nyx thats mega quick for finding out hehe i hope you get what your hoping fot.. although, girls are just simply lovely aswell
Dobs yeh we are building but they&#8217;ve pushed completion back again! But at least we have a roof :rofl:
3 am and I can't sleep, sooo..

Cb, he's hired when we built! Lol, the commute will be horrible :haha: this will be my second appointment with the me and I'll be around 12 weeks-ish... I forgot, all I know is that my hunger is returning earlier then during my pg with L.

I had just moved a month before I got pregnant with L. I know, pretty brave to go into an RV with kids long term. However looking at some of the newer designs, they actually have a second bedROOM at a certain size. Some now even come with washer/dryer hook ups and a dishwasher!! As for space, we'll have a ton of outdoor room for the kids to burn off energy ;) we do live on the wet coast, but we have a fantastic rain suit for L which should fit fantastic this winter.
Can't remember who asked, no there aren't any outbuildings on the land, so we would start from scratch. We do have a Lifestock trailer which we may convert into animal shelters for the interim. Electric fence is pretty simple to put up for fences and we have all the set ups.

Dobs, glad to hear you aren't affected by the fires, who else is living that way?? Green? BC fires are pretty wild and ouf control as well, they were expecting some smoke but it's been windy here so haven't had any yet.
Yeah it&#8217;s crazy. The ones here are always small and easily contained. Our hills just get sooo dry and on a hot enough day something sparks. But nobody ever worries about them. Someone posted a fire incident report picture and it&#8217;s crazy how many blazes there are in CA. I don&#8217;t listen to the news anymore just music for A so not sure how containment is. But we aren&#8217;t seeing ash or gray or having to wear masks so i&#8217;m Hoping not too bad.

Shae I love suburbia hehe. I don&#8217;t mind privacy coming from a fence or greenery, but I need the things lol. Pull did nothing for my boobs lol and lol at so&#8217;s comment. Hope they fit! And hmmm interesting. I used to get random cracings but they weren&#8217;t about deficiency. Now my cravings are about quick bursts of energy

Kit sorry but I like your attitude lol

Pl you are such a trooper. I think it is brave but also easier on young kids. I feel like it&#8217;d be hard to move two teenagers into an rv for an indefinite time than youngsters. That&#8217;s pretty cool they have muliple bedrooms now.

Little man in stirring
And yeah no totally not kidding about jaguars in CA some guy in feb finally got a picture of a wild one in AZ. They are suppppper rare but they exist.

The zoo was Oakland Zoo. They have a kid’s area, tropical rainforest, another kid’s area, African savannah, and a CA specific area. Had the usual: bald eagle, grizzly, black bear, condors, bison, but then it was like boom! Jaguar lol


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Hey, ladies! Long time no chat.

There's been far too many pages that I have missed, but I did some scanning.

Flueky- I'm glad your reveal went well.

Gigs- Congrats on your boy :cloud9:

Cb- Congrats on your boy, too! :cloud9:

AFM- Everything is going well. Yesterday ended the last of our summer visitation with DSS so no more extended visits. Back to just 2 weekends a month :( The kids go back to school on the 13th and I can't lie, I'm looking forward to it.

My pregnancy is going well. Nearing viability which is always a huge relief for me (background- with DD1/Emma, I had a very premature labor scare at 22 weeks so ever since then I breathe a sigh of relief once Baby has a good chance of survival outside of the womb.) I'm still not showing all that much although DH and I both see an obvious small bump. It just does not show outside of my clothes yet. But my uterus is right where it should be (as of my appointment on Monday), her heartbeat is strong, and she is incredibly active in there.

That's about it. Nothing exciting- sorry. I'll try to do better about posting. I just do not like reading/posting on forums through my phone, but I haven't been using my computer very often. I'm sure that will change once school resumes, though.
Dobs, that's cool about jaguars in Cali! Actually I was really surprised when I heard that some parts have Antilope! My coworker went down there on a hunt a few years back. To me Antilope is an African animal ;) haha

Bdb, wow, your kids go back early, ours don't go back until after the September long weekend.
Dobs wow that&#8217;s crazy that they live naturally in California! We have the usual woodland creatures. I see chipmunks and squirrels nearly daily, rabbits every few days, skunks every once in a while (always roadkill unfortunately), deer or turkeys in the backyard like once a month, a coyote or fox or raccoon once in a blue moon. Don&#8217;t think I&#8217;ve ever seen a beaver but I&#8217;ve sure as hell seen their dams. On the coast you&#8217;ll see seals, they&#8217;re sooo cute but since I don&#8217;t live near the coast I rarely see them. So yeah, nothing exciting or exotic.

ETA: oh and mountain lions. We have those. I don&#8217;t think I&#8217;ve ever seen one in the wild, but when I was a kid they took away outdoor recess for a month after someone spotted one nearby.

Bdb yay for nearing viability!
Living near Jags & mountain lions would scare me, im a wooss lol & id be overly protective of the squiggles aswell eek!

So the Ultrasound Baby Bond attached my &#8216;full report&#8217; definately Boy haha!!!

Bdb wowzers you just couple wks away from being 25 wks :) Glad all is going fab with you & the pg <3 Ive popped right out but just getting odd prods n pokes atm, he seems a very snoozy baby in there, lets hope that continues when he arrives ha ha
Cb, yay for sleepy baby! Hopefully this one will be easy on you ;)

We've lived in bear, wolf and coyote country before. The key is to be loud and they generally take off before you are aware that you are somewhat close. We did have a bear down the road from us, who may have been somewhat used to humans, however he did not return the following summer.
I think I'd rather deal with bears, wolves and foxes trying to get at my livestock then weasels, mink, eagles, racoons and similar.
Although we've had cougar sightings nearby, I do not worry about them. They are so aloof, plus have so much easier pray here in the deer and their young they don't need to stalk humans or Lifestock.
The other day, I wasn't home for the night and DH got delayed with the ferry. He got home much later then expected and locked our ducks away at 730pm by which time we already lost 2. I normally lock them up between 4 and 5. No later then 530 (which is pushing it) just to avoid losses. Stupid ferry issue
We have so many coyotes! It's really bad here. They're taking over. In fact we see them every single night if we're out in the other field (barn blocks our view from the house). DH has seen two bobcats in same field too. Mountain lions have attacked livestock about a mile away so they're here too.

Dobs is the zoo pretty toddler friendly? Our fiends are members and said we should go but it sounds exhausting with two toddlers honestly. Lol plus I haven't been to a zoo being a mom and don't remember them being very toddler friendly, more for older kids.

As for fires, the big one isn't very close BUT it's so smokey. It looks like the sky is covered my clouds but it's just all smoke. Which makes it super muggy and gross feeling outside. The kids are annoyed we can't play outside much. Last week we had a pretty big fire in town. Started on the freeway, moved up to an apartment complex (luckily didn't actually catch it on fire) and then jumped the freeway and moved to a tow yard. It's about a mike from the house so the air was bad then too.

Sorry I can't remember anything else.
This zoo is fun. They have a gondola ride and lots of like small kid rides (trains, carousel, the petting zoo). Idk how much the rides costs. I got a single membership since A is under 2 and free. Since I had paid for parking (members park free) they gave me six ride vouchers. It&#8217;s hard to push the stroller because it&#8217;s a STEEP hill going up to some of the exhibits so after 3 hours I was definitely hurting. I overheard a few clever people saying things like &#8220;well tgere&#8217;s A great alternative to the gym&#8221; or &#8220;wow she must be getting a good workout&#8221; lol. A didn&#8217;t care much except the animals who were moving quickly so like the baboons playing chase or the otters swimming. He did like the giraffes and elands because you feel super close to them. Everything else was zero poops given. I felt really successful going alone. But my kid doesn&#8217;t walk lol so he&#8217;s easy to manage. I push him from place to place then take him out and hold him at exhibits. I could definitely make it an every weekend thing if I didn&#8217;t go to my mom&#8217;s on the weekend. But there is A LOT for kids at Oakland imo. I really feel like it was built for kids and they really make everything accessible with ramps for strollers and you can take your stroller in the gondola to go to the California area

Sorry will catch up later a is sick and clingy
Sounds like a really great place to take kids dobs. I am looking forward to taking L to the raptors. It's a rescue that takes in injured birds of pray. They do have a few animals that are no longer able to be released. Some of them even have jobs such as running birds of the airport runways in Vancouver! We saw it 2 years ago, so before we had L ;) and yes a great place that deserves support.

Hope A feels better soon!
Oh no Pacific you lost some ducks to other Animals or they just went walkies?!

We need to take Nuala to The Zoo, she loves Animals & finds them so funny, she giggles lots ha!

Hope A is ok Dobs :hugs:

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