General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Congrats and I second Flueks that it sounds like a fourth isn’t out of the question. I hear you though I saw a mom and daughter at nails while I was getting mine done with my mom and I felt a twinge if sadness that I may not have that. I would shell out for sex selection if I found a partner but I really don’t want to date at all
Sorry your feeling disappointed Gigs, big hugs hun :hugs: You will most def come round to it esp if its 100% confirmed at your gender/20 wk scan... & like you said its not for def but no4 could def be a possibility in a few years, always try ttc girl methods as such <3 Hope hubs enjoyed the reveal & his birthday :)

I know i have 1 of each so I shouldn&#8217;t be swayed to eith sex this time but i have to say i am hoping its a Girl.. before i was pg & even early pg id of loved another Boy but now i would love it to be a Girl & i know if its conf Boy i will feel sad about it but its in there, cant do much lol

Oh god i know, Frer&#8217;s & CB tests in uk are WELL cha-ching unless they are on offer! Its crazy!

In time Dobs no doubt you&#8217;ll meet a new guy & he&#8217;ll be fab & treat you exactly how you should be treated & adore you as the lovely gal you are <3

Ah so glad the reveal went well Flueks :) it does slightly bug me when oeopke ask &#8220;was it planned?&#8221; It shouldnt matter whether it was/wasn&#8217;t & sometimes coupkes want close age gaps :)
Hiding in the bathroom again lol; so exhausted and can't wait to go to bed tonight!

So hubs seemed kind of irritated today as the kids (not just ours but the ones at the party) were all being crazy and this house is kinda small for so many guests so I was worried about giving him his he opens the box, opens two beers and then gets to the disc and before he even opens it instart bawling :rofl: he's like "wtf" hahahha so he unwraps it and the funny part that was unplanned is the disc was pink and had the envelope that said "baby's gender" so people thought the pink indicated girl! So i explain, no, the gender is in the envelope and so he opened it and it says "Boy!" inside. We smiled, gave kisses, i said "I knew it!" Lol as y'all know i've been thinking blue before the scan but that sealed it for me. Anyway...he just said "giess we'll have to try again!" And laughed. We haven't had a chance to discuss it so i'll get more out of him later, see how he's feeling and vent a little myself.

But for real, baby is healthy and that is truly what i wanted :thumbup:

Fluek glad your reveal went well! Other than the intrusive question:haha: are they excited?
CB it is a bit rude, but I don't let it bother me thankfully. I like close age gaps, and V is a really "good" kid. Disclaimer: not saying others are bad just that some are really really high energy and can be perceived as difficult. if we do have a third it will be a decent gap due to finances.

Less than 48 hrs til your scan :)

Gigs that's how I felt last night. Couldn't wait to go to bed!

Ha how funny about the disc being pink. Well, I'm glad baby is healthy and I know you will love him :)

Yes, they are excited to be grandparents again so that was nice :)

Funny enough of the kids of my parents, his parents, and his stepmom. We were the last to have our 1st but first to have a 2nd.

The one SIL plans to never haveany more kids. She wasn't trying for #1 if you catch what I mean.

The other has stated she wants another, but her boy is challenging. There is a possibilty he's autistic so I wonder if that's part of her reluctance to ttc again. On the other hand she didn't react to our post for awhile, but FIL told her the news so I almost wonder if she is ttc but having trouble.
Fluek my feeling is your intuition is probably right and she may be having issues ttc herself. Actually I have a friens who dollows me on FB and IG and still hasn't commented on my pregnancy which is very strange. She is a very proud childless woman (was an only child herself) so doubt it's jealousy. Most likely she's just too narcissistic to have noticed other people's posts; one of those people who post 5-10 updates a day. And so many selfies. Omg the selfies.

Dobs you are so young still, you just never know. I think being a mom will help you be more selective in the next partner which is a good thing.

Hubs didn't notice the disc was pink so all was good with his reveal. He said he would have been excited to have a girl but is happy with a boy. He also said we will show then what a proper loving couple looks like and send off three well functioning respectful men into the world and that made me happy. I also decided that since I an not über girly and am a good boy mom, maybe God (if that belief suits you) thought I'd be up for the task of raising all boys. Lastly, as I have my own past trauma to process, I am no longer worried about worrying about a daughter, so that's good! And SIL is preggers, so maybe I'll get to be the cool aunt :thumbup:

When I return, sil and father drama
Was a lot to catch up on and I admit I read fast to get to Gigs’ reveal because time was limited and that was across random opportunities throughout the day so I basically can’t remember anything.

Gigs would a part of you also have been disappointed if it was girl? And how did hubs know he makes only boys? I’m sure you will get used to having three boys in time. It might become your thing! You know, like, “ohhh Gigs and her three little men are coming for tea.” K that sounded creepy. And I know you didn’t want to have kids much older but if you do, you have like a decade of pretty decent fertility ahead of you.
Yeah we'll feel it out and see what life with 3 boys is like. Lev has been crazy but it's been fun....however exhausting! He is climbing eeeevvvverrrryyything recently.
I'm wondering what #3 will be like. So far my first two are opposites.
I wouldn't have been disappointed with a girl but I'd probably be anxious about it for a fear of her safety. And a part of me would be scared of my boys being perverts. But that's all just mr own trauma and that i was youngest of 3 with two older brothers so I automatically associate.

Anyway I am not at all disappointed I am having a boy. I am bummed I will likely never have a daughter. I hope that makes sense!

I was going to go into SILMdrama but i don't feel like typing it out.

My f-ing father didn't know which kid at the party was Levin. He called my nephew by Levin's named. I was just giving him serious looks when my mom finally corrected him. FIL did the same thing. So horrible!

Mil's new husband has been such a blessing. Thank God for him! As such we wanted to use a middle name in his honor, a family name: Carlton. What do you think? I don't like it at all, but the meaning is so special. I just think of Carlton from fresh prince.

More later I'm falling asleep
I love middle family names. Both my boys have middle family name. Neither one is my favorite name but I love the meaning behind both. Bradford and Donald. And HUGE congrats on the big!!!!
Makes total sense that having a girl might not have been right for you as if could have caused lots of anxiety but you still are bummed it might never happen too. Totally get it.

Cb- you find out Tuesday what you're having?!
Gigs, I had to hold back happy tears for you when I read the reveal. Darn pregnancy hormones. Lol! I get it about possibly never having a daughter, but hopefully your boys will all be close! My DH is the oldest brother of 4 boys. So it is possible ;)
I like the middle name, and I do love the idea of using something meaningful as a middle name. We used DHs grandfather's middle name for L and I am hoping for a girl so we can use my grandma's name as a middle name this time. Both of those grandparents have now been gone for a few years and yes we also did ask DHs dad for permission to use the name in his honor. I'll be asking my dad and uncle if it's a girl.
Anyway, ramble on names...

We told DHs dad today and he's excited. So that now makes it easier to say on who we haven't told yet because the majority of people around us know, including work places. Basically most of our close family doesn't know, it's just how it played out so far. My mom b!itched me out about something else this morning so screw her she'll be the last person to learn which is totally opposite to my first pregnancy as she was the first to find out.

OMG, I keep rambling...
PL you’re staying team yellow again, right? Sorry your mum wasn’t very nice. When do you think you’ll tell her?

Gigs yes that totally makes sense re: not having a daughter being the only thing you’re disappointed about. Why are people mixing Lev and your nephew up? Bad vision? Do they look alike? So weird. Still willing to hear SIL drama (and any/all drama) if you’re willing. That’s so seeet what DH said about raising boys. It’s so true. I think that’s why in some ways it’s a bigger job raising boys.

Speaking of boys, I just saw a thread on a Facebook group about how to clean boys’ penises and I have to say it all sounds so overwhelmingly complicated! Now I fear having a boy (in 2056).

Flueks I’m glad your reveal was well taken by fam. It’s funny how the second time around the “was it an accident” question seems to be okay to ask. I thought 2-ish-year age gaps were pretty common.

Nyx - cute bean!! Are you going to find out gender?

Purple - that nausea sounds like something. Can’t wait for more tests!

Dobs - is gender selection a real thing now? I thought it wasn’t allowed.

CB - I am SO excited about your gender scan!! Can you repost your 12-week scan so we can guess nub again?

That’s all I got
Gigs lol at climbing A&#8217;s new thing is using people as stepping stones which is fine when people are adults but he tries to do it at the gym when he can&#8217;t reach the bubbles :rofl: luckily everyone thinks it&#8217;s funny so far but i&#8217;m like noooo A stoooooop

And that comment about respectable men is such feels SO MANY FEELS

Sorry had a glass of champagne on an empty tummy buaha

Fluek I am so sorry I didn&#8217;t comment yay for a good reveal! We did the shirt thing for her cousin and her parents were upset so they ignored the shirt. So awk lol. I felt bad cuz I pushed her to reveal because I knew she was beyond 12w but then it was bad

That&#8217;s so interesting about the first to have a second. Hopefully if sil is ttc she is preggers soon. And I do feel like we have some awesome kiddos in this thread! Mine is like cling wrap but cute af

Tbh I just honestly always pictured myself alone or divorced. There are few people i&#8217;d Be happy with but I was massively depressed and pushed them away and now they are happily engaged to other people. And now with kit&#8217;s condom fail I think one pregnancy was his, the dates never made sense but I assumed it couldn&#8217;t be him because we used a condom... sorry spiraling as I do when buzzed

I live those middle names Green and the meaning. The most we did was share initials/have same letter first names

Pl ramble away lol love your updates and yay for most people knowing!

Cb I cannot believe you are just about 20w!!!!

Jez now i&#8217;m Worried i&#8217;m Cleaning his wink wrong lol also totally allowed here. My mom was offered it when she had my brothers but they thought it was dumb. Actually my stepdad wanted to have a girl (he had three boys from previous marriage) but my mom said that was taking it too far. They had already done egg selection and spent seiection did quality. I think it&#8217;s socially frowned upon though but I will not have another son. My only saving grace as a stepchild was being the only girl so i refuse to have a boy and have A feel compared to or less than his brother.
Awww yay glad all is great Gigs <3 & a healthy babe is always priority which is lovely!

I love the name Carlton, def think of Fresh Prince hehe!! MrsG both those names are strong family names to me :)

Cant believe im half baked today arghhhh!!!! Yes il re-post a couple of my 12wk scan!! Crazy that this time tomorrow il also know what we&#8217;re expecting & il be opening that email attachment from my private scan to see if they got it correct from 20wk scan eeep!!
Both of these baby is looki g directly at the scan probe as u can see the eye sockets ha ha


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& the other one, of which people say its a Boy from this one due to &#8216;stacking&#8217; but.. Rileys was mega clear at 12wks bobbing up in the air & his winky was lower? Who knows.. :)


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Heres Rileys 12wk scan


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From my extremely limited knowledge and experience :haha: I will guess boy

Yeah hubs also said something really sweet, i was saying i hope at least one of our boys has a wife i really get along with and he said, "of course they will. Boys dates women that are similar to their moms. You are an awesome mom and are foing to show them what a good loving partner should act like." <3 this was also in reference to how crappy SIL was being to BIL last night. Hubs was just so thankful for all i did this weekend for him. And at the end of his party BIL was going to come back to our house and play video games with hubby until late (BIL lives where the internet connection is horrible and they play online), then hubs was going to take him home (SIL drove him to the party). She threw a fit, said "I've been waiting for you for 30 minutes so that you could decide not to come?!"

Mind you while we were waiting, we were all in the other room just having nice conversation. She didn't seem upset and her baby was not fussy.

So BIL says, "is that a problem? Do you want me to come home?"

SIL - "YES."

MIL -"well he can stay here and I can take him home when they're done playing, if you don't have a problem with that."

SIL - "YEAH, I DO have a problem with that. I JUST said I did."

Me - "'s Hubs birthday..."

SIL ignored me, BIL made a crack at his wife then they hugged everyone goodbye and left. Hubs was pissed, and we discussed with MIL & FIL how crappy SIL has been recently.
CB, the reason Riley’s looks so sticking up, is if you follow his spine round he is laying flat, where as baby number 3 is curled up if you follow their spine round, I’ve rotated the image so Baby is laying how Riley was and you can get a better idea x


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I’ve drawn a line following the spine so you can see how much your babies nub has risen, it’s not just the rise thay would make me think boy, it’s also the smaller line below (scrotal line which will become scrotum) then the small bump on top which is developing penis, girls tend to have a longer bright white flat line with forking at the end (although not always the case) x


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Sorry haven&#8217;t read back yet just saw the scan photo and thought I&#8217;d comment as the nub theory fascinated me! Will read back in a mo x

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