General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Urghh 8 wks hahaaa u crack me up!! Maybe let MIL pay for that gender scan around 16-17 wks & then less time to wait hehe!

Pacific your doing team yellow again, will power indeed!! Are u finding it harder this time around to not find out? Do u & hubs both want team Yellow?
Omfg talking about predators I just saw a big ass bird in the backyard just chilling on the ground. Must be 2-3 feet tall. I went to get my camera but it saw me and took off. It freaking had a bunny in its talons!!!! We are overrun with wild bunnies.but man. It was such an animal planet moment lol I love it.

Gigs 8 weeks is long lol but i’m impatient. I was going to ask if you were still planning the extra scan. You could see it as a keepsake scan. Was there a pic for the 13w? Clear pinky?

I hear you. Hugs. I want a girl because my mom and I have a great connection. I am more comfortable and understand boys better, but I still want a spa day buddy or to but those darn accessories and tights lol.

And no need to say sorry that’s what we are here for
Gigs chances are your doctor was right. There’s always a chance of course, but it’s best not to get your hopes up. That way, if it’s actually a girl, it’s a happy surprise, and if it’s still a boy, it’s what you expected. I would probably get the extra scan though to be honest, I can’t follow my own advice haha, I’m terrible with that. “Do as I say, not as I do” is basically me all the time.

Anyway, I understand being sad about all one gender, even if you didn’t mind which at the beginning of having kids. I want girls, but SO wants at least one boy, and I’m totally fine with having a boy. If my first kid was a boy, I’d be okay with it cuz I want more than one kid and I’d have more chances for a girl. However, if I had all boys, I would definitely be sad about not having a daughter to relate to and dress up and bring to the spa like Dobs said. I’m not the girl who was friends with guys growing up. I had one guy friend, and he’s extremely feminine and did musicals and show choir. Basically all his friends are girls. I’m a feminine person, not 100%, but I was never a tomboy, I consider myself a healthy mix of girly girl and tomboy traits. Idk I just feel like I’d relate to daughters better. My mom and I are very close, we talk about everything. I’m close with my dad, but not as close. Like, I don’t talk to my dad about my sex life lol. He would probably have a heart attack. He hears about my birth control though. He wanted girls, so he got what he wanted, and now he pays for it by hearing about our periods and birth control and boobs hurting :rofl: idk how he puts up with us.

Okay I’m rambling. (I tooootally neeeeverrr ramble eeeeveeeerrrr :blush: :haha:)

I got my bras today! I was worried I wouldn’t fill them out completely... I was wrong lol. I fill them all the way, like they are exactly the right size and if my boobs get any bigger from the pill I’ll need to go up a size. (Crap). The lacy ones are closer to light pink than nude in a lot of lighting, and in the other lightings they’re like a light peach. I’m not complaining though, I think it’s cute. At first the underwire felt like it was stabbing me but I think it’s just cuz I need to break them in. After wearing one for a few hours it no longer hurts, so that’s probably it. The black one looks super cute irl as well as on the website of course, so I’m really happy about that. Anyway, I just hope that if my boobs inflate from the pill it’ll be before the return/exchange period ends or my bras will accommodate the change. My mom generously paid for them, and I really don’t want to ask her to buy me whole new ones in a month. Being a 32DD sounds great and all, but buying new bras AGAIN doesn’t lol. So I’ll stick to the 32D.
Gigs, i have heard boys are easier to raise then girls. And if you raise your boys right, they'll always come back to their mommy. For an opinion, a hug or advice. I believe if both parents can be mature and raise well adjusted men, you'll always have your boys come home to see mom.
Not that I know much having only 1 boy not even 2 years old.... Haha, but that's what I think.

A few had asked: I'd like to remain team yellow again, but I also want to know, more so then last time. If that makes sense? DH will probably want to know again, we'll see if baby cooperates, L did not when I allowed the ultrasound tech to tell DH.

Holy f***! I am 12+ weeks! No wonder I feel like my belly is starting to pop!
U need a baby Ticker Pacific so we can keep up with how many wks u are haha!! Happy 12+ wks eeep!! Show us ye bump ;)

I have to say, Riley was an easy baby, abit whingey & clingy but generally quite chilled out & he was a much better sleeper than Nuala was :) im hoping for the same with this lil one aswell.. Nuala is very much more independent, she knows what she wants & if she doesnt want u near her she screams it’s really shrill & seagull-ish Lol! But her sleeping was crap from very little! Loads better now though :thumbup:

I had a pic from the Childminder yesterday, Nuala playing hairdressers Lol the pics very cute <3
She looks so much like her Dad its uncanny lol


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Gah I need some bump pics, my bloat is out of control :rofl: anyone willing to oblige?
Sorry for the selfish post,
Was due to be induced today, although I rang up yesterday to see how full the list is, and the lady said it is a full list, and then some extras, plus any emergencies so probably not likely I will be seen. Well my phone rang at 7am asking me to be in my 9am for induction so here I am!

Currently on the monitor for 20mins as they have to make sure baby is happy before starting off induction, so far looks good. Then plan is pessary, wait 6 hours, then 2nd pessary wait 6 hours again. If still nothing they then leave u to have a break for 24hrs then look into intervening more. She said that’s worse case scenario, and hopefully after first pessary I should get some contractions and once 2cm dilated they can pop your waters which get things going! Fingers crossed I’m so nervous x


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Keeps good luck to you! Did you ever say why they are inducing you? Also is anyone there with you?

Pl I hear that too (about boys being easier) but i think it's all relative and opinion. In my family i was not so easy entering my teen years but i also suffered trauma so...but hands down my oldest bro was the most difficult in his teens. But he's also the most successful now...and the breezy bro is in prison! funny how that works.

Anyway i do see a recurring theme of girls being the ones to take care of their moms with basically every family i know, BUT i've also never been close to any families with all boys...

Meh. We'll see.
Dobs what kind of bird was it? And yes, I posted a pic of 13 weeks nub shot which looks pretty text book boy to me. No crotch shots though. I probably won't get an additional u/s as we could use the money on something else. My MIL told us to keep it and do what I felt like.

PL i am quite excited to see what you're having before you have it! Wow 12 weeks already :shock: I forgot you're right behind me! When is your ultrasound??? When do we get to make nub guesses for you?!

I have a disc golf all ladies tournament today -.- definitely don't feel like doing it right now but this may be my last one until after baby. Guess i should start going zzzzzzz
Eek Keeps! That IS exciting! Try to relax (haha). And keep us posted! Is anyone with you? Who’s looking after the kiddos? Why am I asking you so many questions while you’re possibly in labour?

Gigs I *think* Keeps has mentioned something about being induced because of her arthritis and... hips(?). Cant remember how that relates to giving birth earlier.

PL agreed, you need a ticker, hello! I remember now that you were open to DH knowing L’s sex back in the day. Wasn’t the baby not cooperating thing a white lie or am I making that up completely? Maybe you winked at the time and I took it the wrong way haha. Anyway, so if he wants to find out, will you both find out or just him?

Re: raising boys and being close with them, I think that’s fantastic and totally doable. I do worry though about how common MIL problems are and how the people I know with crazy MILs have this weird possessiveness over their sons and/or their sons treat them like queens, so then I wonder whther I’d have to compromise on closeness with my son in order to enjoy a healthy relationship with my potential DIL or whether those two things are totally unrelated and it’s possible to have a great relationship with my son AND genuinely respect boundaries etc. Hopefully it’s the latter. But I do think it’s not healthy when a man reveres his mother so much that he cannot empathize with his wife on potential MIL issues or stand up and be on his wife’s “side” when necessary. I’m lucky in the MIL department but I hear about this all the time.

Gigs I also really wanted a sister growing up and was/am very close with my mum so that’s definitely why I wanted a girl. Plus I do think it’s often easier as a grandma to be involved with your daughter’s kids versus your son’s, because of the potential for MIL issues and how you can get away with a lot more when the baby’s mother is your own daughter, if that makes sense (if my mum was my MIL, I’d be SO annoyed, but I can be assertive with her easily coz it’s my mum).

Would you consider sex selection like Dobs?

I did actually get a little half sister at age 19 through my dad, which was SUPER exciting. She’s 13 now and lives in Hungary. Such a great kid and she adored Tilly when we visited. Can’t wait till she’s older and can travel on her own and we can hang like proper sisters. My youngest auntie is 23 years younger than my mum and 8 years older than me, and we’re more like sisters (even though she’s in Hungary too) so that’s been nice too.

It makes me not worry about the age gap between my kids. They may not be best buddies while they’re small, but throughout adulthood they could totes be close. There’s 6ish years between me and some of my closest bffs and the age difference has meant nothing.

Isn’t it funny how kids’ personalities are so different? They’re all so unique even with the same upbringing. I don’t think I appreciate this as much as people with more than one kid coz sometimes I assume Tilly’s personality is universal among toddlers (unless it’s a negative trait - then I assume it must just be her, oops).

Dobs I hope A grows out of his allergies. It sounds like there’s a good chance of that. Re: eggs being healthy, I always thought that too, and then I randomly came across a vegan blog post (of course) entitled “The study that found that eating eggs daily is worse for you than smoking 20 cigarettes a day.” Honestly, give me a break. Who knows whther it’s true, it just annoys me that in this day and age there’s “support” for all sides of everything and it takes a lot of time and effort to discern what is actually true. Troubling times. Anyway, I’m rambling. Again.
Sorry just want to say good luck keeps. I hope you are holding your baby boy right now :)
So exciting keeps! Good luck, you&#8217;ve got this! If it&#8217;s already happened, then congrats!
Jez, your family sounds fascinating with the close yet big age gaps. My family has always been very "proper", so my brother and I are an age group, then uncle/aunts and parents and then grandparents.
Growing up I always wished for a sibling just so I would not be the youngest anymore. Didn't really get along with my brother, and my bff had an older sister she didn't get along with so I didn't want that either. Haha
I realized I had an accomplice in my brother when he left for Canada a year before us, so I would have been 14. We've had some family drama between my brother and parents over the last year (that's when it really escalated) and my brother is happy to have a sister to talk with. Since I keep getting sucked into it from my parents even though I have clearly told them I do not wish to be part of it and that I will continue to get along with both sides, I am glad that I have my brother to talk things through when our parents are trying to escalate things with me. It's hard being stuck in the middle. Actually I have had my brother's GF thank me, for being there for my brother! Haha

Last pregnancy, DH was allowed to know under the condition not to tell me! L just didn't play along.

Keeps, fingers crossed!

I believe to have read that she has very bad hip dysplasia and with the additional pregnancy weight it has become too painful to carry until the very end.
Keeps fxed for a smooth induction! So exciting!

Jez lol I was going to ask all the same questions haha. And I will totally be that b*y MIL who is like girl i&#8217;m his MOTHER you are second to me if I don&#8217;t like her. But as long as she&#8217;s good to him and for him i&#8217;d Hope we would be close. Not delivery room close but labor room close, help her with wedding dress shopping (with her parents as well).

PL I swear you had a ticker at one point, no?

I never wanted a sister. I looooved being the only girl. Everything I got was new. I got attention for being the only girl. My stepdad wanted to do gender selection for a girl but my mom shot that down and i&#8217;m glad for that. But I also see some sisters who are really bonded and that&#8217;s super cool.

Sorry have to finish reading eye strain and A wants a hug lol
Oh gigs if I had to guess looking at pics online i&#8217;d say male cooper&#8217;s hawk
Tadaa! (See below! )

Umm, how did 12+5 happen? Lol, I really haven't been keeping track...bad mommy!
Not again :rofl:


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Omg kit, lol!!! At least he covered his bits this time :rofl:
Btw, per your request below is my "14+2, 3rd baby, after a large dinner, just walked 9 miles while playing 36 holes of disc golf and my make up wore completely off and i've yet to shower" bump pic.

You know I frequently forget our own family dynamic with our siblings will likely be VASTLY different than what our kids experience. Like for me i was a total girly girl when i was younger, but if this baby were a girl it's entirely possible she would be more "tom boy" after being influenced by her brothers and hate all the sparkles and frill. Hubs mentioned her older brothers might protect her -- something my own NEVER did for me. Hubs' dad is pretty distant from his brother but hubby is super close to his. You just never know!

Ranting again.

I got 4th place out of 7 in my division, so smack dab in the middle. I'm fine with that. I'm overall happy with how I dad. Also 1st place is this chick who continuously plays in our division which is below her skill level -.- of 8 tournaments she's play in this division she's gotten first place in 7 (2nd place in the 8th). It's really annoying playing against someone you have virtually no chance at beating.


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