General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Flueky, I honestly thought my that my mom in particular would just ignore the t-shirt. A few weeks ago she has asked me if I was pregnant and I just avoided the answer. And when she said: "DAUGHTER, don't lie to me!!" I let L drag me away. My mom was pissed!!! Because I never answered her, but I never lied!
It still took them a long time to notice, and I wasn't about to point it out! Haha

Gigs, yes we did view the property. We quite like it too. Now we just have to figure out the red flags and we are doing our homework. Long story short: more then half of the land needs to be put into grape growing which is expensive and labor intensive within 1 year of purchase. We have started talking to other grape growers to see if it actually is feasible for us to do. And then of course finance is another story. It's an avenue we are exploring, but we are also looking at other options.
On the other hand, this amount of land for that price is unheard of in our area and a total bargain!
First things first, we need to sell our property first, on the market for 4 days so far and have had 4 showings. Hopefully this strong start will get us offers although we already know that the first 3 said it was not what they are looking for.
CB I assume “chuffing” means pooping based on context? Sorry Riley is misbehaving. Could be one of those developmental phases of testing boundaries and stuff, I’d say that’s most likely.

Kit I agree with the others that 4 rooms should be enough. As long as you mean 4 bedrooms and not 4 rooms total lol, that would be like a small apartment haha

Flueks I hope you feel better! Sorry about only doing the one scan, but since you need to save money for shots (to prevent pre-term labor is it?) then that’s a logical choice.

PL my mom would totally be all over me asking if I was pregnant. I’ve told the stories before probably multiple times so I won’t go into it again unless someone asks me to, but she KNOWS when someone she’s close to (friends/family) is pregnant. She’d probably know before I even missed my period. She’s a little psychic, if you believe in that stuff (if not I guess she just is very intuitive would be the explanation?). Anyway, I’m glad you finally got to tell your mom about the pregnancy. It’s funny that she didn’t notice the shirt for ages.

Everyone else I totally read but I totally can’t remember anything else I’m sorryyyy

AFM the insomnia was quite bad last night, fell asleep at 5 am. Got up at 11 am cuz my dad woke me up, had cereal for breakfast, went back to sleep until 4 pm. Whoops. But otherwise I feel better today. I’ve been perfect with taking my pill on time so far, but it’s only been 4 days of course.

The bleeding restarted today as well. I’d been having light brown discharge yesterday but I figured it was just tapering off. Wrong. Today I wiped and got bright red, blood clots and all. But it hadn’t got on my underwear at all, so I was lucky af (and I guess that means it’s quite the light flow). So I’m testing out the menstrual cup and I have a thin pad on as backup.

I tried to go to McDonald’s and get my sister food around 9 pm. When I turned on my car it was shaking and I was like oh geez, maybe it’ll stop after I move it a bit. Nope. Shaking was less when moving, but as I left my driveway the check engine light started BLINKING. It’s been raining though, and my car has had issues with rain (it stays outside, no room in the garage for it) where it was all shaking and the light came on, turned out water got in the fuel line (we assume) and dry gas fixed it. So tomorrow my dad is gonna pick up dry gas and we’re gonna try that and see what happens. Everyone please send my car anti-shaking, anti-check engine light, pro-happy car vibes/thoughts/prayers lol
I just have a cold but it’s lingering and i’m Weak. School starts in two weeks, PD in one. But I moved schools and have a brand new classroom. Already spent $200 ugh

Kit I think just doing something with fam counts as a proper thing! Otherwise 90% of my birthdays don’t Count lol my brothers shared a room until my older brother went to college. So I would venture to say until 6/7

Pl that’s such a random contingency ehat’s The story also lol been there with the daughter don’t lie to me lol

Shae hope it’s an eSy fix with the car

L typing in dark so excuse typos tearing up nighg
I’m so sorry I haven’t updated before now it’s been a pretty crappy week,

Birth story -

So went in Saturday morning (4th August) they had to monitor baby for abit first make sure he was happy before starting induction, I got my first pesssry at 11:20, by 1pm contractions had started. I was checked 6hrs later at 5:30pm and only 1.5vm after having all those contractions (every couple of mins, 1 min in length) they got a lot stronger by 8pm was moved to the labour ward on gas and air, contractions very strong , midwife thought he be here by 10.30ish. They checked my again around 11:30 I was only 2cm so they popped my waters (had loads they went with a huge gush) unfortunately as my waters went in took a loop of cord with it (cord prolapse) with in 3 minutes of my waters going they saw his HB dropping on monitor, was being flipped on my back in all 4s, whilst a lady had to put her hand up me to stop his head pushing down onto the cord with each contraction, red buzzer pressed, and wheeled round to emergency theatre on all 4s. The midwife looked very scared, we very nearly lost him. Thankfully I woke up an hour later to my baby.

24hrs after emergency c-section (Monday) I was home, back to looking after 4 kids on my own, George (the dad) has been useless and refused to take even one day off work to help. Day 3 my girls got a stomach bug, and then I caught it (not fun after a section) and then last night because I asked for his help I got my arms twisted and bent back, because I tried to ring his mummfor help he grabbed the phone, pulled the batteries out and threw it at me and then left.

I feel robbed of the special time with my last baby, and first son. I adore him he is lovely and I’m so thankful he’s here, I suppose things will only get better now their dad has gone, (he was going out from 7 in the morning and not coming home till 10pm at night) so I’d just get down not knowing why he doesn’t want to spend time with me and his baby and kids.

Anyway - introducing baby blue (I want to call him Theo as I lost my dad who was Ted, and it just suits him) although George is picking a fight and wants to call him.. ‘George’ what a joke. weighing 7lb 8oz born 00:47am via emergency section Sunday 5th August - my absoloute world x


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Oh my god keeps he’s gorgeous!!! But such a rough time!! I’m so sorry it’s been such a hard time for you :hugs: and I’m so glad both you and baby blue came through safely

I’m sorry if I’m speaking out of turn but george sounds like he doesn’t deserve to have baby blue named after him. I think Theo is beautiful and suits him ❤️

Honestly he’s so beautiful!! Such a squishy lovely newborn!

But yeh 4 bedrooms, but it’s a british 4 bedrooms so small compared to America!!


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Oh keeps her is adorable! I agree with kitt definately a Theo! Sorry to hear George is acting like that :-(
Keeps, thank you for checking in. Everyone has been worried, and it looks like rightfully so! What a dramatic entrance into this world! And such a rough go you're having :hugs: how are you managing?! Are the older kiddos able to help? I would still call in your MIL for help with G is not around. That is extremely difficult tondeal with on your own. And no, that took bag hasn't done jack to earn a child with his name! Can you leave him? Doesn't sound like he's around much anyway.

Regardless, THEO is a cutie for sure <3 glad you are smitten despite his being a him!

PL will grapes on half the land mean you still have a sizable lot to work with?

Kit very cute and plenty or room for littles sleeping! I mean i'd just throw 'em in a room together. Or if one's a girl put her in with V. Do you have a main living space? Or is everything walled off? "Open concept" is huge here so I'm not used to walls and doors lol. In fact first thing we did here was take down the wall & doorway to the kitchen haha.
Ohhh Keeps im so glad u checked in hun.. like Gigs said, we were all abit worried :-/ George doesn&#8217;t deserve to have his baby blue named after him & hes not very parental by the sounds of it, cant believe he twisted your arms & threw your phone, ass!!! But.. omg your new bubba is simply gawjus <3 Theo is such a beaut name & lovely that he&#8217;ll be named after your Dad, your Dad would be so proud aswell! if George is being a butt about it, get him registered without him being there, easy as :) but huuuuge Congrats on his arrival xxx

Shae/Flueks chuffing = Farting basically Lol
Keeps! I&#8217;m so glad you and Theo are okay. I&#8217;m so sorry his birth was so traumatic. I don&#8217;t mean to cross any lines, but George is physically abusive and does not deserve a child named after him. Any man who would prevent a women from getting help or twist back her arms is not a man you want around your children. I know he&#8217;s already not around much anyway. Definitely go name the baby without him.
Shae check engine light is like a be concerned but nothing immediately doomy is going down yet. BLINKING check engine light is very bad! As in don't drive any further, or at least nowhere you can't pull off immediately if you need to. I will ask hubby about it.

Dobs new school?! Was this the job you were going for and worried your supervisor would be upset?
Ok per hubby, blinking engine light means misfiring. It's basiclaly impossible to diagnose like this (over the internet) but he said you may have bad spark plugs and to give those a looksie.

Not that you asked :rofl: but hey what good is a mechanic hubby if I can't bug him with questions every now and then? :haha:
Gigs thank you! As soon as the light started blinking yesterday I went right back down my driveway haha, I was like HELL NAH :haha: Today I put in a bottle of dry gas and tried moving it around my driveway, it was shaking in varying degrees and I felt thuds by my feet a few times, check engine light blinking once I started moving it, when I stopped moving it went solid and the cruise control light was blinking? Very odd. Will run it just a little a few more times to circulate the dry gas, but otherwise will have to get it towed and have a mechanic look at it with that diagnostic device they have.
Gigs I don&#8217;t know the exact details, so allow me to let Wikipedia explain:
&#8220;Drygas is an alcohol-based additive used in automobiles to prevent any water in the fuel from freezing, or to restore combustive power to gasoline spoiled by water. The name Drygas is actually a registered trademarked brand name, owned by Cristy Corporation. It is a liquid that is added into the fuel tank, that absorbs the water and keeps it in solution. Some brands contain methanol and some contain isopropyl alcohol.&#8221;
I didn&#8217;t use brandname dry gas, I used Heet brand &#8220;water remover and premium fuel line antifreeze + injector cleaner&#8221; which is the same thing, just a different brand.

I had this problem about 9 months ago and the Drygas worked after a bit of running the car, so that&#8217;s why we&#8217;re trying it again. If it doesn&#8217;t work, SO is gonna look at it if he has time (he&#8217;s pretty handy with cars) and if he doesn&#8217;t have time or can&#8217;t figure it out, we&#8217;ll have it towed to a mechanic place to have them run the diagnostic on it.
Got cha. Well good luck to you and i hope it's an easy, or at least inexpensive, fix!
Can't remember who asked, yes, with 14 acrea in grape production we'd still have another 10 for us to do with whatever we want.
The story behind that is, that the regional district used to have a bylaw on this piece of land that said all 40 acres were to be used for grape growing and nothing else. They could not find a buyer because it was too restrictive. Then a developer went in and made a deal with the city to subdivide the 40 acres into one 24 acre lot and the remainder into 8 equal lots. This would allow the developer to built houses. The cost of just starting the grapes is 20-30k per acre. Now, DH and I are under 40 and our government likes young farmers, so there may be hope that we can get some grants. Anyway, still in the homework phase for us.. Thursday we are visiting another grape grower who is currently expanding his production.
Okay I need to go back and read which I will once the babies go down for a nap but this is my opk from this morning. Almost positive. Which means it'll be positive tonight or tomorrow...while DH is out of town. Ugh. But I am happy they're getting positive! I was about to give up hope. Lol


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Typical MrsG that hubs us out of town lol but fab pic of near positive OPK :) wooop!!! & you temp tracking aswell so you should def see some nice shooting lines on the chart in next few days! :thumbup: You be suprised how having a baby or your case twins can jump start the bods fertility eee!!
Gigs have u booked or still thinking about booking that other Scan??

Im itching to book another Baby Bond scan, think il do one around 28/30wks, i like to see how much he looks like Riley & Nuala hehe
Pacific haha. My mom was only suspicious this time because we invited all the parents over. She never asked me though, thankfully.

Wow that's a lot of money per acre. A lot of work too for that many acres of grapes. Personally, I'd pass, but you do what you and DH feel is right :)

Shae agreed. Just hope I can afford them. I'm crossing my fingers it's $20 per shot with insurance. Then it'd be $400 for the course of 20 weeks. If 50/shot then $1000. Will cross that bridge when I find oit the cost.

I hope the drygas does the trick or it's an inexpensive fix. I hate car issues. Well any sort of unexpected expense.

Dobby sorry it's lingering. Ah I forgot you were changing schools. I hope this one works out well.

Keeps what a crazy first couple weeks. I'm glad that baby boy is good though. He's beautiful.

Your George has no right to treat you like that and I would not name a child after anyone that treated me like that. I'd name him what you want, Theo. I like that name.

Kitty nice floor plans. We have a 3 bedroom home. The master is big, but the other 2 are smallish.

CB thanks for clarifying chuffing. I was thinking farting or pooping, but wasn't sure.

My poor V wouldn't cooperate at 28/30 weeks. She just kept burying her head by my left hip. We got a couple of good shots at 26 weeks. I think she was just a stubborn girl. At 26 weeks the tech told me to schedule my next scan soon. Not sure if she was just measuring big or what her reasoning was.

Greenie yay for opk. I think if done this afternoon it might be positive. Were you able to BD this weekend? You were sick I think, so probably not.

AFM ugh, been a bit of a day. Get to discuss with our fulltime babysitter going from 4 to 2 days/week. Also, if she could try to do back up. I don't want her to cancel things, just if she had nothing planned if she'd be able to watch her. Soooo dreading this.

In other news yesterday V was pushing Riley, the sitters 6 month old , in her walker. She patted her on the head and then took off pushing her. She is so cute with her :)

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