General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Pl- oh man that sounds like a lot with the land. Could you lease out the land to another grower? They'll pay you a small "rent" for the land and they do whatever they want/need. They do it a lot here. I the down I live in grow hay like crazy and most of it is leased. In fact the 120 acres we live on is leased out to a hay farmer.

Keep- wow! First of all theo is so adorable! I'm so sorry about your long and traumatic birth story. I'm so glad you and Theo are doing well. And George can just go away. Your life would probably be easier without him honestly. Does his mother help?

Shae- oh man. Doesn't sound good about your car. If DH was home I'd ask him. He's also a mechanic haha although he's a deisel mechanic he's also super handy with cars.

What do y'all think of the opk? I've always only taken one a day so I assume it'll be positive tomorrow and then ovulate Thursday. DH should be home Thursday. So bd Sunday and Thursday would be our timing.
Keeps - oh my goodness, first of all, what a sweet boy. Huge congratulations. Secondly, I can’t even imagine all you went through with the birth... and by the time I got to the part about the dad, honestly I was tearing up. I agree with Shae — this “man” absolutely sounds physically and emotionally abusive and your kids would sadly most likely be much better off without him in their lives. As for the name thing, naming your sweet boy after your dad (and it’s an awesome name btw) is much nicer than naming him after his abusive and absent father. I hope he won’t get angry and lash out at you or make your life miserable if you don’t do what he says. Do you have anyone else who can help you? I’m so sorry you’re gojng through this alone AND putting up with something like this (and that your other kids have to see it...). You’re so incredibly strong, mama!

Shae - I hope the dry gas works. Sometimes not having a car is inconvenient for us, but remembering all the maintenance issues makes me glad of it. Are you feeling better now btw?

Kit - the floor plans look great. You basically have five rooms including the study! Because I live in a city, all the new developments here (mostly condos) have tiny rooms. Like Gigs, I’m also surprised it’s not open plan. Everything new here is open plan and several of my friends in the UK are converting their kitchen/living space to open plan atm so I would’ve thought new builds would be the same. So interesting how things are different in different countries. Oh, I was wondering, what do you do for work? If you don’t mind me asking of course.

Green - gah that’s annoying re: hubs being away. I did OPKs daily but they never quite got as dark as control even though I did ovulate (coz I got preg both times) so I do think it’s possible to miss the window. Exciting though!

PL - the grape venture sounds super cool on the one hand and more trouble than it’s worth on the other. Of course you’ll make whatever decision is best when you have all the info. I’m keen to see what you decide. Is there other land you’re looking at too?

CB - thanks for your sweet words.
Wedding was great except the ring bearer (the nephew) got lost on the short walk to the venue with his dad and they literally missed the entire ceremony. Luckily the rings were with someone else. The mom/wife was pisssssssed. Silly guy didn’t take a phone with him and they’re from Australia so really had no idea what was where. Tilly somewhat walked down the aisle, as per my insta story, and I carried her the rest of the way. Was super cute though. My speech was fine and got a lot of laughs but I’m not sure everyone was listening and I got the translation of something I said in my friend’s native language slightly wrong... it was a complete slip of the tongue but somehow still made sense so that was lucky, and my friend and her hubby loved it so all good. Defo not as enjoyable going to a wedding with a toddler as it is solo, but hubby is so fresh at running after her and entertaining her and it was nice nonetheless . Plus we still stayed till 11pm. Tilly went to sleep at midnight, only 1/1.5 hours later than usual lol
Keeps, welcome to baby Theo! Sorry you had such a rough start, but now you'll have the best time of all!

Green, awesome positive! Too bad DH is out of town, but o-1 or two is still feasible.....
As for renting it out, it'd be hard to find someone for it, the first 3 years the planted vines don't produce. So it's just expenses for fertilizers, pesticide spray and labor to "train" the plants to grow properly. You'd make a 7 year commitment until your start up costs are back in the black. But one can make a living of it.

Jez, yes we are looking at other options as well. I'd really like to built something. We can find 1 acre of land for the same price as those 24 acres or we can find 10 acres for double to triple the price of that 24 acre lot. At that point we may as well fork out another 300k to establish a vineyard and still be cheaper! DH and I have never been shy about hard labor, we just would not be paying ourselves for it for a few years. Hard decisions......

Glad to see you had fun at the wedding, L would have been hopped going to bed that late. Good job on the speech!
Keeps take it from someone suing to change her kid’s last name because I let the asshole dad bully me away from what I wanted, NAME HIM WHAT YOU WHAT fts*head hugs glad everyone turned out in the end and sorry you had to endure that
Beautiful baby boy keeps!! Theo is a wonderful name. Hopefully the coming weeks are better then the previous.
Bit of a read and run, so I apologise in advance that I’ve missed people

Green ops looks great, hope that you manage to BD in time!

Can’t believe you guys are talking acres! That’s mental!! I couldn’t even imagine an acre let alone 24!!!

Jez glad the wedding went well despite the hiccup with the ring bearer!

Yeh we’d like open plan really but funds wouldn’t stretch that far unfortunately! Study will become the play room, will be taking the door off and replacing with baby gate and putting a double arch in the lounge to make it slightly more open plan hopefully! They’ve pushed us back to the 12th October now :brat: it was supposed to be ready in July! I just hope it’s ready by the time the twins come because we only live in a two bed at the moment
Ohhh id LOVE to own and/or go to a Vineyard, you can hire me Pacific & il come pick grapes Lol!

MrsG id say that opk is practically positive hun, another day or so & it’lli be darker even ;)

Awww Flueks i bet V & Riley looked uber cute hehe! They love being around little ones, Nuala loves it aswell! I hope that chat goes well.. are u worried the sitter wont want to do less days/hrs per wk & hand her notice in?

After so many wks pg for baby bonding type scans, they don’t recommend past certain weeks as the baby looks too squished up & you can’t really see their faces properly, thats probs why the scan tech said dont leave it too long before booking another scan for V, although they’ll still do them :thumbup:

Kit are u in temp accommodation atm or bedding at a relatives until the build is complete?
Ohhh id LOVE to own and/or go to a Vineyard, you can hire me Pacific & il come pick grapes Lol!

MrsG id say that opk is practically positive hun, another day or so & it’lli be darker even ;)

Awww Flueks i bet V & Riley looked uber cute hehe! They love being around little ones, Nuala loves it aswell! I hope that chat goes well.. are u worried the sitter wont want to do less days/hrs per wk & hand her notice in?

After so many wks pg for baby bonding type scans, they don’t recommend past certain weeks as the baby looks too squished up & you can’t really see their faces properly, thats probs why the scan tech said dont leave it too long before booking another scan for V, although they’ll still do them :thumbup:

Kit are u in temp accommodation atm or bedding at a relatives until the build is complete?

We’re private renting :brat: that’s why I’m so pissed at the builders delaying by so long! It’s costing us a fortune!
Gigs yup that’s the one! Already $300 out of pocket now ugh lol

Keeps forgot to say before that Theo is just sooooo cute! It’s a rock and a hard place for sure, but just be careful. You’ve been killing it without him. You are so strong. Call for help if you need to. And if you have to watch Moana once s day just to lay down and catch a nap, btdt ;)

Pl that’s so interesting. We have s lot of mansions in the hills that have their private vineyards or lease out space to local wineries. Looks cool. We had grapes in our backyard in my childhood home. I looooved picking them! Good times. Would any local wineries be interested? From what I hear they would come out and do all the hard work and the homeowner just maintained and got a small payout of even got paid in wine haha

Kit that’s so poop they aren’t done. I’m with gigs everything is open here so my house feels weird since it’s a closed condo but only things with doors st my mom’s are bathrooms and bedrooms haha

Jez awww wedding sounds fun but yikes about the ring bearer I’d cry

Shae car trouble scares me so hopefully you get an answer/fix soon. Are you able to function without wheels in the meanwhile?

Green booo how long is he gone? Can you get it in tonight? Pun intended :rofl: jk just saw your post I take three a day cuz insane haha. Probably more I take one every time I pee :rofl: I think you're In the game with 0-4 and O

Cb I love it share share share when you go

Fluek true true that’s logical. Fxed the shots are within a good budget for you. I totally thought you meant aggressive push lol that’s cute! A has been biting me all day! I’m terrified he’s going to bite at daycare :(. Gl with the babysitter!

Tried my best headschd and exhausted. Watching a lot of criminal minds and realized my ex is a sexual sadist. So i’m Hoping when he gets his ass handed to him in court it’s not the stressor that gets me killed. Probably should stop watching this show but I love the profile even if it’s like house and every episode is the same

Also why does ntv not fire Brianna? Makibg is all look bad girl
Dobs that's interesting! Now that's something I'll have to look into!! Yes, we already spoke to a neighboring vineyard and he'd buy all that we grow. There is a big market here for wine grapes.

Kitty, building is a lot of stress! Our neighbors here have been going through the planning and design stages for the last 1 1/2 years! The designer is dropping the ball on them.

As for our sale, been on the market for 5 days, first 4 days we've had a showing a day, and on day 5 we've had notification that the people from viewing #4 wants to come back for a second viewing. Our agreement with the realtor has been that buyers don't get to see the cottage (which is rented out) until a second viewing, so second viewings would be more in-depth and we don't stress the tenant with too many last minute showings (which is Definitely what the last one was!)
Oooh pl that sounds so promising!!! That would be amazing if you got an offer this soon. How quick does real estate sell up there?

Kit ugggghh why does it seem like all contractors are useless?! I don't think i've met a singke person with a build or remodel that had a good experience.

Jez in some of your pics from the wedding you look so similar to my cousin that it's who i thought i was looking at initially. You look beautiful :) glad Tilly hung in there and the speech was well received.

Cb yes I think I'm going to do the scan. I have an appointment at the end of this month so I'm debating asking for one there or just paying for the studio session. 2.5 weeks feels so far away...I want to see baby, like, now :haha:

Afm hubs stayed home from work as he felt like he caught what the boys have. I was amazed to find myself the only one escaping illness...until the afternoon rolled around and the itchy throat started -.- unamused! I have a slight runny nose and only sneezed once or twice so here's hoping i kick it before it gets bad!
Gigs, fx you don't get sick!!

From what I've heard anywhere from a few weeks to a year. Although my parents 1 1/2 hours away have been trying to sell for just over a year.... But then nothing has moved in their entire neighborhood for the last few weeks. So who knows. Anyway, I spoke to soon anyway, the realtor doubts the buyers budget will stretch this far. I'd be scared to sell this fast, although I think at this point DH and I have mentally moved on from this property.... We go down to see my parents quite a bit and on the drive back, driving by our target areas I keep thinking "I could be home by now" instead we are only half way plus the ferry. So yeah... Sorry I ramble!
Wow second viewing! I have been to many open houses shut down early because of cash offers over asking. Or people buying sight unseen here. Can’t imagine looking twice. Sounds like you got great interest! Fxed

I agree building feels like it’s Always a headache. We remodeled once and got delayed. I had fun but I can’t imagine my parents having 4 kids and a cat in a suite at a local hotel

Gigs hopefully it doesn’t get too bad!

Pl Ramble away I think that’s normal to feel uneasy about a quick process/change even if you are ready for it
PL you never know... if they love it, they might make it work. So neat that you have a cottage too. Hoping they see investment potential in that to counteract the overall costs. As for the vineyard stuff, for some reason I didn’t even think of wine, silly me. Now that Dobs mentioned it though, I feel like it would be super exciting. I’m imagining you guys having your own wine. If only it were all so straightforward.

Gigs - I soooo want to know what your cousin looks like now! Can you send me a pic privately or something? Or don’t. That’s probably cheeky. I’m so curious though. And I hope you only have a mild version of whatever you’ve caught. Sucks for everyone to be sick.

Kit I’m sorry the build is delayed. Honestly, I’ve never, ever known one to be on time. Ever. I wonder why that is.
Dobs, our market isn't that hot, although we are also somewhat on a downturn at the moment.

Jez, yes having the cottage has actually been really helpful, we basically pay half of our mortgage and the rest is covered by the tenant. Hopefully a buyer will come along.
As for growing grapes, at this point we are not interested in making the wine too. So much more to invest into that infrastructure! Maybe something to dream about if we are fully successful in 10 years? And not just the infrastructure, but all the production stuff has to be approved by the local health board and then we'd need a license to produce and sell alcohol by the provincial liquor board. Possibly a license to serve if we wanted a tasting room?! Those are just my thoughts without having done any research. Haha.
Yes that makes sense of course. Maybe lease it out to some wine people like Dobs said, get them to sort and fund all the licensing and infrastructure and write in the contract that you want to name one of the wines. Basically the same thing. I kid, of course. I know it’s still not that simple
Jez, that's so funny " get to name a wine" sounds like a deal I would make :haha:

Gah, more research now! Looks like this may be something people around here do!?
Going back to edit and say I’m sorry this is such a long post, I’m such a rambler, I have keyboard diarrhea lol

My memory has been terrible lately, I can barely remember anything so I promise I’m not ignoring you if I don’t respond to you!

Jez idk if I said anything about the wedding, I feel like I didn’t. I’m glad it went well with the speech, and I’m glad the ring bearer issue didn’t totally ruin things, good idea to have the rings with someone else. So cute about Tilly. What language does your friend speak?
When I spend a ton of time planning something, I go a little crazy if anything at all goes wrong (like I get upset and anxious and pissy). I’m scared I’m gonna be a total bridezilla, I really don’t want to be one. I don’t want people to hate me. Though to be honest, the most important parts for me are the dress and the ceremony, so as long as those go pretty well, I can deal with other crap. Food and alcohol are a second tier worry, and I honestly couldn’t care less about whether people are dancing into the night or not. If they are, great, I’m extra happy. If not, meh. Not important. I know as the couple you’re the host so you’re supposed to cater to your guests, but honestly how I view it is, it’s my wedding, it’s my day, I get to prioritize what is most important to me :shrug:
I could talk about wedding stuff forever so imma stop there unless someone specifically wants to talk more about it cuz I go overboard.

Anyway Jez, was it you who asked how I’m feeling? I’m doing much better. Acid reflux has been a mild issue the last two days, I feel like I constantly have a pill stuck in my throat sometimes. Taking an acid reducer usually makes the feeling go away after an hour or so. My mom warned me that acid reflux was likely to occur with estrogen (she tells me this after I was already getting chest and throat pain from it haha, thanks mom, but that stuff has passed thank goodness). I haven’t taken my depression meds since they made me puke. I’m trying to adjust to the bcp a bit and then I’ll start at a lower dose of my depression meds and slowly build it back up. Though honestly I might be able to lower the dose, because I’ve been mostly okay without it the past 2 weeks. I’ve had occasional mood swings (that’s my main symptom of when I’m off them, rather than feeling empty or sad, for the past year maybe?) and in college I would sometimes have empty/sad/lonely days even on the meds, so I don’t wanna go off them completely. But I think it would be reasonable for me to lower the dose. When I went on them I totally needed the high dose. Nothing was really fun to me, I was super moody/irritable, I felt empty most of the time. Now I think I’m doing much better than that. Not perfect, but better.
Geez I’m ranting again. Sorry. Yeah, just acid reflux now. Bleeding has stayed light flow.

I don’t live in an area where I can just not have a car, it’s technically suburban cuz of the population but I think if I have to stop for chickens in the road in more than one place in town and I have more than one horse farm on my road, it counts as kinda rural. While I dislike the concept of city living, transportation is something I’d be okay with. The subway is my favorite part of visiting cities. But I can get along without my car for a few days. I just will need it working soon, because I need to drive up to my college town to pick up my scrubs still and do HR stuff for my work study. I also gotta go to the nearest city for my drug test. I hate drug tests, I don’t do any drugs but half the girls in my school smoke weed (I don’t), and what are they gonna do, say you can’t come to clinical cuz you smoked weed on your own time? It ain’t their business if it ain’t affecting their work.

Blah that’s was too much talking but I’m gonna keep talking anyway.

PL the vineyard idea sounds super cool! I know nothing about growing grapes, or anything really. I want a homestead with animals (not for eating, I just couldn’t do it) and a huge garden and fruit trees and make s big greenhouse for year round produce. But I know it’s a ton of work, and I won’t have the time or money for that stuff. So I totally bow down to anyone who can manage a homestead or huge orchard or whatever, whether they have an outside job or not. Hopefully the 2nd viewing people will be able to stretch their budget to afford your awesome house so you can get that show on the road!

Flueks how did the babysitter convo go?

Dobs I believe you asked if I can get along without a car for a few days. I mentioned in my reply to Jez, yes, I can. But in a few days I’m gonna need it working again. Most important is that it’s fixed by September for moving in to college, but not having it prior to that would be very inconvenient. SO thinks it’s electrical but isn’t sure cuz he isn’t a mechanic. He’s concerned about water leaking into the gas tank as well, but it’s got a cover so he couldn’t look at it at all. My dad says we’ll get it towed to a mechanic on Thursday (we’re too busy tomorrow) and hope for the best.

Honestly I remembered more than I expected I would, but still not everything of course.

Tomorrow my mom is bringing me to Boston just so we can get sushi burritos (basically just huge burrito sized rolls, don’t worry there’s no tortillas) cuz I’ve wanted to try them for like a year at least. I love hand rolls, so I’m really excited. The place we’re going also makes poke bowls, so if the sushi burritos aren’t big enough/don’t fill me up, I’ll also get a poke bowl, which I’ve also always wanted to try. If sashimi grade salmon was available near me at an affordable price, I’d probably have some kind of sushi or poke bowl 3 times a week at least. I have a sushi addiction, and salmon is my fish of choice lol.

I’m avoiding it, but I also gotta ask her to buy the huge book bundle of textbooks ($265 with the discount code I believe, could be worse) plus the two books not included in the bundle (one is actually just a $170 access code). She already bought me the microbiology textbook, but we got it off amazon used because the access code wasn’t required for that one.

Okay I gotta get up early so time for bed. Sending love to you all.
Definitely do a deal & name the wine how cool!!

Urhh Gigs sorry ypu think you’re catching what the Boys have, fx its only a very mild version if anything, hate illness esp when pg & whole family gets it :hugs: yes book the next scan at earliest, it’ll def confirm gender & help bond i think & its exciting to see how much new bubba will be looking like one of your other boys or just completely diff :)

Uhh builds are very rarely ontime with finish dates, coming from a person who SO is a Builder/Carpenter by trade, its usually held up by people doing plumbing, their own delay then delays the plasterer & they have delays of not turning up a couple days, so it delays the the next in line usually the Carpenter doing all 2nd fixings in the property!m & then the painter etc etc etc.. or delivery delays on materials for whatever reason! It all follows time scale of who needs to get in next & if it doesnt happen, big delays! Hopefully Kit your house will be finished very soon hun

Dobs i hope ex gets his ass handed to him!! Do u have a court date? Must be so stressful for you, i hate stuff like that, hugs
Shae im about to get up in a minute lol its 07:10 here.. & you’re off to bed, whats the tine there? :)

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