General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Kit that’s so early! Did you know about periods yet when you got it? I don’t think my mom explained them fully to me until I was 9 years old. I thought it was the coolest concept when she told me lol. Not so exciting anymore. She got hers at 12 so she assumed (correctly) that I wouldn’t get it too early. My sister getting hers in 5th grade was a shock (I was at the end of 7th when I got mine), my mom was on a trip and my dad insisted on going out to buy pads for her, even though I offered to go instead. He ended up sending me a million pictures of different kinds of pads at CVS :dohh: Hopefully nobody thought he was a creeper.

CB wow that’s very late, you and Kit are opposites! My youngest aunt was 16 when she got hers though. She’s 5’7” as well. But of course, getting it late doesn’t mean you’ll be tall, it just means you have more time to grow.

Regarding social media, I’m keeping it to just people I know in person for now, BUT I’ve been thinking I’ll make an IG dedicated to personal wedding planning and TTC stuff when I get to that point (maybe earlier, just to have it ready) that I wouldn’t want IRL friends/family following, but BnB friends would be perfect for that, so if/when I make one, I’ll let you ladies know and we can share handles at that point if y’all are interested.
Shae my mum was always very factual about things, I’ve known about periods and sex and the proper way to make babies since I was 3-5! She’s always explained things properly and none of this pushing belly button stuff that I’ve heard other people have told their kids. If I asked a question I got the real answer, no exceptions! So it wasn’t a foreign concept it was just a bit early! I was wearing a bra at 8 too! I was a B cup at 8 and by the time I was 11 I was a DD!
Kitty that’s good that you already knew. I don’t think I actually asked how babies were made until I was 9 or so. If I did, I didn’t remember the answer and had to ask again. I know my mom had to explain it 3 times before I remembered, but I think each explanation was within weeks of each other. Not certain. I only actually remember one the explanations, which was the last I think. We were in the laundry room and I was asking questions while she did the laundry lol. I remember her telling me that our family is super fertile and we don’t need to try to get pregnant. I asked if that meant she and my dad didn’t have to have sex to have my sister and I (totally hoping they didn’t cuz that sex stuff sounded gross) :rofl: she said no, they still had to do it once for each of us :rofl: ah kids, their brains are so funny.

I just finished the HP book (it was the 6th). I think the big death would’ve been more shocking if I didn’t already know all the reasons behind it and the secrets involved in it etc (trying not to spoil it just in case) but I’m sure the first time I read it I bawled my eyes out, considering I was probably 13 or so when I read it. Tbh if I didn’t know it was coming, I probably would’ve cried at this age as well haha.

I just went scuba diving through the insane mess that is my room (tomorrow’s project if I can get the motivation: deep clean my room) and found book 7. Time to read stuff I already know about the truth behind the death, but I’m sure there’s a LOT I don’t remember. There’s been things in every book I’d forgot about. Mostly because they weren’t in the movies and I hadn’t read the books since I was 13 and have marathoned the movies in the last few months. But I haven’t forgotten everything about the books, the huge theories and stuff are fresher in my mind thanks to the million tumblr posts about HP I’ve read (mostly through Pinterest).

I actually may not read much of book 7 over the next 2 weeks, despite the fact that I’m quite excited to read it. I have a ton of crap I’ve gotta get done with actual due dates, whereas I can bring the book with me to college, since I own it.
My to-do list:
1) Clinical Policy modules (which will take a bit cuz it’s a LOT of boring reading)
2) ATI Achieve modules (aka modules on studying and test taking that they just told us 2-3 days ago they want us to do, plus the ATI website was down for maintenance a few hours ago because of course it is)
3) Drug Test (gotta go into the city for this one)
4) Pick up my scrubs (gotta drive 1.5 hours to my college town)
5) Go to my college’s HR to sign my offer letter for work study (hopefully same day as picking up the scrubs)
6) Get a flu shot (hopefully this one will be simple, it’s not due until 9/30 but I wanna get it done before I leave for college, it’s a clinical requirement)
7) Deep clean my room (this could take more than one day as I’m terrible at tackling huge tasks like this, though it’s less bad once I’ve started)
8) Pack for college (god help me)
9) Shop for college supplies (crap I’m behind on that, plus my mom will want to take my sister and I back to school clothing shopping as well)
10) Return HP book 6 to library (totally forgot to add that earlier)
11) Change my poor fish’s water (I’ve been putting it off, it’s been far too long)
12) Cry because I suck at getting stuff done when I’m not in school and also because my mom would get all this done in 3 days tops :rofl::cry:

All I got done today was depositing a check my grandfather sent me as a back to college gift (idk where he’s getting the money, he’s 91 and has about 100 grandkids), getting gas, picking up the sushi takeout my mom ordered, and finishing the book. Not exactly impressive.
Shae that particular death rocked me a bit. Kept having a "but he'll come back..." thought lol. I guess he did in ways but not what Ibwas thinking/wanted. Also the movie really glossed over the reason it happened. It was nice having a much better understanding after teading the book.

Afm...I am sure I felt movement yesterday, slight kicks I guess down pretty low, followed by a BH contraction. Any pregnant ladies getting them again yet? They started about 2-3 weeks ago for me but I wasn't sure that's what they were but now I am...the feeling is undeniable plus my uterus is now large enough to feel it's super balled up/tight during it.
Shae no worries, I understand why you would not.

Oh and I wanted to say, not sure how early you wanted your flu shot, but I don't think they give them until September. I prefer to wait until October because flu season is 10/1 to 3/31, and I want it to last for the longest duration of flu season. I know you don't have the option to wait until October though.

I found the first half of book 7 difficult to read. It wasn't fast paced at all, but then it really took off.

Gigs, sorry not that far along yet, but I feel like I've read BH start earlier in subsequent pregnancies.

AfM passed out last night around 1030 and got up at 8. Woke up a few times though. Feeling better today from getting so much rest. I'm already having reflux though, and I only had pieces of thin crust pizza at 730 past night. Well not counting breakfast and lunch. I think I may need to take medication for it this time. I didn't get heartburn and reflux until 3rd tri with V. I have appt tomorrow so I'll talk with her then.

ETA i did baking soda test again yesterday morning and it was girl result again.
It was so long ago i read the HP books but i loved them, the only one i hated reading & struggled to keep up on was book 5, Order of the Phoenix, i call it the stepping stone book as needed to read it to get the jist of whats to come but fml Harry with jus screamy angry CAPITAL letters moaning pissed me off loads Lol!

Im currently finishing up reading ‘The Unmumsy Mum’, has anyone else read it or heard of it? I highly recommend it esp if first time mum & if not first tine just read it anyway, its bloody hilarious & you don’t feel bad at all about saying this like ‘ffs’ under your breath 20 times a day haha such a great read! She has her second book out now aswell which i have yet to purchase ;)

My BH started around wk 14 again this time, yay for movement pokes Gigs, they get more regular now you can def recognise them hehe

Ooh thanks Flueks re Flu shot info, il be booking mibe in for Sept/Oct, i need to do my Whooping cough vaccine aswell, anytime iver 16wks apparently but i keep forgetting lol

Im getting lots more heartburn this pg aswell, didn’t really get it with the other 2.. i only need to bend over/down to pick something up & it gets me :( i have mw this Friday coming so il be getting a prescription for some Gaviscon :thumbup:
CB yes order of the pheonix was a difficult read. I mean I can understand some how he felt, but still you want to throttle him a few times.

I haven't heard of that book CB. I'll look into it. I really haven't had energyto do any reading or video games. Maybe in a week or two.

I wonder if flu season is a bit different in other parts of the world. I am required by my job to get the shot so I get it free from them. I think they do tdap/whooping cough at 28 weeks here. I think DH is going to get one this time.

I had it loads in 3rd tri with V, I broke down and bought tums. I gave them to my mom afterwards though. I can't recall did Riley and Nuala have much hair at birth?
Haha i know, i found myself saying out loud ‘arghhhh Harry shut the f up’ :haha:

Riley had a lil bit if hair & i only had it once with him near the end, nuala was practically bald with a couple of ginger tufts lol! I don’t see this one having much haur either really.. but a friend of mine, her boy had a few wisps of hair when he was born & she had killer heartburn bless her, like glugging big bottles weekly, i wonder why they said lotsa haired babys give u h.burn? Hmm.. i may have to Google lol

U gotta check that book out its great, its not expensive either, probs get a used hardback copy on ebay for couple £’s /$’s..

Whats the tdap along with whooping cough? Ours has something else with it aswell i cant remember.. maybe its the same
CB maybe this boy will have lots of hair. While it's not a 100% there is a legit study that found a correlation between heartburn and hair.

Tdap is tetanus, diptheria, and pertussis/whooping cough. I would think it would probably be the same.

I can't find the heartbeat today or last night. I'll just wait until my appt tomorrow. Baby is probably hiding. Cheeky thing.
The lil monkey, i bet he/she is laying very low down #eyeroll :)

Ah yes thats it, its the same Vaccination we have here for whooping cough plus the Tetanus etc..

Just watched a catch up episode i recorded of the latest season of The Affair, they just killed off a main character :shock: im in shock & sadness Lol! Next episode will be a good’n hehe
Hi everyone! Things are good here. Baby is getting two more teeth in! Which brings the count to 7. She's 11 months now! I can't wait to celebrate her first birthday. She's been getting up at 5:30 everyday which I am unamused at. This morning she started crying at 3:30, and just when I was about to get her, she fell back asleep.

DH and I are starting the trying for another talks. We both want to start trying soon.... prob once I get my cycles back. I haven't had AF yet since I've been breastfeeding/pumping. I'll probably try to wean after her first birthday so we can try at the end of this year or beginning of next.

Speaking of AF, I didn't get mine until I was 16. Which was fine with me! Late bloomer over here.

If anyone wants my fb or Instagram, just message me! I post more over there than I do here! I'm insta-friends with Jez and CB already. Jez, your videos of stilly are always sooooo cute!
Ugh I hate when show kill off main characters!!! It just leaves me feeling so irrationally upset even though yeah it's just tv...

Fluek yup I couldn't find the hb too many times. I've decided doplers aren't for me haha.

Also I don't know if it's coincidence or what but i had bad heartburn with ds1 and he had an insane amount of hair! Ds3 barely any heartburn and not a lot of hair (and what was there fell out then grew back closer to 9/10 months).
Hi Michelle! So are you tall then? Yay for ttc #2! Well, when you can anyway :haha: will you be weaning little lady off milk to try and get af to return?

Ugh bad sleep fried my brain and shortens my fuse. It's literally the only part of infants/babies I just cannot stand and it's unavoidable! Really hoping this next one is a better sleeper than ds2 was.
Yah Gigs I hear ya on the infant stage. Was not a fan either. Not coz of the sleep deprivation per se, but the unknown of how baby will sleep each night (in my case being terrified of sleeping next to baby while tiny coz that’s the only way she would actually sleep) and the fact they don’t give much back till they’re older. I know that sounds bad. I think I’ll be a lot less stressed about it second time around though.

The Tdap vaccine in pregnancy only started to be recommended in Ontario last year I think. I found this out recently when I cut my finger badly in metal and was hoping I’d received the tetanus immunity when preg via the Tdap vaccine, only to discover it was introduced literally months after Tilly’s birth, eye roll. Anyway, glad it’s a thing in the UK too.

Michelle I love your pics and videos too! You also always have such good lighting haha. That’s exciting about TTC2. You know, my AF came back at 5 months, which I know is fairly average, but it happened right after Tilly had gone 3-4 days without nursing much because she was sick and in hospital, and I wonder if that slowdown in nursing triggered AF. The average AF-return timepoint also happens to coincide with when most babies start eating solids, so I also wonder whether a concurrent decrease in nursing triggers it. All this to say that if you didn’t want to fully wean, you could try just slowing down a bit to try to jump start AF and then resume. I’m still BFing at 20 months and AF is regular. Funny how once it’s back it’s BACK, even if you BF lots again.

Shae just make a list for each day, get what’s on the list done, and then treat yourself. It’s tough though I know.

Oh my brother (lives in London, UK) told me he and my SIL are expecting! It will be my first time being an auntie and obv Tilly’s first (and only) chance for a cousin! Super early though... 7 weeks, but he said scan measured her a week behind. Hope that’s not a concern.
Hi ladies! Just going to jump right in here. I track my bbt, had confirmed ovulation on CD 14, bd 3 days before that. Fast forward and I am now 20DPO with a negative test and day 18 and 19. Some pregnancy symptoms. I am seeeing my doc in the morning but wanted some thoughts.
Daemon - welcome to the chat feed :) So from Ovulation cd14 & you being cd20 niw, you would only be around 6ish dpo.. probs abit too early for a positive test result just yet but doesnt mean you’ve not conceived, id re-try testing around 9/10 dpo hun.. what symptoms are u having? I had spotting at 5/6dpo & neg test & poditive result at 10dpo :thumbup: Hope your drs apt goes well.. will they do a blood draw so early?

Mich - oooh yay for talks of ttc bubs no2 :) if your cycles return to normal before the end of the year will you be ttc sooner? I just now realising its nearly Sept & not earlier in yr hahaa!! I love your Insta account pics, your most recent ‘watermelon’ hashtag one of you & the lil babe is very cute indeed :) The last week, Nualas been waking at 5:15-30am, zzzz! Im pooped aswell! So feeling your pain there.. Any plans for her 1st birthday??

Wow Jez congrats on becoming a soon to be Aunt, amazing news! I wouldnt worry about dates before 9wks as they alot of time are inaccurate as the baby grows at diff rates, as long as there was a hb even though she measured abit behind thats still fab <3 awww your bro will have his & no doubt your broodiness will kick back in haha!

Urhh yeah i know, i was chatting with my friend & it seems the main character &#8216;Alison&#8217; thats been killed off, she wanted to leave the show & according to the people who make the show, her character had run its course, pffft, whatever! She was the Star & theres lotsa stories they could&#8217;ve done but hey ho! Its a good watch though haha!
Michelle wow it&#8217;s so crazy that your baby girl is about to be a year old! I always find it so crazy when I see how long ago everyone had their babies, time really flies! Of course this thread has been going for so long that I shouldn&#8217;t be surprised, but I always am anyway. Anyway, how exciting that you&#8217;re in the talks for starting TTC! Fx&#8217;d everything goes smoothly and you get pregnant right away once you start trying!

Re: killing off main characters, I hate it too! I watch Grey&#8217;s Anatomy (spoilers ahead), so I&#8217;ve dealt with MANY beloved character deaths. I think a few of them actually made me cry. Pretty sure Lexie&#8217;s death made me cry, she was my favorite character. Just now realized that the same actress&#8217;s character in Supergirl is named Alex, which are both derivatives of Alexandra of course, and now I&#8217;m totally like whoaaaa (I&#8217;m exhausted so I&#8217;m reacting like I&#8217;m drunk or maybe high, idk cuz I&#8217;ve never been high). They usually seem to kill characters when the actor&#8217;s contract ends and they don&#8217;t want to renew it or ABC doesn&#8217;t want to renew it. I&#8217;d much rather they handle the actors&#8217; exits like they did April and Arizona&#8217;s at the end of this past season. No death, they&#8217;re just moving or getting a job elsewhere. I can deal with that. I&#8217;ll keep watching unless they kill off Meredith, and considering she&#8217;s the actual sole main character, that would end the show. They better not end it that way.

Jez congrats to your brother! Yeah I&#8217;ve made a list of what has to get done. Tomorrow (technically today as it&#8217;s 4:15 am as I&#8217;m typing this) I&#8217;m going to return my book, get my flu shot, and go to Walmart. At Walmart, I&#8217;ll be buying some new wireless bras (I&#8217;ll explain in a later paragraph), looking at getting prescription sunglasses, and buying a crap ton of school supplies. My dad offered to bring my sister and I school shopping. I don&#8217;t think he realizes how much money that&#8217;s gonna cost. Yikes. I&#8217;m planning to do my drug test Tuesday or Wednesday, and pick up my scrubs a weekday this week, that one requires more planning. I haven&#8217;t seen SO in over a week due to his work schedule so whatever day he&#8217;s available, he&#8217;s gonna get. I have a very high sex drive so seeing him takes priority :blush: :haha:

CB I think Daemon said 20dpo not CD20.

Daemon that&#8217;s very odd that you&#8217;re so late despite confirmed O and negative HPTs. I&#8217;m glad you&#8217;re seeing your doctor! Hopefully it&#8217;s not an ectopic or chemical pregnancy.

AFM I&#8217;ve now taken 3 pills of week 2 on the pill, which is a higher estrogen level than week 1. I can definitely feel it. Week 1 my boobs felt like they do before I get my period (mildly sore). Week 2, they&#8217;re so sore it feels like I&#8217;m going through puberty all over again. My mom thinks there&#8217;s a good chance the level of soreness could mean my boobs are getting bigger. Sigh. I&#8217;m not looking forward to week 3, which has the highest estrogen levels (35 micrograms). Anyway, this morning my boobs hurt so much I dug through my clean laundry (which I haven&#8217;t put away) looking for my wireless bra. I found it, thank god. But I only have one. So I&#8217;m gonna buy a few more. The one I have is also too small. If I want my boobs to not be popping out, the push up thing in the bottom has to go on my boob instead of under it. It left a mark on my lower boobs just like a wire would under the boobs. Luckily it wasn&#8217;t actually uncomfortable, unlike my wired bras. So yeah. I&#8217;m gonna try on wireless bras tomorrow. I hope they have lots that aren&#8217;t racerback, cuz I hate those. I dislike pullover bras, so sports bras are not my friends. Wish my luck in my bra hunting adventures.
Shae I love an excuse to go shopping! Hope you find some bras you like.

Jez congrats on the family expansion! Are you close with your BIL? Also I wouldn't worry about the size. She probably just o'd late by a week. Same happened to my sil with her first.

My bil & sil are still trying as far as I know :/ I hope they get pregnant soon. I know SIL is probably having a hard time with the mental aspect of it, especially since ahe "thinks" she's had two cp's. On a more selfish note I have a xmas gift for them but can only give it if they're pregnant.

Dae I have no insight on your situation but hopefully you're just one of those women who doesn't register on hpt's! Fx!

Afm sooo tired; intense thunderstorms were eolling through from 2 until about 5 this morning. Amazingly Levin still sttn :shock: it was ratrling our house so i'm blown away as to how that happened. Des woke up but just stayed in bed.
Good morning! Sorry if there was confusion, I am 20 DPO, CD 34. With my daughter I tested positive on a cheap test at 11DPO
Daemon yes sorry i mis-read, sometimes ovarian cysts can delay periods.. :-/ have u seen your Dr yet? What times the apt, i hope all goes ok.. :hugs:

SHae what combi pill are u taking? Ive never heard of diff levels of hormones for the first packet or packs on a monthly basis.. mine were always 30mg

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