General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

MrsG just looking at you ff chart.. when was your nearly positive OPK? Looks like you had a temp shift & poss ovulated on cd23... :)
CB I didn’t think about the fact that the ovulation could happen at any random time of the cycle if it happened, hmm. I know it’s not supposed to happen at all, though. Tbh I was totally waiting for your “bless him” haha, you always say that and I just think it’s so cute. I nearly said it myself and realized I got it from you, people don’t say that where I’m from so there’s nowhere else I could’ve gotten it. I also started saying “y’all” just in texts/online because other people use it so often. I don’t say it out loud though, the locals would revoke my New Englander card :rofl:

ETA: I may start temping just to check for temp shifts on the off chance they do happen.
Oh man I use/say "y'all" all the time since moving further south! It's funny as I'm still in the same state lol. But Northern VA might as well split off, so different from the rest of VA!

Shae I still ovulated on bcp but still never got pregnant. I swear I hear of people getting pregnant on mirena way more than the pill :shrug:

Pl how are the animals holding up in the smog?

Ugh had more to say but don't remember -.-
Cb i bet Riley is so cute in his uniform! Des' school just got more strict on it so now I have to get hom black oxford shoes :roll: lord help the teachers who have to help all these kids tie their shoes!

OMG OUUUCH frick I just sneezed just now with the worst rlp pain! Omg legit feels like my muscle split for a sec! Owwww!

Dobs glad your judge can easily see what a dirt ball he is being. All things considered, sounds like a good outcome. What happens in three months? Will his rights be revoked if he shows no effort?
Greenie glad you Od. Sorry no BD on Friday though

Hope he's feels better, hate when V is sick. I always wish I could be sick instead of her.

Dobby so glad it went in your favor. It would be different if he loved and cared for his son, such a sad thing. I'm glad he's got so much love from you and your family.

Shae that makes since. He knows the effectiveness of IUD firsthand, but not bcp. I wasn't fertility savvy, but I don't think I ovulated on the pill.

Also, CBs version is nicer. "Bless your heart" in the south means "bless your poor stupid soul". Well not always, but it can....

CB vaginal delivery with V. Honestly, the contractions were so relentless I had no time to pay attention to the monitor. The nurses never acted concerned though so I assume her heartrate was fine. Hoping I make it to the hospital in time for this one :haha:

Oh I loved new school supplies. New notebooks and backpack. Ahhh!! I can relate to Riley :haha:

Gigs omg I feel you on rlp! Down with the sickness by disturbed came on and I swear it sounded like V was imitating the intro sounds. I started laughing and got a horrible sharp pain in my right side.

I started getting migraines this week and the only thing that helps is caffeine or a loooong sleep. So taking a soda to work now. MW said 1 a day was fine.
Hahahahhahahahhanabahahha ong I'd laugh my RLP into action too if I heard those aounds coming out of sweet little V :rofl: that is hilarious.

And I definitely relate on the caffeine free headaches. I've been a 1-2 cupper this pregnancy and if I skip a day I get a horrid headache. Figure my risk if m/c is low by now and from what i've read 1-2 cups is no big deal... :shrug: I couldn't drink it with Lev as it made me nauseated so I am enjoying it this time around! I make a batch in one of our french presses then throw it in the fridge. Then I pour it over ice and throw some cream in it (full cream and no sugar). It's devine *drool* and one press will last me 2-3 days.
:rofl: it was totally worth the rlp.

That sounds divine!! Do you use regular creamer??

Oddly enough I might have a coffee or soda once or twice a month pre-pregnancy. Silly hormones making me drink caffeine to get rid of them. However I'm just glad it works!
Hey ladies dropping in for my 2ww again.
Shae if used correctly BCP are over 99% effective as they both prevent ovulation in most and generally make the lining inhospitable. Almost all pregnancies on them are due to them not being used perfectly. (Missing days and then catching up by doubling pills).
Gigs, rlp! Oh geez.. now it makes sense why it sometimes hurt to sneeze. Never had that during my first pregnancy!
As for smoke and animals: they seem to handle it ok, as a matter of fact my rooster as turned up the a-hole dial and DH has the go ahead to take his head off (again). (He had the ok a few months ago, but a bad set up and a squearmy rooster and he was allowed to walk away. His attitude was adjusted for a little while but that seems to be over.

Your coffee indulgence has nothing on mine...I go to McDonald's about once a week ATM for a big Mac meal... Let me go and hang my head in shame! Haha
Selfish Late Night Post

So i was late on my first pill :dohh: I was exhausted from six flags and fell asleep at 5 pm when we got home (without eating, like I was dead) and slept through my birth control alarm. Last time it woke me up ugh. I just woke up at 1:30 am (pill time is 8:30 pm) and realized and ran and took the pill. Then I realized I’d woken up soaked in sweat and when I went to pee I discovered I was bleeding. Like really, 5 hours late and I’m getting bleeding? Is that normal? I thought that was if you full on missed a pill like 12+ hours! But apparently not, my sheets are progesterone drop level soaked. And this is the combo pill, they say you don’t have to be as perfect with times, but if I’m getting night sweats and bleeding, I feel like that’s incorrect information.

WAIT now that I’m thinking more clearly (I’m still half asleep), yesterday morning before I’d even missed the pill I had a hint of pink in my discharge. So was I going to bleed anyway? I also had the night sweats (now, not then), so idk! I’ve had random middle cycle night sweats before, but they’re less common. I’ve only been late on this one so idky I had hints of blood in my CM before I’d even missed it. Wtfffff. I thought it was supposed to take a day to start bleeding once you start the sugar pills, does the bleeding really start just a few hours after? Either way I was spotting before I was late on my pill. Ovulation wouldn’t cause actual red blood, right? Cux some people spot from ovulation but this was actual real blood (though there was only a tiny bit of dried tan on my underwear, the actual blood didn’t get on my underwear, so maybe it’s not as much blood as I think. UGH WHY

I’m scared that if my body clearly showed such a strong drop off that I’m actually unprotected now, and considering I DTD 2 days ago, that’s terrifying.

TMI WARNING: if you read my previous TMI statement, I didn’t mention that :spermy: still ended up in me, I got on top of him moments after he finished :blush:

Ugggh I’m so pissed, I’d been doing so perfect! I feel like since it was only 5 hours late I shouldn’t tell SO because it’ll freak him out and “prove” to him that I can’t handle it ugh I’m so mad at myself though mostly at my alarm, it’s just not loud enough I swear, it’s like the alarms on my phone are quieter lately and the sound is up to max in settings so I don’t understand. Oh wait. Never mind I know why. It’s cuz of my fan blasting. It’s crazy loud, and it’s super hot in my room so it’s completely necessary. Ugh I woke up for a few seconds a few times before 1:30 and I’m mad I didn’t come to consciousness enough to realize I hadn’t taken my pill. I mean, I took it at exactly 1:33 pm, 5 hours and 3 minutes late. I’m so stressed now ugh
You’ll be fine Shae, dont stress about the pg side of it, your Pill is just settling in so that be the random odd spotting & bleeding, not a hirmone drop that quickly from a late Pill, you only usually get that if its a Progesterone only mini pill not bith hormobes.. could be as you went straight from iud onto the pill, i wouldve waited for a Period, was your iud a Progesterone only or a non-hormobe one? If your worried, give your Dr or sexual health clinic a quick call to query hun :hugs:

I have 3-4 cups of tea/coffee a day lol but you can have upto 250mg of Caffeine a day & its fine, there abit more relaxed about it now so i read on the Net, i guess somedays you dont drink ir eat as much caffeine as the next perhaps?!

Omg i LUUUUUUURVE cream in my coffee, im terrible for cream thats why i never really buy it unless for a dessert im making or we have people around at Christmas et lol! Il literally goto the fridge & drink it straight from the carton :haha: gross but yummers hehe!

Flueks hahaa i wouldve laughed my butt off aswell if i heard those noises lol!

Was V born silly quick then & caught off guard? Wish Nuala had been.. 24hrs of pain, no progression & then the Hospital staff took what seemed like forever to sort the theatre out for my (non energency) csection.. they said we’ll be ready to come get you shortly, to me that was a million contractions in time lol they took half hr
Hi guys. I have read it but I’m not taking anything in anymore. I’m sorry to bring the thread down, and really I’m just building up to say the impossible. We went into hospital yesterday with masses of bleeding, and it’s not good, both babies had stopped growing. No heartbeats, just gone. I’m now sat at home just confused as hell. I haven’t really slept, and I’ve got to try and be strong for Evie, but I just don’t know how. I’m literally broken, and I feel so terribly guilty because at one point I resented them, and now they’re gone forever. Lewis has taken a couple of weeks off, but I don’t know what to do. I’m probably rambling but I can’t seem to process it properly. I’m sorry
Oh my god Kitty please don’t apologize hun, I’m so so sorry you’re going through this. That’s so sad and terrible. Don’t guilt yourself. You loved your babies, I think any resentment was just being scared about the situation. We absolutely support you in whatever you need to do right now, whether that’s talking about it a lot or a little or not at all. You are welcome to spill your guts out about this, don’t worry about us, I ramble like hell and nobody yells at me, there’s no way we’d be upset with you for talking about this. I won’t ask any questions quite yet because I want to give you some time to process and it’s only just happened. If you want to share details, please do. If you’re not ready or just want to keep it private, that’s absolutely fine. I can’t even imagine the pain you’re going through right now. I’m glad your husband was able to take some time off work to be with you and Evie. I’m so shocked and sad for you. I’m sending my love to you and your family. I’m so sorry Kit.
CB you’re probably right, I just worry because the timing of the bleeding and night sweats are suspicious, ya know? Likely it’s a coincidence. I was on the progesterone-only IUD (Mirena). According to the birth control info packet and my OB/GYN, you’re supposed to start the pill the same day you get the IUD out.

That’s so funny about the drinking cream from the bottle. Gross to me, but to each their own.

I just ate and now I feel nauseous. I’m unamused. I gotta go back to sleep. I wanna leave around 10 for the drug test thing.
Shae you said it's really hot in your room so it may not have been hormonal night sweats. As for bleeding I believe as you adjust you can have bleeding midpack. Call your dr or pharmacy in the morning, or even look up side effects like on I wouldn't panic to SO as 5 hours is nothing on combo pill.

CB yes she quick and unexpected birth. From time my waters broke til birth was 6 hours. No epidural until 8.5cm. It was tough as contractions were practically nonstop. Hard to be in so much pain with no break, hard to be in that pain regardless though. The OB said preterm labors go fast so maybe my fullterm labor if I make it, won't be so quick?

Kitty as I said on FB group my heart is aching for you. Don't guilt yourself about that dear. You had a normal reaction and it had nothing to do with this outcome. Could you seek counseling to help you grieve? I cannot imagine the mental and emotional pain you are in :hugs:
Fluek I actually use heavy whipping cream.
Cb i drank it with ds2 pregnant as it really helped my nausea.
Later i will tell y'all a tale of the first time hubs and i had organic milk.

Shae i'm of no use on pill stuff but my guess is if you're bleeding your lining isn't conception friendly.

Kit...oh my dear Kit :hugs: I am so terribly sorry for your losses. I think the fear of additional kids is a big one, and even I had it big time for the first weeks with this one. It's normal, especially, ESPECIALLY with unexpected multiples! I hope your guilt subsides, just because the fear of multiples hit you doesn't mean the love for those two wasn't there.

And jeeze woman don't even think about apologizing for your feelings on this!!! Please come vent as much as you need to. We love you! :hugs:
PL no judgement on mcD's, if they served lunch during morning hours i'd be there more. If you recall there was a week, maybe 6 or 7? Where U had a sheetz burger for breakfast 3 days. And then i bought some frozen to microwave and eat at my leisure. That was my only craving that lasted any amount of time (like 3 weeks maybe?). Otherwise I've had to figure it out one meal at a time :roll:
Cppeace hello!

Pacific no reason to be ashamed of an indulgence. A big mac meal is sounding really tasty now ;)

Sorry the rooster is an a$$hole.

Gigs omg my likes/cravings change constantly. One that hasn't changed is taco bells bacon grande scrambler burrito. I want one now just talking about it :haha:

The only time I've had heavy whipping cream was my dad made some breakfast with them when I was pregnant with V. I recall eggs, cream, onion?? ?mushroom???. I was having ms when he fixed them so my memory is fuzzy. It was so so but I can't fully judge when preggo.

OMG I saw TB has caramel apple freeze. It looks so good. I'll have to try one.
Kit sending you the biggest e hugs. How you felt was a totally natural reaction. Definitely follow hubs suit and take time for yourself and your thoughts. You’re still in shock and I disagree. You do not have to be strong for Evie. Of course you have to take care of her, but allow yourself to live in the sad moments too. My mom lost her shit when my dad died, and it didn’t ruin me as a child. You have to take care of you to take care of her. Big hugs

Also not processing much someone asked basically every theee months we go back to court to review if ex has stopped being a s* and from there it is up to the judge. If he hasn’t stepped up his game by the time A is 2, i’m Going to push for abandonment and ask for full custody.
Flueks holy thats a damn quick labour, fx for a full term pg & maybe slightly longer less painful labour this tine :)

Ohhhhh Kit im so so sad for you & your losses hun, massive hugs & love! No need to apologise for anything either.. just take some time to process with hubs & make sure you look after yourself & Eves&#8217;s of course :hugs: please Dont beat yourself up about things like when you found out as it was a shock but you will always love your babies planned or unplanned <3

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