General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

I'll be headed into my 9th month pregnant at xmas and we're hosting...just my folks though. Not looking forward to cooking but SO looking forward to Christmas!!! About to go hit some more yard sales for gifts right now ;)
Sorry guys it'll be a poor response as Friday was just crazy busy and I was exhausted. I've read though.

CB yay for Riley going to school soon. Is he excited for it??

Shae :haha: the nursing textbooks aren't for the faint of heart. They are huge and numerous!!

I hope you like your new dorm and roomie :)

Gigs beautiful idea!!!

Kitty :hugs: I haven't experienced your type of loss and I can't imagine how you feel. However, I do know about grieving. I went to grief counseling but it was more focused on losing a spouse or parent. Not that their grief was less but completely different than suicide loss grief. I went to survivors of suicide support group and it helpes tremendously to talk with others who have experienced that type of loss. I think a journal would be therapeutic as well. :hugs:

I'll be 3rd tri or really close come Christmas. Not sure how much cooking I'll be up to.

I checked my fundal height, it's at 16 weeks!!! Plan to do a bump pic tonight :)

I did hook effect again and it shows better. I'll post later.

Our taco bell is out of the green apple for the caramel apple freeze. I've talked my mom into stopping at one on her way here that has it :blush:
From right to left:

100% urine


90% water/10%urine


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Shae, good luck with the new roomie, maybe this time someone sane!

Christmas.. hmm, I am looking forward to ham! Last year we didn't want to make turkey for Thanksgiving and Christmas, so we got a big ham for Christmas. Then mom helped me put a fabulous spice mix on the top (with run!) and oh boy, best ham I have ever had!! But who knows where we will be celebrating.....
We have a potential buyer come back for a second viewing, our understanding is that they are quite interested in the property. Hopefully we'll know more by end of next week.
CB that’s great that baby will come before Riley goes on break. Totally had to look up Crimbo, google says it’s british slang for Christmas so no wonder I didn’t know it haha

Gigs are you due in January then? Or February?

Flueks awesome hook effect! Can’t wait to see your bump pic, if you’ll be sharing that is.

PL thanks for the sane roomie wishes haha! Made me laugh, plus totally accurate. I made ham for Easter, but we usually have turkey for both thanksgiving and Christmas at my house. Occasionally ham for Christmas. Doesn’t matter much to me. My favorite dishes are the green bean casserole and the stuffing.
Oh man, I’d love a big Christmas dinner now (at 11pm)... ham, turkey, sage and onion stuffing, brussel sprouts, crispy roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, gravy... mmm. I swear you can’t get the proper stuffing here, but Swiss Chalet do the kind of stuffing I like at Christmas so I only ever order at Christmas. Here the stuffing boxes at the supermarket are just a box of croutons(?). Weird. Perhaps fellow Canadians can shed light on this.

In other news, DH’s bro just told us that he and his wife are expecting twins in December via surrogate. She’s 45 and they’ve had a lot of losses since 2015 so everyone’s very happy for them. Of course my bro and his wife are expecting too, so Tilly will go from zero cousins to three in the space of just a few months. My two bffs are expecting around the same time too, so it seems to be baby central over here. I’m aaaaalmost getting broody but not quite.
Jez the boxed stuffing mix here is also basically a box of croutons, but when cooked with water according to the box, it does make a light fluffy stuffing. My mom makes it with cream of mushroom soup though, cuz we like our stuffing creamy.

Congrats to your BIL, wow they waited a long time to announce didn’t they? They’d be around the same gestation as CB, and she’s like 23 weeks or so? It’s so awesome that Tilly is about to get so many cousins! I bet she’ll love them!

AFM (BD info warning)
I’m feeling blech rn. I felt fine all day but SO and I went out to dinner with his friends (it was yummy) and we got home at 9:30 so I rushed to take my pill (I was mad at SO for taking so long after dinner because I needed to take it). After I took it, I was being pissy at him for not taking me home earlier knowing I’m supposed to take the pill at 8:30 and I ended up admitting I took it 5 hours late a few days ago and he freaked out for about 30 minutes straight :dohh: aaaand then he took off my shirt anyway and well, :sex: but he only had a teeny spurt of :spermy:, nothing to clean up, he basically didn’t finish all the way and just had a little premature ejaculation I think. Starting when we got to my room, my lower intestinal area started hurting a bit, and I was a bit nauseous. After sex, I was dizzy and my head felt heavy and my lower abdomen still hurt and I was still nauseous ugh. Not sure if it’s gas or my uterus tbh cuz it’s below the belly button, but I’m guessing gas or something. Just unpleasant.
Haha Shae, did the thought of pregnancy scare turn him on or something?

As for croutons, why?!?! If you add water, surely that just results in soggy bread!? You’re telling me people calll soggy bread stuffing? In the UK the mix also has spices and dehydrated onion and stuff in it so it actually tastes like, you know, SOMETHING.

You can tell I’m quite passionate about this.

And apparently the surrogate is 22 weeks sometime next week. I guess they said mid-to-late Dec coz twins often come early. But by my calcs it would be earlier. Could defo be Tilly’s bday though!
Jez I think the stuff here also has spices and dehydrated onion etc, but I’m pretty sure that yes, stuffing is soggy spiced bread. What’s the bread part in the U.K.?

Interesting that they waited so long to announce. Maybe because it was a surrogate they were extra nervous about them sticking? I imagine they used IVF with your BIL’s wife’s egg? Hm.

Anyway, I don’t think it turned him on lol, basically any time he’s near me in private he gets turned on by my existence. One time I took off my coat in our lodge/inn room and he got a boner. Legit. It might’ve also been because he was stressed and wanted a distraction. But thinking about me being pregnant has resulted in lost boners in the past, so I doubt it haha.

Speaking of pregnancy scares etc, my mom thinks being 5 hours late decreases effectiveness to 92% but I thought that was for 12 hours late aka a missed pill. Either way that’s stressing me out. Tbh I don’t trust the pill quite as much as the IUD, and neither does SO. And since I wasn’t perfect I’m pretty sure it does reduce the effectiveness, but I don’t think down to quite that low. I thought I saw EWCM just before I missed my pill too, and some mixed with the spotting I had :dohh: hopefully it was nothing. I worry about SO’s friends reaction if I accidentally got pregnant, cuz at dinner they were joking about if their girlfriends got pregnant they would terminate ASAP and I said I couldn’t do that and one of them was like “even if you found out you were pregnant like 4 hours from now?” And I was like “yeah, I don’t think I could do that” and they were like a bit shocked that I’d keep the baby. But we’re young and the guys still act 15 so that’s how they think I guess.

I’m sure everyone is tired of my constant “what if my birth control fails” paranoia (especially since many of you are TTC). I’ve been doing it since I started on here, I always worry. Especially now that I’ve switched methods, of course. My boobs don’t hurt much anymore so that makes me worry I ovulated, and my CM is now quite creamy so that worries me too, and I’m dizzy and nauseous rn so that worries me, and everything worries me because I’m anxious. Apparently I have anxiety which I never realized but my boyfriend said he couldn’t believe I didn’t know before because he’s known since we started dating :dohh:, my mom did a question test on me for anxiety a few days ago and I was always like “well yeah but like that’s normal right?” for everything :dohh: guess not, apparently my results were moderate-severe anxiety. At least I’m high functioning :shrug: I’ve just never been diagnosed so I didn’t think I had it, I just thought I had social anxiety and that’s it. Anyway, I’m sorry I freak out about it all the time, I’m sure it gets frustrating being like “you weren’t pregnant last month or the month before, you’re fine” and of course being right about that but me worrying again the next month. I just always worry.

Anyway, I wanna sleep cuz I feel so sick, but I really have to finish my stupid online orientation crap. They said it would take 2-4 hours and I’m only halfway through and I’ve spent 5 hours on it. 2-4 hours maybe if you don’t read half the stuff ugh. Most of the stuff on the tests are common sense but a few aren’t and you have to get 100% to pass so I’m reading the whole things. It’s due the 27th so I’m running out of time.
Shae for peace of mind, read the info leaflet that comes with the Pill packet hun, it’ll have the do’s & dont’s & what to expect on it re protection, pretty sure combi pill even if you missed a day & then you take it again as soon as u remember is ok, its when u miss lots a few days in a row, u can take them anytime of day whereas mini pill or progesterone only has to be took within a 3hr window or some are 12 hrs but the protection level isnt as high as its a single hormone, i loved my combined pill, shame im over 35 now & they wont let me take it lol

Jez ahhhh i would kill for a full slap up roast dinner right now with stuffing & crackling mmmm! You should PM me your address & il send over a couple boxes of Paxo stuffing mix :) mmmmmm ha ha

Congrats on BIL & his wifes pregnancy aswell, how lovely! I bet they&#8217;re over the moon! I cant detect a slight hint of broodiness from u hahaaa try not to bask in it :haha: Tilly will love all the babies & lil playmates <3

Oooh Pacific a spice mix with Rum ontop of Hsm, sounds delicious droooool
CB it says that you have to take it around the same time every day, but it also says if you only miss one pill you don&#8217;t need to use backup protection, and I haven&#8217;t missed any, just been late on that one pill. So I should be fine. I just freak out, as you all know lol.
Lol bless ye :) once you get used to taking it & having regular hormone bleeds you&#8217;ll probs relax abit :hugs: Blokes get it so easy in comparison to us really dont they lol
CB yeah probably. And I agree, guys totally have it way easier. When I was telling SO I needed to go home to take the pill he was like “meh it’s just once and it’ll only be an hour or two late” and I was like “but what if I end up with breakthrough bleeding because you wouldn’t take me home” and he was like “So? Who cares?” :saywhat: ummm I care if I have mid-cycle bleeding thanks? Ugh guys sometimes. I probably wouldn’t bleed after 1-2 hours late but he didn’t know that lol, soooo he should’ve cared.

I’m bringing my little sister to the mall tomorrow for back to school shopping. My mom only gave us $50 each, so I guess that means we get one full outfit each with prices these days :haha: I probably have enough clothes, so I’m gonna look for compression socks and white shoes for clinical before I order them online.
Pacific good luck with the potential buyer!

Shae yes I'll share momentarily, I'm much less private this time around.

Agree with CB read the pamphlet, it should make you feel better. I honestly don't think the effectiveness of combo pill is effected by being 5 hours late. Oh and sore boobs are a postO side effect typically so a good sign you didn't O. I never had breakthrough bleeding from being even a day late unless I was on my last week of pills.

Men do have it easier in that regard. Though they also have to worry I suppose if a women is truthful about doing bc. I'm much more comfortable relying on myself than others.

Oh I hope you finished that test, it sounds awful and 100% only!!

Also, I think that's really sad that they would say to terminate just like you were choosing a simple decision. If they were ever in that situation in real life I'd hope there would be more thought as a baby shouldn't pay for your mistake, imo. Alright dropping this can of worms.

Yes one outfit is expensive!! I try to shop when on sale. I bought 3 maternity dresses, 2 matetnity tops, and 1 bottom for just over $100. I was really proudo myself :)
Jez I'm curious to what brittish stuffing/dressing is like now. Also, congrats on future niece/nephews coming up. I'm sure with her loss history she wanted to wait to announce even if it was surrogacy.

Do you think you may want to try sooner than planned??

CB it's a day early but happy V day!!
Part bump, part bloat, and part fat :haha: I've warned DH I'll be getting an outie this time. I still can't get over my fundal height 4 weeks ahead, but it's not my uterus' first rodeo.

I woke up with a slight headache so I've been drinking some dr pepper. Seems to be gone for now. My nausea is too thankfully.


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No way Fluek I just took a bump shot in the same tank! If not super similar. Pulled it off my phone for ya, not flattering but "hey ho" :haha:

Yeah it kinda goes back to what I was saying recently, men just don't "get" pregnancy like women do, at least not initially. It's extremely abstract foe them, and ESPECIALLY so if they've never had a kid before, they haven't truly experienced cause and effect. They don't know what an emotional decision that is, to them it's as simple as "am I ready for a kid right now, yes or no. No? Simple solution!" Women are the ones that have already thought about a future with that child, are experiencing the physical changes almost immediately, and have to have a very serious physical toll taken on their bodies to make that "simple solution" happen. I have a feiend here who had it done a few months ago under the father's insistence. She is still psychologically messed up from it. He doesn't even seem to care and has moved on to banging other women :roll: (my friend picks very lousy partners).

Yikes rant over!

In other news, do y'all remeber last month or so when we had that major accident outside my house? Road was closed for hours...well just about a quarter of a mile (if that, probably more like an 8th) down our road a man walking to work was hit by a car! It was a hit and run and yes, the man died and they haven't found the driver yet. Ugh so tragic. Don't know what's with this stretch of road laty! We've been here nearly 4 years and have never seen major accidents on this road. This is the third in 3.5 months!


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Shae no actual data or numbers but the combo pill is very forgiving with tardiness. I’ve had times where I forgot to take it for 2-3 days and had sex and no pregnancies. If you’re talking a matter of hours you are fine. It’s the mini pill where you have to be almost exact. My gyn told me as long as you take a pills day with the combo time is a non factor, it’s when you miss days you need back up bc
Gigs that&#8217;s so awful about the road :(

Pl gl with the second showing! Hopefully leds to a good offer

Y&#8217;all are making me hungry

Love the bump pics

Not going to comment on terminations. Just too tired to get int that can of worms. A has been up at 4 the last few mornings. Today I at least got him back in bed by 5 and got two more but i&#8217;m Spent
Beautiful bumps from both of you!

I agree with both of you that those guys were treating it like a simple solution and it&#8217;s definitely anything but simple. Probably true that guys just don&#8217;t connect to the pregnancy right away so that makes them apathetic to it. Still annoying that they think it&#8217;s as simple as what&#8217;s convenient. The only time I&#8217;d find that to be a simple decision is if I was raped, otherwise I just don&#8217;t think I could do it at all, it&#8217;d be more simple the other way around, meaning it&#8217;s perfectly simple I&#8217;d keep the baby. No judgement to anyone who would make different choices. Gigs it&#8217;s terrible that your friend was forced into it. It&#8217;s a huge decision and nobody should be pressured to do something they don&#8217;t want to do. Alright, like Flueks said, dropping this can of worms.

Flueks I hope your headache stays away!

Gigs that&#8217;s so crazy about your road!

Okay, time to get up and shower and remember to take my meds so I&#8217;m a nice person :haha: ugh I&#8217;m nauseous again like last night, I&#8217;d been feeling fine the past week I thought...

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