General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

J I agree with you on the controversial topic. I didn’t want to get too deep into my opinions on it cuz it’s so controversial and I don’t want anyone thinking badly of anyone else on here or feeling uncomfortable or whatnot. So I’m just gonna say I agree with you and move on. I also have the same questions as Gigs on new guy and hook up.

Gigs obviously I’m American so I don’t know if there’s a difference between British and English accents but there are many different accents in England itself, let alone amongst England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Like when I went to England, we visited Bath where the Roman baths are, and our tour guide said a lot of English people pronounce it “bahth” but because of the part of England she’s from she says “bath” the way Americans do. I’m not sure about this, but I think she said she’s from northern England and they say “bath” but Londoners and southern English people say “bahth”. I could have that totally wrong though.

Dobs a jury summons? What’s that? Like, for jury duty, or for legal stuff with your ex?
British in general is interchangeable with English but technically politically speaking Half of Ireland is British and all of Scotland.
In General if someone said that person has an English accent I will think England if they say British Accent I will think England.
Now England had a wide variety of different accents but they are closer to each other than say a Cajun from Louisiana and a Bostonian.
CP is correct, the accents aren’t as crazy different as they are here, at least to American ears but probably to all ears as well.
Cppeace I agree with cd21 O. I see your temp is staying up too to support that.

J wow that's crazy about your friend. I don't know how I could recover from that mentally.

Wait?! Has he already had reversal or was this another guy?

Gigs I think of them interchangeably, but I could be wrong.

Don't worry I'm in almost the same boat. I only like junk basically. Had a big mac meal yesterday and I'd love another one :blush: I haven't weighed since Thursday or Friday though and was only up 0.2lb from prepregnancy weight. Apparently I lost a few lbs.

Hope she'll do an ultrasound.

Dobby maybe you can get out of jury duty with beinga single mom and with all going on in your life. DH was able to get out of it due to being in college.

Sorry he's messing with his insurance. Have you told your lawyer?

CB I'm weighed every visit and they've even done a bmi scale wjen pregnant. F$#& bmi, I'm pregnant!!!

However the drs never pester me at my appt even when I had a large gain one month or 2 week period. It balanced out at the next one.

Accents I feel like it's relative to culture. Where I find huge differences in accents across America. A British person may think the different English accents are quite pronounced.

AFM so hungry..... I want to cave into my craving. Why can't I like healthy foods instead of wanting to vomit if I eat them??

Feeling better today. I took an extra Vit D and will every other day until my next appt. I think this baby is zapping my D levels. Then again maybe it's just pregnancy exhaustion.

Anyways time to go pick up V and debate what I want to eat
Yeah I'm pretty sure ovulation happened but as I have it currently marked 3 and 4 dpo are time adjusted. After that those are accurate. So I would say I'd say either cd 21 or cd 25 was ovulation in which either is cover for BD. So I'm either 3dpo or 7 dpo depending.
Oh forgot to comment cpp! The paIn is confusing however some people get it pre ov (like myself, as i f eel the build up/enlargement of the follicle) while others are irritated by the fluid/blood released after the follicle bursts and releases the maybe you get the "after pain"? Have you noticed it before? Either way I hope everything was nicely timed!
Hi all. I'm on CD17 and, according to the OPK I took today, I'm O. My baby daddy and I DTD on CD12 and 16, so I think that qualifies me for a TWW.

I only read back a little, so I'm not super up to date of most of the topics, but I use the words British and English interchangeably when describing the accents.
Peace I agree with 21 as well

J yes details on this hook up!

Gigs fix for an ultrasound

Fluek i’m a bad friend so i’m Pro eating for pleasure and say junk it up lol jk but a junky meal here and there does the soul good

Pretty ooo fun I know you mentioned he wasn’t opposed to a second and that you were toying with the idea of ttc around this time. Are you trying or just letting what will be be

I feel like I forgot something but idk

Shae yeah just jury duty summons lol I went online and told them to bug off i have to care for a 13m old. Last time I was like bug off i’m 30 some weeks pregnant. So crazy I move to this county and have been summoned twice. I was never summoned for 10 years.

As for health insurance I told my lawyer who told his lawyer he has no business insuring is. Unfortunately I don’t have the latest signed restraining order so I’m e I do i’ll Give it to his provider to puts block on his information. I was going to call his employer but I’m not in the mood for that i’ll Just handle it through my insurance people. Going through work would just give me the satisfaction of telling the hr of his work he has a restraining order against him but if I f* with his job then that might get me killed and will mess up child support
Flueks sorry your cravings are for all the unhealthy stuff. I think that’s pretty common, though. Dang kids are already refusing to eat their vegetables :rofl:

CP why was the CD23 temp removed? If it was put back in I’d say CD21 or CD23.

Pretty welcome to the TWW! I echo Dobs’ questions, are you trying or NTNP?

Dobs glad you could tell them to shove off haha. I’m glad you told your lawyer about the insurance issue. Hopefully it’s cleared up soon. That’s so crazy that you have to fear for your life if you messed with his job. I can’t imagine living with that kind of threat/danger/fear. My SO assumes everything and everyone is a threat until proven otherwise, whereas I grew up sheltered af and am naively trusting and unafraid. Though after my family friend got killed by her husband, I’m a little more wary of men tbh.
Gigs I get ovulation pain almost every month, more right than left though. Generally it happens day of ovulation and I get temp rise next day. This happened but never had it continue afterward like this time :shrug:
English or British accent - I LOVE them all! So jelly!

As for my hook up, I haven't had :sex: with new guy yet!?
Went to a hotel and all this past week, but he slept like 80% of the time we were there from working so much grrrr
Sooo, crunch time and all, I opted to take matters in another direction and pressure ManFriend for a quick meet up fling:blush:
It was just that, quick car hook up- his new HUGE SUV, a lovely adventure as always...hehe:devil:
Served its purpose in a way- those who have followed my cray cray KNOW he is pull out King, and usually quick to wipe away the man juice spillage
BUT, this rare time he finished faster than he expected- outside, but well within my reach I casually scooped it all up, crawled to the front seat "for napkins" while he caught his breath, and placed such said goods where needed
Golf clap...another crazy J donor story so to speak :rofl:
Glad I could yet again provide man goo humor hehe

Also for some reaqson FF is showing my chart OPK mode tho I have it on advanced grrrr
Really hoping I'm O-1 or -2 as shown...cuz there will be a drought in man goo from here out ...
J, I usually don't judge but I have to just get it out there that I'm a bit appalled by that one...not the whole hook up, but inseminating without his consent. I wouldn't feel good about myself if I didn't say something...but that is just wrong. I know sex is an adult game with adult consequences and he is being risky with no glove but...I'm morally having a problem with that one. He is actively preventing...idk. You do you...

Cpp ohhh hopefully that means a super strong ovulation! Fx! Dis yoi say you actually got bd sessions in with good timing? Oooohhh I am so hopeful for you!

Fluek right?! You'd think if we're trying to nourish our pregnant bodies they'd crave healthy things...but nope. Actually what they seem to want is to pack on lbs to have extra fat stores for breastfeeding energy. So i guess it makes sense :/
J I actually agree with gigs. I am also appalled. I’m also a bit upset for the guy you left in the hotel room. Obviously I don’t know the ins and outs of the relationship but if he’s getting a reversal for you then I would think he thinks you’re in an exclusive relationship
I guess we're kinda NTNP. He says he keeps going back and forth between wanting another and not. But we've done in 4 times without a condom. He knows where they are and hasn't requested that I use one.
Calm yourselves, 1 man friend is full aware - he is in the mindframe I CAN'T get pregnant given age- and JOKED that his Persian soldiers were the only ones that could do the job- he even mentioned it in a text this morning
I have no reason to set him up- and he was with me JUST before the hook up buying OPKS at the $ tree....cmon ladies- he knows the deal, I know the deal, and he keeps saying he wants a boy- and thinks since I have had 2, that I can do it...not biologically sound but it's stuck inn his head lol
He has 3 girls, and no matter how much I explain it- he is convinced the woman has the decision power of making a male
TRUST me it's a huge deal in MidEast culture like his, SOOO much so his parents have a kid they had a sex change done on PRE TEEN...that's all I'm gonna say
If anything results from the fling, he's welcome to be as involved as he wants, NO financial contribution required from him. I'm good.

Also- further info since for some reason you all are thinking I have turned into a crazed woman at all costs to get pregnant- Half the reason dude at the hotel and I did nothing and he slept was the high level of pain meds he takes.
We're a very very casual thing at this point due to this, and that when he's that fogged he can barely stay awake, let alone perform- so I'm not pushing that relationship, nor have I spoken to him in 3 days- he got mad that I mentioned he needed to back off the meds... I rest assured there's no overlap, I didn't even call/meet manfriend till after 2 days of us not speaking (well, him not me)

Life has lots of twists n turns, I flow with it like Sun Tzu said- be like water:thumbup:

Manfriend knew he flubbed a bit when as I said in the post "'he finished faster than expected" = The first shot fired - so to speak- was possibly inside, Then he pulled out. I was on top, and I felt it, so did he- so he already knew the possibilities.
I did nothing to set that part in motion lol, he chose the position, and I def had no control over when he finished.
Sounds like not preventing given flying 4 times without a cape:thumbup:
love the hair BTW
Hi ladies!! Hope everyone is doing well.. back in the TWW and now officially trying. Question - I had a positive OPK yesterday and today. I assumed I was ovulating yesterday but that always confuses me, if they stay positive have you not ovulated yet? Are you still gearing up to ovulate?
J all of my cousins got preggo without consent. Y’all are adults you do you but my concern is wasn’t manfriend trying to have his cake and eat it too with you and his wife? I just think if you get pregnant by him that he will use a child to control you to either get that end or piss you off

Pretty lol he knows where they are lol true true fxed I know you’re ready (I think i’m Remembering correctly) and he’ll get on board based on his comments about numbers two
Dobber:hugs: sorry forgot to say that as I can NOT believe baby daddy is still giving you hassles grrrr, A is where he needs to be With YOU
And I hope he would not seriously threaten your life over a fricking job- he made his bed- so if they see his dirty laundry- his fault!

Actually ManFriend is cool- he and wifey as I said before, have the oddest marriage I have EVER seen...I think they are in that it's more comfy to stay where you are, kids house cars boats etc, than the trouble to separate everything.
I have been there with my 1st marriage.

He got burned by baby mama in Cali 16 years ago- she wanted a baby from him with "no strings" I've even seen the signed notarized contract they drew up that she wanted NO $$ from him, wellll ya, she took him to court and has been giving him hell ever since lol child support, with holding visits etc, and fighting the Cali courts from FL is very hard.

But he hasn't been very aggressive about it either, and can afford to just pay her and keep peace.

He knows I don't need his $$, and I def wouldn't say a peep about who fathered any kiddo btwn us. If anything I think much like his pets - his ADD would kick in after a couple months of visits and he'd fade off into his next temporary obsession even if it was a Boy.

As for him n wifey, he's obsessed with work Mon-Fri, as is she, then Weekends he's off to boat, fish, dive, or fishing tournaments- oh and he bought 3 dogs in the last month he has no time for :roll:
He has serious ADD with all things lol

But I don't see him using a kiddo for control- he's getting to where he just wants to do his own thing all the time, not be tied to the kiddos all day or marriage- he was a SAHD for 2+ years. Plus he wouldn't cause waves now that his very MidEast elderly parents are here, and frown on divorce even tho they had no prob forcing their oldest DAUGHTER into becoming a MAN as a child to have the honor of having a male heir:saywhat: NO idea how they even did it, but I promise you they did.
I've met him and would NEVER know he was not born male if not for being 1 of very few to know the story...
Talk about F-ing up your kid's mental...
Future hey lady!!! How's it going? Ohhh not sure on the opk's. Just have more sex to make sure you're covered ;)

Pretty, maybe he wants a baby but doesn't want the pressure of outwardly saying it. I know some people do better not making it "a thing", if that makes sense.

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