General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Good Gigs!!! Excited to finally be really back on the TTC train! Was nice enjoy a summer with no newborn and not being prego but I feel like I’m ready for that again! How are you feeling??
Feeling ok, starting to come around to feeling pregnant rather than just fat and out of shape. To be perfectly honest I don't think I was emotionally ready to give up my body again so soon but oh well!!! I'm getting quite excited for this little guy's arrival. I do however feel a little guilty that Lev will not have as much mommy time :/ I know poor guy is going to be jealous.
I think last night was the first time I felt a flutter... It's dawning on me that I might actually have a baby in me! :haha:
Future can't say it's the same for you, but generally I get 2 +opks, and the 2nd is usually the day I O, or say the night between per my zillions of FF charts
I think last night was the first time I felt a flutter... It's dawning on me that I might actually have a baby in me! :haha:

EEEE that's so exciting!!!
I'm still feeling it "here and there" but still waiting for the big, more frequent movements. Baby 3 and I think this is the one I've felt at the latest stage...maybe he'll be a chill baby :haha: one can hope ha
I'm sorry I've been horrible. Max was so miserable all last week and then we left Friday for a mini vacation so I'm finally getting back to normal.

Kit- idk if you're following along but my heart absolutely breaks for you. A miscarriage is so hard, plus a twin miscarriage, plus a miscarriage when you're almost done with 2nd try. You and your family is completely in my heart and thoughts.

Pl- sooo exciting! Congrats on the first flutters. What an amazing time.

Gigs- not sure if I've said this before (I know I meant to but not sure if I actually have) I think of you every time I see a nacho fry commercial. Lol so I think of you a lot!!

Dobs- I hate jury duty. I got called last year and I told them I was busy being a mom lol

That's all I can remember.
Cppeace our bodies love to confuse us!!! Well at least when ttc. With cm I vote Cd21 but either way great timing!!

Dobby if only I didn't want to eat junk everyday :rofl: maybe soon it'll get better.

Sorry you even have to consider your personal safety in the matter.

Also jury duty, my husband has been summoned 3 times. I've never been summoned. He's not even registered to vote. His mom has been selected several times too and isn't registered.

Shae :haha: I craved fruits with V and she likes fruits and veggies. It'll be funny if this one hates them.

Pretty I started as a lurker when it was created. I can't imagine trying t read up the thread.

Yay for having a chance!! I know your timing is getting where it's not ideal but I think part of us secretly hopes ;) at least I do.

Agree I think some men have a hard time having ttc "official". Stresses them out.

Oh and I just noticed your hair!!! Love that color!!!

J just curious. If you did get pregnant this cycle how would new guy feel about this?? Would he be upset you engaged in activities without his knowledge. I don't mean this malicious, just curious.

Very disturbing they had a daughter get a sex change because of male status in their culture. How tragic.

Gigs, thats the excuse I'll use :haha: although I know it really is a reason for weight gain.

I hope since Lev already has a brother it won't be as big a transition for him. I'm sure V will have some jealousy but so far she loooves babies. Again those babies aren't at our house 24/7 either though.

V wasn't very active and I wasn't either. She is moderately active. On the go often but not climbing over furniture etc. She's starting to sit briefly for stories. Oh and funny enough she was usually always in the same spot. I have trouble finding this one on the doppler, rowdy baby.

Future if I catch the beginning of my surge/positive opk it's positive that day and the next. I typically O the 2nd day of positive opk. I like to test until negative though.

Pacific yay for movement!!! I can't wait for that.

Greenie I see you had a big temp drop. I'm sorry, but I'm glad you Od and your lp was at least 11 days. FX for great timing next cycle.

Where did you guys go on vacation??
Shae, sorry forgot to answer. CD 23 was rejected because I woke up uncovered and it was really cool in the room. I find that generally means bad temps.
If I didn't time adjust the other two, they would be around that same area of temp so- like I said before :shrug: I say cd 25 is the next likely day because it was a really low temp before I time adjusted it. Went to bed at 2:30 AM, generally I get up around 10-10:30ish was up at 8am for grocery shopping. On cd 24 night just before bed I had a very small touch of ewcm so like I said it can go either way. I didn't have ovulation pain after cd 23 though. :wacko: I won't start testing till Friday in either case cause of the unsure dates.

It's steady ticking up now...
Sorry in advance for selfish post

I’ve been feeling sooo tired lately, and my head feels a bit off and dazed sometimes the past few days. I tried drinking a glass of water in case I was dehydrated but that didn’t really help. My stomach has also been unhappy with me since I started back on my sertraline, I think it’s causing constipation and gas which in turn cause pain. I’d still been eating normally until the past two days. Last night at Applebee’s I got buffalo wings and blackened shrimp Caesar salad cuz I was craving shrimp, and I wasn’t super into the buffalo wings, except I’d had them before and loved them previously and I was starving last night so idky I didn’t like them much. And then today, I got a box of honey stung wings and mozzarella sticks and Mac and cheese and I only ate the last two and was too full for the wings and honestly the thought of them with how fatty they are made me like mehhh. Though the mozz sticks where quite oily and I didn’t mind them. Anyway, I made bacon for dinner cuz my dad wanted me to, and I had one piece and couldn’t eat any more, it was just so fatty and normally I love fatty bacon but I didn’t want to eat it at all. So now my parents are eating all the delicious bacon I made. I had a pumpkin donut before dinner and I had no problem with that. Hm. Maybe it’s the hormones or something, or maybe it’s the constipation? Idk. My body seems to be rejecting the idea of chicken wings and bacon. Idky.

I still haven’t started packing, or doing laundry. My motivation has been completely nonexistent. I can’t get myself to do much of anything. I have the most trouble getting started. Once I start, it’s much easier to keep going. My executive function is terrible.
Kit I’ve just read back enough.. I am so so sorry. Praying for you and your family. There are no words really.
Flu no worries, me n new dude had a pretty big fight the other day, so not sure where his mind is but I told him outright I did NOT take 2 days off work to stay at a hotel and babysit him/watch him sleep.
Even with a trip to the Adult Toy Shop he was in no way able to perform with the level of meds he was on....
I am not pushing my YT channel here but those that follow will see I put up a vid a few days ago about how torn I am about forcing him get help, leaving him be etc
He's been in the hospitals here twice in the last month and they SNOWED him with pain meds to where I stayed overnight to ensure he kept breathing:shock:

He's pissed at me for chewing him out about how much he takes, tho he admits I'm right- it's a nasty hamster wheel he's stuck in.

I DO plan to put up vids of him I made over those few days on my channel as an awareness/Ed thing- just torn over whether or not to fully blur him, as I feel the LOOK on his face is very descriptive of how affected his docs and the hosp had him, BUT I want to be respectful too...:shrug:

He knew I was filming him, so that's not the issue...just dunno ...

I'd appreciate if any of you wanna see the vid intro I made- it's unlisted on YouTube, but I can PM you the link if anyone is interested...
I have a medical field mind, and am always interested in this stuff.
Perhaps you ladies can give me opinions on whether or not blurring him matters??
We were in public places...let me know if any of you want me to PM the vid's less than 2 mins, but I feel alot of ppl/famiies can relate...

Here is FL over medicating ppl/pain pill addiction assisted by docs is a huge problem.
Reading but tired school starts tomorrow ahhhhh not readdddy

But omg I wasn’t registered to vote until this last local election! Maybe they are picking on people who don’t register!!!! Lol jk

Sorry that’s all I got everything hurts
I think you ladies are right about BD. He's pretty non-committal about most things. I think his 2 main concerns are money and the amount of work that goes into raising a kid. But, last time I checked, I was the one BF-ing, making homemade purees, waking up with Alex all those night, and he's probably changed about 20 diapers in the last 13 months. That being said, I've done my best to make things easy for him so he'd want another.

He doesn't know anything about the positive opks or this TWW. So, we were watching Outdaughtered tonight and the mom thought she might have been pregnant again. He kinda laughed at the whole situation and said "I hope she's pregnant... and you're not." But a couple weeks ago, the told me "if you could convince me (not have another), I'd like a girl." It's like one step forward, one step back.

And sorry I'm not really commenting on other peoples' situations. I'm not great at remembering what I read and there's a lot to catch up on. Plus, I don't have a computer to peruse while at work, and there are so many chores around the house to do, so I don't get a lot of screen time these days. -.-
Pretty wishing you the Best!
Your guy sounds like my manfriend a bit- in love with having a child of a certain gender but noncommital due to finances.time/work involved- which is fine by me given our siituation
I do really hope your TWW works toward a BFP.
4 times gives you a great chance around those opks.

I myself just got a 2nd day of + opk much to my dismay...*sigh*
A is running a fever I knew he would and I should have made my mom take him home but she told me I was overreacting but Ko and behold it’s 8 hours before the first day of school and I’ce a fever ridden boy in my bed. I should drive him there now but i’m Tired af
J I would say that allowing yourself to be filmed does not equal giving permission to post said film on social media unless he knew you were specifically filming for your YouTube channel (which he may very well have been aware of). So if he was aware of your intentions with the filming, you don’t *have* to blur his face. If there’s a chance he could lose his job or have legal repercussions if someone sees the video, blur his face. Otherwise, show it if you think it adds to the point you’re making about painkiller abuse.

So I don’t remember if I said that the chlorinated wave pool at six flags stripped half the red from my hair last week. Anyway, I re-dyed it a few hours ago. I didn’t take before pics and the after looks the same as what y’all have already seen, so no reason to post pics of the result. To be fair it’s a little deeper this time around but after the first wash it should be back to the normal. I purposely dyed it so I would have time to wash it once or twice before moving in to college so that the initial intensity will be gone but it’ll still be the bright vibrant color I want.
Oh geez Dobs that’s a crappy situation. I don’t have suggestions other than to bring him to your mom’s house if you’re safe to drive. I hope everything works out.
J why don't you just ask him what he wants? His face.

Dobs I have been registered since 18 and only got summoned for the first time this month, and that was after I exempted myself on the questionnaire! I had to call and sort it out so I wouldn't face legal ramifications for being a no show. I've actually always wanted to do it but alas, I care for a toddler now.

Shae stop freaking out lol. Maybe you need a diet detox, some of your food choices aren't the best...and hormones now could definitely be playing a role. Reeeeaaaaallllllly doubt you're pregnant but I know your mind is going there!
Shae well put, but he is self employed
As in Owns 2 companies and gets % pay from them- not actually having to show up or be somewhere at a certain time etc.
Nothing legally to cause him or me issue.

He knew I was filming for the channel. I told him, and he was there as I edited some vids and posted others over the few days.
Specifically I started for the purpose of showing him how little he was breathing at times, because he doubted me first about it, and since he's been on this merry go round like 10+ years, and not died yet, to him it's not that dangerous or serious an issue.

I'll likely just blur him- not real familiar with all the editing features for it yet.
Checking those out today.
He doesn't care how he looks basically if I didn't. He didn't take it seriously when I showed him footage,or just laughed at himself :roll:

Gigs I sent him the initial vid clip direct 2 days ago.
He's posting on FB about me here n there- nothing bad, just general comments saying he hasn't talked to me, but not admitting HE is the one not calling/texting ME.
Dunno, hard to judge as I said- I chewed him out pretty well the other day because he was being silly on the phone when I was trying to speak to him about serious stuff, relationship etc.

2 Scorps is always tricky. I'm sure he's in pity party mode, and frankly I'm letting him - and not going to drive to his house atm.
He's a big boy lol.

Kit forgot to say so so sorry to hear how devastating a situation you have been dealing with:hugs:
You had mentioned the hotel and reversal regarding new guy.
Just wanted to Clarify I didn't leave him at the hotel hehe
He stayed 2 days just to be closer to my side of town, and I helped him with some biz stuff. I was only there the first day/night- some of next afternoon. It was planned that way. But I def didn't bail on him lol. He checked out when he intended, and I had to get home to manage my dogs/work.

Also, yes he "said" he would get a reversal, and seemed serious, but the relationship was very new then, and saying is def not doing...
He's not the 1st guy to tell me that.
It's not cheap, and a whole process ...which given current standing I'm not pushing him toward, as I don't think he's in the right mind frame.
Jury Duty- I don't mind it.
I have been reg since 1992- 18 yrs old when I had oldest son.
I got my 1st jury summons that same year, nothing for the next 10 years, and then another about 10 years after 3 times in my 27 years reg. voter.

I actually LIKED it as my 1st case at 18 was a very interesting Death Penalty Murder Case:shock:

2nd time spent the whole day at court getting the run around, picked, sent to wait in hall, back in court, back in hall ping pong- seems they were debating plea agrmt stuff:shrug: ended up Never hearing anything- dismissed from duty. They worked a deal.

3rd time was a personal inj case with surveillance vid showing an elderly woman slip and fall in an ill maintained parking garage during deluge rain- they didn't have proper drainage etc- she tore all kinds of things in her knee, had to have mult surgeries after and had perm dmg and a limp cane etc.
I was PISSED bcuz all the other jurors were so young they just babbled about going home/to the bar ASAP so they weren't even considering her compensation.
I was the hold out bitch lol but in the end after many notes to the judge, I had to agree with the rest that she was not due $$ because the age of the garage did not require them to have certain maint, drainage, curb fits etc:growlmad:
i STILL think the woman should have been comped her med expenses back and some suffering, but legally- as written, she was not entitled...grrr

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