General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Haha Hunni im all for ‘ye kniw on a couple days there def could be more hcg in urine’ but im a poas aholic Lol! I have no will power haha!

Omg Flueks, labour baby bush hair just floored me :rofl: Riley just asked what i was laughing at hahaa! Only Rileys pg i was able to trim & shave but Nualas & this one its all gone to pot, tribal down there hahaa!!

Jeeeez Gigs that SIL sounds hectic, hormonal & abit over protective, fair play you dishing it back, i would aswell!

Cpeace eeeee!!! Excited for your testing tomorrow :) :) What tests do u plan on using? Lol

Pacific awesone news on the offer, i bet you guys are well excited!!!
Gigs I’m so sorry about Tony the duck. Is there no chance he’ll show up? Your SIL sounds craaaazyyy, I hope it’s the hormones too because that lady is not stable, yikes.

CP fx’d temp stays up!

Hunni I move back into college on Labor Day. Everyone else in my town will be at our Old Home Day, idk if other towns have them but on the Main Street green there’s loads of vendors and games and stuff, they sell food and crafts and have a frog jumping contest and kids races and live music and sometimes they have a dunk tank and that bungee trampoline thing, and they have a race in the am and a parade and stuff. It’s fun. They have fireworks on Saturday though, so I might go to that. Gotta find the bug spray, since it’s outside in the grass. I seem to have acquired a cluster of 4 mosquito bites under my left boob. Not ideal. There were only 2 there yesterday. Hm.

I’ll probably spend most of the weekend packing. It’s too hot to do it in long segments, I’m doing it in short bursts. There’s no AC in my room, and only one in the house, on the opposite end of the house, in the corner. Not helpful. My room is 80 degrees. I’m northern (from Massachusetts) so I can’t handle anything over 80 when outdoors (up to 90 if I’m only outside for a minute), and my room needs to be more like 65-70. I’d rather it be cold than warm. I can layer up, but I can’t sleep without blankets on me. For some reason my room tends to hang around 75 all year, and then is about 80 in summer. My fish likes it, though. I don’t have a screen so I can’t open my window at night. I bet every southerner is dying of laughter that I can’t deal with 80 degree weather :haha: but I challenge y’all to come up north during winter and see who’s laughing 😜 :rofl: (I’m just joking around, I’m sure there are exceptions)
I have 3 normal tests left 2 cheap strips and one first response (Well also a digital I think but it doesn't count with the norm.)
Not sure which will get used tomorrow. I'm either going to be 11po or 7 dpo so seems a waste to do the first response but I dunno.

Lol Shae I'm from Louisiana and it stays between 75 and 82 in my work office in the summer and then probably 65-70 in the winter. Missouri was a big adjustment to a half Cajun I tell ya. I literally was getting frost bite on my fingers going from a car to inside store at night but that was a very abnormally cold winter the first year here lol
I reckon you’ll be 11 dpo cpeace :) fx my lovely!!

Oh you’re a duck down Gigs, i missed that in your post.. would he of just walked/flown or prey taken??
Shae :haha: poop joke
Flu & Gigs I've unknowing initially dated 1 pain med addict and 2 super alcohol addicts, and totally agree NOT something I wanna commit to or repeat.BUT I will say I JUST got off the phone with new guy, and he is 100% turnabout Alert mode, and has even been on job sites the last 2 days:shock:
sooooo we shall see, He told me he had been F'd in the head with depression due to biz slowing up and not knowing what would spark it - which as a Biz owner I get...
so I gave the requisite praise, bcuz he def was 100% different, depression is no joke, nor is running your own biz and stressing if you can pay your workers or bills.
So we will see where it goes.
He knows now that I met with someone else in the meantime and is surprisingly cool with it so TWW either way for me since he's outta town and Ov has past.

Hunni odd pattern! Sounds like an IB bleed on the pinkage rather than a period

Shae hope your stomach issues balance, AND yessssss gurrrl
I gave up my pink hair dye due to Summer pool chlorine- no joke hehe

also weird but AFM very faint spotting last 2 days???
Cb forgot to say happy 24 weeks!!! Have y'all picked out a name yet? I can't recall if you said...

We still have no idea on a middle name. I'm still thinking about giving FIL2 the task with the caveat that he has to give us a few to choose from. But first i want to see if i can find one i like...

Cpp, being from LA do you believe in all the superstitions? Like crickets are lucky? Wow my mind is drawing a blank on any more lol
Got to look round our new house today. No walls or anything but whatever, was nice to visualise the space a bit


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Gigs, I missed your post... I'll have to go back and read.

Thanks all for the well wishes on the offer. We hope it goes through, excited but scared of what we'll do next. Big decisions to make. Being an adult is hard :haha:

Kitty, this is still such an exciting phase of construction, now you can start imagining what it'll actually look like rather then just on paper in the form of drawings. How has the contractor held up his end?
Gigs, hope Tony comes back. Could he be sitting on some eggs? I've heard of roosters/drakes doing that... Hopefully he comes back, how long has he been gone?
I believe Crickets are lucky is a general superstition/myth rather than a Louisiana one lol

Ones I grew up with : Crickets are lucky, Breaking mirrors is bad(The size of the mirror increases level of bad luck as well) Spill salt toss some over the left shoulder, knock on wood for good luck, See a penny pick it up and all day long have good luck, Cabbage and black-eye peas on new years day for health and wealth, Crossing under ladders is bad luck,
Various ghost related ones as well
How much I believe such things- meh not much. Most of those come from Europe in history. I do eat cabbage and black eyes on new years though.
Pretty I understand on the whole planning thing. Well I hope your tww goes by quickly :)

Shae I will have to bookmark those cruise lines. Not sure if we could afford a disney cruise, but we will see. There was going to be a senior year cruise but it got cancelled. It wasn't organized by the school just some students and their parents.

:rofl: it was hillarious just not at the moment, I was embarassed. I know they've seen it all and aren't phased though. Landscaping I managed myself until 3rd tri. I had DH help, but as she was unexpected I hadn't prepared. My labor bag wasn't packed much less trimming myself :haha: oh and I seem to recall Dobby got waxed while pregnant.

Gigs glad I could provide some laughter ;)

That's a good idea saving slowly for something big. I may do that after baby #2 and my finances recover from maternity leave. Oh and yes mountains any time over the beach. Sand in the vag really ruined the beach for me as a kid.

Awww I hate that about Tony the Duck. I hope by some miracle he shows back up.

Omg SIL is psycho controlling. She needs to chill out baaad!! So glad my SILs aren't like that. I hope it's just this extreme from pregnancy mood swings.

Cppeace I'm loving your upward climbing temps :)

Hunni *plays gwen stefani's "what you waiting for"* if you are pregnant you will get a bfp and you need to start prenatal ASAP. If you are not then you might need to talk to your dr. Plus the suspense is killing me.

Alright I'm too lazy to page back and
CB lol again happy to spread some laughs today :) yeah can't explain that to Riley yet hehe. I've really not cared as much this time. Just having the strength to shower is hard enough. I'm feeling much better today though.

Shae I'm not fond of either extreme. Low 70s or even upper 60s is perfect. I've had winter in Wisconsin so I'm no stranger to really cold winter.

Funny story, my friend Christina and I went to a mutual friend's house. Christina was cleaning Mindys room and we both thought it was crazy hot in there. Mindy said, "What it's only 87?" :rofl: she's from Arizona though. Too hot for me in the house.

Cppeace at 11dpo an IC would most likely showa faint line. I'd probably do it because if you are 7dpo it's a few days too early for frer.

J yeah I unknowingly dated a pill head. He nearly died from an overdose and was put in a mental institute for a week or so. My cousin and her husband set us up. Ironically, my cousin divorced her husband and married pill head. She said he's changed, but he hasn't after that stint. I'm very..... pessimistic on recovery. I do agree it's definitely possible, but with any addiction you have to find that internal desire to stop/control your addiction. That is not an easy thing.

O spotting maybe?

Gigs I forgot the first name you picked. Care to share again?

Middle names are tough!

Kit glad it's starting to come together. Can't wait to see it done.

Pacific how long do they have to respond??
Yeah that's my opinion on the testing as well so the IC is likely what will get used.
Myles is the first name. Family name would be nice but Ds1 has the only one we ever considered and our fathers are both crappy grandparents so we don't want to honor them that way really. That sounds horrid but just being honest.
Flueks oh Lordy I would die if it was 87 indoors. I have cousins from Arizona, but they have so much AC there that the heat inside bugged them at my house, though I think the humidity played a big role in that. They’re used to super dry weather. I’ve been to Arizona once in April. It was in the 80s or so I believe. It was hot as hell, I was not a fan. The Grand Canyon wasn’t hot though, and it was very pretty. Anyway, I agree that high 60s to low 70s are perfect.

Regarding addiction, I’ve never had to deal with a pill addict, but my father was/is an alcoholic. He’s been sober for nearly 5 years now. It was awful when he was drinking. He wasn’t violent, but he always got so drunk he was falling over, even when he was watching us kids at home. For a while he lived with his mom (my mom sent him to her) and she sent him back cuz he was still drinking and she couldn’t deal. He literally put booze in her walker basket. Then my mom paid for him to live in an apartment and he did AA and outpatient rehab and stuff but he hated the “You have no control, surrender yourself to God” because he’s not religious and also he thought he did have a small amount of control over his behavior, he didn’t want to say he had none, he felt somewhat responsible for making the decision to drink. The insurance would cut him down to 2 days a week and he would start drinking again. Idk what happened that made him finally stop drinking, I don’t remember. But he did stop, and he moved back in with us, and we’re a family again. He takes medication to make him not drink, and sometimes he’ll take an extra if he’s wanting to drink due to stress so that he doesn’t drink. Not sure how the meds work. Might be the ones that make you puke if you drink. He’s got bipolar 2 disorder (medicated), so that doesn’t help with addiction and stuff. Perhaps they got his bipolar med balance right and that’s how he stopped drinking. His mania was very mild, but his depressive episodes were reeeeally bad. That’s when he wanted to drink, when he was depressed. Anyway, I believe that recovery is possible, because my dad is sitting across the living room healthy and sober. But recovery is hard, and getting sober can take several years. Even then, the urge to use will never go away (as far as I know).

I fully believe that addiction is a disease, and I have sympathy for those who are addicts. Many got addicted because of prescribed pain killers after a surgery or other procedure. Others made a bad choice, and lost control. It’s often hard to be sympathetic, because it seems like they’re just making the choice knowing it’ll hurt them and not caring, but it’s more complicated than that. Withdrawal is nasty, their brain changes and starts demanding the substance. Do I blame my dad for being an alcoholic? A tiny bit, but not much. Was I angry when he was drinking? Absolutely. I found out when I was 8-9 years old, and I thought drunks were terrible people. When my mom told me my dad was drinking I scream-cried. Am I angry now? Well... not really. I forgive him, but his drinking changed my life, so I’m a little sad I had to deal with that as a child. It was a huge chunk of my childhood that he was drinking. But he’s sober now, so I know that means he’s trying really hard every day because of our family. If not for my mom and sister and me, I guarantee he wouldn’t be sober today. He got sober because he wanted his family back. The mind is a powerful thing, and without something to fight for it’s much harder to fight addiction. There’s an element of choice, yes. But it’s still a disease, scientifically. However, the fact that it’s a disease does not mean you have to stay with an addict. It’s not healthy for you. My mom kicked my dad out, she wasn’t going to let him be near us kids while he was drinking. He would lie saying he wasn’t drunk, he would hide alcohol around the house, his behavior was not safe for being around kids. So, leaving an addict is not only totally understandable, but totally the right choice. My mom didn’t leave him, she kicked him out until he was sober, but it’s the same essence of the thing.

Anyway, sorry for the addiction rant. Hopefully it doesn’t ruffle any feathers, it’s just my experience and opinions.
Gigs I don't think that's horrible at all. Oh and I like Myles.

Our boy name is already set, we decided it April 2015 :rofl: Girl first name is decided, but middle name is not.

Shae never been to Arizona. I've heard people say the dry heat there isn't as bad as our humid heat, but I'd have to feel for myself.

Shae maybe you could go into that part of nursing. I do know people that change their lives and contine to beat their addiction, but this would be a horrible area for me to work. Not going to go into why, but just want anyone who reads this to think I'm ignorant enough to believe people can't change because they can. If it was easy this wouldn't be an issue though.

ETA oh and I'm sorry you've had to experience that but glad he is recovered.
Flu ditto on the recovery thing- NO ONE can make someone stop until they are ready themself, and even then relapse is very very common.
It's my medic minded "save the world" thing I have innate that gets me everytime.
He was 100% diff today, and posted a pic on FB stating "getting healthy"
He also is not staying with his idiot friend, and has been working the last few days with a friend "helping him get his head straight" whatever that means - hope he does.

and :rofl: when I read sand in vag- EXACTLY why I'm in Florida and NOT a beach fan. lol

Gigs I missed the missing ducky story, but hope he returns okay!

Peace as someone on their FIFTY FOURTH cycle I can say use cheapies till you see something. I like Wally's but will say I absolutely had a 2nd line on a $ tree the other day when I was piddling around just for sh*ts n giggle on a video the other day....VERY odd.
I took another the next day and saw a faint I tossed it and gave up.
1- I just O'd
2- I have had very faint pink spotting the last cpl days
if anything was real I'd be like 8 weeks lol
sooo yea...I'd go with wallys or ICs for now
and I am very interested in your consistently creeping up temp!! Not your norm!

Kit exciting on the house!

Shae I get cold very very easy- been in Florida since the mid 70's -years lol
and I will tell you the moment mom nudges the ac from her normal 78 to 77 it's a HUGE diff here lol
I am freezing- Ex hub kept his house at 70 and I had to adjust massively- NOW he has snakes so he has to keep the place warmer, and I was the one nudging the ac lower ::haha:

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