General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

A lung transplant wouldn't help because even then my body may reject it. It is scary so I take it one day at a time. I'm only 25 and just want to live a normal life .

I used to hand people touching my bellies lol
best I can point out - here's where I see the pinkish shadow...


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Cpeace i can see a very faint haze line with J’s edit, good work J :) Fx the bext test will show abit more.

Bless you Gigs.. course u look preggers & not just fat lol & its a very cute Bumpy
OK Medical update for me...So yea...I coulda died today...

Day started with me racing to a last min Dr appt DS's dad made- his ears have been hurting ( pressure) and the doc said the other day it was ALOT of wax build up...order Debrox ear drops...3 days of missed school later - no dice. I told him make another appt as I didn't want DS suffering thru the weekend.
The doc checked and saw just as much wax AND DS could not even HEAR anyone speaking today?!- so he irrigated and got everything out- DS was a trooper...can't be comfy having 200+ml of waters shot into your ear s for 5+ mins...

So back to ME:haha:
I stayed up almost alllll night as my old ex who moved to Cali and I had a vid chat fest- he's coming back soon. So I legit fell asleep about 6am and back up at 8am:sleep:
I felt like DOGSH*T when I got up...
So as I rush to make DS's appt, it occurs to me - something is not right...
My backk has been a prob the last few days but nowww my shoulders were killing me too!!??

So we hop in the car- hoping to feel better by DS's appt and for my high BP meds to kick in, and literally in the 15 min drive I feel WORSE by the minute!:shrug: ....I FAKED my way thru the appt so DS/A hole ex didn't know how horrible I was feeling.
Gave DS many many (end of my life? lol) hugs then gracefully strolled to the car - so he didn't worry/suspect...

the SECOND I got in the car I told mom "drive me across the street, I need the ER....NOW"
She was confused but did- and I knew my heart rate was up, but ....

I explain the massive chest pain, nurse WALKS me around trying to pick a room :roll: I swoon and nearly pass out- they all stare at me- trying to figure if I'm just being dramatic...she FINALLY chooses a room, hands me a gown - then says "Okay ...change and I'll be back in a bit, gonna print up your paperwork...":saywhat:
WTF part...of CHEST PAIN does that go with??:growlmad::dohh:

I convince the nurse to humor me for a sec, and ask if she would at least put the pulseOx on, cuz I feeel my heart "fluttering, and now my arms are going numb...

She sighed, said Oh OK, I guess I can do that....Thx be-otch...
I knew once that was on my finger I could finally see the rate at least
:shock::shock: heart was beating at 220 beats a min!!!??
The machine goes nuts with alarms- I just stare at Broom Hilda, as she stares at the monitor, and says...That can't be're too calm...

Another nurse peeks in to see why the alarms- sees 216, and gets bug eyed- screams for Dr So n So NOW, annnnd finally the room FILLS with nurses the Doc, the Resident ( who immed got Deer in the headlights look) lol, and They literally bring the CODE CART right next to my bed, start charging paddles, digging for IV's, telliing me to stay calm...I was the only one who was lol....Thankfully Calm Doc says Adenosine 6....
So no electricity, but I know Adenosine - I've given it to ALOT of patients, and just went thru this Jan3rd....It's ZERO fun.
It legit chemically STOPS your heart for about 5 it resets where the rate is being initiated in your heart....YES, you can watch yourself flat line for a few wears off VERY fast, but believe me when I say you WILL feel like your are taking your last breaths for those few seconds....

So enuff Long Story Time - but just wanted to share:thumbup:
Hunni:shock: wow...sorry you are going thru so much healthwise! I hope you get your answers soon on the testing so you can wean the meds if need be.
I hear you on the focus on 1 day at a time thing. Sounds like you are taking it all very well:flower:
Gigs, Myles is generally heard the same as Miles which auditory is usually single syllable
You can make nearly any single syllable name two with enunciation. Your general best bet is to go with the normal way it would be spoken "Hey is Myles going?" In my mind is pronounced "Hay is Miles go-ing?" Not "Hay is Mi-ells go-ing?"
Hunni, if it's saying negative at this point and you've never had a problem with getting a positive before then most likely all the meds are just messing up your cycle. A lot of meds can do that.
J, no clue I didn't look at it after after 7 minutes. The pic was taken about 4 minutes I'd say.
JLM: OMGGGG so sorry you had that scare. When situation flares up my heart rate goes up to 170 just with a few steps and it freaks me out because I can literally feel it pounding through my chest. Thank goodness you are okay. Will you be needing to see a cardiologist?

@Cpp: yeah only thing I can do is wait it out. I'm just confused because my symptoms say one thing but hpt says another. My ob nurse called back and said if I don't get a period in Sept then I need to get a blood pt done and an ultrasound

Yeah Aug 17th made it a full year since I got my diagnosis. I've learned I cant change it. There are some days I cant get out of bed but others I believe everything will be okay. My son really wants a brother and said I need to call the stork to bring him one. Maybe if one day this can stabilized then yes but as now idk.

We just found out last month my oxygen levels are depleting...I couldn't imagine being pregnant knowing I cant breathe cause surely that would be hard for the baby. Who knows though?
J sorry to hear about your issues today. Glad all ok, yeah I kinda thought I saw that irl but just blew it off as defect.
Gigs it’s just a stool softener, not a laxative. I still haven’t pooped :shrug:
Also I pronounce Myles as 2 syllables, idk how it’s possible not to tbh, it’s like you’d have to half pronounce the vowel? Idk but def 2 syllables.

CP something is catching my eye but I’m not sure

Hunni I’m a nursing major. So sorry about the health issues. That’s so terrible.

J omg were you having a heart attack or something, like what the hell was that?
I mean it has only one vowel sound so that would seem one syllable to me but I get mixed results in searching for it. Like some say Miles is one syllable and Myles is two. Lol This is how I say it and it's one to me
It's similar to fire. If it is technically 2 syllables it's deceptive because I hear only one for the beat. I'm a drummer and piano player so the beat is my main deal.
It's your kiddo, so what you think sounds best. You're the one that's going to holler all three names when they misbehave lol
I still hear two lol, though hubs pronounced it with a super thick southern accent abd THAT was just one hahaha. And isn't fire 2??? Am i living a lie?

J wtf happened? Any diagnosis?

Hunni did you say winters were hard on you? could you move somewhere where the weather is more favorable to your condition? Regardless i would talk to your dr about the challenges you may face if you get pregnant. If it puts your life at risk i would advise you be much more careful when dtd...just my unsolicited opinion!
Wow, that's scary, JLM. Good for you for seeking medical attention ASAP. Glad you're doing better now.

I can hear Myles being pronounced with either 1 or 2 syllables, so I guess just do whatever sounds best to you. lol

CP - I don't think I see anything, but maybe it's still a little early?

Hunni - That sounds terrible. FX that you'll be well enough to TTC soon.
Gigs ohhh I just realized that both Myles and fire in a southern drawl are 1 syllable, but I was thinking with my northeastern accent, both are 2 syllables for me. So CP probably has a southern accent and that’s why it’s 1 syllable for her.

I just set up my binder for nursing 101, cuz they put the syllabus and lecture schedule online. I made/labeled dividers for each unit (except some shorter units, which get to share dividers) and I put in loose-leaf paper in the back for note taking. I didn’t have enough dividers to separate units for skills lab, but I’ll wait to see if I need them or if I can stick to a single section, same thing with clinical. I also organized a bunch of school supplies. Tomorrow I gotta work more on packing clothes and dorm supplies. And by tomorrow, I mean today, because it’s 5:37 am.
Omg J! What was that about? Will u be seeing a specialist about it & has it happened before?? Hugs :hugs:
English is a funny language lol The Oxford English Dictionary, Merriam-Webster dictionary, and all indicate that Fire is one syllable. For Haiku fire is used as one syllable.

I read elsewhere it is the wonder of the English language. Fire, Tire, Pyre are all one syllable technically and Crier and Liar are two. They are all Homonyms but apparently slightly different. I don't have a strong southern accent unless I'm being lazy. I have usually no accent when I speak on the phone.
I would say several words have "half syllables" so we can't make our mind up.
Haha I still giggle when I hear people say they don’t have an accent, like the Canadians when I moved to Canada. Everyone has some kind of accent, even if it’s not distinguishable as a particular one. CPP I imagine people outside of the US would identify your accent as vaguely American. And of course now I’m intrigued to hear everyone’s accents!

Re: Myles, I always thought of it as one syllable but I see how phonetically it probably has two. I guess we could check the phonetic spelling of fire as a comparison but I’m too lazy. I think when we don’t physically see two vowels (or pseudo-vowels like the “y” in “antonym”), we don’t think of it as another syllable. Which is kind of right because most of these words, IMO, only sound like additional syllables because of our physical inability to make them into one smooth sound (e.g., the “eye” sound in Miles and the letter L really cannot be formed into a single syllable in the English language... different languages are a different story of course... like the “gy” sound in Hungarian is very difficult to be pronounced as one syllable by a native English speaker, but can by a native Hungarian speaker).

Who thought we’d be having such sophisticated discussions on a pull-out thread.

Hunni - welcome and sorry to hear about your medical condition. I really can’t imagjne dealing with that, and at such a young age. Have you researched online about other people with the condition who have gone on to have children? Unrelatedly, hello from a fellow bedsharer and grad student over here :wave:

JLM - my goodness, woman! You are indestructible! I too am very curious to know what actually happened. What was the diagnosis?

Argh I’m sorry I read like 15 pages and now forgot everything. I’ve had a stressful week with Tilly’s daycare orientation. It’s really been fine (because I haven’t actually really left her on her own yet) but I’ve been a total emotional wreck despite that. Also anxious about seeing patients again because it’s been two years and they’ll be paying for my services (albeit not me, since this is my practicum) and I’m supposed to read up on psychodynamic therapy except I’ve had no time.

Anyone have positive stories about centre-based daycares?
Jez, good luck at the daycare, it sounds like you found one you like?

Myles to me is a one syllable name, always has been. How is it pronounced in two? Haha

J, wow, glad to hear you are alright. What happened, did you get a diagnosis???

Afm: our counter offer was accepted, so now we wait what the buyer makes of the inspections and if they can secure financing. They have until the 14th.
DH and I went shopping today, we looked at travel trailers and tractors. Just looked, didn't buy anything, .... yet!
CP considering I’m from MA, I guarantee I’d hear some kind of accent in your voice, probably a slight southern hint. When I was in the south (driving down to NOLA) the accents were so strong it blew my mind, I thought southern accents in movies were over-exaggerated. Turns out, they were actually pretty accurate, especially in the rural areas. I felt like such an outsider, I knew the moment I spoke they would know I was very far from home. Everyone has an accent, we just view our own as “no accent” because to us, the other accents are the foreign ones. I agree that Myles and fire kinda have 1.5 syllables. Like Jez said, we can’t smoothly blend the eye sound with the L, so it becomes 2 syllables.

Jez, my sister started going to a local daycare center when she was less than a year old. She’s still friends with some of the girls she played with as a toddler and preschooler there. She had fun there, she got to socialize with lots of kids her age, and it helped my parents not feel too overwhelmed with my mom’s work schedule and all that. I’m sure it’s hard to leave your child under someone else’s care, but I’m sure Tilly will do just fine, and she’ll probably make a bunch of friends there over time.
Jez are u therapist/psychiatrist? Just wondered.. u dont have to say, unless u have & i missed it armt some point.

Ahh its rough when they go to daycare.. Tilly will completely love it though, if she gets upset when u leave her, don&#8217;t feel bad as she&#8217;ll be fine after 5 mins & then playtime starts, the staff see it all the the time :) & you&#8217;ll be fine too Mumma & eventually will enjoy the break :thumbup: Both Riley & Nuala went to a daycare centre Nursery, it was at a local college around the corner from where i used to work, they loved it & the staff there were fab, brought their speech on & general learning activities fab, they love the social side of it aswell with children their own age <3

Pacific that&#8217;s awesome news the offer was accepted yay :thumbup: Trailer window shopping sounds like fun, i love car & house window shopping :) At least it gives u guys an idea of what kind of one your looking for

I wouldn&#8217;t say i had an accent either but i guess we all have some kind of accent, mines not a very English southern accent, mine is more hampshire twang combine harvester like Lol farmer-ish &#8216;apparently&#8217; lol

Im sat here watching The Breakfast Club hehe love 80&#8217;s films ;)
:hi: still kickin lol
- yes likely I'll be referred to a cardiologist...AGAIN :haha:
They refer me like every other month when they see a high bp, I went thru it all yearrrs ago and everything checked out fine they said the SVT was likely a fluke, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance etc if it's once in a while- and I worked HARD at the church the days before and slept little
so diagnosis:shrug: ....that's literally what the doc said :rofl:
I am sure I'll end up going this time tho, just dreading the cardio stress tess as I am in sh*t cardio shape to be on a treadmill, and if they give me the meds version of the test I'm afraid I'll feel as bad as the other day, or it won't wear off:shock:
I am the mad scientist tho, so I kinda wanna guinea pig myself and try the med version to see what it's like.

Even when I worked the fire rescue and was in my best shape my resting HR is like 88-92, so the minute I have to run the treadmill it EASILY hits 160-170.
They just never saw it as a prob because I compensate finne ( no chest pain usually) the ekg stays in a normal tachycardia pattern, and I recover very fast aqs soon as I stop running.

I've had SVT ( HR over 150 with palpitations) a few times each year, but usually just for an hour or less. I usually just drink water and lay down, cuz all the vagal maneuvers do nothig for me to slow it. The longest I had my heartrate in the 160-70s range was like 15 years ago- for 12 hours:shock:
I layed down all day took a nap ( usually that fixes), wasn't hard to breath or sweaty jist annoying and you get tired like running a marathon:haha:
but not that time, so by 12 hrs I started to get minor chest pain- drove to the ER and the minute I sat on the bed it converted back to a normal rate :growlmad:
The nurse looked at me like I had been lying...

Anyhoo they checked 12 lead ekg, chest xray and full cardio lab workup and everything was normal = diagnosis :shrug:
This is why my standing joke is "My tombstone will say - Died of a broken heart, 1 way or the other ":rofl:

I'm binge listening to crazy 911 calls on youtube...some of these are soooo wild and scary!

Shae :hugs: You are STILL the most responsible/organized youngster I know lol

Miles vs Myles - I agree with CP southern drawl here def makes them 1 (long) word. I say it with 1 syll, but when I play around with it as 2 sylls it makes me sound like a British/UK ( uh oh starting that again hehe) accent.

Also agreed - if tire, fire, pyre are considered 1 syll, how the heck are crier and liar 2?? I have always said I feel bad for ppl learning English here:dohh: So so confusing with our Homonyms/Homophones....
- hear/here, where/wear/we're, their/there/they're, to/too/two, ate/eight, by/bye/buy....etc:wacko:

Manfriend's 1st language was Farsi, then Swedish, then English - he's been here the longest- thick Persian accent still but totally fluent in English, but it still makes me giggle a bit when he confuses certain phrases like -
"I can go as far as I make it home by 3" when he means
"I can go as long as I make it home by 3"
He also says ppl are "in a bad humor" when he means "bad mood"

OH!! and he told me a while back he couldn't make a playdate with DS because "my daughters are out getting jizzed up" :shock:
He thot it was a cool way to say "jesus-fied" meaning they were at bible study:omg: such a cringe moment for me, I told him um no...never say that again :rofl:

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